Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 409 "Lively" Luoyan City

Chapter 409 "Lively" Luoyan City ([-])
Inside the kiosk.

No one knew what these three people said, but it could be seen that the two of Shushan didn't care much about Xueluo Qianhan.

That's right, Lihuo Hongling is in Shushan. Compared with this big killer, a fairy sword that I don't know if it has been awakened is really not enough.

But I am still very happy, after all, it is also the power of the human race...

"Xiao, you really have no idea about our little girl." The Taoist aunt had a worry and smile on her brows.

"..." The young man's hand holding the teacup shook violently, and some of the tea spilled out.

Murderous look appeared.

Of course it's not because of Taoist nuns, but because of that wretched old man...

Xiao Xiao now has an ominous premonition that the title of Lu Lingkong seems to be irremovable...

Even Young Master Xiao was gnashing his teeth at this moment, feeling a little confused.

Of course, in fact, he doesn't know what he thinks about Lu Ling... He is quite interested for the time being, but the more he is like this, the more annoyed he becomes.

His face gradually calmed down.

Drink tea.

"Junior Sister... Luoyan City is a bit lively in your city. There are only three of you in the Venerable Realm, except us..." Weng Xiaoli smiled, he is learning to be smart now, and he is no longer called Senior Sister.

In a small metropolis, there are indeed a lot of three strange venerables, and this is Luoyan City.

"Three, one from Shushan, one from Eastern Shenhai, and one..." Young Master Xiao put down his teacup and paused.

"It's from the Great Sad Valley."

"The first two should be allowed, so the third..." The bad old man wiped his beard, and looked at Taoist nun together with Young Master Xiao.

It stands to reason that people from the Great Sad Valley should not come to Luoyan City during the sensitive period of Lingshan, and even Dongshenhai and Shushan should not... But the latter has a reason and it is understandable, but the Great Sad Valley can't do it.

Lingshan is full of women, and it is not a good time to popularize the so-called Buddhism, and to enter the Tao with Zen, except for the group of ascetics in the Great Compassion Valley, no one else can learn it.

After all, it crossed the line.

Filial piety and Weng Xiaoli looked at each other.

But this venerable is different, his identity is a little sensitive... He is a person from the Great Sad Valley, to be precise, he used to be.

He is no longer a disciple of the Great Sad Valley, and left the powerful holy land voluntarily, and then there was news from the Great Sad Valley that this person was expelled from the valley... In other words, he can no longer represent the Great Sad Valley, he is just a wandering monk .

If he is not a member of the Holy Land, but a peripheral cultivator, then entering Luoyan City without authorization... the consequences are not something he can afford.

From the moment he stepped into Luoyan City, his life belonged to Lingshan, as long as he wanted to, no one would gossip about letting him fall here.

"Xiao, is he a member of the Great Sad Valley now?" Taoist nun asked casually while eating dates.

"I don't doesn't count. The old monk's attitude is very clear. This apprentice is no longer there." Xiao Xiao thought of something and shook his head. This disciple was in the same era as Lingshan Qingjue, and he was also suppressed, but now he is stepping on his feet. took another path.

A pure Zen master and monk no longer cares about the world of cultivating immortals.

Absolutely cannot be said to be a person from the Great Sad Valley.

"What, you want to kill him?" Xiao asked.

"Although the old man thinks this is not good, but... he can no longer be considered a member of the human race. If he is killed, he will be killed..." Weng Xiaoli, who drank his tea, was a little dissatisfied: "This monk cures diseases and saves people. His nature is not bad, and he saves souls." I can understand it, I even saw him in the sky above the Sea Clan... I guess he is also a doctor, and these old people can accept it, but he once appeared in Tianguangxu... and snatched away a demon king under the noses of everyone ..."

This is beyond comprehension.

Although this old monk is a junior in the eyes of everyone, his status is already very embarrassing. Xuan Jing's supervisor is on the same level as Li Wangsheng, a hidden demon...

There is a chance... to kill it.

"I've also heard that she's a wonderful person." The nun stretched her waist, and seemed to be in good spirits: "Zen Master... my Lingshan girl is so kind, but this kindness is aimed at my human race... no Thinking that this monk is a single-minded person, saving sentient beings, isn’t that a joke? Does he take it seriously? There has never been a Buddha in this world, and everyone knows it.”

Listening to the Taoist nun, the other two did not speak.

Buddha does not exist, but the monks in the Great Sad Valley do practice Buddhism to become stronger. That is also a unique rule, and no one can say it wrong.

It's just that this way of saving sentient beings seems a bit out of mind, saving the Demon King from Xuan Jingsi... If he hadn't been related to the Great Compassion Valley, even the Venerable would have to pay the price.

"But this monk doesn't think it's a joke... With his temperament, he probably didn't have any special ideas when he stepped into Luoyan City this time, but how to deal with it is still left to the junior sister. I believe that even if he kills him, the old monk will not Let’s talk.” Li Liweng seemed to dislike the old monk in the Valley of Sadness very much, and targeted him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Kill it? Why did you kill it?" Taoist nun threw a jujube into her mouth: "Zen Master...there is one in that novel, a person with great wisdom and great wisdom. It's very interesting."



The two of them didn't answer the conversation knowingly.

"It's a pity to kill him. Let him live. I'll pretend I didn't see it... A group of girls in my Lingshan Mountain will not go to rescue the demons. What does this monk think, Jianai? It's very interesting." The nun decided.

"What if he gets into a conflict with the other two little guys?" asked the Lily Weng.

"It's none of your business, my Lingshan has its own rules." The nun looked at the old man in front of her with contempt.

"..." The couchette choked.

"Then..." Unexpectedly, Young Master Xiao also said, "If he and Lu Ling, or Lingshan's disciples..."

Even if it is an abandoned disciple, the brainwashing ability of the Great Sad Valley is still top-notch, especially this madman who has the world in his heart.

"Oh, then kill it." The nun said calmly.

It's not interesting to involve my own girl...

The resources given by the human race allow you to cultivate into a venerable, not for you to save demons. In their eyes, the behavior of the monk is no different from that of a traitor. If he didn't help the human race, he would have been killed long ago.


A woman's mind is always so capricious.


At this time, a strange person came in front of the medical hall.

An old monk.

Dark skin, skinny, not tall, as if the wind blows and falls...

About 50 years old, no hair or beard, typical monk appearance.

He doesn't look like a good man, he wears black and yellow monk robes, his hands are empty, and his sleeves are clean.

At this time, the monk was not far outside the medical hall, and he would proclaim a Buddha's name when he saw anyone, and then he said something to everyone who was sick, but they were all rejected.

Inside the house, Xifeng looked at the old monk who was behaving strangely outside, and frowned.

Monk... It's rare to see him, and this is the first time in her life.

These people are not mortals, and all the Buddhist teachings in the world come from the legendary holy land fairy gate - the Great Sad Valley.

Even if it's just a legend, these secular monks still have all kinds of magical methods, which can be regarded as a superficial force in this world... Every authentic monk is a fragrant bun in the world, with superhuman abilities , Such people will receive preferential treatment no matter where they appear.

If it was in the past, I believe she would treat each other with courtesy like Xifeng, and see if he can stay in Luoyan City. After all, this is the first time a stranger has appeared in Luoyan City.

However, after being in contact with Liu Fufeng at this time, he was not so enthusiastic about these monks who were acting as his substitutes.

"Who is that person outside, go and have a look." Xi Feng looked at the swarthy old monk and ordered Hei Jia.



Seeing that Hei Jia surrounded the old monk after observing for a while, but the latter remained unmoved, and was still muttering esoteric words that she couldn't understand, Xifeng frowned.

"Miss." The leader came back and replied.

"Speak." Xifeng looked not far away, and began to ask the old monk who was passing by, a little apprehensive.

"Miss, that Zen master is... stealing business." The leader spoke with some difficulty.

"Business grabbing?" Xifeng was also taken aback.

After understanding, Xifeng looked at the old monk outside the door with a strange look on his face.

The monk didn't do anything else, he just proclaimed a Buddha's name to each passerby, and then said that he could cure their illnesses... This is not just stealing business.

It's a pity that these patients are all Liu Fufeng's patients, so no one cares about an old man who appeared out of nowhere and doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

At this time, Liu Fufeng came out to get the medicine, and saw the situation outside the door, and was about to ask, Xifeng spoke first.

"Sister Liu is waiting, I'll send him away."

With that said, Xifeng went out.

"Hey, monk, what are you doing here?" Xifeng was not polite at all.

"My Buddha is merciful..."

The old Zen master spoke with a voice like a bell, which shocked Xifeng, and then looked at the thin old monk with a little more vigilance.

"If you doubt, you will find it difficult to calm down. Almighty Lord, every thought that is far from the truth is all delusions. Don't get angry..." The old Zen master looked at Xifeng with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes, and spoke softly, but it was like the most reasonable in the world, and he didn't know Under the power of fame, Xifeng's heart became calm.

"Monk, it's not good for you to snatch business like this." Xifeng still hasn't forgotten her mission.

"How can you grab the word Du?" The old Zen master smiled.

"..." Xifeng felt that he couldn't communicate with him, but she couldn't get angry again.

"Beware of arrogance and impetuosity, the donor has the root of wisdom." The old Zen master looked at Xifeng, a little happy.

"What nonsense are you talking about..." Xifeng shook her head: "Monk, you have been calling here for so long, but does anyone believe you?"


"Then hurry up." Xifeng now just wants to drive this alien out, it's best to leave Luoyan City... Aliens are not easy to control, although they are not as good as Xianmen, but they are also terrifying. God knows if Heijia can do it Protected her.

"People don't like me, it's because I am immeasurable; I don't like people, because I have no virtue." The old Zen master didn't care about Xifeng's words, what he meant was that being rejected was also his problem.


Hearing the monk finally said something human, Xifeng pricked up his ears.

"The doctors in the medical center here should be people with great wisdom. Can I see them?"

Want to see sister Liu?
What a joke.

"What are you thinking, do you think there are so many people, can you be busy? There is no time to see you, leave as soon as possible, it is an eyesore." Xifeng left after finishing speaking.


After a while, the old monk shook his head and proclaimed the Buddha's name.

"That's a pity."

Regardless of rich or poor, one who overcomes the misery of all people without taking money should be a person with predestined relationship...

Busy, and should be, good people, never idle.

We will meet each other by fate.

The old monk left.


In the room, Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

This uncontrolled alien put a lot of pressure on her.

"...a strange person." Liu Fufeng didn't think much about it, she still had a lot of medicinal materials to prepare, and she didn't have time to pay attention to these trivial matters.

After reading this group of people, she stopped accepting new patients.

It was time to go home and meet her A Ling.



At this time, Lu Ling was wandering in the street held by the maid.

This is what Lu Ling requested.

The maid wanted to take Lu Ling to meet the young master after breakfast, but Lu Ling directly refused.

Just kidding, it was too late for her to hide from Mo Qing, how could she take the initiative to find him... So she asked to go for a walk... The maid could only agree.

After all, it's nothing to just walk around.


At this time, Lu Ling was looking left and right in the street as if looking for something, which made the maid a little confused.

Naturally, Lu Ling was looking for her junior sister. Didn't Xuechen say that the junior sister was not far from her, so Lu Ling had no other choice but to find her slowly.

In the busy city, Lu Ling's eyes were scattered, and she looked at everyone passing by on the street who was similar in stature to her junior sister...but she was disappointed every time.

Then, Lu Ling saw a strange person in the alley hundreds of meters away.


Thin, skinny and skeleton-like, he is not a good person at first glance, and most importantly, this strange person is looking at her...

It was a burning gaze.

Lu Ling's hairs stood up instantly, and a creepy feeling emerged spontaneously.

Something is wrong, something is wrong with that person.

Turning around was about to leave, but found that as soon as he turned around, he bumped into a body like iron stone, took a few steps back, and raised his head.


That strange bald head appeared beside her, and when she looked back, there was no one else in the alley.

This... Lu Ling's goosebumps came up.

For some reason, the person in front of her gave her a very bad feeling.


The maid was wondering, but found a strange bald head standing behind her at some point.

These ordinary people don't have the knowledge of Xifeng, and few know that there is such a profession as a monk in the world, so they are just a strange person.

"Please don't block us." The maid was very dissatisfied.

"Stop thinking and forgetting, the Buddha will appear before you." The old monk proclaimed the Buddha's name, then looked down at Lu Ling who was obviously startled, and a long-lost smile appeared on the old man's face.

He has no hair or beard, and the eyebrows are also very pale. He already looks fierce, but this smile is even more frightening. Lu Ling trembled, and turned around and wanted to run away.

However, it is impossible to run away.

Under the horrified sight of the maid, the old monk grabbed Lu Ling by the skirt and lifted her up, and the two disappeared into the air together.

Only a faint sentence was left, and I didn't know who to say it to.

"Alive, my Buddha... Merciful."

(End of this chapter)

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