Chapter 433

"Uh... gurgling... woo woo... woo..."



Bitter, sour, pungent, astringent, and a disgusting smell of paste, these smells from hell exploded on Lu Ling's taste buds, melting her head instantly.

The whole person began to twitch slightly.

Lu Ling's taste system is more developed than that of ordinary people, so she is a foodie and likes delicious food, but relatively, she is more sensitive to those unpalatable things...

And because Liu Fufeng was worried about Lu Ling, the herbal medicines he prepared for her were all high-grade, and he added some herbs to dispel the cold - the food for her, Ah Ling, should naturally be the best.

Good medicine is bitter.

This is naturally a good medicine, although it looks ugly, but there is no way, the wind-cold herb has to be boiled until it smells burnt, and three bowls can be made together...

In fact, what Lu Ling is drinking now is the essence of the essence, without adding sugar.

Because adding sugar will destroy the composition of the herb.

Therefore, Lu Ling is facing the most painful thing in her life at this time, not one of them.

"Gudu... gudu..."

The girl's throat moved slightly, and she had completely given up resistance, like a puppet at the mercy of others, swallowing the bitter herbal medicine together with the body fluid in her mouth, and what remained at the corner of her mouth was the crystal of despair.

Being pinched by Liu Fufeng and poured down a whole bowl of unknown liquid, Lu Ling's eyes also changed gradually, from pain to despair, and finally emptiness.

The calf was collapsed and straight, and the toes were tightly clasped to the bedding, as if broken.

"Gudu..." the last mouthful.

"Okay, okay." Liu Fufeng said, taking the jade bowl away from Lu Lingbei's teeth.

At the same time, Lu Ling seemed to have lost her soul, and she let go of the hand holding the quilt, and she fell down limply.

It's broken.

"Really." Liu Fufeng looked helplessly at the jade bowl in his hand. There were still some black fine residues in it, which had been filtered, but they were not so clean. Although there is no harm in drinking them, but looking at Lu Ling's pitiful appearance , she really couldn't bear it.

"Is it that bad to drink?"

After hesitating for a while, Liu Fufeng raised the bowl and drank the medicine dregs inside.

Frown slightly.

Too bitter and sour as hell.

It's a little harder to drink than ordinary herbs, but it's not unacceptable.

"Senior Sister? Ah Ling?" Lu Ling was pushed and pushed, and the latter remained motionless, lying on his side on the bed with brown fluid oozing from the corner of his mouth.

The spirit is dead.

"Don't stain the quilt, it needs to be covered at night." Liu Fufeng took out a small handkerchief and put it on the side of Lu Ling's face, then went out, ready to get some water for Lu Ling to rinse her mouth... Otherwise, it would look like this God knows how long it will last.

Her Ah Ling herself knew that Lu Ling was in a state of escaping right now... Prepare water to wake her up.

It's also her fault... But Ah Ling is very obedient, which makes her very happy. If Lu Ling really resisted fiercely, she would not be able to drink the medicine anyway. After all, Lu Ling's cultivation base is higher than hers.

But Lu Ling chose to compromise in the end, accepting the herbal medicine that even Liu Fufeng thought was a bit unpalatable, very obedient.

Well-behaved children are naturally rewarded, and Liu Fufeng has already prepared a gift for Lu Ling... She originally planned to give it to her after returning to the mountain, but it seems that now is a good time.

Using gifts to "resurrect" Lu Ling can also give her a surprise, which is very good.

"Heh heh heh, heh heh heh—"

After fetching some hot water, Liu Fufeng hummed a little tune and went upstairs lightly. When he passed by Shen Gui's room, he stopped unconsciously.

Voices came from inside the house.

Senior Sister Shen naturally wouldn't talk to herself...

Who is it?
No, eavesdropping is not good behavior.

Shaking his head, Liu Fufeng was about to leave when Shen Gui's door opened, and the person who came out was none other than Luo Hanyi.

Liu Fufeng was startled at first, a little at a loss, but looked at Luo Hanyi, and was stunned.

Luo Hanyi, who closed the door, had a gloomy complexion, with a scary brow, coupled with that tall Yujie figure, unexpectedly made Liu Fufeng feel afraid.

This... is this that stupid uncle?She got it wrong?
"Is there any hot tea?" Luo Hanyi asked.

It's still the same voice, but it's less cute and a little more heavy. Now Luo Han is a goddess in proper clothes.

Not an illusion!Liu Fufeng's pupils shrank, and he spoke subconsciously.

"Hot tea, and some..."

"En." Nodding towards Liu Fufeng, Luo Hanyi turned and went downstairs.

"..." After staying in place for a while, Liu Fufeng started to walk.

Strange Uncle...



Luo Hanyi got some tea and pushed open the door.

At this time, Zhao Yingge was sitting by the window, looking at the twinkling stars in the sky. After hearing the sound of the door opening, she turned her head and looked at the woman who came in very dissatisfied.

"Hey, silly woman, why did you come back? I just want to drink water. Where did I get it?"

"There is no hot water, so I boiled a pot, don't worry about it." Luo Hanyi's expression melted, and he prevaricated casually.

She won't tell Zhao Yingge, she went to find Shen Gui for news.

Now, Luo Hanyi knows everything from Shen Gui, from Zhao Yingge's ten-year-old history to the present, and the blood feud she bears... To be honest, at a certain moment, Luo Hanyi became murderous and restless, and wanted to help Zhao Yingge took revenge.

Still she calmed down.

With Zhao Yingge's personality, she would definitely be hated if she acted without authorization.

The so-called enemy is nothing more than an ant. It is only a matter of time before Zhao Yingge wants to take revenge... But, is it really good to let her take revenge with her own hands?

Killing an enemy is nothing more than opening the bloody wound with one's own hands...

Luo Hanyi didn't know what to do.

After being serious for a while, she regained that heartless look.After all, she doesn't like such dark things... Leave everything to Yingge to solve by herself, she is so powerful, Luo Hanyi trusts her.

"Stupid woman, why are you acting weird?" Zhao Yingge frowned, Luo Hanyi felt strange to her tonight.

"Oh, no way, what is Yingge thinking." Luo Hanyi ran over a few steps: "The tea you want is getting cold. By the way, Yingge, are you looking at the stars? Today's stars are very beautiful."

"..." Seeing this, Zhao Yingge shook her head.

A silly woman is still that silly woman.

"The stars... probably, I'm looking at my sisters." Zhao Yingge spoke hypocritically freely while looking at the stars in the sky.

The moonlight reflected in the girl's pupils, matched with the tear mole, was very beautiful.

She will take revenge and use that scum's blood to sacrifice her sister's spirit in heaven.

make a fist.

Zhao Yingge closed the window.

Revenge, she will do it one day.



Behind him, Luo Hanyi's eyes were complicated.

It's hard to say something like hatred, and it's impossible for her to stop Zhao Yingge's desire for revenge, nor can she avenge her, because she doesn't have the qualifications.

Another sinking return.



Inside Liu Fufeng's boudoir.

"Senior sister, senior sister... Ah Ling..."

After shaking for a while, Lu Ling's empty eyes gradually lit up.

"Junior Sister... um!!!" she said in a daze, and then Lu Ling's expression changed, her stomach churned.



It seemed as if she wanted to spit out all her internal organs, but unfortunately she just opened her mouth and nothing came out.

"Junior me..." Lu Ling felt the bitterness in her mouth, tears accumulated.

Although the painful moment has passed, the residual smell in her nasal cavity still makes her life worse than death.

In this way, it would be better to die...

If possible, she would like to throw up now.

"Senior sister, drink water... no, just rinse your mouth, just rinse your mouth..." Liu Fufeng said as he handed Lu Ling a jade bowl, and then held a wooden basin.

The bowl is the sugar water she prepared, and the basin is used to catch the water.

"Give it to me!" Snatching the bowl from Liu Fufeng's hand, Lu Ling took a big gulp.


Hold your head up.

"Pfft..." Spit in the basin.


Repeat several times until there is no water left in the bowl.

"Huh..." The sugar water entered the mouth, and the remaining herbal smell was washed away. Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and her body went limp.

"Are you more comfortable?" Liu Fufeng said softly as he put down the wooden basin.

"En." Lu Ling nodded.

"Drink some water, clear your throat." Then, Liu Fufeng brought over some water, there is no sugar in it, you can drink it.

"Well, it's what you think, Junior Sister... hiccup...thoughtful." As she spoke, Lu Ling hiccupped, and the strong smell of the medicine almost made her faint. After drinking half a bowl of clear water, her complexion looked better.

"Thank you, Junior Sister!" Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng gratefully, but she reacted immediately, and her smile gradually disappeared.

The girl in front of her was the one feeding her the medicine...


Although I knew that my junior sister was doing it for her own good, I was still unhappy.

She almost died!

Moreover, she was so helpless that the junior sister had the heart to pour the water of hell into her stomach.

very unhappy.

"Senior Sister..." Liu Fufeng looked helplessly at Lu Ling who was pouting and could hang an oil bottle on her lips.

"What are you doing!" Lu Ling turned her head away as if embarrassed, and wrote the word "angry" on her face.

There was the sound of opening a cabinet, followed by Liu Fufeng's gentle voice.

"Look at me, Senior Sister."

"Hmph." Lu Ling snorted coldly, glanced at Liu Fufeng's direction from the corner of her eye, and then froze, her face gradually becoming surprised...

At this time, a doll with long arms appeared in Liu Fufeng's hand.

The perfect proportion, every stitch and thread, are all made of high-quality brocade.

The doll is wearing a small red dress, with short and thick calves. She looks silly and cute. The waist is very slender and a little exaggerated, but this also makes her a lot cuter. At the same time, the doll's face is also very delicate, composed of dark colored glaze The pupils are noble and deep, but because they are made by Liuli, they are a little dull, but the dullness matches the overall image of the doll, but it is just right.

Explosively cute.

However, because it is made of brocade, the hair is not long, and the black lines are cleverly outlined in the small skirt, which also creates the illusion of long hair.

Lu Ling stared blankly at the doll in Liu Fufeng's hands, and then unconsciously tapped the black ink spot on the smiling face of the doll.

This is her trademark, the beauty spot.

"this is me?"


"Of course." Liu Fufeng handed the doll to Lu Ling, and the latter hugged it subconsciously. The doll was not big, but it was half as tall as Lu Ling, so it was just right to hold it in his arms.

"I, when I can't sleep at night, I sew a toy for you, Senior Sister, how about it? It's not bad." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling expectantly.

In fact, she couldn't sleep because she missed Lu Ling... plus she knew some female labor, so she made one in her spare time.

"Hmph...I..." Lu Ling embraced the soft and warm "self" in her arms, wanting to deny it, after all, she had just been "tortured" by Liu Fufeng.

However, he hesitated and couldn't speak.

"What? Senior Sister, don't you like it?" Liu Fufeng lowered his eyes.

Seeing her junior sister's disappointed look, Lu Ling became anxious in an instant.

"No, I...I like it very much." Lu Ling hugged her little self tightly in her arms, her face flushed.

The last time she went down the mountain, she bought some puppet toys, but because she didn't have the playfulness of children, she was not interested... But this one in front of her is different, it is a very delicate doll, and it is a miniature version of herself. The most important thing is that it is Her junior sister made it for her, and she likes it very much.

"Well, Senior Sister, as long as you like it, don't you like to hold things when you sleep, so I made one." After speaking, Liu Fufeng took off his shoes and went to bed, then lifted the quilt, and covered Lu Ling and her together.

The summer night in Luoyan City was very cool, Liu Fufeng hugged Lu Ling tightly in his arms, with the little girl in between.

"Suddenly, suddenly...what are you doing..." Lu Ling's voice was like a mosquito.

"It's time to sleep." Liu Fufeng hugged Lu Ling and twisted his body.

"Senior sister, don't be angry."

"T-I'm not angry."

"Then let's sleep!"


Hugging Liu Fufeng with her backhand, Lu Ling felt very at ease when she smelled the familiar smell.

After agreeing to sleep, no one in the room spoke.

What needs to be said has already been said in the bathroom... Now this quietness is the best gift for the two sisters, both Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng are enjoying this long-lost quietness.

Junior sister... Lu Ling secretly opened her eyes and looked up at Liu Fufeng.

It's like dreaming...

I used to sleep with Senior Sister Qin, but today I'm with Junior Sister. It's been a long time since they slept together.

I like it, I like's really like a dream...

Junior Sister.

Lu Ling closed her eyes, pinched the arm of the delicate doll in her arms, and her breathing gradually became even.

On the side, Liu Fufeng, who had his eyes closed, was in a calm mood. He opened his eyes and glanced at the bright stars outside the window.

Today's mood is different from before, she no longer has to worry about and miss her A Ling, because the latter is by her side.

Close your eyes.

Go to sleep, there are still a bunch of patients waiting for her tomorrow, so don't slack off.


The stars are shining.

Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling fell asleep.

another room.

Lying on the bed, Zhao Yingge looked at Luo Hanyi who was sleeping soundly, and lamented how heartless she was... The night was still long, and she couldn't fall asleep.



Shifting stars.

The next day.

The red sun rises, the clear birdsong wakes up the vitality, and the people in Luoyan City start their day's work.

The sun shines in from the window.

Lu Ling opened her eyes and sat up.

She slept all afternoon yesterday and got up early today.

Her long hair was messy, because she was holding the doll, so she was not wrapped around Liu Fufeng's body.

Looking at the exquisite doll in her arms, Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head stiffly.

Even breathing.

The girl on the side had a sweet smile on her lips and was still sleeping deeply.

Seeing Liu Fufeng's sleeping face, Lu Ling was stunned, trembled, and made a slight sound of doubt, as if she suddenly remembered something.


Feeling a strange sound, Liu Fufeng opened his eyes, looked at the blurry figure in front of him, and said, "Senior Sister, why did you get up so early..."

Not finished yet.


A drop of water hit Liu Fufeng's lips, she tasted it, it was cold, bitter and salty.

This is……

Liu Fufeng woke up instantly and saw the shadow in front of him clearly.

It was Lu Ling, who was sitting by the side, staring blankly at her, with an obvious tear stain on his face, and there was continuous water overflowing.

"Senior sister, why are you crying..." Liu Fufeng was also stunned, and sat up, very puzzled.

The two looked at each other peacefully for a while, and under Liu Fufeng's surprised gaze, Lu Ling threw her down on the bed with all her strength.

"Junior Sister, I miss you so much..."

Seeing Lu Ling pressed against her body, she wiped her eyes with the clothes on her chest.

"I miss you so much..." Lu Ling's crying went from suppressed at the beginning to wailing at the end. The sky collapsed and the earth cracked like a rolling wave. It couldn't be stopped at all, as if she had suffered endless grievances, and she wanted to vent it all at this time.

Lu Ling's longing for Liu Fufeng for a month, as well as her own uneasiness, finally couldn't hide it anymore after sleeping through the night.

Crying was ugly, very ugly, with a lot of snot and tears.

Yesterday's daily routine was simply that her reflex arc was relatively slow... now is the normal way to open it.

"Junior Sister, I'm finally, finally back..." Holding Liu Fufeng's lapel tightly, Lu Ling vented her emotions in her arms.

"En, don't cry." Liu Fufeng calmed down after the initial surprise, and hugged Lu Ling into his arms.

Ah Ling... is becoming more and more like a normal girl.

This was exactly what she wished to see, and her efforts were not in vain.

At the beginning, Lu Ling was like a little adult, who obviously didn't know anything, was very confused and scared, but still insisted on her own principles... as if she knew everything.

In fact, I don't understand anything.

Looking at Lu Ling like that, she felt distressed.

And the girl who threw herself into her arms to vent her anger was Ah Ling who she liked.

With peace of mind, Liu Fufeng patted Lu Ling on the back, and raised the corners of his mouth.

This is the first step...

They still have a long way to go.

(End of this chapter)

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