Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 463 The Novice System Is Coming Soon

Chapter 463 The Novice System Is Coming Soon
When Lu Ling was studying "Shenlan" hard, Hong Ling invaded Xuechen's body while digesting Lu Ling's memory.

Although Hong Ling is very strong and knowledgeable, it is the first time that she has become someone's "system", and even though she has invaded Lu Ling's memory, she can only look at it slowly from the corners, or search for key words ... It is impossible to completely digest all the knowledge of another world.

Even for Lu Ling herself, she can only find the knowledge she wants if she thinks of something and deliberately searches for it, but just hacking into Lu Ling's database is not enough to make Hong Ling really become like Lu Ling, unless she puts Lu Ling in the same place. Ling's Sea of ​​Consciousness Purple Mansion was stolen.

She could do it, but how would it hurt Lu Ling?Hong Ling would definitely not do this.

So she can only use Lu Ling's memory to do some things little by little. In this way, the efficiency will be very slow.

But Hong Ling found something very interesting even if it was a little corner.

"Lianshan, Guizang... Inherit the wisdom of a world? Yin-yang and five elements..." She saw the knowledge of Tai Chi and gossip in Lu Ling's memory. Unfortunately, she didn't understand it very well, but this balance of everything She couldn't be more familiar with the power of it. Although the external manifestations are different, the essence is still the same.

The way of balance, the cultivation system of the fairy master back then.

Her master used to be a proficient person in this way, so she was able to hold the Lihuo Hongya, which was not able to control the power well at that time, without being burned, to balance the four races, and to forcibly pull the human race up from the bottom of the food chain.

Looking at Daozang in Lu Ling's memory, Hong Ling showed a reminiscing look.

This power should not be awakened yet, but it has already begun to emerge. The way of balance is undoubtedly the top road among the three thousand roads.Not because of anything else, but because there has been a character like the Immortal Lord, this path is undoubtedly the top.So after Lu Ling revealed the power of the Tai Chi Diagram, Hong Ling lost her composure for a while... But now she also sees clearly that Tai Chi Ba Gua Ping is not a simple way of balance, and the other powers contained in it are even greater, making her I was shocked by it.

Three Thousand Avenue.

If I really want to say, she saw the Dao Sanqian in countless hexagrams... Such rules are simply not something that humans can comprehend.

Can people cultivate?Hong Ling didn't know, but it was obvious that the mystery level of Lu Ling's last world was countless times higher than that of their world.

Pan Gu broke through the chaos.

All races fight.

Nuwa created man.

The sage left Hangu Pass in the west, and the purple air came in from the east, spreading for more than [-] li.

Renzu comprehended the innate Tai Chi gossip on the banks of the Luoshui River, suppressing qi luck, opening up the way of heaven, up to the sky and down to all things on the ground. The whole universe is on this map.


Seeing the mysterious myth in Lu Ling's memory, Hong Ling was shocked for a moment. There are Dao Zang such as Lianshan and Guizang. These things can basically confirm the authenticity, but if it is true, then Lu Ling's last world is completely It is the top-level Great Thousand World, which is countless times stronger than the current world... Just talk about the legend that Nuwa created humans. In Hong Ling's memory, only the mother can create races, and no one else can do it.

And this Nuwa is just one of the saints.

Hong Ling's first reaction was that these myths are all fake, they are people's imagination, but at her level, she can naturally see a lot of similar evidence, proving that the legends and myths are real.

What kind of world did Snow Maiden go to...

Hong Ling confirmed the level of mystery, but in Lu Ling's memory, these things are more like stories... This is very strange, the Dao of Tongtian is written in writing, but people have no cultivation at all, just like a person who has lost the mystery The world is beginning to rely on technology.

Dead world?No, although they lost their mystery, that world is obviously more dynamic than theirs. Although they lost their ability to cultivate, they are developing in another direction, and it is impossible to tell who is good and who is bad.

"Hmm... task, comprehend "Book of Changes", "Lianshan", "Gui Zang"..." Hong Ling silently added one item to the task.

Being able to go to such a world and carry the civilization of a world is a great opportunity for Xuenv.

Then Hongya was a little puzzled.

With Xuenv, it is impossible to break the confinement of her mother, let alone come back after going out?Even if that world is the Great Thousand World, it is wishful thinking to send someone in without the mother's consent. Even if the level of mystery is different, Hong Ling's "mother" is also at the level of "Heavenly Dao Hongjun" in the Great Thousand World.

In other words... was it really the mother who sent Xue Nu away?
Was her previous idea correct?

I feel sorry for my sister, but I have to punish her...

No, no, strictly speaking, the mother is only the embodiment of the rules, so she shouldn't have such thoughts... Hong Ling panicked for a while.

If it really shouldn't be, what about the fact that their sisters have been pampered all the time?
More importantly, if this is the case, then her master...




After a while, Hong Ling calmed down, she couldn't get to the bottom of it, she couldn't get to the bottom of this matter, she just pretended she didn't know anything.

Well, don't know anything.

At the same time, she also stopped invading Lu Ling's memory. Obviously, knowing too much is not a good thing. Sure enough, let everything go with the flow... As for the memory of another world in Lu Ling's mind, she will come back when necessary. look.

Of course, it's just to learn more about things that should be known as a "system".

In a system, apart from releasing tasks, Hong Ling wrote down several functions that should be available in the notes.

Space backpack, she is going to give it to Lu Ling as a reward.

Then the exchange mall is also essential. As for the things inside... there are as many treasures as you want in this world, and there are magic weapons and so on. With the big data in Lu Ling's mind, Hong Ling can create things in Lu Ling's memory .

Beautiful clothes, delicious snacks...

She has rules to back her up. She can make everything from game consoles to atomic bombs, and even things that Lu Ling knows are mythical. She can also make materials that can be scaled freely. The only difference is that these imitations are not divine, but they are all the same in use.

There is no problem with the skills of the exercises, "Dugu Nine Swords", "Wuhen Jianjing", "Beiming Shengong" and so on, Hong Ling can easily make a bunch of them according to the description.

Lu Ling has no idea how many memories there are in her mind... That word is called bug, yes, it is bug, just like she made a wheelchair by herself before, if you dig deep into these memories, you will find that they are actually a complete big database Hong Ling even thinks that this database is more important to the world than herself and her younger sister... But Lu Ling has a world of data, and every day she just thinks about singing and drooling over the delicious food in her memory. promising.

But there is no way, after all, in this world, Hong Ling is the only person who has the ability to create the things in this big database... After all, the creation of martial arts requires understanding, and the development of science and technology is also step by step. Lu Ling doesn't know anything, at best she can only build a wheelchair.

But now with another world behind her, her knowledge could be useful.

Because she focused her attention on the memory of mythology, Hong Ling even suspected that Xue Nu might not be the person sent by her mother to learn the scriptures...

One world learns from another world, or the mystery of Lu Ling's world is gradually disappearing, these things are inheritance?

Hong Ling can only guess, but one thing is certain, if Lu Ling dies and enters the Wheel of Heaven and Earth, the latter will definitely steal these data and then deny the world, and this world will slowly transform into the Great Thousand World. .

Having said that, if this is the case, this girl...Damn it?
The general trend will not let her die... The former is the mother's subconscious, and it will only make the world develop in a good direction.

Hong Ling was stunned for a moment, and glanced at the girl outside who was studying hard, red flames flickered in her eyes, and then Hong Ling saw that she was wrapped in pitch-black silk threads.

In fact, after Lu Ling started digging her own memory and designed the blueprints, the value of this knowledge was known to the world. If this continues, she is very likely to die due to various problems one day.

Hong Ling's face became serious, and she waved her hand, the invisible sword light cut off all the restraints on Lu Ling's body.

She can't die.

Hong Ling was a little scared, but fortunately she found out early, if this girl was crushed by the general trend... Not to mention Hong Ling herself, what would Xiaoxue do?Abandoned by mother after being betrayed by sister?
Not allowed.

It seems that even if Lu Ling doesn't have that person's remnant soul, he still has to protect her...

But she wasn't too worried. If she didn't find out, Lu Ling might be in danger, but now that she's aware of it, the small tricks of the general trend will be useless.

Of course, Hong Ling can go too far, at least she can't help Lu Ling too much now, otherwise she will be provoking her mother, and she is not omnipotent.

But then again, as a system, it is only natural to provide convenience to the owner, and Lu Ling must work hard to become stronger to ensure her own safety—without the help of cheaters.

Hong Ling suddenly looked helplessly at the little girl outside who was trying to learn a book of ordinary exercises... This girl didn't know that she hadn't gone out, she was already invincible...

Even the people from Eastern Shenhai, or Xue Nu's surviving apprentice, the guardians of the human race would not believe how powerful the power behind this little girl is... It's obviously just an ordinary useless start, isn't it?
This girl is the protagonist.

After peeking into Lu Ling's memory, Hong Ling gradually became lively, and she found that she quite enjoyed the identity of the system.

The novice system is on the road, the host please be careful.

Hong Ling thinks that she is different from those coquettish and slut systems outside, other systems have plans for the host, she is different, she is... just playing around.

"Dinghaishenzhen... I remember that the Zhenhai iron in the birthplace of the sea clan can be scaled freely, um... it can be used after refining, wait, don't use these at the beginning, this girl can't afford to change... um, exercises It's pretty simple."

These things can be placed in the mall to tempt Lu Ling... Mmm... This girl has a big world in her mind, and there are too many things she can make, so she can only take her time...

Hmm...seems interesting?Give people a system.

But what is the difference between this and nonsense?Um……

After Hong Ling pondered for a while, she felt that this was not nonsense, and no one was more suitable to use these foreign things than this little girl who had been away from home for many years and returned home.

Think of it as accelerating the transformation of the world.

Hong Ling easily convinced herself.

Then there is the task.

Hong Ling looked at the existing tasks.

[Cultivate "Shenlan" to great success, control your own power, and issue rewards according to the degree of detail]

[Optional, research on "Book of Changes", "Gui Zang" and "Lian Shan". 】

She has never done a system before, so she really doesn't know how to set up tasks, but for the time being, it seems that these few are more reliable. If there are few tasks, she can issue real-time tasks.

However, if there are tasks, there must be rewards. This is what Hong Ling has been worrying about. Except for the monetary rewards in the mall, she really doesn't know what to give Lu Ling... Mainly, she doesn't know what this little girl wants. What, even if she gave Lu Ling some top-level magic weapons, this silly girl probably wouldn't recognize the value.

After much deliberation, she thinks that there are things she can refer to, such as the cheats like acceleration space, although Hong Ling is not proficient in time talent, but she can use flames to burn all the time around Lu Ling... This kind of thing Xihuang It's also possible, but it needs to be destroyed, and a space can be created in the middle of the flames for Lu Ling to survive, but only Hong Ling can do it.

As long as she is willing, she can let Lu Ling stay in the space for 100 years, and only a second has passed outside when she comes out. This is not unfair. As the judge of the world, she has to stand by Lu Ling. There would be no fairness to speak of, but she wouldn't do that. It doesn't make any sense to cultivate for the sake of cultivation. If she really wants to kill someone, there is no one in this world she can't kill.

She just wanted to find a reason to stay with Lu Ling, to see if she was the person she suspected, and to stay by her sister's side by the way, and nothing else mattered.

Well, acceleration space, this reward is good, but it seems that it can also be placed in the mall?No, if this is the case, can't everything be placed in the mall?Then why do you want to reward, just send currency directly.

and many more.

Etc., etc.

Hong Ling suddenly understood that the so-called task is to put things that Lu Ling can't afford for the time being in the rewards... In this way, she can be stimulated and motivated, and she can train the host to become what she wants from all angles. look like.

People in that world are really cunning.

But Hong Ling thought it was a good way, so she learned it.

Now that there are rewards, there must be corresponding punishments.

With Lu Ling's character, it is absolutely not enough to just lure her, she must have enough things to scare her and spur her forward at the same time, but Hong Ling still doesn't really know what kind of punishment she should use, it is impossible to really imitate others Just obliterate obliterate obliterate?

I can't bear to be heavy, but I don't have power when I'm light...

Have it.

Hong Ling suddenly thought of something, and raised the corner of her mouth.

In this girl's heart, her red silk is actually a forbidden scorpion of Shushan, what is her name rbq...


(End of this chapter)

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