Chapter 422 Candidates

"Sister Xifeng, Sister Zhao, let's get acquainted. She is my younger sister. Her surname is Lu, and her name is Ling."

During Liu Fufeng's speech, except for Luo Hanyi who was still nervously looking at Zhao Yingge and helping her to check her body, the others all listened with their ears up, and so did Lu Ling. Who... As for Luo Hanyi, she didn't know him, so she subconsciously ignored him.

Lu Ling may have met Luo Hanyi a few times, but it's enough to be unfamiliar, but she is much more familiar with Lu Ling and Luo Hanyi. This girl has long hair that she envied, and when Lu Ling came back from Shushan, she Also hugged and flew for a while...

Afterwards, she fell out of strength and met Zhao Yingge.

It's all fate, fate.

Here, Xifeng looked at Lu Ling, it was the first time she knew the name of this little sister.

Surname Lu?

This surname is not common, especially for women. It is a rare surname in Luoyan City. There are only a few people with the surname Lu in Luoyan City, and they are all men.

Xifeng frowned, thinking of what she had left in her father's law book, which was with the ancestor's precepts.

Regarding the ancestral training, Xifeng has a kind of crazy paranoia, and the mention of Lu's surname above does not seem to be that important, but it is definitely mentioned.

She decided to check it out when she went back.

Zhao Yingge didn't have so many thoughts.

"Sister Liu, your surname is Liu, your sister's surname is Lu?" Zhao Yingge looked impatiently at Luo Hanyi who kept checking her body: "Her surname is Luo? Are you really a family?"

Hearing this, Liu Fufeng smiled a bit forcedly, she regarded Lu Ling as the closest person... closer than real sisters, but it is also true that they are not related by blood.

Unlike Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling didn't think that blood relationship would make her and her junior sister closer together. After all, she had no parents, and she grew up suffering. In her opinion, blood relationship is nothing, not as good as a piece of lotus seed cake from her husband.

Lu Ling, who is learning characters, has some ideas.

Willow is equal to willow tree, Lu is earth, Luo is water, in a sense the three of them are really a family...


It's fine that she and her junior sister are in the same family, but this beautiful looking woman with a mentally retarded face is not her family.

Here, Liu Fufeng continued.

"A Ling is my younger sister, but... also my senior sister."


Xifeng froze for a moment.

Senior sister, she can understand, what is the situation of senior sister?
Could it be that this girl is very old?But it's not like... Xifeng still remembers how much Lu Ling likes milk, she is obviously a child.

"Senior Sister... Sister Liu, what do you have to do with that woman before?" Zhao Yingge looked at Luo Hanyi and Liu Fufeng suspiciously, and said.

" also my senior sister." Liu Fufeng didn't hide anything, because she could see Shen Gui's attitude, otherwise, even if Xifeng knew her identity, she wouldn't have exposed herself so easily.

"Senior sister? Martial art? You are really strange." Zhao Yingge didn't ask the bottom line. There are many sects in the world, such as some Zen sects under the name of Dabei Valley, and there are many strange people among them. Zhao Yingge only thought that Liu Fufeng was these people, but didn't treat them Think about the fairy gate.

After all, knowing a little bit of magical spells is very different from being a real immortal who can fly into the sky and escape from the earth. Zhao Yingge's level is very low, and she doesn't have the knowledge like Xifeng, so she doesn't bother to think so much.

If she was really proficient in calculations, she wouldn't be pushed into the gutter after being tortured and killed after failing to assassinate.

"It's just that your sect is quite interesting. Can this kind of stupid woman achieve the status of that woman's uncle?" Zhao Yingge glanced at Luo Hanyi who was crouching in front of her.

"Sakura Ge, it's too much..." Luo Hanyi's eyes turned red, and he stared dissatisfiedly at the girl in the wheelchair.

"Sister Liu...Is this silly woman also your uncle..." Zhao Yingge asked, she suddenly thought of Luo Hanyi's miraculous medical skills when she first met him.

Just relying on this skill alone, their sect should be a little capable.

"Well, Sister Luo is our uncle..." Liu Fufeng answered Zhao Yingge's question, and then looked at the quiet atmosphere, feeling a little surprised.

She thought that Xifeng and Zhao Yingge would get to the bottom of it... Who knew, it was gone?
Don't they have anything to ask?
Of course Xifeng has, she has a lot of problems.

It's just that now is definitely not the time to talk to Liu Fufeng. The woman outside who will live here for a while is definitely not a good character to get along with.

Therefore, she will not be too explicit until she has figured out Shen Gui's purpose and thoughts.

After all, the more you know, the faster you will die. Xifeng knows this very well. She is not afraid of death, but she does not want to die too early.

Everything in Luoyan City is not stable yet, after the dignity of the ancestors in Luoyan City can be preserved, her life is especially important.

If the next city lord can be decided earlier, she will have nothing to worry about.

Thinking about it, Xifeng's eyes swept over Liu Fufeng, and then stopped on Lu Ling, wondering what she was thinking.

Of course, Zhao Yingge didn't have anything to ask. Even the hidden world sect had little to do with her. With someone as powerful as Shen Gui, she just didn't have to worry about this silly woman anymore. It's okay to die outside, at least there is no worries, unlike last time, before he died, he was worried that Luo Hanyi would be cheated, and there was nothing left to eat.

As for the secrets of their sect, Zhao Yingge didn't want to and was not interested in knowing.

However, she is still a little interested in Shen Gui. After all, she has never seen such a strong woman, and she doesn't know whether the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood she saw before was an illusion or something else. If she can have half her strength, Even Luoyan City can't stop him from taking revenge.


The unexpected silence of the two made Liu Fufeng secretly heave a sigh of relief. Although he didn't like Xifeng at first, he felt that she was approaching him with a certain purpose...

But after a period of time, Liu Fufeng also discovered that Xifeng was not a bad person. Although she and Zhao Yingge didn't like each other, they were both very good young ladies... Although Liu Fufeng didn't understand why Xifeng was so hostile to Xianmen, but she I don't want to ruin their relationship because of this incident.

"Aling, this is Sister Xifeng, that is Sister Zhao Yingge, and this... is Luo Hanyi, Master Luo." As he spoke, Liu Fufeng listened to him, and whispered: "Master Luo is the peak master of Seven Peaks. ..."

Master Qifeng, isn't that Teacher Tang's immediate boss?

Lu Ling looked at Sister Yu's face, but Luo Hanyi, who was mentally retarded, swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

That is to say, this woman who looks a little more stupid than herself is the master of that perfect woman, Senior Sister Luo Xian?
She and Luo Xian have met each other a few times, and they admire each other's ability and charm.

The gap between master and apprentice is too big.

Seeing Lu Ling staring at Luo Hanyi in a daze, Liu Fufeng coughed dryly: "A Ling, be polite."

Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said, "Ah? Oh! Sister Xifeng, Sister Zhao, good evening, I'm Lu Ling..."

"Sister Lu, good evening." Zhao Yingge was amiable, and among other things, she was very grateful and respectful to Liu Fufeng, the savior.

"Good evening, Aya!"

Xifeng is an acquaintance.

"Xiao Ling, good evening, good evening!" Luo Hanyi blushed and looked at Lu Ling, she still liked this girl very much...

"Xiao Ling, do you know each other very well? I don't think sister Lu knows you very well." Zhao Yingge raised Luo Hanyi's chin.

"That's...that's..." Luo Hanyi wanted to refute, but he faltered and didn't know what to say, so he could only stammer in the end.

"Okay, okay, sister Liu, you came back so late, you're hungry, I'll cook." Xifeng broke the embarrassment with a smile.

"No need for Sister Xifeng, I can cook by myself. Long time no see, Ah Ling must want to eat my food." Hearing about cooking, Liu Fufeng smiled and looked at Lu Ling.

"En!" Lu Ling nodded fiercely.

"That's how it is. I won't bother you sisters. It's getting late today, so I'll go back first. See you tomorrow." Xifeng got up.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

When Xifeng went out, Zhao Yingge twisted her neck: "This bitch is finally gone."

"Sakura song... don't do this..." Luo Hanyi showed a troubled face.

"Why, you still want to speak for her?" Zhao Yingge snorted coldly.

"No, I'm not..."

"All right, all right, let's see how you look." Zhao Yingge waved her hand impatiently: "Silly woman, take me to take a bath, you don't have a little eyesight, can't you see that I'm suffering right now? It really is the eldest lady... "

"Ah? I was negligent, let's go." Luo Hanyi looked at Zhao Yingge's drenched clothes, then got up and gave Liu Fufeng an apologetic expression: "I will take Yingge to wash my body first. If possible, leave us Some meals...Sakura didn't even eat dinner..."

"En, it's ok." Liu Fufeng obviously got used to it, and nodded.

"Don't bother Sister Liu, let's go, I need to tell you a few more times." Zhao Yingge rolled her eyes.

With a jolt, Luo Hanyi pushed her wheelchair out.

The moment he was about to go out, Zhao Yingge looked back at Lu Ling.

This girl... looks familiar.

Now Lu Ling was dressed in noble and elegant clothes, with a tiger skin scarf wrapped around her neck, so Zhao Yingge didn't recognize that Lu Ling was the girl who once rescued her with Liu Fufeng.

Of course, the girl that Zhao Yingge saw while waking up from a coma did not save her, but rubbed her tear mole...

So her impression of the girl who had treated her lightly was probably...

It's a little girl.


Lu Ling was a little dumbfounded.

"Junior Sister, who is this Sister Zhao...?" Lu Ling now wonders if Zhao Yingge is a big boss on Lingshan... Luo Hanyi is her uncle, who is at the same level as her husband, why is she like a servant now?
But... Zhao Yingge and Lu Ling actually knew each other, after all, she and Liu Fufeng rescued him together... Lu Ling remembered that she and Zhao Yingge looked at each other, but she didn't know if the other party still remembered.

She was very envious of Zhao Yingge's short hair and tear mole... The beauty mole on the corner of her mouth was much worse than that charming tear mole.

"Who is Sister Zhao? Of course she is an ordinary person. Both she and Sister Xifeng are very good people. Ah Ling, you will feel it." Liu Fufeng shrugged, feeling relaxed.

The two elder sisters and one uncle seem to have no interest in her Ah Ling, which is just right and saves her from worrying.

Now it is worth noting that there is only one Senior Sister Shen.

Ah Ling, she will not give up to anyone.

"What about ordinary people?" Lu Ling didn't understand, how could ordinary people know people from Lingshan who were her uncle's seniority.

"I don't know how Master Uncle and Sister Zhao know each other, but...forget it, Senior Sister, just get used to it, and I don't know how to explain it." Liu Fufeng said.

"Oh..." Lu Ling nodded half understanding, then smiled at Liu Fufeng.

"Junior Sister, I'm hungry."

Now all the other people in the room have left, it's their sister's two-person time.

The two tacitly hid their longing, and it seemed that there was no difference from a month ago. In fact, Liu Fufeng could tell that Lu Ling was suppressing something. She must have a lot to say to herself.

"Well, I'll go cook." He touched Lu Ling's head: "A Ling, are you waiting here?"

"No, I want to be with junior sister." Lu Ling shook her head and grabbed Liu Fufeng's clothes.

"Then let's go together, but just watch!" Liu Fufeng usually doesn't like Lu Ling entering the kitchen, but today he made an exception.




After saying goodbye, Xifeng went out and walked through the corridor.

At the front desk, Shen Gui was sitting on a wooden stool, admiring the sunset of Luoyan City, seeing Xifeng coming out, Shen Gui looked at Xifeng with great interest.


"..." Xifeng froze for a moment after hearing the words, and her vigilance towards Shen Gui instantly reached the top level.

It really wasn't a coincidence that this woman appeared here. You must know that although Liu Fufeng knew that her identity was unusual, he didn't know her true identity...

Ignoring Shen Gui, Xifeng left in a hurry.

Immediately behind her was a large black shadow, faintly protecting Xifeng in the middle.

"Careful woman." Shen Gui shook his head and stretched his waist.

After thinking about it just now, she probably understood what Master Li meant.

Ninth Peak needs an adult.

Junior Sister Liu is too simple, not to mention Lu Ling, it's just a piece of paper... Both of them know nothing about human relationships and the world, while Xifeng, who knows the basics of his family and has good talent... is indeed a pretty good seedling.

It's a bit older, but it's not a big deal.

If Xifeng's character was not bad, he would be a good disciple of Feng Jiu. Having such a fine person by his side would be good for Lu Ling's growth.

Shen Gui also didn't want his junior sisters to be foolish and sweet, and to be cheated by others in Tianguang Market.

Master Li really loves this little girl Lu Ling very much.

It made her a little jealous.

With his nose moving, Shen Gui looked in the direction of the kitchen.

Lu Ling's silver bell-like laughter could be faintly heard, as if she had abandoned all the haze.

When Lu Ling was in the second peak, she had never been so happy. Even if Qin Qin made her laugh, Shen Gui could feel that the little girl did not let go.

Now he is so happy just by Liu Fufeng's side.

This is the sisters.

The corners of his mouth curled up, Shen Gui thought of Xu Xu and Qin Qin.

She's not alone either.


Zhao Yingge and Xifeng have good talents, but they don't know how they are, and whether they are qualified to be her junior sisters.

She didn't want any scum to sneak into Lingshan through her hands.

I believe that Master Dongfang and Master Li also entrusted her with the task to let her check it out.

Let's live for a while.

The martial arts meeting in Tianguangxu will be coming soon, and she can also take this opportunity to relax.

Shen Gui found that in front of Lu Ling, a junior sister, she would always be very relaxed.

So fine.

(End of this chapter)

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