Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 440 Shen Canghai's Therapy

Chapter 440 Shen Canghai's Therapy

"Spirit Mountain."

What a distant yet intimate name.

Zhao Yingge fell into memories.

She hasn't heard the word Lingshan for a long, long time...

The most recent one was traced back to many years before her parents were still alive. At that time, she was a girl with long hair, about the same height as Lu Ling now.

At that time, what she liked to hear most was the legend of Lingshan told by her mother and aunt...

This is her favorite story.

The fairies in Lingshan are noble, but they are also close to the people. They are basically the supreme existence in the hearts of these little girls, representing their highest ideals.

Who doesn't want to soar in the sky, travel in the world of mortals, and have the world in mind...

Moreover, in this era of patriarchy, women do not have much rights, they are just appendages of men, and their biggest role is to carry on the family line and support husbands and children.

In this way, the peerless Lingshan is in a sense the spiritual pillar of many people, even if she is just a legend.

"Look, Lingshan is a sacred place for immortals, and women can hold up half the sky."

What those mothers like to tell their children most is the legend of Lingshan... because they themselves yearn for the legendary holy place.

Most girls yearn for it.

They were all young.

Therefore, when Zhao Yingge heard the word Lingshan at first, he was stunned for a long time, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses.

Lingshan is just a figment of my mind when I was ignorant.

After experiencing the baptism of blood, the holy land of the fairy gate is just a useless story to her-a story without any meaning.

Legend has it that the Fairy of Lingshan is flawless and omnipotent, she is a fairy in the sky... A person like her, Zhao Yingge, doesn't need to think about Lingshan, let alone yearn for it.

"Sakura song? Sakura song?" Luo Hanyi looked at Zhao Yingge in a daze, and shook her arm.

"It's okay." Zhao Yingge pulled out her hand.

"Spirit Mountain..."

He looked Luo Hanyi up and down.

"You are the fairy gate under Lingshan? No wonder..."

If this is the case, Liu Fufeng's medical skills can be explained. If it has something to do with Lingshan, no matter how small the means are, she cannot peek at them.

Luo Hanyi is so stupid, and when they met for the first time, she also had miraculous medical skills... If it is under Lingshan's command, she is not unacceptable.

"Under Lingshan? Immortal gate?" Luo Hanyi was a little confused: "Yingge, what are you talking about... What kind of gate under Lingshan? Our Lingshan is not like other places. There are a bunch of small sects gathered below, because we don't need them. What kind of resources do you provide, and you don’t like to protect others.”

As he said that, Luo Hanyi's tone was somewhat disdainful and proud. The disdain was directed at the Great Sad Valley and the Qionghua Holy Land, which had countless immortal sects under their names. The pride was naturally because of Lingshan.

"Elder Sister said, if you can protect yourself well, then think about other people." Luo Hanyi said, secretly brushing her hip-length hair, and a strong feeling of longing flashed in her eyes.

Master sister...

Sister Yu.

Where have you been, Han Yi misses you so much.

If the elder sister is not here, she must be obedient, not to cause trouble to Lingshan, and protect the Lingshan that belongs to them.

"Hey, silly woman." Zhao Yingge looked at Luo Hanyi who was depressed, and spoke softly.

However, she did not hide her doubts.

"You Lingshan? What do you mean?"

"Our Lingshan is our Lingshan..." Luo Hanyi tilted her head, she felt that she had made it very clear.

"Lingshan is my home, Xiao Ling's home, and sister Liu's home... We are all disciples of Lingshan. By the way, I am the peak master of the seventh peak among the nine peaks of Lingshan." Luo Hanyi was showing off.




Zhao Yingge listened to Luo Hanyi's words with a blank expression on her face, but she was tightly gripping the armrest of the wheelchair, indicating that her heart was not at peace.


With too much force, the armrest on the right side of the wheelchair was crushed by Zhao Yingge.

"Oh, are you so surprised? It's a pity that this chair is so damaged that it can't be used." Luo Hanyi squatted on Zhao Yingge's right side, looking at the sawdust in her hand with distress.

"That's not the point, Luo Hanyi." Zhao Yingge's voice suddenly raised a bit: "Are you really from the Holy Land of Immortals, Lingshan?"

"It can be false." Luo Hanyi nodded decisively.


After getting an accurate answer, Zhao Yingge let out a breath of foul air, pressing her hands on her temples and gently rubbing them.

The impact of this news was too great.

The fairy gate is already too much, but it is still a holy place.

The Lingshan Fairy, who only existed in legends, was right in front of her... squatting and holding her hand, with a flattering expression on her face.

Or the seventh peak peak master.


Although Zhao Yingge's three views were deformed, she was still greatly shocked by the news.

Among these girls, even the best Liu Fufeng, Zhao Yingge never thought that she would be a fairy from Lingshan... because the gap is too big.

Liu Fufeng is kind, gentle, and very beautiful, but she has not yet reached the standard of a legendary fairy.

Not to mention Lu Ling and Luo Hanyi.

Now Luo Hanyi told her that they are all from Lingshan...

Ordinary immortal sects can understand it. Is it a bit far-fetched to say that it is Lingshan? Is Lingshan so...humble.

"You don't believe Yingge?" Luo Hanyi looked at Zhao Yingge's fluctuating expression, feeling a little dissatisfied.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yingge stared straight at Luo Hanyi, and opened her mouth slowly when she was almost unable to bear it.

"I believe."

Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling's level is still a little bit lower, but the man in black downstairs just now is definitely not an ordinary person, instantly erasing the memory of a large number of people, such an unimaginable ability can be said to be a holy place without any problem.

Moreover, although this pair of senior sisters and the useless uncle did not look like Lingshan fairies, Zhao Yingge did not forget anyone.

Shen Gui.

Liu Fufeng's senior sister.

That woman who is bloody herself... is very scary. There is such a senior sister in disguise, which shows that she is not an ordinary fairy sect.

Of course, Zhao Yingge's strength was too low. Even if she sat in the sky, she could only speculate based on her own knowledge. Even Luo Hanyi couldn't believe it when she told her.

This is not like Xifeng, the latter was born as a city lord, and his knowledge and experience are several grades higher than Zhao Yingge's.

But Zhao Yingge still believed it, believing in something that was absolutely impossible in the eyes of others.

Liu Fufeng can touch the edge of Lingshan a little bit, Lu Ling is a little bit interesting to be serious, but it is still too far away, and Luo a problem.

Those storytellers will never believe it.

But Zhao Yingge knew that Luo Hanyi would not lie to her.

This is her blind self-confidence.

"Lingshan... I was really surprised." Zhao Yingge closed her eyes.

"Well, there's nothing to say... Lingshan is very ordinary... Just get used to it." Luo Hanyi was afraid that Zhao Yingge would have bad thoughts about Lingshan, so he quickly belittled his family.

"Lingshan is normal, only you, a foolish woman with no brains, can say such things." Zhao Yingge snorted coldly, and looked at Luo Hanyi jokingly.

Although Luo Hanyi is from Lingshan, she is not a fairy that Zhao Yingge knows, and she does not deserve this name. In her eyes, Luo Hanyi is still that stupid woman, and she will not change in any way. Luo Hanyi also discovered this, and smiled very much. happy.

She was also afraid that after her identity was exposed, Zhao Yingge would alienate her.

"Yingge, you are the best, I like you." Luo Hanyi hugged Zhao Yingge's arm tightly.

The little face was full of satisfaction, rubbing against Zhao Yingge's shoulder from time to time, like a coquettish rabbit.

"You...Lingshan...Forget it." Zhao Yingge stared at Luo Hanyi for a while, speechless.

If Lingshan is full of such people, then this lie is really too much.

But it's not entirely a lie, at least these women are really different from other people, even Liu Fufeng who looks the most ordinary, Zhao Yingge can feel the arrogance beneath the ordinary.

Then, Zhao Yingge looked at the long spear inserted into the floor in the distance, showing a clear expression.

"If that's the case, you guys helped me get this weapon back, right?

That night, her long spear shot from the sky, which really surprised her, thinking that her long spear had become a spirit.

From now on, it was clear that after Liu Fufeng rescued her, he took back her weapon as well.

"This favor... I owe a lot, and I will never pay it back in my life."

"En..." Luo Hanyi nodded half understanding.

"Hey, silly woman." Zhao Yingge looked at Lu Ling who was working hard to paint, and suddenly said.

"What's wrong?" Luo Hanyi was very obedient and responded quickly.

"Where are you... in Lingshan? Including that... short-haired woman, will you be divided into different classes?" Zhao Yingge asked a lot of questions in one breath. Anyway, she has already boarded a thief ship, and she will not stop doing one thing. , it is better to ask clearly what you are confused about.

"Status?" Luo Hanyi pondered for a while: "At home, Xiaoling and Sister Liu are both the latest generation of disciples, or children. For Shen Gui, she is the current eldest disciple of Erfeng, and she is the current disciple of Lingshan. , the few people with the highest cultivation..."

Zhao Yingge listened carefully, and nodded when she heard Shen Gui.

This woman is actually so strong, she is still the strongest in the Holy Land... Laughing at herself, she probably didn't even see one percent of Shen Gui's strength.

However, her complexion also looked a little better, because when Luo Hanyi mentioned Lingshan, the word he used was "home", and his eyes were also gentle.

This shows that Lingshan is not as competitive as she thought.

Home, she liked the word.

And Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling's identities as "children" were also expected by her, they turned out to be the youngest disciples, no wonder they didn't feel like they were strong.

Then, Zhao Yingge's expression was a little weird.

Shen Gui is so strong that he is only the eldest disciple of the second peak...Luo Hanyi just said that she is the peak master of the seventh peak...Combined with Shen Gui's appearance as Luo Hanyi's uncle, she can probably understand Luo Hanyi's identity.

"In my case, it's the peak master of Seven Peaks, he's very powerful."


Zhao Yingge looked at the woman rubbing against her arm, and never thought she would be such a powerful person.

"Stupid woman... Are you really that woman's uncle, a high-level executive in Lingshan?" Zhao Yingge asked suspiciously.

In fact she already believed it.

After all, Shen Gui's attitude towards Luo Hanyi is very respectful...and...the fact that Luo Hanyi said that he is over 400 years old is very likely to be true.

"Uncle Master..." Luo Hanyi showed a little embarrassment when she heard this, and she gently tugged at Zhao Yingge's sleeve.

"Well, Yingge, although I am the peak master of the Seven Peaks of Lingshan Mountain, I have no real power...not at all...and, Shen Gui is very scary, don't go against her..." Luo Hanyi said Trembling a bit, muster up courage.

"Of course, she will listen a little bit to what I say, and I can cover you...probably."

Zhao Yingge understood.

Sure enough, Luo Hanyi was just a decoration... But that's right, if such a woman can reach the top of Lingshan, then she feels that Lingshan's image in her heart will almost collapse.


It can be seen from Luo Hanyi's words that she dare not mess with Shen Gui, let alone have any power.

That's right, this is the silly crying woman she knew.

"...You'd better take care of yourself, silly woman." Zhao Yingge snorted coldly: "Okay, that's it. About Lingshan, I'll ask you later tonight."

"It's all up to you." Luo Hanyi also breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, what she said is true, but there are some problems.

She is the peak master of Qifeng, it is impossible to have no power, the peak master order and identity token are all on her, the entire Qifeng is managed by her, and only she can manage it. In the management of Qifeng, even Luanfeng Zhenren and Shen Canghai are not qualified to point fingers.

Luo Hanyi seems to have no power because Luo Xian has done everything she can...

As for Shen Gui, she was really afraid of this, she was afraid from the bottom of her heart, because Shen Gui's master was Shen Canghai, because Shen Gui was the only person other than Li Zhuzi who could command Shen Canghai.

If Shen Canghai knew that she bullied Shen Gui, then she would probably be so frightened that she wouldn't even dare to go back to Lingshan.

Shen Canghai didn't play cards according to the routine at all, everyone was afraid that there would be problems with Luo Hanyi's spirit, and tried every means to prevent her from being stimulated, but that girl was different.

Shen Canghai once used force to snatch her back to Erfeng when she was out of control, and imprisoned her for a long time.

Since then, Shen Canghai has become the person Luo Hanyi fears the most, bar none.

This is simply not human.

Therefore, she did not dare to order Shen Gui at all, and also reminded Zhao Yingge not to provoke Shen Gui, even if there was no Shen Canghai, then Returning Sword would not be a vegetarian.


When everyone has different ideas, the room is very quiet.

time flies.

Zhao Yingge closed her eyes, digesting the horrific news, and recalling the performance of Luo Hanyi and Liu Fufeng in her mind, hoping to discover details that had not been discovered before.

Luo Hanyi hugged Zhao Yingge nervously, for fear of being abandoned.

The only sound left in the room was the faint breathing of the three of them and the rustling of Lu Ling's ink ink.

The sun is westward, approaching noon.

"It's done."

"Hmm~~" the girl said lazily.

After finishing the last stroke, Lu Ling put down the brush and stretched her waist long.

"It's finally finished." After stretching her body, Lu Ling rubbed her shoulders, the corners of her eyes were tired.

She seldom searched her own memory. After this time, she found that the load on her was still a bit heavy... It would be great if she could mobilize the huge spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness. Hard thinking.

Still, it's finally done!

Lu Ling lay on the table, looking at the dozens of parts on the paper with satisfaction. The shape is not that difficult, and even a good carpenter and blacksmith can do it. The pulley has also been specially modified, and the core has become a small iron ball...

And this is an assembled model, without any fine screws.

This was drawn by Lu Ling while studying the design skills of that world and mastering it. It belongs to her exclusive work.

There are six wheels alone, which can adapt to most of the terrain of Lingshan. Lu Ling has already thought about it. As long as it can be assembled, she can walk on snow and ice.

The point is that the things she designed are very handsome. After searching her memory, Lu Ling found out that the mechanical style things are very capable. Sitting on such a chair, she should give people a feeling of ignorance.

That's why it's so complicated.

Moreover, she also prepared a different buckle on the armrest to put the clear bamboo that Li Zhuzi gave her. The formation on the clear bamboo is still very useful.

A peerless expert in a wheelchair has a sense of déjà vu, doesn't he?
Even as a toy is a great choice.

The more Lu Ling watched, the more she liked it. It took a while to realize that there were other people in the room. When she turned her head, she saw Zhao Yingge looking at her.

"Sister Zhao, I have designed it! You will definitely like it." Lu Ling's voice was full of joy.

"Really..." Zhao Yingge was very curious, and was about to let Luo Hanyi push her to watch.

The door was suddenly pushed open.

"Senior Sister, what did you design for Sister Zhao?"

A very gentle voice made Lu Ling's heart tremble.

Looking back, what she saw was her junior sister, who was as beautiful, kind and gentle as before.

If there is no dissatisfaction in her eyes.

If only she wasn't holding a bowl of brown-black liquid.

Thinking of that horrible smell, Lu Ling's pupils shrank to the size of a pinprick.

The moment of design drawing was thrown to the back of my mind.

"do not come!"

(End of this chapter)

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