Chapter 429 Warming Up

I miss you.

miss you.

Lu Ling's trembling voice fell into Liu Fufeng's ears, like a thunder on the ground. For a moment, his mind went blank and he lost his ability to think.

bang, bang bang... bang bang...

The heart beat reluctantly.

Although her Ah Ling has been tempered by time and is very open in front of her, Lu Ling is still that thin-skinned girl at heart... If it is as straightforward as today... even Liu Fufeng is a little bit Absent.

Following Lu Ling's "confession" words, the atmosphere in the air became inexplicably awkward, and only two faint breathing sounds could be heard.

After a while, Liu Fufeng started to move again with his long hair touching Lu Ling's, as if it wasn't her who had been petrified for a long time.

Lu Ling misses her, this kind of thing can be known without thinking, because she also misses her A Ling.

But I know in my heart that it's completely different from Lu Ling's own words, just like the love words between a man and a woman, even if they love each other, saying "I love you" can still wake up the other's hormones.

Of course, Liu Fufeng didn't have that kind of thought for Lu Ling, but this kind of strong emotion is not inferior to love, even higher than love.

Love, or something else.

"Senior Sister, I miss you too." Rubbing Lu Ling's head, Liu Fufeng said calmly.

"Junior Sister..." Lu Ling lowered her head, and climbed up her face shyly, red to the ears.

Her way of diverting downright stupid.

When she came back to her senses, Lu Ling knew that her "critical attack" move must be very useful, but on the other hand, when her junior sister recovered, she still had to answer Liu Fufeng's question truthfully.

What a fool myself.

Think so.

Of course, it is also possible that she took this opportunity to seriously express her thoughts to her junior sister. There are some things that even Lu Ling herself is not clear about.

"That's enough." After wiping Lu Ling's wet long hair clean with dry brocade, Liu Fufeng walked around in front of Lu Ling and looked at her seriously.

"That's the end of the fun."

"It's not a joke..." Lu Ling muttered, then stared at Liu Fufeng's gaze, and then lowered her head.

The demeanor is tweaking.

This kind of thing... how to say it...

You know, Lu Ling is most afraid that Liu Fufeng will find out about this matter... because even she herself doesn't know whether Master Dongfang and her are innocent.

Even though they are all girls, if her junior sister finds out, will she still be a human being?
What would the junior sister think?
He hesitated, unable to utter a word.

"..." Liu Fufeng quietly looked at Lu Ling who bowed his head silently, and sighed after the silence.

"Is there anything you can't tell me? Even if you made a mistake, Senior Sister, I won't blame you..." Liu Fufeng said lightly.

"I won't make mistakes..." Hearing this, Lu Ling raised her head and retorted.

During the month she was in Lingshan, she was so obedient that she couldn't be more obedient. She was afraid that her junior sister would be unhappy, so how could she take the initiative to cause trouble.

"Then...forget it." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's appearance, put on a bath towel, and moved lightly.

As Senior Sister Shen said, taking a bath can indeed restore her strength, and she is no longer as weak as before.

As for the principle... Liu Fufeng is not too clear about it, but he also has a little guess.

At first, she really thought that simply taking a bath would be useful... Later, she found that hot water could only make her feel comfortable, but could not restore her physical strength, let alone repair her damaged body.

However, she did recover a little now...

It can only be her A Ling. Although the weak power of the soul cannot be used directly, it will create a halo effect for those who are close to her.

From just now, her Ah Ling has been filled with warm spiritual power... Although it is ice-type, it is purely terrifying, and it is thanks to this that she regains her spirit.

Seeing Liu Fufeng put on a bath towel, Lu Ling suddenly panicked, and hurriedly stood up and asked, "Junior Sister, where are you going?"

For a moment, Lu Ling thought that Liu Fufeng was angry because of her concealment.

Anxiety was written all over his face.

"I'm not going anywhere." Liu Fufeng sighed: "Next I made some hot tea, it should be ready, I'll get it for you."

"Oh..." Hearing that Liu Fufeng was doing it for her, Lu Ling sat down comfortably.

That's right, her junior sister loves her so much, so she won't get angry because of such a trivial matter.


Looking at Liu Fufeng's eyes, Lu Ling felt guilty.

"Senior Sister, I'm going down to get sugar water now, and I'll prepare medicinal herbs by the way..." Liu Fufeng said lightly: "Think about it carefully, when I come back, I hope to know everything."


"Everything, instead of asking me to go back and find out by myself, it's better for you to tell me, sister, right? After all, it's about letting you escape from Lingshan, so I don't think it should be something secret." Liu Fufeng gave Lu Ling a gentle smile, At the same time, I added: "Of course, if you don't plan to go back to Lingshan, senior sister, you can't do it."

The best education can only be obtained on Lingshan, so there is no need to talk about this.

"Hehe...hehe..." Lu Ling twitched the corners of her mouth, smiled awkwardly, and watched Liu Fufeng leave.

A person sat quietly.

The little face gradually collapsed.

What the junior sister said is correct... It is impossible for her not to return to Lingshan. Once she returns to the mountain, with the level of gossip of those young ladies, her junior sister will know everything within a day...

So embarrassing.

But there is no way.

Maybe it's better to be frank and lenient?
But won't it be too cruel to let yourself say this kind of thing?Obviously she was the one who was tortured, why should she bear the gossip...

After a while, Lu Ling's body went limp and she sat on the ground, as if she had compromised with something.




Luo Hanyi hugged a bowl of rice, eating happily.

Zhao Yingge was also very forthright, without being gentle at all.

I have to say that Liu Fufeng's food may not be called delicious, not as good as those chefs, but it is very warm.

feel like home.

Zhao Yingge liked it very much, she has always liked Liu Fufeng's simple cooking skills, it reminded her of her mother's cooking skills.

Compared to Liu Fufeng, Xifeng's *woman is much worse, flashy, showing off skills like showing off her body, Zhao Yingge doesn't like it, but in order not to cause trouble for Liu Fufeng, she still obediently eats Xifeng's cooking for lunch.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and Zhao Yingge raised her head.

I saw Liu Fufeng came down wearing a wet bath towel, her long hair was tied on the left side and draped over her shoulders, that kind of temperament... She couldn't describe it.

Because they were all girls, Liu Fufeng didn't pay too much attention to it. The wet bath towel exposed her development to a certain extent, and the water stains on her collarbone looked gentle and colorless.

Zhao Yingge was stunned for a moment.

This kind of temperament of Liu Fufeng is usually called a wife.

"Sister Liu, what are you?" Zhao Yingge spat at herself when she came back to her senses, and asked suspiciously.

"I know!" Luo Hanyi raised his hand with puffy cheeks and said, "Nephew, she is boiling sugar water, the air is sweet!"

"Are you a dog? You have such a good nose, and you have to swallow the rice before you talk." Zhao Yingge gave Luo Hanyi angrily.


"Also, don't call me nephew, I don't feel well."

"Well, I also feel uncomfortable." Unexpectedly, Luo Hanyi nodded, she was just afraid that if she continued to call her sister, Liu Fufeng would be unhappy...

"Uncle Master, Sister Zhao, you eat..." Liu Fufeng exhaled hot air, her complexion was a little pale, she was still very weak at this time.

"Sister Liu, are you... all right? Let me help you?" Seeing Liu Fufeng's sick look, Zhao Yingge frowned.

"It's okay, don't worry about me, it will be fine tomorrow..." After saying that, Liu Fufeng went to the front by himself.

Zhao Yingge looked at Liu Fufeng, who was obviously sloppy, and lost interest in eating. Seeing that Luo Hanyi was still eating, she raised her hand and patted her on the head.

"Cough... Yingge, you, what are you doing..." Choking on the rice grains, Luo Hanyi coughed non-stop, and when he recovered, his eyes were red.

"Stupid woman, your medical skills are not bad. Sister Liu... is she really alright? She looks very bad." Zhao Yingge worried.

Unexpectedly, when Luo Hanyi heard this, he immediately put away his tears and became very angry.

"Yingge, you know you care about her, what about me? What if I choke to death..." Luo Hanyi whispered.

"Stupid people won't die from choking, hurry up and speak human words." Zhao Yingge said directly without any intention of comforting Luo Hanyi.

"Cut... Yingge, eccentric." Luo Hanyi ate a big mouthful of rice as if venting, and then said vaguely: "Don't worry, it's fine, it seems that you have exhausted your energy, even if it is serious, you can lie down for two days. Enough."

Liu Fufeng can still move around, it doesn't look that bad, so Luo Hanyi is not worried at all.

"Are you okay? That's good." Hearing this, Zhao Yingge breathed a sigh of relief.

"..." Luo Hanyi made no secret of his jealousy.

Yingge has never cared so much about her before, since that night, she has not shown the tenderness that touched her...

Of course, that night does not mean what happened between them, but the day they first met.

To put it simply, that night, Zhao Yingge used a bag of shortbread that was about to go bad to attack this silly woman.

The foolish woman in front of her almost had her whole heart hanging on Zhao Yingge.

"Obviously I like you very much too..." Luo Hanyi muttered.

"Okay, silly woman, shut up." Zhao Yingge completely ignored Luo Hanyi's complaints, and she didn't know why this silly woman was pestering her... After all, although she showed good intentions, it was just her way to heal herself It's just a reward, eh.

Zhao Yingge never thought of herself as a good person, and she didn't mean to scare her by selling Luo Hanyi to a prostitute...

It can be said that it is very annoying.

Of course, the attitude towards Liu Fufeng is completely different.

A benefactor is not just a benefactor.

If it was purely a life-saving grace, Zhao Yingge's favorability towards Liu Fufeng would not be so high... The reason why he became like this is because he was attacked after seeing Liu Fufeng's free clinic with his own eyes.

Liu Fufeng is a good person, a very good person... In comparison, Luo Hanyi will only cause trouble, and Xifeng is a woman... The former is okay, while the latter is a class conflict, and they don't like each other.

But because of Liu Fufeng's face, Zhao Yingge wouldn't make too much noise.

She... respects Liu Fufeng very much.

Although she was a girl younger than her, but this girl was many times higher than her in realm, Zhao Yingge even thought that if she had nowhere to go after revenge, she would follow Sister Liu.

There are so many bad people in the world, she can still protect Liu Fufeng.

"Yingge, you idiot." Looking at Zhao Yingge who was in a daze, Luo Hanyi said angrily.

"Stupid woman, go silly." Lifting up her short hair, she glanced at Luo Hanyi with disdain: "Silly woman, do you think that the reason why sister Liu is so weak is that she is too tired these days... After all, for a month, She is the only one who picks up medicine, boils medicine and sees a doctor..."

After hesitating for a moment, he continued: "Perhaps, the medical center can stop for a few days? Let Sister Liu take a break... If you keep busy like this, hardcore people can't stand it."

Zhao Yingge could see Liu Fufeng's busyness, and to be honest, he admired him with heartache.

"It will be very tiring for a month in a row, but it stands to reason that although there is no condensate, it will not be so weak. There must be something wrong... But resting... is also a good choice..." Luo Hanyi nodded.

When it's time to rest, we can form a group to go out and have fun... Lu Ling is also a girl she likes very much, and she hasn't played with her yet.

At this time, Liu Fufeng came over with a big bowl.

"Come on, Ying Ge, if you have any suggestions, please give them." Luo Hanyi said while not taking his eyes off the bowl in Liu Fufeng's hand.

There is a light red liquid in the bowl, the sweet and greasy smell gradually rises, and there is a little hint of ginger.

Crystal clear like glazed sugar water, watching Luo Hanyi slurring his mouth... It happened that the food was a bit greasy.

"Sister Zhao?" Liu Fufeng was taken aback when he saw Zhao Yingge standing in front of her.

"'s okay, sister, if it's inconvenient for you, I'll help you carry it..." Zhao Yingge said.

Let Liu Fufeng rest... She couldn't say it.

There will be many patients tomorrow, she knows Liu Fufeng will not listen to her...

Here, Luo Hanyi didn't care so much, staring at the bowl in Liu Fufeng's hand.

"Mica, brown sugar, ginger..."

I took a sip of saliva.

"Did Tiangui come to such warm brown sugar water?" Luo Hanyi stretched his neck and sniffed Liu Fufeng's body, then he was a little puzzled: "No..."

"Bang." Zhao Yingge next to her gave Luo Hanyi a hard slap, and then looked at Liu Fufeng apologetically: "Sister, this silly woman is talking nonsense, don't take it to heart..."

"Ah, it's okay..." Liu Fufeng nodded after being stunned, and said, "Well, Ah Ling is suffering from the cold, so I thought about getting her something to drink so that she can sweat a little more comfortably..."

Tiangui or something, Master Uncle really has no taboo... come here to smell...

Thinking of this, Liu Fufeng couldn't help but blush a little, then looked at Luo Hanyi's expectant look, and whispered.

"Well, uncle, if you want to drink, just drink a bowl. Although it is for Ah Ling, there is a lot of it..."

"Is it okay? Then I want a bowl, and I want a bowl for Yingge!" Luo Hanyi happily raised his hand.

"Well, there's still some in the pot over there, just fill it up." After speaking, Liu Fufeng cautiously went upstairs by himself.

"Yingge, I want to drink that!" Luo Hanyi said.

"Go and fill it yourself." Zhao Yingge cast an annoyed look at this silly woman, while thinking.


What is that?
Mica grass, brown sugar, ginger?
She didn't quite understand.

She's not a literate person, and she hasn't read much... She doesn't know much about medicine, so she's a little confused.

"Is it medicine?" Zhao Yingge asked.

"Medicine? No, no." Luo Hanyi shook his head repeatedly, and then said casually: "Mica grass, also known as Motherwort, Kun grass, Jiuchonglou, has a bitter taste, promotes blood circulation, removes stasis, and regulates menstruation."

Zhao Yingge: "???"

"Brown sugar, warming and nourishing, promoting blood circulation, can replenish physical strength, ginger, dispersing wind and cold, warming the middle and stopping vomiting..." Luo Hanyi continued to talk, then went to fill a bowl of sugar water, and sipped it, showing a little bit of happiness.

Here, after Zhao Yingge thought it over, her pretty face turned red at an unimaginable speed.

For the first time, an emotion called shyness appeared on that handsome face.

What Tiangui, isn't that... is it...

Although she looks unruly like a man and hates her cumbersome woman's body, Zhao Yingge is not unrestrained... She is still a woman, a very traditional woman.

This kind of thing... how can we directly bring it to the surface...

Mole of tears jumped suddenly, Zhao Yingge looked at Luo Hanyi with strange and unbelievable eyes...

This silly woman said she has a good sense of smell, and then she smelled it on Sister Liu just now, what was she smelling?
...the answer is obvious.

Zhao Yingge: "..."

After being silent, she took a step back and moved a little further away from Luo Hanyi.

In Zhao Yingge's eyes, Luo Hanyi is not only stupid, but also a little distorted...

But because it was cooked by Liu Fufeng, Zhao Yingge didn't hate it, so she picked up a bowl and took a sip.

Slightly spicy, but the sweetness is relatively strong, and after one bite, the whole body is warm...

so comfortable...

This is a good thing... In the future, when Yue, Keke, Tiangui comes, she can also drink some.

Zhao Yingge is the kind who suffers from dysmenorrhea, which also makes her hate her body very much, and she doesn't know how to take care of it, every time it's like going through a catastrophe... It seems that I found a good thing today... Ginger, sugar, Nothing expensive.

You can drink more, remember.

Then, he looked up at the direction of the bathroom.

This syrup is prepared for that Lu Ling.

Feelings are so good.

It's really... enviable.

If she hadn't encountered that catastrophe, her younger sister would have been as old as Liu Fufeng... I don't know if I, who grew up normally, would boil a bowl of sugar water for my younger sister to warm her body...

not good.

Shaking his head violently, he shook his weakness out of his mind.

These weak emotions are not what she should have, and they are a burden just like her woman's body.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Yingge got up.

"I'll go back first, silly woman, remember to wash the dishes."


Luo Hanyi felt aggrieved like a little daughter-in-law, obviously this was not the first time she was doing dishwashing work.

However, this time she raised her head and glanced at Zhao Yingge's back.

She didn't know about Zhao Yingge's past.

Know nothing.

She needs to ask about Shen Gui... as a master uncle.


(End of this chapter)

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