Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 455 Identity Exposed

Chapter 455 Identity Exposed
A month ago, Xifeng used his true colors when approaching Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling, and he was not afraid of being discovered.

As the god of Luoyan City, his status is too noble. In fact, many people don't know what he looks like when he was Xifeng. Only those patriarchs dare to face the city lord occasionally, but even they dare not stare at Xifeng all the time.

Including his portrait is also prohibited in Luoyan City.

That's why he can use this appearance to approach Liu Fufeng swaggeringly. As long as he puts away his sharp temperament and changes his feeling, even the patriarchs will not be able to recognize him.

But for Liu Fufeng, even though Xifeng's appearance is a little different from that time, it is not difficult to recognize him. After all, this is the first man who approached her after she entered the fairy gate. Ling was right in front of her, and thinking about it now, she was still a little ashamed, so even though Xi Feng's temperament had changed, she still couldn't hide it from Liu Fufeng's eyes.

But... A trace of doubt flashed across Liu Fufeng's brows.

There was something familiar about this man... But because he was a man, Liu Fufeng didn't intend to get close to him, and even his gaze only stayed on him for a moment before turning away.

"Miss Liu, wait a moment." Xi Feng chased after her with a smile.

There was a saying not to hit the smiling man, but Liu Fufeng was still unhappy, she didn't have a good impression of this man who once tried to strike up a conversation with their sisters, so she paused, turned around, and said a word coldly.



One word out of the mouth, the world is silent.

The people on both sides suspected that there was something wrong with their ears. Beads of sweat dripped from their foreheads. They spoke disrespectfully to the owner of Luoyan City. Maybe even living was a crime.

Mr. Zhao was also sweating for Liu Fufeng, if he was the wife and concubine of the city lord, how could he be like this.

But what makes these people even more strange is that the city lord was humiliated, but Hei Jia didn't do anything, as if he didn't hear anything. This is the city lord's personal soldier, and the lord humiliated his ministers to death. They shouldn't be so calm.

In an instant, these mature people thought about many things, such as...the relationship between Liu Fufeng and Xifeng...

I'm afraid it's not that they don't know each other, but they are quite close, so close that their status is similar, and they are even a family. In this case, it is understandable for Hei Jia not to intervene.

As for the concubine's room, she is absolutely not qualified to be favored by Hei Jia. Even if a concubine is favored by the city lord, it is impossible for a concubine to die like this.


Definitely the wife!It's still the kind of wife who is only loved by others. You must know that Xifeng's impression in Luoyan City has always been a little scary. Although he looks lazy most of the time, he still makes people dare not look directly at him, let alone smile. So far, no one has seen a little bit of peaceful temperament in Xifeng.

Xifeng has always regarded them as ants, and these old things know it well.

But now?Gathering up the courage to look up, she saw a man with a flattering tone, while Liu Qianjin was still "pissed off".

The three views are shattered.

They are blind.

Looking at each other, these people repositioned Liu Fufeng's position.

On the same line as the city lord Xifeng, higher than the leader of the black armor guard...

is their mistress.

After thinking about this point clearly, everyone had different feelings, most of them were glad that although they looked down on Liu Fufeng before, they didn't offend them, while the head of the Zhao family was already crazy with joy, his wrinkled face was trembling slightly.

To be able to speak disrespectfully to Mr. Xifeng without being scolded, this is no ordinary favor, it must be quite affectionate... But judging from Liu Qianjin's tone, it should be that the young couple had a conflict.

In an instant, everyone understood Xifeng's actions this time, probably because the young couple quarreled and then separated...

In this case, Mr. Xifeng's big move today is not to announce something big, but to use this luxurious frame to take his lover back, and by the way, announce Liu Qianjin's identity to please her.

The previous free clinic was actually to create momentum, even today it is to create momentum, but Master Xifeng just took the opportunity to do it, the most important thing is Liu Qianjin.

In other words, these old things came here today with their families to see the city lord showing his affection.

However, the show is good.

Whether it was the Zhao family who had already hugged Liu Fufeng's thigh, or the other families who were worried that they might offend Liu Fufeng, a big stone fell from their hearts.

All the people present are relieved. With the appearance of the mistress, they don't have to worry about the bloodline of Luoyan City...

This is a top priority. The reason why Luoyan City can be protected from the invasion of the demon species is because of the blood of the city lord, and the black armored guards only obey the orders of the city lord. The black armor is the patron saint of Luoyan City... Without heirs, the bloodline cannot be passed on, and their hearts will always hang there, especially the city lord is already thirty and has no wife...

Now finally don't worry.

After unloading the burden, everyone pricked up their ears and focused on the man and woman in front of them...

My lord, get rid of Liu Qianjin as soon as possible, it won't work if it's always like this.

A group of old men cheered for Xifeng in their hearts.

The Meiji surrounded by her all lowered their heads, and they were too busy to look at Xifeng. As Xifeng's personal maid, it would be a lie to say that she didn't have the idea of ​​flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix, but Xifeng's identity is on there, they He didn't even dare to feel jealous of Liu Fufeng.

On the contrary, many black armored guards watched with interest, wondering when their lord and Liu Qianjin had sex.

Among the [-] black armors, some veterans have strange faces under their armors. As the team left by the previous city lord, they are very clear about Xifeng's true identity.

The thought of two women, even though they have been on the battlefield for a long time, still feels weird in my heart.

Several top-ranked Heijia glanced at each other, and they all saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

No matter what the young lady wants to do, they will unconditionally support it.



Thousands of people focused their eyes on her, but Xifeng didn't seem to notice anything, and walked in front of her with Liu Fufeng's disgusted expression.

This is an act of death.

After Liu Fufeng uttered a word, it meant that she had murderous intentions. It would undoubtedly be a very dangerous act to provoke her rashly when she had just awakened her strength and her mood was unstable, but she had no strength to resist.

Xi Feng naturally felt it too. When he was within ten steps of Liu Fufeng's body, he saw a different Liu Fufeng, a girl completely different from the gentle girl he had known this month.

No, the word girl is somewhat inaccurate, maybe it should be a fairy.

At this time, Xifeng finally saw something in Liu Fufeng that he thought didn't exist at first... arrogance and contempt.

This is the emotion in his heart that those masters in Lingshan should have, not blindly gentle, but Xifeng immediately reacted, he can't reposition Liu Fufeng because of the emotion at this time, because the emotion Liu Fufeng showed before It is obviously true, the reason why he is so indifferent now is because of his status as a man, let alone others, Xifeng asked himself, if a man approached him rashly, he would probably do more than Liu Fufeng.


"..." Liu Fufeng found that this man just froze for a moment after facing her indifference, and then restored his smile, which was unexpected to her.

Courageous, but still disgusted, he turned and prepared to leave.

"Miss Liu..." Xifeng made a reckless move at this time, he took a step forward, and directly grabbed Liu Fufeng's hand from behind.

"..." Time seemed to have stopped.

Hei Jia in the audience was dumbfounded, including some spectators. They seemed to have reacquainted with their city lord... All eyes were wandering, but at this time, the image of the husband and wife having a conflict had already penetrated into the hearts of the people.

But Xifeng didn't feel so good at this time, the moment he held Liu Fufeng's soft little hand, his smug smile froze on his face, but because his back was facing these people, they didn't notice it.

The blood stopped, and the heart also stopped beating, as if the girl in front of her was not Liu Fufeng, but a dark and profound carrier, ready to swallow him at any time.

As Liu Fufeng turned his head slowly, the shackles on Xifeng's body were gradually released.


Liu Fufeng turned his head, looked at Xifeng strangely, and didn't break free from his hand.

After discovering that she was accidentally touched by someone at the beginning, she did have the intention to kill, but it was also because of the encounter between the two that Liu Fufeng's space talent automatically glanced at Xifeng, and then froze. up.

The killing intent receded like a tide, and now Liu Fufeng seemed to have lost his vigilance all at once, and turned back to the soft girl Xifeng knew before, and let the man in front of him hold his hand.

Liu Fufeng looked at the overly handsome man in front of him, twitched the corners of his mouth, and whispered three words.

"Miss Xifeng..."

"Hey hey, it's me." Xi Feng leaned forward, his whole body was almost stuck to Liu Fufeng, and the two whispered in an extremely intimate posture.

"Sister Xifeng, why are you like this? It's very dangerous!" Liu Fufeng said helplessly, thinking that she almost killed Xifeng before, she felt a little scared.

"Are you scared? But I didn't expect you, sister Liu, to recognize me so quickly. I thought I could fool you for a while." With his back to the crowd, Xifeng resumed his female voice, stuck out his tongue, and was slightly proud.

It's just a man's appearance to make these movements, no matter how you look at it, it's awkward.

Of course, the most awkward thing is Liu Fufeng, she never thought of Xifeng and the city lord Xifeng together... This kind of thing would scare anyone.

"Umm... I didn't expect you, Xifeng, to be the owner of a metropolis. However, can you stop talking to me with this face? I... can't accept it." Seeing Xifeng's face getting closer and closer, Liu Fufeng turned his head away, his face was glowing.

"No, my identity cannot be revealed, everyone is a woman, sister, you should be able to understand my difficulties." Hearing Liu Fufeng's words, Xifeng not only did not let go, but instead bullied him, intending to persuade Liu Fufeng with words.

And Liu Fufeng... was easily persuaded, she understands women's difficulty, after a little thought, she understood the pressure on Xifeng, Xifeng is also her friend, and she is kind-hearted, she will never let Playing a phoenix is ​​hard, but...

Their current posture is really a bit shameful, after all, what other people see is not a female drama, but the city lord Xifeng.

And the other people that Liu Fufeng said were almost dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that Xifeng, the city lord with outstanding resourcefulness and amazing force, was so good at dealing with men and women. You must know that Liu Fufeng just now looked like a stranger, but after being held by the city lord, he suddenly It became a soft girl.

Sure enough, men should still be stronger.

In the face of the common identity of a man, they felt that the distance between themselves and the city lord was getting closer, and they showed tacit expressions.

Mr. Zhao quietly hid in the crowd.

Liu Fufeng's smile of refusal and welcome completely crushed his last hope... This is definitely not a forced expression, it is obviously consensual, and in the future, this girl will only exist in the bottom of my heart as a memory.

"Sister Xifeng, you can almost...let me go." Realizing that she seemed to be coerced, Liu Fufeng was annoyed. This woman is getting more and more insatiable. If it wasn't for the fear that her identity as the city lord would be exposed, Liu Fufeng would be troublesome now. Already starting to struggle.

"I don't." Xifeng raised his eyebrows, and Xifeng's smile could be seen on his handsome face: "If you don't show off your affection with sister Liu, it will be difficult for me in the future, so you can act with me. "

"Acting? What kind of play?" Liu Fufeng froze for a moment.

And Xifeng took advantage of this dazed effort to hug Liu Fufeng into his arms.

"..." Liu Fufeng's smile froze on his face, and he raised his eyebrows.

"Sister Xifeng, I'm going to be angry."

"Okay, okay, wait a little longer, I will explain to you." Xifeng gave Liu Fufeng a pleading look, then turned around with his arms around her.

After turning around, the girl's tender eyes all disappeared, replaced by a condescending arrogance.

Xifeng glanced at the people below indifferently, as if he was not looking at people but insects.

"Have you seen enough?"

"Frightened." Seeing that noble man come back, everyone knelt down, trembling.

Sure enough, the city lord's family affairs are not so good, let alone he has lost face in front of his wife.

Looking at each other, several patriarchs prostrated themselves on the ground and said at the same time: "Please rest assured, my lord, today's matter will never be rumored..."

Who knows, Xifeng snorted coldly: "Why can't it be spread out? Is Miss Liu very shameful?"

Frightened by Xifeng's words, these people paled and frantically explained: "No, no, I didn't mean that. Liu Qianjin's identity is naturally extremely noble, but...just..."

After talking for a long time, they still can't explain why, after all, they don't know where they are wrong, and the city lord's thoughts are really hard to figure out... A woman's heart is like a needle, and the city lord's heart is twice as deep as that woman's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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