Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 425 "Mr. Lu" and the Woman Expecting Death

Chapter 425 "Mr. Lu" and the Woman Expecting Death

City Lord's Mansion.

Luxurious, extravagant, surrounded by beauties.

Tonight, the city lord, Xifeng, suddenly summoned the patriarchs of the four major families.

The four mature people bowed under the steps, expressing their respect for the somewhat sick young man above.

The young man with a sharp temperament sat on the seat of the city lord, looking down with a lazy attitude.

He is the current city lord of Luoyan City, Xifeng.

"They're all here?" Xifeng said with a gentle voice, but in the eyes of these four old guys, it was like thunder.

"The city lord summoned you, how dare you neglect..." the old man of the Zhao family was the first to speak.

"Exactly, exactly..." The others spoke again and again as if they were afraid of being thrown away.

Even though they hold the economic lifeline of Luoyan City, they are still trembling when facing the brook wind, which is the size of their own children and grandchildren. They are afraid.

In Luoyan City, Xifeng is the emperor, the one and only emperor, all the power is in his hands, no matter how big they are, they will not dare to show any disrespect to Xifeng.

Luoyan City is not harassed by demons because of the city lord's lineage, this concept has been deeply rooted in these people's hearts.

Then, they were suddenly summoned by Xifeng, these old fellows were shocked and rushed over in a hurry.

Something must have happened.

Otherwise, Brookwind would not have summoned them.

The old man raised his head and glanced secretly at Xi Feng, and looked at the young figure, shaking a bit.

Dragon and phoenix among people, although they are young, the nobility in their bones cannot be hidden...

Lord City Lord, you will be 30 years old this year...

Although Xifeng looks young, he is actually not young anymore. In the eyes of these old guys, Xifeng before the age of 25 is simply synonymous with God.

Later, after the business gradually stabilized, they rarely saw Xifeng...Today they were summoned suddenly...

These few people don't know what this being who is a god to Luoyan City wants to do.

"It's all here, let's sit down." Xifeng flipped through the files in his hand and said casually.



Several people took a few steps back, and then sat down under Xifeng's impatient gaze, but what they didn't expect, Xifeng didn't announce any new regulations, nor did they intend to amend the laws, and they didn't even ask for it. .

I just asked about their industrial chain one by one, and some irrelevant questions...

These things can be explained clearly on a piece of paper, there is absolutely no need to ask old people like them to make a trip...

Responding respectfully to Xifeng's question, the four old fellows actually began to think about what the city lord meant...



Before long, all the questions were asked.

"Okay, you guys go back." Xifeng continued to flip through the household registration book in his hand, and said casually.

Obviously, he was fine.

"..." The four old men looked at each other, and they all saw confusion and bewilderment in each other's eyes.

It doesn't seem like their family doesn't understand what's going on...

They were summoned at night and said some useless things... With Xifeng's character, there must be something wrong, but they couldn't think of any deep meaning for the time being.

"What are you doing in a daze, let's go back." Looking carefully at the household registration book in his hand, he still didn't look directly at the four elders.

"Yes, Lord City Master, I will retire..."

A few people had no choice but to prepare to retreat.

But just after the other three turned around, the patriarch of the Zhao family suddenly spoke.

"My lord, about Liu Qianjin in the inner city..."

Hearing this, the other three stopped.

I hated this old guy deeply, it was him who sent his son to do odd jobs for others, it was shameless.

Of course, it wasn't their turn, otherwise, they would all rush to send their son there.

"Liu... Qianjin?" Hearing this, Xifeng finally raised his head, put down the household registration book in his hand, and glanced coldly at the patriarch of the Zhao family.

The back of the pillar of the Zhao family was instantly wet with his eyes as if looking at nothing.

Fortunately, the city lord immediately looked away.

"You shouldn't ask, don't ask." Xifeng said lightly.

"Yes yes yes." Seeing this, the head of the Zhao family stepped up and walked out.

"Bang bang bang..."

After a sound of rushing down the stairs, the four old men fled away from the City Lord's Mansion, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

"Zhao, what do you want to ask? Are you brave enough? But I think you basically have the answer to your sentence." The head of the Zhang family said meaningfully.

"It seems that the other half of the Lord City Master is really as rumored... is the blessing of Luoyan City." Although the head of the Zhao family was scared, he was very excited by Xifeng's attitude.

If the Zhao family gets close to the big tree of the mistress, the family will last for a hundred years...

"But, the city lord told us... to do what?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, but in the end they had no choice but to disperse.

They are not good friends in business, and it is good to be able to talk a few words. It is impossible to expect them to have a long talk.

And this is what Xifeng wants to see.

City Lord's Mansion.

Xifeng frowned, carefully checking the household registration booklet.

In fact, he didn't have any deep meaning in calling these people, he just wanted to see if the old fellows attached to Luoyan City still maintained awe of him after he had been silent as the city lord for nearly ten years.

The answer satisfied him.

He is still the highest god in Luoyan City.

In this way, some things can be done freely.

In fact, he was thinking too much. As the lord of Luoyan City, even if he didn't say a word, these people still fear him like a god.

His own status will be shaken, all because of what happened during this month, which shakes his confidence as a "superior".

After all, whether it was Liu Fufeng, that terrifying woman today, or even the monk he met by chance that day, they all put him under great pressure. In the eyes of these people, the identity of the city lord and the black armor are nothing more than a piece of paper.

But there is also good news, that is, Liu Fufeng and him get along pretty well.

Therefore, Xifeng acquiesced to the rumor that Liu Fufeng would be his wife...

Of course, he will not really marry Liu Fufeng.

I don't deny it, it's just because the city lord Xifeng should get married, even if it's not for himself, for the stability of Luoyan City, he can't stay single anymore.

There is no more suitable candidate than Liu Fufeng, after all, he can't really marry an ordinary woman... Even his wife, after knowing her true identity, will definitely have a different heart.

As for Liu Fufeng... a disciple of the Immortal Sect, this one is enough, the important thing is that Xifeng doesn't hate her, and Liu Fufeng can help him... After all, the realm is different, this disciple of the Immortal Sect will not take Luoyan City seriously .

During these days of getting along, he has already confirmed this matter...

After peace of mind, heirs... is also a problem.

Without selfishness, turmoil may occur in Luoyan City at any time.

Fortunately, he has extremely loyal subordinates.

Touching the ring on his hand, Xifeng felt relieved.

He continued to look at the household registration book in his hand.


He was a little concerned about this surname...He used to listen to Xianmen as a joke, but after seeing Liu Fufeng, some ideas changed.

There are only three residents surnamed Lu in Luoyan City, all of whom are from outside the city.

Two middle-aged men and one old man.

After pulling out the information, Xifeng read it carefully from beginning to end, and there was nothing suspicious. The three of them were residents of Luoyan City from their ancestors...

The middle-aged man runs a small business, the old man always stays in the chess hall, spending his old age... nothing worth paying attention to.

There is also the father's "diary", where people with this surname are also written.

Come back home.

Xifeng got up and left the house.

The dark alley, this is the forbidden area of ​​Luoyan City, where his real residence is, a huge government mansion.

The man walked into an empty alley.

"Ayi, open the door."


In the dark, a reverent voice flashed, and then the mechanism rang, and the street changed drastically. It was dark, like a staircase leading to hell opened.

Xifeng walked into the abyss.

open the door.

Familiar, faint fragrance blowing over the face.

"Huh..." After arriving home, the man breathed a sigh of relief, as if his whole body had relaxed.

A man walks into a room.

This room is not big, and it is different from the extravagance of the golden brick and silver seat in the city lord's mansion. This room is very elegant, not big, or even small, and the color is more lively and light.

It is a women's boudoir.

At this time, there was a handsome man standing in such a boudoir, no matter how he looked at it, he looked a little awkward, but soon, Xifeng dealt with his face, and then his height suddenly became shorter.

The figure gradually became slimmer, and after a while, a tall woman appeared out of thin air.

It is Xifeng.

This is her boudoir, where she has lived for more than ten years.

"Ancestors... ancestors..."

Xifeng muttered, and carefully took out a sandalwood box from the metal cabinet in front of the bed...

His face was full of respect, as if he was holding some sacred object.

Opening the box, there is a pile of book pages in different colors, which can be seen from different eras.

This is the manuscript of the city lords of Luoyan City in the past, and it is also the manuscript of her ancestors.

So many manuscripts were handed down by the city lords of the past dynasties. They contain their experiences, ancestral precepts, laws, and many other important things.

There is even an important letter left by the first generation of Luoyan City City Lord. I don’t know who it is, but the envelope has been sealed by magical power, and no one can open it...

Over time, it became a mystery...

The letter from the first city lord was kept at the bottom of the box. Xifeng had studied it for a long time, and after finding out that she couldn't open it, she didn't care about it.

At this moment, she was staring at the papers on the top in a daze...

The newest ones on the top, with neat and unrestrained handwriting, but with some seriousness...

Xifeng stared at the handwriting in a daze for a while.


Then, she shook her head violently, she had business to do.

"I remember, I saw it in my father's daily narrative..." Xifeng searched page by page.

At that time, her father was in poor health, so her impression was a little vague.

However, that period was so difficult that it should be easy to find.

Looking at her father's diary, Xifeng flipped through it slowly.

Deliberately skipping the section that records his love for his daughter, Xifeng quickly found what he wanted.

The time was ten years ago.

The father's emotion and surprise appear between the lines, and Xifeng can clearly feel it.


[I didn't expect there to be such a person as Lu Gongzi in the world. He is top-notch in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even proficient in wind and moon. Haha, he is really a rare and strange person. I am not as good as him. 】


Mr. Lu?

right here.

I don't know how many times I have read my father's manuscript, but I still don't agree with it.

How could her father be inferior to this man who came out of nowhere.


[In the early days, I might become close friends with Mr. Lu, but unfortunately, this body can't last long, poor Feng'er...]


Xifeng selectively skipped the latter.


[If the ideal holy land of the immortal sect really exists in the world, which transcends the world, perhaps Mr. Lu is from the immortal sect. 】



Regarding the matter of the surname Lu, it stopped here.


Although I have read this passage before, Xifeng has a new understanding at this time, and now she can clearly see that what is revealed between the lines of her father...

Obviously, my father knew about the so-called Immortal Gate, but maybe that Immortal Gate was not as extraordinary as my father imagined, it was just a powerful person, not a fairy.


Xifeng thought of Liu Fufeng.

Perhaps, that Mr. Lu that father saw really came from the immortal sect.

After inspection, she found that there was indeed no one with the surname Lu in Luoyan City, and there were also outer cities, and it was impossible to be proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting... From the lack of records behind her father, it can be seen that that strange person should never appear again.

I only know the surname Lu, but I don't know the name.

And what I saw today is that Liu Fufeng's younger sister is also named Lu... they are all from the Immortal Clan, so does it matter?
Xifeng felt that the possibility was unlikely, but it was hard to say.

Because she doesn't know how big the world of cultivating immortals is, in fact, it's just a sudden rise today... After all, he is so praised by his father. To be honest, Xifeng still wants to find him, and see if he really has what his father said. so good.

Is it really stronger than his father.

"Xianmen..." Carefully putting away the manuscript, Xifeng sat blankly.

It is very likely that her father has met someone from the immortal sect, and her words are full of admiration. Although Xifeng is unwilling to admit it, she can indeed feel his father's somewhat respectful attitude at that time...

In contrast, her attitude towards Xianmen is much worse.

Because of lack of self-confidence, fear of being snatched away.

She doesn't have the stamina of her father.

Is this wrong?


Luoyan City is hers, here is her father's hard work and his life, there is nothing wrong with her being selfish.

However, perhaps the attitude towards Xianmen can be eased a little...

For Liu Fufeng's sake.

It would be great if Sister Liu could give her a child... In this case, the problem of her next appointment will be solved.


"Cough cough cough..."

Suddenly, a severe wheezing.

Moaning in pain, his emaciated body fell on the bed, accompanied by rapid breathing and coughing.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Xifeng's ruddy face turned pale in an instant, she curled up in the quilt, trembling slightly.

After half an hour.

The woman was in a state of embarrassment like washing with water, and the bed was already a little muddy with sweat.

Xifeng's chest rose and fell violently, and then she tried to sit up and lay down on the table.

After coughing violently, there was a little blood on the palm of his hand.

It's getting worse every time...

Perhaps, it won't last long.

Children... don't think about it anymore.

Today's situation tells Xifeng that her body will definitely not be able to withstand the toss of childbirth, and she will die.

"I can't die, I can't..."

"Lu Ling..."

Xifeng is figuring something out.

I don't know if this is most likely a pair of sisters of Fairy Lingshan, if I can help her.

Immediately afterwards, Xifeng smiled wryly.

Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling are nothing, but the woman who suddenly appeared today with a sword on her back is the trouble...

It's tiring to live.

She was looking forward to death.

Come quickly, she cannot die, but if it is force majeure...

Even if she died, her father would not blame her.

(End of this chapter)

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