Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 427 Cultivation

Chapter 427 Cultivation

The sound insulation effect of the room was not good, Shen Gui sat on the bed, practicing with his eyes closed.

Hearing the noise below, she slightly opened her eyes, feeling a little lost.

It's true that fighting can improve feelings, but the relationship between her and Qin Qin is no longer ordinary playing... If you get hit by her sword, you can't recover in half a month, so Qin Qin has a big heart , Another person would have blown up long ago.

However, Qin Qin's tolerance is not useless, at least in Shen Gui's heart, she is also a very important person.



next door.

"Stupid woman, what is the identity of that woman today?" Zhao Yingge asked while eating the fruit that Luo Hanyi had peeled.

"She is my nephew, a terrible person, Yingge, please don't mess with her." Luo Hanyi said, she didn't hide anything, after all, in her eyes, Zhao Yingge will be hers sooner or later.

"Martial nephew? What are your identities?" Zhao Yingge pondered.

"Identity? We are..." Luo Hanyi was about to say that he was from Lingshan, but Zhao Yingge's face changed and stopped her.

"Stop, I don't want to know."


"Shut up and go sit over there."

"Oh." Luo Hanyi was a little strange, but he sat on the bed obediently.

Looking at Luo Hanyi who was playing with her hair, Zhao Yingge narrowed her eyes. She had a premonition that Luo Hanyi's background was very troublesome, and as far as the danger of that woman was concerned, she had better not know, so as not to get involved in any trouble middle……

After all, Zhao Yingge is now focused on revenge.

He lowered his head and looked at his hands.

Revenge with my own hands.

In fact, she had a guess, but that guess was really unbelievable.

"Silly woman."


Zhao Yingge looked at Luo Hanyi and pouted.

This woman's IQ is not high, God didn't give her a good brain, but gave her a perfect skin, tall and plump figure, hip-length hair, perfect and cold facial features, she looks like a noble girl when she is not talking. Queen... Without a doubt, Luo Hanyi is the most beautiful person she has ever seen. Although Liu Fufeng is not bad, but in terms of appearance alone, he is far behind Luo Hanyi.

This silly woman looks like she should be in her thirties or forties.

"How old are you this year?" Zhao Yingge asked.

"I, this year... Let me think about it..." Luo Hanyi froze for a moment, then became a little confused.

How old are you...

Hmm...can't remember.

However, Luo Hanyi has other methods. She is younger than Ye Zunzhe at the same time. Some time ago, several of her younger sisters gave gifts to Ye Zunzun's [-]th birthday, so Luo Hanyi still has some impressions.

Senior Brother Ye is five hundred years old, and she will be over 400 this year...

"I, I'm over 400 years old." Luo Hanyi said word by word.

"En...en?" Zhao Yingge was thinking about something, but couldn't react for a while: "Wait, what did you say?"

"I'm over 400, I can't remember exactly how old I am." Luo Hanyi said.


"Yingge, why are you hitting me? It hurts..." Luo Hanyi covered his head.

"Stupid woman, you're kidding me. Your head is still four hundred years old. You don't have a brain just because you are old. Forty is forty..." Zhao Yingge nodded at Luo Hanyi's head.

"...Sakura, whatever you say is what you say..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Sister Zhao, Ah Ling and I went to take a bath, dinner is downstairs."

"Okay!" Zhao Yingge replied.

A girl's sweet voice came from outside the door.

"Hey, why don't you take a bath? That's fine, I've almost digested it, so let's go, Junior Sister!! I'm going to take a longer soak today..."

"You told me to call me sister..."

Outside, the sisters' voices became softer and softer.

"Eat!" Luo Hanyi suddenly jumped up.

"Promising." Zhao Yingge shook her head.

As far as this child's personality is concerned, she is still four hundred years old, and she will believe that she is four years old.

Senior sister, senior sister, senior uncle...

A family of strange people.



in the bathroom.


Lu Ling started to undress, put the pure white scarf around her neck in the basket next, took off the small skirt, and then unbuttoned the first button of the jacket.

As soon as she raised her head, she saw Liu Fufeng looking straight at her. Lu Ling, who didn't feel shy at first, suddenly blushed.

"Junior sister... what do you think I'm doing... take off your clothes, don't you want to take a bath?"

"Well, I was wondering, did Ah Ling gain weight?" Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's waist and butt.

"Is there?" Lu Ling lowered her head and turned around.

The thin one is like a monkey... where is it fat.

"Well, he's healthier than before, and he looks much better!" Liu Fufeng smiled, then took off his coat, and threw it into the basket next to Lu Ling.

It seems that although he is not on the Lingshan Mountain, Ah Ling's food should not be bad... Just now Lu Ling was wearing clothes and Liu Fufeng couldn't tell, but it was obvious when he took off his clothes.

Her A Ling has more flesh than before.

If it was said that she was skinny before, now she is just a skinny girl... much prettier than before.

"It's can it be?" Lu Ling suddenly became shy, and the speed of undressing also slowed down...

Junior sister praised her for being pretty...

The little face was a little hot.

"Well, my senior sister is naturally the most beautiful person in the world." Liu Fufeng said with a smile, then took off his clothes, wrapped them in a bath towel, and took a sniff of his underwear.


"Ah, I forgot that I was sweating all over today...Senior sister, it smells bad, you were with me just now." Liu Fufeng walked towards Lu Ling.

"Ah..." Lu Ling just took off her last clothes, when she raised her head, she saw Liu Fufeng appearing in front of her eyes, her heart skipped a beat, and she took a sudden step back, but she reacted immediately.

"No, Junior Sister, I'm not saying you smell's just that I..." Lu Ling hurriedly explained, her face turned red.

"I mean, the smell on Junior Sister's body is very good..."

In the end, Lu Ling's words became smaller and smaller, unheard of.

"Pfft." Seeing Lu Ling's cute appearance, Liu Fufeng laughed out loud: "Senior sister, why are you nervous, I just said it casually..."

Get out a bath towel.

"Raise your hand." Liu Fufeng said.

"En." Lu Ling lowered her head with a blushing face, opened her arms, watched Liu Fufeng wrap the towel around her, and then untied her ponytail.

In an instant, Lu Ling's overly long black hair fell away.

Looking at Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng lost his mind for a moment.

Ah Ling... is really beautiful.

Then, Liu Fufeng put the two people's clothes together, sprinkled them with saponins and soaked them, and led Lu Ling into the bathroom.

Into the water.


The water was boiling hot, and after entering the water, Lu Ling shook a few times and moaned like a cat.

For a moment, she felt her nose was open.

Take a deep breath.

A hint of herbal...

Not very pungent...and, in this water, there is a kind of itchy feeling on the body...

"Junior Sister, what is this?"

"Ah? I added some's very comfortable..." Liu Fufeng was leaning against the wall at this time, his body was a little limp, and his face was flushed.

If Lu Ling is a smart kitten, then Liu Fufeng is a lazy big cat, with her cherry mouth slightly open, exhaling hot air gently.

This is Liu Fufeng's new water, with some herbs added.

Clear fatigue, warm up...

After entering the water, Liu Fufeng completely lost her strength, and now she doesn't even want to move a single finger... A feeling of fatigue like a tide surged in her body...

His eyes gradually blurred.

"Well, it's very comfortable." Lu Ling nodded vigorously. Although there was a faint smell of medicine, it didn't smell bad. Most importantly, it was something her junior sister prepared for her. Even if it smelled bad, she would like.

Contrary to Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling, who was full of sleep and food, was full of strength, although she also saw that something was wrong with Liu Fufeng, she just thought that her junior sister was tired, and didn't think too much about it.

"En...Aling, enjoy...enjoy." Liu Fufeng's eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Indeed, as Senior Sister Shen said, it can effectively relieve fatigue...

Well... Aya...

Wait, can't sleep.

"Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng tried hard to open his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ling pressed down her hair and leaned against Liu Fufeng.

The sisters haven't taken a bath together for a long time...Junior Sister has such a good figure, I'm envious...

"Senior sister, let's talk."

"Okay..." Lu Ling nodded.

"This month, on Lingshan, what did you learn, tell me." Liu Fufeng resisted the exhaustion, opened his eyes, and looked at Lu Ling.

It's about A Ling, she has to be serious.

"Where do I start..." Lu Ling leaned her head against her junior sister.

"Everything, I want to know everything." Liu Fufeng raised his hand with all his strength and grabbed Lu Ling's long hair, then his body lost all strength, and half of his body was pressed against Lu Ling.

"I... have made great progress in writing, and the writing is more beautiful, and my husband also praised me... Then, this month, I finished reading the Book of Songs one to three, memorized the first book, and copied thirty pages! "There was a hint of showing off in Lu Ling's tone, and she looked at Liu Fufeng expectantly at the same time.

He almost wrote the words "quickly praise me" on his face.

"Did you see San? Soon..." Liu Fufeng nodded, a little relieved, but continued: "Senior sister, I just can't see it, you have to understand."

"En, I know." Lu Ling nodded, unnaturally, her small face collapsed.

"However, you can memorize the first book, senior sister, you are very good..." Liu Fufeng couldn't guess Lu Ling's mind, praised her, and then leaned on Lu Ling's slender body.

"En!" Hearing Liu Fufeng praise her, Lu Ling instantly became happy, her eyes bent into crescent moons.

"By the way, I also studied music theory and Guqin with Senior Sister Qin for a month, and now I have learned some simple tunes. I will play them to you when the time comes." Lu Ling said.

On the surface he was happy, but in fact he was a little apprehensive.

Lu Ling knows that her junior sister is concerned about her cultivation right now... I don't know if something like playing the guqin will make her junior sister unhappy...

However, she thought too much, how could Liu Fufeng be unhappy, in her heart, her A Ling was originally a material for learning rhythm.

"Guqin?" Liu Fufeng raised his head and glanced at Lu Ling in surprise.

"What's wrong... can't it be..." Lu Ling shrank her head, like a child who made a mistake.

"Why can't it work!!!" Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling inexplicably, and after a while, his tone was serious: "If you learn it, then study hard, you know how powerful Senior Sister Qin is, Ah Ling, what she teaches you, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not Lazy, you know!"

Lu Ling was made nervous by Liu Fufeng. You must know that Liu Fufeng usually calls her Senior Sister, and only calls her Ah Ling on some very serious matters...

"En, er, I will be serious, and I will not embarrass you, my junior sister." Seeing her junior sister getting serious, Lu Ling dared not to be perfunctory, she nodded repeatedly, her little head seemed to be beating a drum.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ling was a little happy. She didn't expect her junior sister to support her so much. She thought that her junior sister would be angry if she knew that she was not doing her job properly...

"Guqin, study hard, I believe that senior sister, your music will conquer the sisters in Lingshan." Liu Fufeng also found that he was a little too serious, and returned to his gentle appearance, rubbing Lu Ling's head.

"Well, I believe it too." Lu Ling's beauty mark rose.

She has no confidence in cultivation and practice, but rhythm is her favorite thing, Lu Ling believes that she will not lose to anyone, not even Qin Qin, only this matter, only this matter she will never lose throw in the towel.

"But..." Suddenly, Liu Fufeng changed the topic.

"But what..." Lu Ling became nervous again, hugged Liu Fufeng's arm, and looked at her pitifully.

It is said here that I will not lose to anyone, junior sister, don't let her learn...

Although she likes temperament, if her junior sister doesn't let her learn it, she will be obedient.

Looking at the stiff Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng smiled softly in his heart.

This girl is really flat...

But how could she tell Lu Ling about this kind of thing.

"Senior sister, I hope you can arrange your own time. You can learn the piano. I support you very much. I also know that you like words and poems very much. I also think this is very good. However, you can't delay your cultivation because of these things. Do you understand?" Liu Fufeng put away his joking thoughts, and said seriously.

Cultivation, cultivation, this is the most important thing.

Liu Fufeng is very clear that the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are of little use, and only a strong cultivation can protect herself, and she also knows that what her Ah Ling dislikes the most is cultivation...

So when she knew that Lu Ling and Qin Qin had learned Guqin, she was very happy, but at the same time, she was also a little worried, for fear that Lu Ling would neglect the cultivation. Have fun and waste your talents.

Compared with her poor inspiration, Lu Ling is undoubtedly much more powerful.

Although Liu Fufeng sometimes fears that the gap between her and her Ah Ling will become wider and wider, she will not back down.

On this point, she will never get used to Lu Ling, her attitude is very tough.

Learning things is fine, but the most important thing must be cultivation, this is Liu Fufeng's bottom line.

"Practice..." Hearing this, Lu Ling put on a bitter face, but she still nodded: "I will practice hard, Junior Sister, you don't have to worry..."


"After all, I also have things I want to do."

Long fruit.

She wanted this and gave it to her junior sister.

And that girl Tang Zheng.

These can only be achieved when one becomes stronger, and Liu Fufeng doesn't need to say that Lu Ling will work hard to cultivate.

"Aling, you..." Liu Fufeng stared at Lu Ling who became serious, and was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, without saying anything.

Aya...has grown a lot.

"But cultivation is really boring, what should I do..." Lu Ling took it seriously for three seconds, and immediately changed back to her original shape, sobbing and pouring bitter water on Liu Fufeng.

"Junior Sister, you don't know how boring it is to learn... the cultivation is also the same. I just sit all day, and my legs are numb..."

"Yes, I am wronged, Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng shook her head helplessly, then she remembered what Shen Gui said, asking Lu Ling to sort out her meridians...

Closing his eyes, Liu Fufeng felt the turbulent spiritual power in Lu Ling's body, filling every part of her skin, and even Lu Ling's hair had a strong icy aura.

On the other hand, only her lower dantian has non-attribute spiritual power the size of a finger...

Great difference.

"By the way, senior sister, what state are you in now?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"Realm?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment: "Mr. said that I'm in the middle stage of Soul Separation Realm, and I'll be in the late stage..."

"Different...soul realm?" Liu Fufeng froze.

what is this?
She has practiced for so long, but she still hasn't condensed her breath.

deep loss.

She has already been severely left behind by her own Ah Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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