Chapter 420 Reunion

If you want to get close to Lu Ling, you should get close to Liu Fufeng first. There is no problem with this idea.

Now Lu Ling, there are only three channels to get into her heart quickly, one is through Liu Fufeng, such as Qin Qin, but through Li Zhuzi, such as Tang Keyu, and the third is the same people from Lingshan, such as Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng, etc. A group of seniors and seniors.

Among them, Liu Fufeng's friends are naturally the most important.

So Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan were right to want to approach Lu Ling through Liu Fufeng.


Although the two of them are stronger than the other, Mo Qing still claims to be a love sage... But in fact, the emotional intelligence of the two is not high. That's it for a long time.

Mo Qing loves Li Zhuzi, and Li Zhuzi can't even remember him under his painstaking efforts.

Bai Yunfan...he is also very puzzled by Shen Canghai's attitude, and there is one thing that can be seen by the senior officials of Shushan, that is, Bai Yunfan's personal disciple likes him as a master.

That Shushan female disciple was the one who carried Bai Yunfan home every time he got drunk, like a family member.

People in Shushan are jealous and rigid, but they won't hurt the feelings of this kind of girl, but it will be a pity... Bai Yunfan has never paid attention to the girl around him.

One can't manage relationships, and the other is an emotional idiot. It might be easy for two people with low emotional intelligence to get close to Liu Fufeng. The reason why she is forced to marry is that she doesn't like men, but now that Liu Fufeng has entered the fairy gate, her arrogance is gradually molded, so she won't be too annoying - the premise is that this man doesn't get close to her Ah Ling.

Today, when Lu Ling was about to be touched by that black armor, Liu Fufeng had an urge to crush that piece of space at that moment.

She felt that she could do it, as long as she wanted to, she could easily shatter that piece of space. In Liu Fufeng's eyes, the illusory space was like a layer of flashy glass.

But in the end, she held back.

She is very gentle and considerate, just an ordinary girl, and Li Zhuzi and others think so of Liu Fufeng's character.

However, Liu Fufeng knew that her feelings for Lu Ling were somewhat deformed... Lu Ling also knew this, but she hadn't dealt with her other personality well, so she wasn't qualified to talk about Liu Fufeng.

After not seeing each other for a month, feelings gradually fermented, Liu Fufeng did not allow anyone to touch her Lu Ling...let alone a man.

Therefore, Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan's attempt to approach Lu Ling through Liu Fufeng is undoubtedly the most erroneous existence.

Because of their identities.

the man.

handsome man.

It's okay if it's a woman, after all, there is no threat, but a man?

Oh man.

Because of Liu Fufeng, Qin Qin, and what happened when they were young, Lu Ling's attitude towards men is also very bad, especially when Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng are in the state of "little farewell wins the newly married", what she fears most is that her junior sister will be raped. Others snatched it away. In such a sensitive matter, these two people still approached Liu Fufeng, which would undoubtedly make Lu Ling more vigilant. Let alone approaching her, there is a great possibility that Lu Ling will be disgusted by her.



The sky was dark, and the afterglow of the sun covered Luoyan City with a golden glow.

Under such circumstances, the sound of the carriage stepping on the bluestone slab became slower and slower, and finally stopped.

"Qianjin, we're here."

Ahead came the voice of a female coachman.

After a while, there was no reply. After getting out of the carriage, the female driver tied the horse aside and opened a corner of the curtain.

stunned for a moment.

She saw a pair of moist eyes.

It's Lu Ling.

She was being hugged by Liu Fufeng at this time, with a happy look on her face, and after Lu Ling met the female driver's gaze, she immediately closed her eyes like a frightened rabbit, and buried her head in Liu Fufeng's arms .

This kind of scene is seen by others, as expected, it will still be a little shy.

Shaking her head, the female driver coughed dryly.

Although she didn't want to disturb Liu Fufeng's sleep, it really wasn't good to sleep in the car, and it was getting late, so she should go back.

"My daughter, we're here."


Being called, Liu Fufeng groaned and slowly opened his eyes.


"Yes, Qianjin, your medical center is just ahead." The female coachman nodded and said, Liu Fufeng's medical center has to walk a small road to get there. As for why he didn't stop directly at the door, it was because Liu Fufeng had made a rule .

There is no car in front of the hospital.

After some dignitaries had suffered, those chariots and horses were now going around Liu Fufeng's clinic.

"En... I'm in trouble..." Liu Fufeng said weakly, now she only felt that her muscles were sore, especially her neck and shoulders, as if they were about to break.

It should be due to physical weakness and carrying Ah Ling on the back.


Liu Fufeng woke up instantly, and immediately looked down.

A familiar body was lying on her chest with red ears, it was not Lu Ling.

"Aya? Are you awake?"


Lu Ling raised her head and exchanged glances with Liu Fufeng, both of them could see the deep yearning in each other's eyes.

They both have countless things they want to talk to each other...

Lu Ling can't wait to tell her junior sister all the ups and downs of this month, let her vent, and most importantly, let her junior sister see her progress.

Liu Fufeng was similar, but the two of them also knew that this was not a good place to talk, so they went home first before talking.

"Thank you sister." Liu Fufeng got out of the car first, glanced at the dark sky and said, "Sister, do you want to stay overnight?"

Liu Fufeng has a rule that no matter how seriously ill the patient is, she cannot live in her clinic, because she doesn't have so many places... So the business of the inns in the inner city has been very good recently, and Mo Qing booked it for Lu Ling. The entire inn cost a lot of money, but the money that was enough to make Bai Yunfan feel heartbroken was nothing to the local tyrants of East Shenhai.

It can also be seen how poor the people in Shushan are...

"Thank you, daughter." The female coachman was a little excited, she was rarely treated so tenderly, let alone the miracle doctor Liu in front of everyone, it was more likely to be the existence of the mistress of Luoyan City.

But the excitement is the excitement, she will not really stay here with Liu Fufeng, the female coachman feels that the gap between the two is too big, it would be better for her to go back earlier, so she politely declined.

"The law and order of Luoyan City, Qianjin can rest assured."

"Well, sister must accept this money." Liu Fufeng took out a gold leaf.

Because of meeting Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng was in a good mood, and the female driver's skill was very good, she and Lu Ling both slept very comfortably, so they planned to give a little money.

It was worth it to let her Ah Ling sleep comfortably.

As for whether Lu Ling and her slept so soundly because they cuddled each other... Liu Fufeng didn't care about it.

And Lu Ling in the car saw that Liu Fufeng was a golden leaf when he made a move, and that indifferent attitude had a noble temperament, which surprised her very much.

Junior sister has also changed a lot in this month...

Naturally, the female coachman accepted it gratefully.

"A Ling, get out of the car." Liu Fufeng stretched out his hand towards the car, she didn't realize that A Ling was carrying the green bamboo, so she planned to carry her back.

"Master... elder sister, I... I can do it by myself." Lu Ling almost blurted out the words of junior sister when she was nervous, but she remembered her agreement with Liu Fufeng in time, and obediently called her elder sister.

"Why are you shy... let's go." After Liu Fufeng carried Lu Ling out of the car, he walked into the alley.

The female coachman sighed for the temperament of the two sisters and Liu Fufeng's generosity, and drove away.



The two of them were alone, Lu Ling changed her words.

"Junior Sister, let me go." Lu Ling was hugged by Liu Fufeng and twisted her body.

Being hugged by the princess, even if there is no one around, she still can't accept it.

There was no other way, Liu Fufeng could only put Lu Ling on the ground and hold her hand.

"Senior Sister, long time no see." She said some strange words, but Liu Fufeng's movements were not at all inappropriate, and Lu Ling's pretty face was slightly reddened by that hot gaze.

"En." Lu Ling lowered her head, then raised her head: "Junior Sister, where do we... live? When we get to the place where we live, I have many things to tell you... And, and..."

"It's not far in front, and?" Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling nervously, she was afraid that Lu Ling would be uncomfortable, after all, the golden waterfall before was still a little scary.

Rubbing the corner of her clothes, Lu Ling blinked her big eyes and said, "Junior Sister... I'm hungry."

She would be ashamed to say such words to others, but she would not be in front of Liu Fufeng, because this kind of thing between them has long been nothing.

After all, Liu Fufeng cooks her three meals a day, there is no shame in telling her junior sister when she is hungry, it is almost a matter of course in Lu Ling's mind.

"Ah?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't laugh or cry: "I know this, I'll cook for you when I get back, I'm hungry too."

Liu Fufeng is so familiar with Lu Ling, and she can tell at a glance by her small movements when she is hungry, without Lu Ling saying it herself.

Liu Fufeng was just afraid that Lu Ling would not feel well. After all, her Ah Ling was still suffering from the cold, so why not worry?
"Senior Sister, go home first. After I get back, I'll make you some Yimu brown sugar and some ginger tea. The wind and cold should ease up a bit. It's very uncomfortable now." Liu Fufeng held Lu Ling's cold hand and rubbed it vigorously a few times.

"Yeah, don't be too nasty." Lu Ling gave Liu Fufeng a look that you know.

"You... the medicine is not delicious, but don't worry, brown sugar is not bad to drink to warm your body, but the medicine behind it is hard to say, but..." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling, and lightly spit out four words: " Good medicine tastes bitter."

"...I, got it." Seeing Liu Fufeng's serious expression, Lu Ling gave up.

"En, good boy." Liu Fufeng smiled, and then led the limping Lu Ling forward.

"I'm the senior sister..." Being treated like a child, Lu Ling curled her lips.

"Okay, okay, senior sister." Liu Fufeng comforted Lu Ling, then looked not far away: "Senior sister, let's go home."


Come back home.

Lu Ling likes this word. The fear she felt when she escaped from the Ninth Peak was because home didn't feel like home.

Now I know that a place where Junior Sister is not around is not her home, and now that Junior Sister is by her side, even a place she has never been to is still her home.

As everyone knows, the same is true for Liu Fufeng, she used to only talk about going back to the medical clinic.

This is probably what it means to be dependent on each other.



After walking for a while, Liu Fufeng suddenly stopped.

"Junior Sister? What's the matter?" Lu Ling raised her head and glanced at Liu Fufeng's solemn expression, then looked forward.

A medical clinic, a small two-story building, not big, but very delicate.

The door was closed tightly, and there was a bright light coming from the house.

"Is this where Junior Sister lives?" Lu Ling asked.

"Well, this is it, this is my clinic." Liu Fufeng smiled and nodded.

"Your!? Let's go in and have a look!" Lu Ling limped and pulled Liu Fufeng forward.

Isn't the junior sister's hers?She knew that Liu Fufeng liked medical books, now that she has her own medical clinic, Lu Ling is naturally very happy for Liu Fufeng, she can't wait to see what her junior sister's medical clinic looks like right away!
"It's not big, don't be disappointed." Liu Fufeng still doesn't know about A Ling's petty greed for money, it's just... a little strange.

Lu Ling didn't see the people around, but Liu Fufeng and Xifeng got along so closely that they could naturally see the black armor that Lu Ling didn't see.

At this time, many black armors were lurking in the shadows around the medical hall, and there were a lot of them.

That's almost all the amount...

And the door of the medical hall is closed, which is even more strange. You must know that although the sun is setting, it is not yet time to close the door, at least it will not close until Xifeng leaves and Liu Fufeng.

And the vigilant appearance of these black armors also made Liu Fufeng a little strange, suspecting that there was something wrong in the house.

But she is not afraid of anything, after all, there is a master uncle from Lingshan inside, although that master uncle is weaker than her A Ling, but so to speak, he is also a master uncle, and Xifeng's identity is not simple, so there is really no need to be afraid in Luoyan City What.

Luoyan City, as a Lingshan disciple in this place, naturally he has nothing to fear.

However, for the sake of caution, the moment Lu Ling was about to open the door, Liu Fufeng held her back.

"I'll come." Standing in front of Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng opened the door.

There was a familiar smell of herbs.

no one.

Xifeng was not at the front desk either, the lights were on, but there was no one in the aisle, thinking of the nervous black armor outside, Liu Fufeng frowned.

Could it be that some "enemy" came?
Lu Ling had never been here before, so naturally she couldn't feel any weird atmosphere. She was very excited when she saw the row of medicine stoves and exquisite furniture in front of it.

"Junior sister, a lot of furniture... This wood is also very beautiful..."

Lu Ling touched the stool there, unable to put it down.

You know, their Ninth Peak's home doesn't have so much furniture, and this medical clinic belongs to her junior sister, so naturally it belongs to her... With a "luxury" home, Lu Ling is naturally very happy.

"It's just... I don't like the smell very much." Lu Ling pinched her nose and said in a low voice.

You can still smell the strong smell of medicine when you have a cold, so you can imagine the atmosphere here.

"Well, Senior Sister, as long as you like it." Liu Fufeng raised the corner of his mouth and nodded.

A Ling can like it, she is naturally very happy, but...

What happened to this hospital?Through space sensing, Liu Fufeng could vaguely feel a dignified atmosphere.

"Hey, junior sister, who are you?" Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng's expression, and walked over to hold her hand.

"It's okay, Senior Sister, let me go in and have a look." Liu Fufeng protected Lu Ling behind, then walked through the passage to the back hall, on the way, Liu Fufeng said.

"Senior sister, there are some other people in the family, I will introduce them to you later."

"Huh?" Lu Ling paused.

"They're all sisters, don't worry." Liu Fufeng gave Lu Ling a look.

"En." Lu Ling held Liu Fufeng's hand tighter, and at the same time felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

There are other people in her and junior sister's family?
She won't rob her junior sister.

Lu Ling lowered her head and followed Liu Fufeng.

The lights in the back hall were also on, and there was an inexplicable atmosphere there, which made Liu Fufeng a little uncomfortable.



In the house, several people were present, a total of four.

Luo Hanyi pushed Zhao Yingge, and Xifeng stood beside her. Rarely, Xifeng and Zhao Yingge did not quarrel, and even stood on the same front.

Luo Hanyi's face was anxious, Xifeng's eyes were full of fear, and his fingers were tightly pinched on the ring that could command Heijia.

In contrast, Zhao Yingge was in a bit of a panic. She seemed to be under tremendous pressure, her body was drenched in sweat, her short hair was stuck to her ear, and her tear mole was at the same level as her narrowed eyes.

Even in this embarrassment, there was still a strong sense of unyielding in her eyes, and she gritted her teeth tightly. The girl faced the pressure directly, and there was even a murderous look on her body.

It was this kind of murderous aura that instantly doubled the pressure she felt.

Pain was all Zhao Yingge felt at this moment.

And all this was because there was a woman standing in front of them, a woman who also had short hair but was dressed in a black and red robe.

With a black sword on her back and a red dragon hovering around her body, she just stood there and looked at Zhao Yingge coldly.


Under the tremendous force, Zhao Yingge's bones could not bear the burden, but she still did not give in. Under the pressure of death, she looked straight into the eyes of the person in front of her.

For a moment, she saw the sea of ​​blood churning.

Zhao Yingge was lost.

(End of this chapter)

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