Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 438 Literary Girl

Chapter 438 Literary Girl
"And then..."

Lu Ling whispered something in Liu Fufeng's ear, the latter blushed because of the girl's breathing.

And Lu Ling was also speaking, secretly looking at Mo Qing from time to time, her little face was also red.

At the same time, the heartbeats of the two sisters accelerated, and Mo Qing who was watching was a little confused. So, out of respect for Liu Fufeng, Mo Qing turned his back to not look at her, and at the same time did not listen to what Lu Ling was saying.

Liu Fufeng turned his back to Mo Qing, but Lu Ling saw this scene, and immediately had a good impression of this man.

She also didn't want her junior sister's shy appearance to be seen by others.



It doesn't seem to be as scary as Senior Sister Qin said?

Lu Ling pinched herself fiercely, and the intense pain made her expel this thought from her brain.

I also healed my scars and forgot about the pain.

Have you forgotten who gave her those humiliating and desperate memories?

Some things are deliberately forgotten and cannot be forgotten. You can only lie to yourself.

"Senior Sister?" Liu Fufeng felt Lu Ling's mood swings, turned his head nervously, and found that Mo Qing turned his back, and looked at Lu Ling puzzled.

"It's okay." Lu Ling shook her head and continued talking about what happened after she met Mo Qing.

However, when she grabbed Liu Fufeng's hand, her knuckles turned white, even she didn't realize this.

Liu Fufeng noticed it, frowned, and didn't say anything.

Ah Ling may have recalled some bad memories, after all, this is Luoyan City.

"He found a sister to take care of me... Then he met a great monk... Later he was rescued by his senior sister, and then he saw you, junior sister, as if in a dream." Lu Ling did not hide Liu Fufeng, Tell her everything that happened after going down the mountain.

There was no personal emotion attached to Mo Qing's description. Although Lu Ling didn't say anything, Liu Fufeng could feel that Mo Qing had no malice towards her.

In Qin Qin's words, except for Qin Qin herself, Lu Ling thinks that everyone is a good person.

If Qin Qin knew that she would definitely be angry, coauthoring the information she instilled in Lu Ling every day would be offset by the word "good person".

Knowing people, knowing face but not knowing heart, Lu Ling's "goodness" is too cheap, Qin Qin dare not say that she is a good person.

She is not, Shen Gui is not, Li Zhuzi is not, and even Liu Fufeng is not necessarily.

But for Lu Ling, those who care about her are good people, and after this is confirmed, there is nothing to say.


After listening to what Lu Ling said, Liu Fufeng nodded and held Lu Ling's hand tightly.

Lu Ling hid behind Liu Fufeng, didn't speak, just looked at Mo Qing with her head.

"Senior, thank you for taking care of my sister." Liu Fufeng took a step forward, bending at ninety degrees.

"I'm bothering you."

"..." Seeing the girl's solemn appearance, Mo Qing was also taken aback for a moment, but quickly helped Liu Fufeng up: "Don't worry, I'm still an elder after all."

"No, I still know how troublesome Senior Sister is." Liu Fufeng said seriously, she didn't call her sister Lu Ling here, which also meant that she bowed to thank her as a sister, not a simple junior sister.

Hearing this, Lu Ling who was behind Liu Fufeng pouted dissatisfiedly, what's wrong with her.

"Is there?" Mo Qing smiled: "I think she is cute."

"En." Liu Fufeng said.

Although she doesn't like men, Liu Fufeng unconsciously raised the corners of her lips when her Ah Ling was praised.

A Ling is her treasure, but the person who praised her was a gentle and elegant senior, Liu Fufeng was very happy.

And Lu Ling was even more comfortable. The junior sister said that she was dissatisfied with the trouble, and the big brother praised her, giving her enough face.

A very gentle person, in every sense of the word.

"Mo Qing, Senior Mo, thank you for taking care of my sister. If you are free, please stay and have lunch together." Liu Fufeng said slowly: "I have no way to thank you..."

Although he is a man, he still needs the necessary thanks. Without him, Lu Ling still doesn't know which lump she is lying in.

"There is no need to thank you, but since you said so, nephew, then I will not be polite." Mo Qing nodded. He originally wanted to contact Lu Ling, but now things are much simpler than he imagined.

The main reason is that I didn't expect Lu Ling to be so important to Liu Fufeng. The girl who was still very wary of him changed her attitude 180 degrees after hearing that he was Lu Ling's "benefactor".

Right in the middle.

But Lu Ling was not so happy, and Bai Yunfan was also unhappy.

This is different from what he thought... Liu Fufeng treated him as a senior, but to Mo Qing... he was a respected senior, not a little bit worse.


But...he didn't care that much. He had observed Lu Ling's talent, and he hadn't started the martial arts training yet, but he hadn't advanced the ability of the literary soul either. It was probably in the mid-to-late stage when he cultivated to the soul-dividing state.

The progress of cultivation is not so fast.

After seeing this clearly, Bai Yunfan didn't go up to brush his face anymore, and now he has some errands when he goes back. As for Mo Qing...Although he wants to take care of it, he can't. He doesn't like Mo Qing, but this is him Senior brother Ye Zunzhe's "rival in love" doesn't even have a headache.

Bai Yunfan sat quietly, Lu Ling panicked when she heard that Liu Fufeng left Mo Qing for dinner.

Good people are good people, but eating together is too intimate... Senior Sister Qin told her repeatedly not to eat with unfamiliar men, it would be very dangerous.

"Junior's not good..." Lu Ling tugged at Liu Fufeng's skirt, and in exchange for the latter's glaring, Lu Ling became honest in an instant.

"Senior sister, be obedient." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling seriously.

"Oh... I see." Lu Ling dared not listen to Liu Fufeng, so she could only nod her head.

Liu Fufeng also had no choice but to let others say that they didn't understand etiquette, even though it was just a meal, it also represented her gratitude.

Mo Qing looked at Lu Ling's awkwardness from the side, with a relaxed expression.

"If it's inconvenient, you don't have to, and there's no rush to thank you for a while. I'll be living in Luoyan City for a short time, and maybe I'll go up the mountain with you at that time." Mo Qing spoke softly, her voice sounded very pleasant. Comfortable.

"Go up the mountain together?" Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling looked at each other, and they both saw the inconceivable in each other's eyes.

"I'm here... to find someone." Mo Qing thought of something, with a weird expression on his face.

Liu Fufeng keenly caught the gentle emotion in his eyes, and was taken aback for a moment.

"Who? Who are you looking for?" Lu Ling was curious.

"A Ling, it's impolite." Liu Fufeng gave Lu Ling a look, and the latter directly covered his mouth, indicating that he was wrong.

"It's okay, you should all know her." Mo Qing slowly said that person's name. During this period, he, who had always been in a peaceful mood, just mentioned that person, and his heartbeat became a little disordered.

And Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling were also startled, they didn't expect to hear Li Zhuzi's name in this population.

"Teacher Li?"


"Sir... sir?" Mo Qing looked at Lu Ling suspiciously.

"It's... Teacher." Lu Ling coughed twice, then looked directly at Mo Qing: "Do you know my husband?"

"Of course." Mo Qing said.

"Are you friends?" Saying this, Lu Ling thought of the gentle man she met in Shushan last time... The husband said they were friends.

"Yes." Mo Qing hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

"That's it... that's good, let's have dinner together." Lu Ling's mood immediately improved. If her husband's friends can't believe it, no one can believe it.

Liu Fufeng's complexion also improved a lot, and she respected Li Zhuzi very much, and she still had a little dependence on him.

She didn't think this man would lie to her, because it was a lie that could easily be exposed. As a senior, he didn't have to do it.

"You guys talk, I won't bother you now." Mo Qing sensed the change in Liu Fufeng's attitude, but she didn't intend to bother her anymore: "By the way, there is an enchantment here, they can't find it here, nephew, do you want to remove it?" The enchantment can be done at any time, but Lu Ling...she has a separate layer of enchantment on her body, because there are too many people here, and it is just a matter of thought to get rid of it."

After finishing speaking, Mo Qing went to Bai Yunfan's side, sat down, and closed her eyes.


"Oops! I forgot that there are still a bunch of patients waiting for me." Liu Fufeng exclaimed as he looked at the group of impatient people waiting in the back room.

The matter involved Lu Ling, and she immediately forgot about those patients.

"Senior Sister, I'm going to get busy first..." Liu Fufeng raised his foot and was about to leave, but he took a step and then backed away.

"Senior sister, what are you... doing downstairs?"

"Ah? By the way, Junior Sister, I want paper and a pen." Only then did Lu Ling remember her purpose.

"Paper and pen..." Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, and then he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Senior sister, I have paper and pen in my room..."

Fearing that Lu Ling would be bored alone in the room, Liu Fufeng prepared a lot of things, including some poems, pens and paper, and stories and novels that children like.

After hearing this, Lu Ling's expression was quite exciting.

"Why, senior sister, didn't you see it? Could it be that you have been sleeping in the room?"

"That... I was in Sister Zhao's room, so I didn't pay attention." Lu Ling stammered.


Sister Zhao?
Now it was Liu Fufeng's turn to be confused.

She took a deep look at Lu Ling.

Isn't Ah Ling very introverted... How did the relationship with Zhao Yingge develop so quickly?
In Liu Fufeng's heart, he originally thought that Lu Ling and Zhao Yingge were completely opposite, and was worried that the two would not get along well... As a result, in just one morning, Lu Ling was the older sister and the younger sister the younger.

A Ling didn't even call her sister smoothly.

Liu Fufeng, who was originally worried that the two of them would not get along well, now felt a little unhappy after hearing the news.

Just not happy.

"Okay, I'm off to work, senior sister, go back quickly." Lowering his eyes, Liu Fufeng took the medicine and went to work, leaving Lu Ling where he was.

"Huh?" Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng's back and tilted her head in doubt.

Why does she feel... Junior Sister doesn't seem very happy?

It's an illusion... maybe.

Lu Ling didn't think there was anything that made Liu Fufeng unhappy. After thinking about it, maybe her junior sister was too busy... After all, there are many, many patients here.

Then I won't be here to cause trouble for my junior sister.

Lu Ling supported the stairs and slowly jumped upstairs.

"Paper and pen..." Lu Ling entered Liu Fufeng's room, opened the cabinet, and found a bunch of books, paper and pen inside.

Liu Fufeng prepared inkstones and some clear water.

"Junior sister really prepared well, hey, there are also candied fruit." Lu Ling moved her nose and found a package in the depths. After opening it, there were various snacks.

Picking up one and throwing it in her mouth, feeling the sugar water bursting in her mouth, Lu Ling narrowed her eyes happily.

Just as I was about to reach out to continue, I saw a note above the cabinet with beautiful handwriting on it.

[Do not eat too much sweets, one piece at a time. 】


After closing the cabinet, Lu Ling pouted.

"I know, I know..."

It's better to go to sister Zhao, Lu Ling picked up the tools and went to Zhao Yingge's room.

A wheelchair... She also needs this thing. Being able to sit and walk is definitely better than using a cane, not to mention that she didn't bring that clear bamboo when she went down the mountain this time, walking purely by jumping.

Excitedly opened the door.

"Sister Zhao, I brought the pen and paper!"

"En." Zhao Yingge nodded lightly, she was sitting in a wheelchair at this moment, looking up and down at Lu Ling.

"Sister Zhao... what are you looking at?" Lu Ling swallowed her saliva, feeling a little terrified by Zhao Yingge's naked eyes.

"It's okay, Ah Ling, go to the table over there, I want to see what you can make." Zhao Yingge looked away: "Do you need my help?"

Lu Ling's attention was immediately diverted.

"No need, it's just an inkstone, I can do it." Said, Lu Ling sat by the table, poured some water into the inkstone, picked up the inkstone, and slowly turned it.

Action is light and pretty standard.

Wearing a red and black long dress, long hair shawl.

When studying in Yanmo, Lu Ling would be extremely serious, and when she was not speaking or showing a weak expression, she was extremely charming.

Just like...

Just like a real big lady.

The mellow ink fragrance flutters in the air, making people unable to stop, wishing to inhale more.

Since ancient times, the aroma of ink has been a very luxurious taste.

The ink sticks here are the best that Liu Fufeng can buy. Although they are not as good as those on Lingshan Mountain, they are still extremely precious.

"En~" Smelling the fragrance of ink, Luo Hanyi slammed his mouth in his sleep, as if he had dreamed of something delicious.

Zhao Yingge glanced at the useless Luo Hanyi, then fixed his gaze on the girl again.

Watching quietly, looking at the girl who has changed since Yanmo.


This is probably the temperament of Lu Ling now, girlish standard, Zhao Yingge couldn't take her eyes away from her gentle movements, she began to feel lucky that Lu Ling didn't ask her to help just now, otherwise it wouldn't be embarrassing enough.

In fact, Zhao Yingge didn't know a few words, and she hadn't seen any high-end inkstones... All along, she was illiterate because she couldn't eat enough.

This small quick ink stone is comparable to her living expenses for several years.

This is a very normal thing, except for fighting and killing, Zhao Yingge doesn't have any "talent", and he doesn't know anything about making money.

I also survived by doing some not-so-good things... Stealing was commonplace when I was a child.


Looking at the quiet and noble Lu Ling, Zhao Yingge showed an expression that she couldn't understand.

This silly-looking girl... who the hell is she?

Is it really an ordinary alien?
There is a problem with this sentence, Yiren, first of all, he is not ordinary.

But Zhao Yingge's intuition told her that it was not that simple, at least Liu Fufeng was not ordinary.

She already has the answer, but she just doesn't want to believe it. The main reason is that although Liu Fufeng is gentle, she is not a fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world, but is just an ordinary girl in her heart.

Neither is Lu Ling. From the first time she saw Lu Ling secretly touching her tear mole at night, she felt that this girl was ridiculously stupid.

Such a fairy gate...

Very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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