Chapter 458

The woman closed the window and smiled. She didn't look so beautiful, this appearance was just like her body, an ordinary long sword, an ordinary woman.

However, what appeared on such a face was a very charming expression, completely different from the indifferent woman before.

Now that he has decided to cling to Lu Ling, it is natural to try to find some things he left behind.

The woman smiled unnaturally, then her eyes narrowed slightly as if she remembered something funny.

"Using her words, is an existence like mine called a [cheat]? If so, it seems that this is not the first time she has done a cheat... I don't know which world she has experienced. It is quite interesting. I will have a chance in the future. Go take a look."

Hong Ling is very strong, very strong, unimaginably strong.

She was not born just for destruction. As the darling of the will of the world, she has mastered too many abilities that are inconceivable to the creatures of today...Because she is strong enough, she cares very little.

Sister, and the people who left a crease in her life, other than that, everyone else is just a dispensable existence.

Therefore, after the fall of the master, Hong Ling gradually lost the few emotions she had in the first place, and what she did for thousands of years was only because of the master's order—to keep enough incense for the human race.

The fairy master lost his life and had to protect this weak race. She never understood what that person was thinking.

But in this life, this girl is completely different from the previous one, neither Snow Girl nor she has any similarities at all.

Probably because of too much polishing and mixing in the wheel of heaven and earth, he has become a brand new person.

Just as Xiaoxue thought, Lu Ling was no longer her master long ago. Lu Ling, who had almost all the spirit of Xue Nu, couldn't see any similarities with her previous life, let alone the possible remnant soul of the fairy master. Even if she existed, she was not that person long ago, not to mention, she was not sure about Lu Ling's identity at all, and now it was more speculation.

But what does it matter?Hong Ling didn't think so much.

Even if it's just that person's remnant soul, even if she doesn't remember her, even if she will never come back... That doesn't matter, all she wants is that she is still alive, this is the answer.

Curious by the way.

To what stage will Lu Ling in this life eventually grow, and what will she look like?With the influence of Liu Fufeng and others, Lu Ling's future is blurred, but that's what makes it interesting.

Now she also wants to play a role, and among other things, there are as many magical treasures and elixir cheats as you want.

The woman grabbed it casually in the space, and the fiery red sword light flashed, and there were many spiritual fruits and medicines that were as bright as gems in the air. Among them, the lowest grade and the largest number were white fruits that looked like peanuts. .

Here are a lot of things that Lu Ling dreamed of and wanted.

As long as Hong Ling is willing, she can let Lu Ling eat these things as snacks... But she will not do this, even the fairy master back then relied on her own efforts step by step to get to that step, away from Huo Hong Ling's prestige The reason why it has been passed down to this day is that the fairy master made the fairy sword, not the fairy sword made the fairy master, this is very important.

Just like Luo Qianhan, it was Xue Nu who made Xueluo Qianhan, not Xueluo Qianhan who made Xue Nu. Even without Luo Qianhan back then, Xue Nu was still the peerless powerhouse who terrified the demons.

Waving to put away the precious treasure, Hong Ling pursed her lips.

After all, Lu Ling is not the master, but even for the sake of her sister, she will still provide Lu Ling with some help. After all, is a system that cannot speed up the master's cultivation still called a system?If she replaces Lu Ling's waste system, she will naturally give appropriate rewards when Lu Ling satisfies her. Of course, the bottom line is that she will not let Lu Ling get something for nothing, and will only provide appropriate acceleration, just like Li Zhuzi asked to cross me It's like Zen master speeding up Lu Ling's cultivation.

Some innocuous improvements.

After probably going through the process in her mind, Hong Ling sat on the bed with her hair tilted in a daze.

There is a different brilliance in the beautiful eyes.

If she was a dead person before, then Hongya, who has found the meaning of life again, is alive again.

"What should be the first mission? Cultivation? Challenge the strong? Or break through the demons? Hmm...that's a question."



The sun was setting, and it was getting late.

In the deepest part of Luoyan City's office, the two sisters were sitting in the middle of the hall.

"Ah!" Lu Ling suddenly sneezed, and the corners of her eyes became moist.

"Senior Sister, are you still so uncomfortable?" Liu Fufeng asked worriedly, she didn't know when Ah Ling's cold would recover, but with the help of Senior Mo and Zen Master, it should be soon.

"It's okay." Lu Ling rubbed her nose: "I'm not uncomfortable, it's just... a little unconsciously, maybe someone is talking about me..."

"Is there someone? Senior Sister Qin or Teacher Li." Liu Fufeng said.

"..." Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, then turned her head and took a peek at Liu Fufeng, the junior sister has been a little scary lately, she has become a frightened bird.

"Okay, just kidding." Liu Fufeng touched Lu Ling's head, then looked into the room and spoke.

"Senior sister, you are really amazing, I can't even understand that design."

Lu Ling was a little embarrassed when she heard the words: "No, it's just a sudden thought."

Then, Lu Ling's big eyes were full of anticipation, and she looked into the room.

Xifeng is inside.

In the afternoon, the three of them basically visited one-third of the inner city. Xifeng took Liu Fufeng to make familiar faces with some caring people. Although Liu Fufeng was aware of this, she didn't ask, she Waiting for Xifeng's explanation, but later Lu Ling really couldn't stand the feeling of being surrounded by people, so she came here to rest.

During the break, Liu Fufeng thought of the blueprint drawn by Lu Ling, and showed it to Xifeng by the way.

After being surprised, Xifeng said excitedly that with such an exquisite design, she would find the best craftsman in the whole city to ensure that Lu Ling would be satisfied, and then went in for a meeting with the picture, as if she had something to order Hei Jia, probably It's some aftermath of today's events.

The two waited for a while.

Finally the door opened, and Stream Wind came out from inside.

"Okay, we're done, let's go take a rest, we're exhausted..." Xi Feng said, suddenly saw Lu Ling's hopeful eyes, and said with a smile: "A Ling, your design drawings have also been sent over, at most It can be made in ten days, I really don’t know why you have so many crazy ideas with such a small mind.”

"Hey..." Lu Ling felt relieved after hearing this, and then stopped talking, and it was time for Liu Fufeng.

"Sister Xifeng, who is it now? If there's nothing else to do, I'll take Ah Ling back first, and I've already eaten dinner anyway."

"Don't." In the office, Xifeng did not hide the female voice, and stretched lazily: "Sister Liu, you finally rested, it's a pity not to use your time at night."

"Miss Xifeng, do you have arrangements?"

"No, I can make some arrangements. I won't go shopping at night. I guess A Ling is already tired. Let's find a place to watch the excitement. By the way, I will explain to Sister Liu what I am doing." Xifeng slapped Yawning, the beauties in men's clothing showed obvious obsequiousness: "Of course, I'll change clothes first..."

"Okay." Liu Fufeng said that there is nothing to do when he goes back, so he continued to stroll around. As for Lu Ling, she only needs to have something delicious.


After a long time, three figures suddenly appeared in the alley connected by the secret road of the case mansion.

Xifeng finally regained her women's clothing, with no restraints on her body, and her whole body became very energetic.

"Oh, it's still comfortable like this." Xifeng said with a smile.

"Sister Xifeng, what spell did you use before? How did you hide the strangeness on your body?" Liu Fufeng asked.

Hearing this, Xifeng shook the black ring in her hand proudly: "This, my father left it, but unfortunately it's not very useful, it's just to hide my figure...It can't stop you, sister Liu, at all."

"It's already very powerful." Liu Fufeng nodded. She didn't rely on her own strength to defeat Xifeng's spell before, but the pile of talisman papers on her body. But Xifeng has this kind of treasure in her body, so she can understand Why is it possible to perfectly disguise without being exposed.

"Then, where are we going?" Liu Fufeng looked down at Lu Ling who was yawning, and said, "A Ling definitely doesn't want to go shopping anymore."

"I think so, and I don't want to be squeezed in that crowd." Xi Feng looked at the endless crowd outside, nodded, and continued: "I have a good place."




After a few minutes.


In the corner, a woman and two girls were sitting there.

Lu Ling held the sweet tea and sipped it.

"This is a good place to go." Liu Fufeng took a sip of bitter tea, looked at the familiar storyteller on the stage, and nodded.

"That's right, after all, we met here for the first time, right? With this face." Xifeng looked at the middle-aged storyteller above, narrowing her eyes slightly: "I still remember what he said. The door should have a heart of respect, only with them can we have the comfortable life we ​​have today."

"Thinking about it now, it still makes sense." Xifeng looked straight at Liu Fufeng.

"Really." Liu Fufeng was noncommittal, she now understood why this woman smelled like gunpowder when they met for the first time. It turned out that she was the owner of Luoyan City, and Lingshan was like a handle hanging over her head. Sharp sword, it's strange to like it.

But Liu Fufeng didn't want to pay attention to these things, she put down her teacup, and listened to the storyteller's chatter above: "It's still the last story, Dongshenhai, Chasing the Wind..."

It's ridiculous that Liu Fufeng first learned about Dong Shenhai from this uncle. Of course, after she went back, she read some books she brought down from the mountain, and then made up for the distribution of power in the world of cultivating immortals. Now she It is also possible to distinguish which of the storyteller's words are true and which are just legends.

Xifeng was taken aback.

"East Divine Sea?"

I finally realized where the familiarity came from when I heard Mo Qing was from. It turned out that she already knew the name... But obviously, the Dongshenhai in this storyteller's mouth only had one name, and the introduction was just a passing one. She just didn't notice.

"It seems that my awe is not enough... I can't even remember my name." Xifeng laughed at herself.



Here, the two women were talking one by one, Lu Ling held the teacup, glanced at Liu Fufeng, then at Xifeng, and a big question mark appeared on her head.

What are they talking about?Why can't I understand?
She knew every word, but she couldn't understand it together, as if she was playing a charade...

Forget it, forget it.

Lu Ling looked up at the storyteller above, her beauty mark rose.

She couldn't understand it last time, so she was bored, but this time she finally understood it, and Lu Ling thought these legends were very interesting, and she listened with gusto, so she ignored Liu Fufeng and Xifeng, what they liked to talk about.

In the words of junior sister, adults have adult affairs, she doesn't need to get involved, and of course Lu Ling doesn't want to get involved either, after a day of shopping today, she's almost exhausted.

"Speaking of the Shushan Sword School, I don't need to say more, Yujian Feixian, chivalrous and righteous..." On the stage, the storyteller excitedly said something that had been said thousands of times.

Lu Ling listened carefully.

Shushan?It turns out that the Shushan Mountain in this world is similar to the Shushan Mountain she knows... Exorcising demons and defending Taoism?Seeing that Venerable Ye is also very decent...but...Hong Ling...

Sure enough, the world is still very dark if you know people and face but don't know your heart.

Lu Ling thought.



Here, Xifeng probably told Liu Fufeng her purpose.

"You said, you want to marry me?" Liu Fufeng looked at the woman in front of him who was somewhat prettier than her, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

"Yeah, but it's just a formality." Xifeng stared at Liu Fufeng's eyes, her face was full of seriousness.

In fact, she originally planned to plot against Liu Fufeng. In that case, the result would definitely be better than now, but she finally gave up. She felt that she and Liu Fufeng got along very well, so she directly planned to ask her to help.

For example, today, Liu Fufeng is very cooperative with her, isn't he? As for Liu Fufeng not being willing...well, he is not, anyway, this idea just popped up after meeting Liu Fufeng, and it is full of loopholes.

But Xifeng likes it, she thinks that she likes Liu Fufeng very much, so she can try her best once.

"Well, I'm a woman, but Luoyan City must have its own offspring. I'm not too young. If I don't marry a wife, it will be terrible if it causes turmoil. But I can't just find a woman. After all, I am the owner of the city. , A woman who is too stupid will make people worry about the problem of future generations. But if it is a lady... In that case, I will not be able to restore my daughter's body at home in the future, so I might as well die." Xifeng said lightly, as if Talk about other people's difficulties.

She is also very strange. She longs for death but does not want to die. The key is that she is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of always pretending to be a man...

Liu Fufeng looked at Xifeng strangely, and said after a while.

"So you thought of me?"

What kind of logic is this...

(End of this chapter)

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