Chapter 449 Servant
Just when Mo Qing started to sweep the inner city of Luoyan City, Liu Fufeng was sitting in the front yard, and Lu Ling was obediently staying beside Liu Fufeng, lowering her head and not saying a word, but her neck was red. Red.

Both Zhao Yingge and Luo Hanyi were upstairs and did not come down.



After being silent for a long time, Liu Fufeng looked at the old man in front of him, and then at his senior sister, his eyes were all confused.

This old man looks thin and has no hair on his face, so he doesn't look like a good person, but Liu Fufeng can feel the peaceful power of the old man, so he must be a high-spirited monk.

Liu Fufeng has always admired such an expert and compassionate Zen master, so when she saw this old Zen master next to her medical clinic, she invited him in for a drink without hesitation.

Naturally, Zen Master Duwo would not refuse, so he followed in. After hearing Liu Fufeng's voice, Lu Ling came downstairs in a hurry...

To Liu Fufeng's surprise, when her Ah Ling saw the old Zen master, she was as if struck by lightning, she was stunned, and she didn't even notice the earrings hanging on the ground.

What made Liu Fufeng even more clueless was that after half a minute of being stunned, her Ah Ling cried.

Tears fell down like they don't want money, and they couldn't stop.

Then under Liu Fufeng's strong comfort, Lu Ling calmed down, but after crying, she was too shy to see anyone, so she still didn't say a word.

Such was the situation, Lu Ling didn't speak, the old Zen master didn't speak, only Liu Fufeng was left looking around in a daze.

First of all, her Ah Ling definitely knew this old Zen master, but... when?Liu Fufeng looked suspiciously at the old man across from him.

At this time, Zen Master Duwo was also observing Liu Fufeng.



Liu Fufeng is now a piece of fragrant bun. She is just the most ordinary disciple, and she is not qualified to receive so much attention. However, because she is Lu Ling's only guardian, Lu Ling only listens to her, so Liu Fufeng does not care about her. Knowing the situation, it became a fragrant bun, and everyone who wanted to get close to Lu Ling planned to start with Liu Fufeng as the first step.

Not to mention others, both Li Zhuzi and Qin Qin did this.

Luo Hanyi, Zhao Yingge and the others behind are all because of their relationship with Liu Fufeng, so Lu Ling trusts them without reservation, as well as Mo Qing, Bai Yunfan, and Zen Master Duwo who come from different places. We are going to attack from Liu Fufeng's side.

The first two have already succeeded, and Zen Master Towo was originally planning to start from Liu Fufeng. After all, he took her away without Lu Ling's consent before. , the impression of him should not be so good.

But now, Zen Master Du Wo gave up the idea of ​​finding a breakthrough from Liu Fufeng, all because of Lu Ling's tears.

Zen Master Du Wo could sense Lu Ling's strange feelings for him, which he couldn't understand.

But this is also good news, at least it shows that Lu Ling does not reject him.

His gaze was on Lu Ling, and Zen Master Towo's eyes were golden, carefully observing the meridians in Lu Ling's body. He hadn't looked at Lu Ling seriously before because of time constraints.

Soon, he saw Lu Ling clearly.

The two extreme cold conflicts in the body, the meridians are extremely cold resistant, not an ordinary talent, but these Zen masters are not interested, even if Lu Ling is an innate spirit body, it has nothing to do with him, what he needs to know is Lu Ling's potential .

If Lu Ling is only moderately gifted, Zen Master Du Wo will not say anything, but he will still be disappointed. After all, "My Buddha" is to do things that no one has ever done before in the world, and no one dares to do it. There is not enough Strength, how to change the world.

The answer is very satisfactory, very satisfied, even with his eyesight, he can't see where Lu Ling's limit is... He has only seen such a situation from the Human Race Extreme Venerable, so in terms of talent alone, Lu Ling is definitely top-notch.

As for the belief that is necessary for a strong man, he believes that Lu Ling will have it sooner or later, after all, she is destined to be a person of great wisdom.


Focus on the Yin Jue Vein on Lu Ling's left leg... The Jue Vein is criss-crossed and gathered in one place, and there is a surge of spiritual power in it. At most, when it reaches the Void Transformation Realm, Lu Ling's power will break the seal. Depending on the toughness of her meridians, the strength of Yinjue meridian counter-replenishment might make her skip a long paragraph directly.

But in the eyes of Zen Master Du Wo, these are not the key points.

The point is, the rest of Lu Ling's body...

Under the table, Zen Master Du suddenly clenched his thin fists, and the veins on his hands were exposed.Brows stick out, and a cold light flashes in his eyes.

Killing intent.

He originally thought that there was no such thing as murderous intent in him, but after seeing what happened to his Buddha, even he had the urge to kill.

Especially after knowing Lu Ling's weak character, this impulse is infinitely magnified...

The more he valued Lu Ling, the more intense the flame of anger became. Zen Master Towo has faith, but he is not a fool, and he has strong emotions, especially after most of his beliefs have been transferred to Lu Ling.

Feeling the weirdness of Zen Master Du Wo, Liu Fufeng finally couldn't hold it back.

"Zen master...what's the matter with you?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Lu Ling also raised her head and looked at Zen Master Duwo strangely.

"It's okay, I made the benefactor laugh." Zen Master Duwo smiled and let out a foul breath.

The moment he met Shang Luling's gaze, the murderous intent, anger, and even obsession in his heart disappeared in an instant. It seemed that there was only a pair of pure eyes left in the world. This feeling gave me Zen Master I thought of the [True Buddha] I had seen in my dream.

As expected of my Buddha, it was he who accidentally violated the precepts.

"One thought of leaving the truth is all anger and difficulty, but in keeping with the original heart, everything is given up...Thank you for the Buddha's enlightenment."

"My Buddha is merciful." He uttered the Buddha's name, and my Chan Master Du picked up the clear water that Liu Fufeng had prepared for him, and drank it slowly.

Lu Ling has just entered the Xinmen, and ascended to the ancestor's throne. She really has her own reasons. There are some things that others can't see, but in the eyes of Zen Master Duwo, Lu Ling is like a morning star in the endless night, with great wisdom in every word and deed.

It doesn't matter if he over-interprets it, or he can really experience what others can't. Zen Master Du Wo said that Lu Ling is a Buddha, and she is the supreme existence in his eyes.

Zuo Benxin does not seek the law.



Seeing the Zen master's blunt and obscure speeches, Liu Fufeng listened with a dazed expression. She is an ordinary girl, and it is already rare to know that the 72 Buddhist temples under the gate of the Great Compassion Valley are places of great kindness. Of course, most of them are I read it in the Lingshan Bookstore, but the Lingshan Bookstore will only talk about it in general, and will not record Buddhist principles, so Liu Fufeng doesn't understand Buddhism at all. After all, only men are qualified to understand things like Buddhism.

It's not that women are discriminated against, it's just that compared with men, women have three thousand troubles that can't be cut off, and it's as difficult as climbing through the sea of ​​suffering for them.

So Liu Fufeng held Lu Ling's hand and cast a questioning look.

"..." Lu Ling thought for a while, but didn't know how to speak.

Zen master Duwo was beaten half to death in front of her, but when the former was dying, Lu Ling saw the "grandfather" whom she had been seeing all along, but the latter had already died... So Lu Ling begged that nerd The senior sister rescued him... In fact, Lu Ling didn't expect too much. After all, Xuechen said at the time that he was going to die, but she didn't expect that this person would appear in front of her alive and well just a day later.

The reason why I cried was not because I was excited to see this Zen master, but because I thought of what her "grandfather" said before leaving. In his heart, he was his daughter and a close person.

But he starved to death, and kept the food for himself, to experience the cruelest criminal law in the world alone.

And after asking Xuechen, she found that her grandfather would never come back, but after the memory returned to the body and was buried in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, Lu Ling couldn't bear it even more, and the family love she discovered disappeared before it was experienced Yes, under the mixture of several emotions, she couldn't hold back her tears.

But now holding Liu Fufeng's hand and feeling the warmth of her junior sister's palm, Lu Ling didn't feel so sad. Sure enough, as long as she has her junior sister by her side, no matter what happens, she won't be afraid.

"Junior Sister...the thing is like this..." After thinking about the importance of Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling stood up and whispered in Liu Fufeng's ear.

But Liu Fufeng became more and more surprised the more he listened, and finally his eyes gradually softened when he looked at the Zen master in front of him.

Such an identity?Unexpectedly, this person is the old man that A Ling told her to be very good to her... Finally, I met him.

Is there really such a thing in the world?

Moreover, according to Ah Ling, the grandfather she always wanted is no longer there, this is the main body... But even so, Liu Fufeng could still hear the excitement in Lu Ling's tone.

Worthy of thanks.

If it wasn't for him, her Ah Ling might have died long ago, so this seemingly vicious old monk instantly reached a very high level in Liu Fufeng's heart, even higher than Mo Qing.

There is no comparison between the two, after all, this person is also Aling's parent in a sense.

"Thank you Zen Master for saving my senior sister." Liu Fufeng stood up and bowed deeply to Zen Master Du Wo.

Seeing this, Lu Ling blushed blushingly: "Junior Sister, don't be like this, he doesn't remember..."

Although it is the same person, for Lu Ling, what she has been thinking about is not this Zen master, but the old beggar who would call her daughter... Now it is just the emotions in her heart.

"The benefactor is serious." Zen Master Du Wo looked at Liu Fufeng puzzled, but he still returned a Buddhist salute—out of respect for Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng, when Lu Ling was whispering to Liu Fufeng, Du me The Zen master closed his five senses and didn't know the relationship between him and Lu Ling.

However, Zen Master Du Wo, who is well versed in Buddhist principles, can peek into some secrets by combining the secret methods of the three tribes.

In fact, Lu Ling and him have a deep fate, not the relationship between the congregation and the true Buddha, but other things, which also made my Zen master surprised by the mystery of the fate.

"The ancient Buddha said: All dharmas are born by fate..."

The Zen master put his hand on the heart, and in his sight, tens of thousands of silk threads converged from here to Lu Ling's left index finger.

Such a huge causal line shows that he owes Lu Ling something as important as life, and his heart is in the girl's hands, but this is not a problem for Zen Master Duwo, he was going to serve my Buddha.

And for him, all the Buddhas except my Buddha are ancient Buddhas, not comparable to my Buddha.

"What fate is not fate?" Lu Ling summoned up her courage and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about, so just say what you are here for."

After finishing speaking, Lu Ling hid behind Liu Fufeng again. Although the person in front of her was not her relatives, they were related after all.

"Back to me... the benefactor." Zen Master Duwo glanced at Liu Fufeng, and forcibly suppressed the word "Buddha" back. It is better not to let Liu Fufeng know about some things.

"Back to the benefactor, it was the Venerable Zhu who sent the little monk down the mountain, and it was the Venerable Zhu who healed the little monk's wounds. The meaning of the Venerable Bamboo is to let the little monk follow the benefactor and serve him around." It looked like loess, looking at Lu Ling, his eyes were as bright as torches.

"Venerable Bamboo? Who is it?" Lu Ling was puzzled.

Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, it was very unbelievable.

Lu Ling didn't know what a venerable was, but Liu Fufeng knew very well that the master of a peak in Lingshan was just a real person's title... His lord, that already existed beyond her imagination.

And Venerable related to Ah Ling. After listening to Ah Ling, she begged that nerdy senior sister to take the monk to Lingshan for treatment. Then, it would be obvious who this Venerable Bamboo is.

Liu Fufeng felt like he was dreaming... Teacher Li has such a high status, yet he is the lowest teacher on Lingshan?

But Liu Fufeng immediately felt relieved, with Mr. Li's personality, this is really not something to be surprised at.

However, Teacher Li asked this person to serve A Ling?What's happening here?
So Liu Fufeng stared at Zen Master Du Wo.

"Was that Venerable Bamboo saved you? It's amazing, you were going to die at that time...... Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I said something wrong." Lu Ling said, and vomited bright red pussy at Zen Master Du. Tongue.

Seeing this, Zen Master Towo suddenly had an idea.

This girl is so cute.


All dharma appearances are false names, all fire desires are false ideas...

After silently reading a few Buddhist scriptures, Zen Master Duwo suppressed the strange emotion in his heart, and opened his hands to show Lu Ling the imprint on his hands.

In his hand, there is a fresh bamboo leaf floating on it, and the superb healing power flows from the imprint to the soul of the Zen master, repairing his injuries.

This is left by Li Zhuzi, and it is also the best proof of his identity. Everyone in Lingshan can recognize this level of power.

Of course Lu Ling knew it, but it wasn't because of her spiritual cultivation, but because of the shape of the bamboo leaf.

"This leaf... Mister? Did Mister save you?" Lu Ling jumped up all of a sudden. She had seen this bamboo leaf too much on the bamboo carvings in Li Zhuzi's room, so she recognized it at a glance.

"Junior Sister, it's Mister! No wonder you are so powerful, I knew Mister is omnipotent." Lu Ling hugged Liu Fufeng excitedly, sharing her emotions.

"En, I know." Liu Fufeng was not surprised, it really was Li Zhuzi.

Then Liu Fufeng looked at Zen Master Duwo and frowned, his identity was proved, but what he just said...

"You said, Teacher Li asked you to follow the senior sister?"

"Exactly." Zen Master Duwo lowered his eyebrows, he didn't lie, Li Zhuzi really meant that, although he himself thought so.

"Wait, wait." Lu Ling finally realized that what she said was related to her, pointing to Zen Master Duwo: "My husband, let you follow me???"

"Yes." Zen Master Du Wo replied respectfully.

"..." Lu Ling panicked, and grabbed Liu Fufeng's sleeve: "Junior Sister, what should I do...I don't want to be surrounded by other people..."

Zen master Du Wo is not her "grandpa" after all, and she looks so vicious, if she is with her every day, she will go crazy.

Because of Li Zhuzi's relationship, Liu Fufeng couldn't make the decision to drive this person away, so he could only give Lu Ling a reassuring look first, and then said: "Zen Master, my senior sister and I are girls after all... you are on the sidelines." Isn't it inconvenient..."

"That's right." Zen Master Duwo nodded, "Then, the little monk is nearby to realize Zen. If there is something that needs the little monk to do, please don't be polite."

"No problem, no problem. If there is a chance, I will trouble Zen Master."

Hearing this, Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief, although he didn't know what Teacher Li arranged for such a person, but it would be best if he didn't go into their sister's life.

"Opportunity? There is a chance now." Zen Master Towo took a deep look at Liu Fufeng, narrowed his eyes, pointed to Lu Ling and said to Liu Fufeng: "The little benefactor has encountered some problems in his cultivation. The little monk believes that this is also Venerable Zhu. The reason for sending the little monk down urgently."

"Problem? Aya? What's the problem, is it serious?"

One word from Zen Master Du Wo made Liu Fufeng extremely nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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