Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 461 Preparation

Chapter 461 Preparation
As the sun rose, the courtyard was gradually covered with a golden glow.

Mo Qing opened his eyes, he was still in the yard.

Didn't sleep all night.

Can't sleep.

Glancing in the direction of the hospital, Mo Qing got up.

That hardworking little girl should be getting ready to get up.

Then Mo Qing frowned, the old monk Duwo Zen Master was still sitting under the tree, maintaining a state of concentration, Mo Qing could feel his strength recovering constantly, although the recovery was very slow, but if it continued like this, it would take up to ten years Then he can restore the strength of the heyday, after all, his foundation is still there.

What makes Mo Qing very upset is that at this moment, Zen Master Du Wo has a bamboo leaf imprint shining brightly, and at the same time, there is a gentle force mixed with a ray of sunlight from the sky to nourish his soul.

I can't say it's's just a little uncomfortable.

Well, I'm still jealous, although I know it's just Li Zhuzi's venerable mark and it doesn't mean anything, but seeing it hanging on an old monk's body makes me feel like a ghost if I feel comfortable.

Those who are more timid like them don't have a big emotional heart, including Venerable Ye.

So the more Mo Qing looked at Zen Master Duwo, the angrier he felt, the good mood of the day was almost ruined, but he had to admit that the exercises in the Great Sad Valley are still good for appearance, this monk sits under the tree with a face like gold paper , the golden power flowing all over the body, generous and peaceful, it does seem to be a bit of a Taoist monk.

Unfortunately, it's just a look.

The overall strength of the monks in the Great Sadness Valley is among the best in the Holy Land, but to be honest, they are far behind Shushan in some respects. Although the latter is poor, Mo Qing believes that the fools in Shushan are better than the monks in the Great Sadness Valley many.

The Great Sorrow Valley is one of the few holy places that has its own temples in the secular world, but they are special, and their practice does not take too much resources from the world of cultivating immortals, so no one is serious with them. was destroyed.

Although the current world is no longer the system of cultivation—ascension—as it used to be. After being surrounded by foreign enemies, the human race was forced to unite. These years seem to be peaceful, but in fact, the world of cultivating immortals still has a big fist in the end. The final say.

The same goes for resources, which can only be taken away when you win. Even Lingshan must abide by this point.

It is because of this that Mo Qing is very worried when he thinks of Lu Ling's character. It seems that the girl is overprotected by bamboo... Let alone the front line, it is estimated that the first few floors of Tianguangxu will eat a lot. Unfortunately, the possibility of being cheated out of your wealth by people of the same race is extremely high...

Lu Ling seems to be very wary of everyone, but in fact, she is not simple enough, Mo Qing is very worried... So in order for Lu Ling not to be deceived by others, he has a headache, how to educate Lu Ling.

But immediately, Mo Qing was laughed at by herself.

Zhuzi must have arranged for such a large-scale matter, so he doesn't need to meddle in his own business... He just needs to keep an eye on what is in front of him, and let Lu Ling be more careful about Du my Zen master.

and many more.

Could this monk be sent by Zhuzi to train Lu Ling?

It's not impossible.

But even so, he still had to say what he should have said to Lu Ling.

Thinking of this, Mo Qing got up and went back to the house, quietly waiting for Lu Ling's arrival.


Let's talk about the hospital.

It's been a mess since morning.

"Silly girl, you're up and still asleep!" Zhao Yingge shook Luo Hanyi.

Luo Hanyi had no intention of getting up at all, turned around and put his arms around Zhao Yingge's waist, and murmured: "Let me... just squint for a while..."


What greeted her was Zhao Yingge's merciless slap.

"..." Covering his face, Luo Hanyi looked a little silly.

"woke up?"


"Don't pretend to be stupid when you wake up, get ready to wash up, and today I have to accompany Ah Ling to the school next door, did you forget?"

"Ah? And this thing! Let's go, don't sleep!"

"Silly woman, help me up."


Upstairs was noisy, downstairs was quiet, Liu Fufeng was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, and Lu Ling was obediently sitting at the dining table.

It's just that her eyes are dull, and there is still a trace of crystals hanging from the corner of her mouth, she looks like she has lost her soul, and looking at the jade bowl in front of her with medicine dregs, one can guess what happened to Lu Ling.

It can be seen that this room is not as peaceful as it looks.


Just like a child going to class on the first day, from getting up in the morning to eating, everyone is holding a string, and they are very busy.

after breakfast.

Lu Ling sat on Liu Fufeng's lap, and the latter helped her tie her hair.

Liu Fufeng skillfully pulled up Lu Ling's long hair, then put on the red silk and tied it into a low ponytail, and tied it around her neck.

This is to let Lu Ling relax while studying. A high ponytail will make her feel a little tired, and it is not as comfortable as a low ponytail. But in this case, her A Ling will not look so heroic, and there will be a bit of natural weakness. .

"Senior Sister, have you remembered everything I told you?" Liu Fufeng whispered in Lu Ling's ear as he stroked Lu Ling's hair.

"Let me think about it..." Lu Ling snapped her fingers, then nodded, expressing that she remembered everything.

There is nothing to do, just let her greet every teacher, and then take notes during class, so that the junior sister can check her study results, all of which are trivial matters.

"Well, remember to study hard, don't be lazy, understand." Liu Fufeng said seriously, she knows Lu Ling's temperament best, the three teachers taught her this day, if she doesn't hit her with Ah Ling's character, It's easy to relax, and asking Lu Ling to take notes is only because Liu Fufeng can check her study progress when she comes back, it has no other meaning.

"Remember, don't worry, Junior Sister." Lu Ling stood up, shook her hair and found it comfortable, and smiled happily.

"Let's go, the medical center here is about to open."


At this time, the door of the medical hall was opened, and Xifeng came in from the outside, and was stunned for a moment when she saw how "fully armed" they were.

"This is……"

"Aling went next door to learn something, I told you, Xifeng, yesterday."

"Oh, that's right." Xifeng nodded, then looked a little curious, and frowned the moment she saw Zhao Yingge.

"Ms. Zhao is also going along?"

"Bitch, can't you?" Zhao Yingge was not polite, and could even be said to be very angry.

"Yo, where did you have such a big temper so early in the morning?" Xi Feng stretched her waist and squinted at Zhao Yingge: "Where did you get angry and take me out?"


"..." Luo Hanyi on the side lowered his head and dared not speak, it was obvious that she was the one who made Zhao Yingge angry in the morning.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you today." Xifeng ignored Zhao Yingge who had eaten the gunpowder, walked up to Lu Ling, whispered something in Lu Ling's ear, and then stood up.

"Thank you, sister." Lu Ling nodded, expressing that she would work hard.

"Okay, let's go, the medical center is about to open." Xifeng followed to the front desk, skillfully opened the ledger, and started to keep accounts.

After Liu Fufeng watched Lu Ling and the other three enter the next courtyard, he also retreated, and smiled as he watched Xifeng settle accounts.

If it wasn't for yesterday's experience, it would be hard for her to imagine that this woman is the lord of Luoyan City.

"Sister Liu, have you settled the medicine money with Burning Medicine Hall?" Xifeng asked suddenly after checking the ledger routinely.

"Huh? Oh, it's over, after I came back last night..."

"This account is wrong." Xifeng frowned.

"No, what's wrong?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, she didn't understand these things, and just gave money according to the value of the herbs.

"Anxiety Grass, didn't you take two catties before? You went to get the medicinal materials after you urgently needed them that day, and they didn't count in it... Well, are you going to give it? But yes, you don't dare to take it if you don't give it to them." Xifeng said casually.

"...I-I forgot, but what should be given... still have to be given..." Liu Fufeng turned his head away with a blushing face, his expression a little embarrassed.

Xifeng was indeed much more careful than her, Liu Fufeng couldn't match some accounts at all, so Xifeng could only help, and the registration of personnel was also arranged by Xifeng, otherwise it would be too busy for decoction and so on.

"Okay, just kidding, I know you're too busy to remember, I'll send it over now." Seeing Liu Fufeng in this state, Xifeng blushed abnormally, but quickly covered it up.

"Then, that's it, I'm going to grab the medicine." After saying that, Liu Fufeng left as if fleeing.

Xifeng just looked at Liu Fufeng's back, until she disappeared, then lowered her head and raised the corners of her mouth.

She really likes Liu Fufeng very much.

Then continue to reconcile the accounts, and at the same time take out several important patients today, and put the cases in front for Liu Fufeng to take at any time.

The two have now gradually developed a tacit understanding.



After entering the yard, Lu Ling's heartbeat gradually accelerated.

Although this is not the first time she is studying, she is still nervous. Strictly speaking, she will feel more like going to school next time. After all, she used to have one teacher, but now she has three teachers, and the class is full.

Don't know who the first teacher is?

The first teacher that Lu Ling doesn't want is Bai Yunfan, she is not familiar with him, and she has a shadow on Shushan... The old Zen master, I haven't figured out how to meet him, it is best to be Mo Qing, enter the learning state first, In this way, the following lessons will not be too embarrassing.

"Don't be nervous." Zhao Yingge saw Lu Ling's mood and said something.

"That's right, I'm here." Hearing this, Luo Hanyi, who was pushing Zhao Yingge's wheelchair, also spoke.

"Well, don't be nervous." Lu Ling swallowed her saliva, but after walking a few steps forward, she saw Mo Qing standing there, quietly waiting for the three of them.

"Come here?" Mo Qing walked over: "Junior Sister Luo, Miss Zhao, Ah Ling, good morning."

"Morning." Zhao Yingge spoke first, showing his status. Luo Hanyi didn't care, but Lu Ling lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Mo Qing.

"When will it start and how will it be done?" Zhao Yingge was not polite at all.

Luo Hanyi stood behind her like a servant, while Lu Ling stared at Zhao Yingge with wide eyes, as if she had found a backbone. She didn't know how to get in touch with Mo Qing, but now sister Zhao's behavior was exactly what she wanted.

Seeing this, Mo Qing gave Zhao Yingge a strange look. He didn't expect that this girl who hadn't entered Lingshan was the "head", but when he thought of Luo Hanyi's character, he understood.

"It's like this." Glancing at Zen Master Du Wo under the tree and Bai Yunfan who was peeking at this side from the house in the distance, Mo Qing took a step back, blocking his sight and then said: "First of all, you need to recognize the meridians and study Basic running route, so stay indoors, and..."

Seeing Lu Ling shivering in a scarf, Mo Qing glanced at the dewdrops on the treetops, and said softly: "Although it's Zhu Mingqingxia, it's still cold in the morning, let's go indoors first."

In the house?

Glancing at Mo Qing, Zhao Yingge frowned, but before she could speak, she felt someone pulling her sleeve, and when she turned her head, she saw Lu Ling's big moist eyes.

Lu Ling nodded sharply, it's cold outside, let's go inside.

"That's good... But, can we follow? Of course, it won't delay Ah Ling's study, and she won't listen to things she shouldn't have heard." Zhao Yingge said seriously, and Liu Fufeng asked her to follow Lu Ling, so she naturally couldn't slack off, but In this case, you may hear some things, such as private exercises, which is a bit embarrassing.

"Alternatively, we can wait outside the window."

"Ah? I don't want to be outside, it's cold outside..." Luo Hanyi pouted.

"Okay, you shut up."

Seeing this, Mo Qing smiled.

This little girl is really vigilant, but she's just a little... How should I say, naive?

Forget it, I'll just follow her, anyway, it's the people around Lu Ling, besides, what I want to pass on is that it has a special effect on the ice blood, and other people's cultivation is just the most basic cultivation method, which is not as good as Lingshan There is absolutely no need to avoid people in the method of building a foundation.

"Don't disturb, let's go together."

"Okay, trouble."

After the three of them followed Mo Qing through the street pavilion, they came to a house in a small bamboo forest.

This was made by Mo Qing on purpose. There was no bamboo forest around this house, but he used some small tricks to make it look like this.

In the courtyard, the air is filled with a fresh atmosphere, the leisurely bamboo fragrance mixed with the smell of soil.

Lu Ling stopped and looked around, with joy and doubt on her face.

Here... so beautiful.

Most importantly, this place reminded her of her husband's small yard, except that there was no stream or hot spring, other places were very similar.

Thinking of Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling became quiet.

This is what Mo Qing didn't expect, the bamboo forest also has the effect of tranquilizer on Lu Ling.

"Ah~~ It's so comfortable's not cold anymore." Luo Hanyi walked on the soft soil, stretched his waist, and exposed his beautiful figure to everyone's eyes.

"Quiet." Zhao Yingge stood between Luo Hanyi and Mo Qing calmly, and said, "Is the bamboo house in front of you the place to study this time?"


"In this case, we don't have to go in together." Zhao Yingge glanced at the stone pavilion outside the house, and then at the big window of the bamboo house. From this angle, everything in the house can be seen at a glance.

"I have no objection. By the way, senior brother Mo, can I go around your bamboo forest?" Luo Hanyi was eager to move.



Seeing Luo Hanyi turn around and leave, Zhao Yingge twitched the corners of her mouth... She swore she really wanted to slap this woman right now.

Facing the legendary fairy gate, Zhao Yingge has always been nervous and serious, but this woman is lucky, her mind is full of pretense.

"In that case, don't waste time, let's start." Zhao Yingge said, suppressing her dissatisfaction with Luo Hanyi.

"That's right." Mo Qing opened the door and said to Lu Ling, "Let's go."

"En..." Lu Ling hesitated for a moment, looked back at Zhao Yingge, turned and entered the room.

In this way... it shouldn't be considered a lonely man and a widow.


No one noticed, and when she turned around, a red light fell into the center of Lu Ling's eyebrows, where she hid the black iron sword box, and where the fairy sword Xueluo Qianhan slept.

(End of this chapter)

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