Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 443 The Snow Maiden and the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods

Chapter 443 The Snow Maiden and the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods
When Liu Fufeng woke up Lu Ling upstairs, there was already a table downstairs.

Luo Hanyi, Zhao Yingge, and Xifeng sat on one side, and Mo Qing sat on the other side, leaving a big gap in between.

A table full of dishes, but no one moved.

The atmosphere was a little frozen, and inexplicable information was passed between the three.

The three women exchanged glances with each other, and their purpose was naturally inseparable from the man opposite.


Didn't you mean two men?Why only one?

This is Bai Yunfan?

He has a good temperament, he is not an ordinary person at first glance, and Zhao Yingge still remembers the memory of him driving away a whole room of people with a wave of his hand.

However... there is also a sense of incongruity.

In Zhao Yingge's view, if it was Shushan, it should have a more intense chivalry, not this kind of elegance that seems friendly but is actually cold and repulsive.

But she didn't speak either. To Zhao Yingge, whether it was Bai Yunfan actually had nothing to do with her. After taking a look, it was enough to satisfy her curiosity.

She is a little hungry now and just wants to eat.

Xifeng is different from her, she is very interested in Mo Qing.

Not Bai Yunfan.

It's a man I haven't seen before, but obviously, he has more temperament than Bai Yunfan... At least she doesn't hate this kind of temperament.

Because of elegance.

At least in Xifeng's opinion, Mo Qing is much more pleasing to the eye than Bai Yunfan, and she even has a feeling that the man in front of her is the same kind of person as her.


I just don't know if this person is from Shushan...

Xifeng didn't hide her curious gaze, she stared straight at Mo Qing, not caring what other people think.

Zhao Yingge expressed disgust at this kind of slutty behavior, but Mo Qing herself didn't feel much.

Although Xifeng is thirty... But in his eyes, there is no difference between Xifeng and Lu Ling, and she still has the imprint of Lingshan on her body, and she is also his descendant.

Even because they mixed with Liu Fufeng, it is very likely that they will also be Li Zhuzi's students.

Therefore, Mo Qing treated Xifeng and Zhao Yingge very well, noticed their gaze, and returned a friendly smile.

"Men are all liars... All men are liars, and none of the immortals are good people..." After thinking about it several times, Xifeng ignored Mo Qing's kindness.

Mo Qing didn't care, she just thought it was a girl losing her temper.

After all, not everyone is willing to have dinner with a person who has just met and has never spoken to. Some girls still care about etiquette and reputation, and they are still traditional girls in the secular world.

Don't say it's just a cold stare, even if he really leaves with his hands, Mo Qing can understand, he won't care, after all he is here for Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng.

To be precise, it was aimed at Li Zhuzi.

At this moment, Mo Qing raised his head suddenly, and this action also attracted others to look over with him.

With the sound of heavy footsteps, a figure appeared at the corner of the second floor.

Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling.

To be precise, it was Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling who was being carried.

Princess hug.

Although they were far away, they could still clearly see Lu Ling's sluggish appearance... I don't know if it was because he didn't wake up or what happened, but after Liu Fufeng shook her a few times and there was no movement, he came out with Lu Ling in his arms. up.

Anyway, she was not afraid of being rude, after all Zhao Yingge was carried by Luo Hanyi, her A Ling looked small, why not.

Bringing Lu Ling down, Liu Fufeng frowned as he saw the strange distribution of positions on the table.

The table is not big, just enough for the six of them to sit down, but now Mo Qing is isolated, with a seat beside him...

Liu Fufeng didn't want to be separated from Lu Ling, and it was still in this situation.

However, Mo Qing's next move made Liu Fufeng look a little better.

"Martial nephew, sit down." After saying a word, Mo Qing moved a seat to the side, leaving two adjacent stools for Liu Fufeng.

This time, Xifeng's expression changed, and Liu Fufeng's approach actually pushed this man to her side... Xifeng could even smell the fragrance of bamboo on this man.

The spirit was shocked.

The smell seemed to have a refreshing effect, and she felt better in an instant, as if she didn't have any ailments.

But even so, Xifeng's complexion is still not good... and her heart is pounding.

She was very nervous when she got too close to a man from the Holy Land of the Immortal Gate.

Even she would be nervous, after all, it would be very troublesome if Mo Qing could read minds and the like.

"Thank you, senior." Liu Fufeng didn't think about it so much, she was very happy to be able to sit with Lu Ling, and said Liu Fufeng put Lu Ling on the side close to Zhao Yingge, leaving a seat close to Mo Qing for herself.

Then, Liu Fufeng went to get a wet towel, and sat down beside Mo Qing.

Of course, her eyes were still focused on Lu Ling. To be precise, everyone at the dinner table focused their eyes on this dazed girl.

Although Lu Ling woke up, she didn't seem to be fully awake, and the corners of her eyes were still glued together.

"Senior Sister, it's time to eat..." As he spoke, Liu Fufeng took a wet towel and gently wiped Lu Ling's face.

Wiping away the sleepiness in the corners of Lu Ling's eyes and the traces of saliva around her mouth, Liu Fufeng stretched out his hand and tapped on Lu Ling's nose.

This kind of intimate action did not avoid the people around at all.

"Ah." The cold face made Lu Ling sneezed directly, but it was at the dinner table... Luckily, Liu Fufeng had quick eyes and quick hands, and when Lu Ling opened his mouth, he hugged her in his arms.

Lu Ling's head bumped into Liu Fufeng's shoulder, and this knock woke her up completely.

Who am I and where am I?

Coming out of Liu Fufeng's arms, Lu Ling looked around in a daze, Zhao Yingge... Luo Hanyi... Xifeng... looked along the way, feeling nothing.

She froze for a moment when she saw Mo Qing.

"Man!?" Lu Ling cried out in surprise, almost jumped up, but was pushed down by Liu Fufeng.

"Senior Sister, calm down... It's time to eat." After Liu Fufeng said something, he looked at the people around him apologetically, and then whispered in Lu Ling's ear: "Senior Sister, everyone is waiting for you."

"Ah? Oh." Lu Ling finally calmed down when she saw Liu Fufeng, and then completely recovered.

time to eat?
Why did you just eat?

Didn't she drink the medicine and wander on the verge of death?Then he was pulled over by Xuechen to play...

Yes, Xuechen took advantage of the time when Lu Ling was most dissatisfied with Liu Fufeng, and pulled her consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness. The two played for a while...then he didn't release Lu Ling until the last second.

She is happy to have her master for two hours a day.

"Well, I'm sorry, let's eat and eat..." Lu Ling looked at the people around in a panic, and was the first to pick up the chopsticks, bowing her head and not speaking.

Eating with a man or something, fortunately, there is a junior sister by my side.

"Senior Sister, wait a minute." Liu Fufeng pressed Lu Ling's chopsticks, and then got up: "Sister Zhao, Sister Xifeng, and Uncle Luo, let me introduce you. This is Senior Mo Qingmo from Dongshenhai. Sister."

Hearing this, several people nodded.

After speaking, Liu Fufeng sat back. She didn't introduce these women to Mo Qing. Although it was a bit impolite, it was really unnecessary.

"That's it, everyone has been waiting for a long time, let's eat."

When Liu Fufeng gave an order, Zhao Yingge moved her chopsticks. She didn't care if Mo Qing was or not, the most important thing was eating.

Eastern Shenhai?
What's that?never heard of that.

In the same way, Xifeng also moved her chopsticks, but there was also a doubt between her brows that she couldn't get rid of.

Eastern Shenhai...

It's not Shushan?She doesn't seem to have any impression of Eastern Shenhai... Could it be just an ordinary fairy gate?

However, the sea...

Those who can carry this word should not be ordinary fairy gates. After all, for the human race, the sea is a taboo, and the place near the sea is deserted within a thousand miles. It is an absolute forbidden zone.

Extending thousands of miles towards the main city of Luoyan City, there is a sea area. Although he knows that there is a lot of wealth there, Xifeng never thought of asking Hei Jia to investigate there.

The monsters are already a disaster. Sea creatures that are more terrifying than the monsters will not approach them if they are not stupid.

Eastern Divine Sea... I don't know what kind of place it is.

Thinking about something in his mind, Xifeng chewed slowly, savoring Liu Fufeng's craftsmanship.

"Senior Sister, why are you in a daze." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling holding the chopsticks in a daze, and put some vegetables in Lu Ling's bowl: "This is made by Xifeng, Senior Sister, try it."

Hearing this, Xifeng froze for a moment, looking at Lu Ling intentionally or unintentionally.

"Ah, um..." Lu Ling gave Mo Qing a strange look, took a mouthful of rice, and said casually.


Hearing Lu Ling's words, Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief. Although Lu Ling's tone was a little perfunctory, to Xifeng, as long as Lu Ling didn't find it unpalatable, she could accept it.

"Then eat."

No food.

Although there is a guest at the table, for girls, if the people at the dinner table are not particularly close people, they don't want anyone to talk too much.

It's time to eat.

It was very quiet at the dinner table.

Occasionally, Liu Fufeng would pick up food for Lu Ling, Luo Hanyi opened his mouth and asked Zhao Yingge to feed it, while Xifeng just silently picked the dishes made by Liu Fufeng...

In Mo Qing's case, it was the first time he was at the same table with so many girls. Although he used to call himself a lover, he would not get too close to the opposite sex.

Although these are juniors, Liu Fufeng's cooking also has a sense of gratitude in it, but for Mo Qing, it is necessary to avoid suspicion.

Because of Liu Fufeng, he also had to eat, but eating with a group of girls... There are many things he needs to pay attention to.

For example, when picking up vegetables, he wrapped the chopsticks with force, brought them to his mouth and then released the force, and only picked up the corners in front of him when picking up vegetables, trying to avoid too close contact with these girls.

And his gentlemanly behavior has also won the favor of the girls in this circle, like Xifeng, although she is 30 years old, but she has never been in close contact with a man... Mo Qing's self-consciousness also makes Xifeng look at him with admiration.

This carefulness is very valuable, and it also reflects his respect for everyone.

Of course, if Mo Qing's behavior fell into the eyes of other monks, it would be a bit violent.

Although they are all little girls, they are all potential stocks... and there is also Luo Hanyi, who is stupid and easy to lie to a stunner with a good figure.

It's a pity that the man with high emotional intelligence in front of him is a piece of wood, and no one except Li Zhuzi wants to look at him.

And Lu Ling secretly went to see Mo Qing from time to time between meals.

Lu Ling's performance was caught by Liu Fufeng. She didn't see shyness from Lu Ling's expression, but she was curious and surprised... So she wasn't very worried, but Liu Fufeng was a little concerned.

Did her senior sister know something, about the Eastern Divine Sea or something...

Lu Ling doesn't hide her thoughts, and Liu Fufeng is best at reading Lu Ling's expression, so she finds it very strange.

To be honest, I don’t have any impression of the Eastern God Hailiu Fufeng. She even saw this holy place in the book of Shuyuan. It is a holy place with powerful spells and the most destructive holy place in the war against the demons. .

Shushan kills, and East Shenhai explodes.

Lingshan is the auxiliary plus supplementary output, but Lingshan's martial soul can ignore the opponent's defense to a certain extent, so it is more useful for certain demons.

Liu Fufeng believed that Lu Ling didn't know about these things at all, let alone the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods, Liu Fufeng even suspected that Lu Ling didn't know about Lingshan's situation at all...

She knows what her senior sister looks like best, so Liu Fufeng is very curious about Lu Ling's performance.

And here, Mo Qing naturally also found Lu Ling who was peeping at him frequently, and felt a little strange, but still returned Lu Ling with a gentle smile.

There was doting in the man's eyes, as if looking at his own daughter.

Seeing this kind of look, Liu Fufeng immediately thought of Li Zhuzi, and his vigilance towards Mo Qing weakened a lot, but he quickly regained his nervousness.

There is already a teacher Li...she doesn't want another one.

Just like what Li Zhuzi thought, Liu Fufeng is more often than not a senior sister, let alone a junior sister, but Lu Ling's mother, a mother who has to worry about all aspects.

"..." After Lu Ling met Mo Qing's eyes, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she took a few mouthfuls of rice to hide her embarrassment.

The culprit who caused Lu Ling's weird situation was Xuechen.

Eastern Shenhai...

Glancing at Mo Qing again, Lu Ling bit her lower lip.

Servant or something, it’s impossible, this man looks very senior, probably at the level of her teacher, Xuechen also said, this man is very powerful...

But... Xuechen would not lie to her, and told her that she had discovered the aura of the Eastern Shenhai when he was upstairs.

That's why Lu Ling was so surprised when Liu Fufeng introduced Mo Qing.

Xuechen didn't tell Lu Ling anything else, but just briefly explained the relationship between Xuenu and Dongshenhai, and she didn't hide her dissatisfaction with Lingshan and her love for Dongshenhai.

She directly told Lu Ling that Lingshan is an "unknown place" because it was once the place where the owner died.

As for the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods, there is the orthodox heritage of Xue Nu, and there are exercises most suitable for Frost's blood... that is the most suitable place for Lu Ling.

Moreover, because of Lu Ling's particularity, after her cultivation base is improved, the halo effect can greatly enhance the combat power of the Eastern Shenhai... It is the core of the core, not just a mascot. If she cultivates properly, it can take up to 20 years Back to the top.

This is also the backhand left by Luo Qianhan back then. All the classics about Xuenv in Dongshenhai have her shadow in it, so this group of people should know that the blood of Han Bing represents not only a inheritance, she represents The most powerful person is the Snow Maiden among the strongest of the human race.

In terms of identity, Lu Ling is the domain master of the Eastern Shenhai, and those disciples are naturally her master's servants, and they are the kind of servants who will absolutely do their best. With a substantial increase in strength, and most importantly, with extreme force, Dong Shenhai's right to speak can be increased many times.

It's a win-win thing.

That's what Xuechen said, but then she was hit by Lu Ling so hard that she burst into tears,

"Lingshan is the best."


Her husband and junior sister are all from Lingshan, and she has never heard of Dongshenhai... Although Xuechen said it so well, it is attractive to Lu Ling, but not that much.

If her junior sister can accompany her, she can think about it...

But that was impossible, so Lu Ling was just imagining, and she didn't fully believe Xuechen's words.

I feel that this kind of statement is too much.

Even though she had no idea, Lu Ling still felt weird when she saw Mo Qing and knew that he was from Eastern Shenhai...

To be honest, she did feel a very kind power in this man.

This is for no reason, just like the first time I saw the demon king of the demon clan, I just hated him for no reason.

Eastern Shenhai...

I don't know what kind of place it is, but if I have time, I hope to visit it.

It must be very comfortable to vacation by the sea with my junior sister.


Although Lu Ling was thinking wildly, the dinner table was still very quiet.

None of them have personalities that can be relaxed with strangers.

So everyone tacitly did not speak.

And at this moment, a person broke the quiet atmosphere.

It's Shen Gui.

She came in, looked at Mo Qing's back, and frowned.


The knife was unsheathed.

 I'm so tired. The coffee is strong and has a smell of Chinese medicine. It's hard to drink, uncomfortable, and it's useless to refresh myself.

(End of this chapter)

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