Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 470 Raiders completed

Chapter 470 Raiders completed
"Go out and fight." Mo Qing said.

He didn't scribble at all, he stepped in front of Lu Ling, directly arousing his momentum.

"Hit? Hit what? You're crazy, but I'm not crazy." Bai Yunfan doesn't like Mo Qing at all. It stands to reason that his personality is the routine of a passionate youth, and he should not be able to stand the provocation at all, but on the contrary, Bai Yun Fan is very calm.

Fighting Mo Qing here?Isn't that embarrassing enough?There must be a reason too?Fighting for Lu Ling?

He must not be cut to death by Shen Canghai.

Besides, he didn't come here to fight with Mo Qing.


If you really want to fight, you can't fight.

He was hanged up and beaten by his brother Ye Zunzhe in Shushan.And the Lord of the Southern Territory... Don't look at Mo Qingwen's quietness, he can actually be on par with Ye Zun. If Bai Yunfan doesn't use all his strength, he will probably lose embarrassingly, but if he tries his best... Forget it, the two of them If there was a real fight, it would only take a few minutes to destroy Luoyan City. This place is at the foot of Lingshan Mountain. Although the old monk under the tree didn't know why he didn't die, the old ancestor of Lingshan really killed him before.

He was still young, he didn't want to die, and he didn't want to be ashamed before meeting Shen Canghai.

Bai Yunfan also knew that Mo Qing looked aggressive, but he was actually just putting on a show.

Do something in Luoyan City?Sister Zhuzi is watching from the sky, how dare he?
So Mo Qing is just pretending, Bai Yunfan feels that this Southern Region Lord is just pretending in front of Lu Ling, he is really a villain.

Angrily glaring at Mo Qing, Bai Yunfan focused on Lu Ling who was behind him, and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Mo Qing also put away the moisture around her body. Bai Yunfan didn't come here to find fault, and he didn't seem to be bullying Lu Ling.

Just now when Bai Yunfan came to the door, Mo Qing thought that Lu Ling had been wronged by him at first, but after careful observation now, there should be nothing... Even if there was, it was because of Lu Ling.

As for pretending on purpose... that's Bai Yunfan thinking too much, Mo Qing treats Lu Ling as her daughter, and Bai Yunfan rushed over aggressively, he would block in front only subconsciously.

Hearing the surrounding quiet down, Lu Ling swallowed her saliva.

Not to mention anything else, it really frightened her a little to start a fight if there was a disagreement.

Lu Ling was not stupid, she immediately saw that the relationship between the two teachers was not so harmonious, if it was because of her own fight, it would not work, so she hesitated for a while, and was about to try to persuade the fight, when she saw the two people looking at her, Suddenly blushing and unable to speak.

Seeing Lu Ling's appearance, Bai Yunfan also found something, and said to Mo Qing.

"Didn't you take it away?"

Hearing this, Mo Qing was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "She came here by herself."

"Cut." Bai Yunfan showed displeasure.

The relationship between the two of them is a little delicate, and it will be fine if the misunderstanding is resolved.

And he doesn't want to talk nonsense with Mo Qing. You must know that it's still class time. He and Lu Ling only have an hour together. What is wasted now is his precious time. Unlike Mo Qing, he can occupy Lu Ling by himself. morning.

If Bai Yunfan had known that he would be tempted by Lu Ling and taught her kendo, he would not have given up his morning time to Mo Qing so easily.

But it's too late to talk about these things now, the key is to cherish what is already in hand.

The real reason why Bai Yunfan didn't draw his sword in the face of provocation was because he was afraid of wasting time.

Otherwise, no matter how much he feared, it would not be a reason for him to retreat. Drawing his sword even though he knew he was invincible was to carry out the spirit of Shushan. The horrific death rate of Shushan disciples on the front line of Tianguangxu proved this point.

Shu Shan never knew what it meant to be weak.

This also explained why Bai Yunfan was so disappointed with Lu Ling at the beginning, she was too soft.

But these are not the main points now, since he is determined to teach Lu Ling well, he doesn't want to think about it so much.

"Okay, come back with me." After Bai Yunfan thought about it, he felt that he couldn't lose his demeanor in front of Lu Ling, but what he didn't know was that he had no image in Lu Ling's heart for a long time.

"Okay." Lu Ling's mind is in a mess now, and she stood up immediately after hearing Bai Yunfan's words, and because it's class time, it was her fault for running around, so Lu Ling's current state of mind is that she feels that she Doing something wrong.

"Wait." Mo Qing grabbed Lu Ling.

"What's the matter with you? Don't go too far." Bai Yunfan turned his head, his eyebrows raised.

Ignoring Bai Yunfan, Mo Qing squatted down and looked at Lu Ling closely.


"Yes." Mo Qing's gentleness made Lu Ling calm down a little.

Mo Qing said softly: "For the next study, if you need any help, just let me know."

Bai Yunfan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, but he quickly came to his senses and took a deep look at Mo Qing.

It was obvious that Mo Qing was talking about Lu Ling's words.

Reminiscent of what he said before, it was Lu Ling who came here on her own initiative, and Bai Yunfan quickly understood.

Lu Ling had business with Mo Qing.

Just don't know what's the matter?

He was a little curious.

As for Mo Qing, Lu Ling took the initiative to come over, and she was always coy, she definitely had something to ask him, but she was too shy to open her mouth, so he took the initiative to speak now to avoid embarrassing Lu Ling.

In a sense, the emotional intelligence of these two men is very high, but they are extremely low in front of their sweethearts.

How could Lu Ling understand these detours? After she heard Mo Qing's words, she froze for a moment. The confusion in her eyes made Mo Qing wonder if she was acting affectionate. This girl simply missed him so she ran over during class .

Well, it seems like the idea is just being self-indulgent.

Fortunately, Lu Ling quickly remembered.

"Ah? That's right!!!"

As soon as they entered the door, they were greeted with snacks and milk... and then Teacher Bai came over aggressively, and Lu Ling was so confused that she forgot what she was doing here.

"Mr. Mo, I would like to borrow a pen and ink... If you can't take notes, it will be difficult to learn, and it will be difficult to review after you go back." Lu Ling said generously, her tone was very serious.

Now that she has recognized Mo Qing as her teacher, she will naturally not be shy when it comes to learning things like this, and pays attention to every size.

"That's it? I thought..." Hearing Lu Ling's words, Mo Qing shook his head lightly. He thought Lu Ling was being bullied and came to ask him for help. He didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter.

"Think?" Lu Ling tilted her head, puzzled.

"It's okay, I have just used pen and ink here, you can just take it, and it will save trouble."

"Thank you teacher." Lu Ling smiled, and carefully picked up the inkstone and fine brush on the table.

"Okay, let's go back to class." Mo Qing gave Lu Ling a soft look, then shifted his gaze to Bai Yunfan.

After hearing Lu Ling's purpose, this guy has been stupid for a while.

It's not a good sight for a big man to blushing.

He also knows shame?

Mo Qing looked at Bai Yunfan who was standing stupidly because of embarrassment, and thought it was very funny.

I knew this person was stupid, but I didn't expect him to be so stupid. It's fine if I don't prepare snacks for children in class. After all, class should be more serious... But I don't even have pen and ink...

He wouldn't think that it was still the same as before, let's just talk about it, if he can talk about Lu Ling, he must be able to listen to it.

"Teacher, let's go back to class."




"..." Bai Yunfan's mind was filled with two words.


And it's still embarrassing in front of your competitors...

He was not ready for Lu Ling's class and let the girl sit on the floor before. Now Lu Ling wants to take notes and has no pen and ink, so she sneaks to Mo Qing to get them. She didn't tell him just to save him some face. .

Bai Yunfan made up a lot of things in his brain at once, among them, because the teacher was very careless, the female student could only bend down to borrow things from the previous teacher...

In such a comparison, I am really incompetent.


"Teacher Bai?" Seeing Bai Yunfan completely ignoring her, Lu Ling looked at Mo Qing in confusion: "Teacher Mo, what's wrong with Teacher Bai..."

"Don't worry about him." Mo Qing raised the corner of his mouth, and Bai Yunfan realized that his carelessness was a good thing, at least he would pay more attention to Lu Ling in the future.

"By the way, come here." Mo Qing waved to Lu Ling.

"En." Lu Ling obediently walked over, and then Mo Qing reached out and tapped the inkstone in her hand, a layer of light blue water vapor wrapped the black inkstone.

"This is?" Lu Ling looked at the pen and ink in her hand suspiciously.

"Add some water vapor, otherwise it won't work and be troublesome when you go back to work, and it will also prevent the ink inside from coming out and staining the skirt." Mo Qing said with a smile.

"Thank you teacher." Lu Ling looked at Mo Qing gratefully.

Teacher Mo is really caring...

For a moment, Lu Ling saw the shadow of her junior sister in this man, they were all so gentle.

Of course, no matter how you say it, Mo Qing is not as good as her junior sister, there is only a little bit of resemblance, but it is just this little resemblance that makes Lu Ling's affection for Mo Qing soar. It is not his personal charm, but Liu Fufeng's. charm.

Look at Teacher Bai again...

Lu Ling shook her head.

I don't even care about calling him, and he is also very careless and poor...

Well, Lu Ling thinks that she is still very snobbish. She can tell at a glance that Bai Yunfan has no money. Women's intuition is very accurate, and girls are the same, and this feeling is even stronger after Bai Yunfan and Mo Qing stand together Obvious.

Judging from the way he dresses and what he teaches, Mr. Mo swears that he is a local tyrant.Teacher Bai is a sword repairer, but a poor ghost.

However, it was precisely because Bai Yunfan was out of touch that Lu Ling felt that he was not so superior, and that he was clumsy and had no airs.

Lu Ling doesn't hate this kind of Bai Yunfan, rather, this kind of Bai Yunfan fits Lu Ling's impression of Shushan.

A sword cultivator should look like this, dressed in white, with a long sword, nothing superfluous.

If Bai Yunfan really dressed as gorgeously and exquisitely as Mo Qing, Lu Ling would feel uncomfortable, because Shushan Sword Immortal does not need so many complicated decorations, and Bai Yunfan's straightforward personality also makes Lu Ling feel very close.

It's not that Lu Ling hates gorgeousness, it's just a joke that she hates a local tyrant.

This kind of request is only made when facing people from Shushan, and her attitude towards Mo Qing is different. Teacher Mo is from the East Shenhai, a sorcerer.

Mages are supposed to be gorgeous, unlike poor warriors, Lu Ling doesn't know where these messy ideas come from, but she thinks such ideas are right, and she even thinks that Mo Qing is not gorgeous enough, she should bring some jewelry.


Mo Qing didn't know what this little girl was pretending to be, but he felt that the nonsense should stop here. Lu Ling wanted to learn from Bai Yunfan, so it was nothing to stay here with him.

"Okay, hurry up and go." Mo Qing's words pulled Bai Yunfan out of his shame. The latter felt something, and looked down to see Lu Ling tugging on his sleeve.

"Teacher Bai, we should go back..." Lu Ling whispered.

She only has two hours a day to learn the sword, which has already wasted an hour.

"Ah? Well, okay, let's go back." Bai Yunfan scratched his head, took a look at Mo Qing and walked out with Lu Ling.

What a shame today.

But fortunately...

Looking back at the hopeful girl obediently following behind him, Bai Yunfan quickened his pace a bit.

Isn't this girl dissatisfied with herself at all?

Bai Yunfan thinks that he is already very bad today, he can't teach students, and he can't read words and deeds. He can be sure that if his apprentice finds out about this, he will definitely be laughed at for a long time.

Looking back on everything today, since he started teaching Lu Ling, he didn't know what he was talking about. Bai Yunfan doesn't think he is a good teacher now.

But Lu Ling didn't seem to be dissatisfied at all, and was even very obedient, which made Bai Yunfan feel weird, and couldn't tell what it was like psychologically.

This also strengthened his determination to teach Lu Ling well, not because of her great talent, but because Lu Ling trusted him very much.

Lu Ling's status is actually not low, Bai Yunfan even feels that although this girl's cultivation base is not high, her status is higher than that of the Venerable, just look at the people behind her, Chu Qishui, Mo Qing , Li Zhuzi, Venerable Ye.

Among other things, Lu Ling must have a big secret, and he can see that.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be Lingshan Da Neng around her.

With extraordinary status and extraordinary talent, the education he received was naturally not easy.

Look at Lu Ling's teachers, no matter Sister Zhuzi or Venerable Juexian, they are all phoenixes among men. With such two excellent teachers, she can still endure her own stupid teaching method.

Very gentle girl.

He admitted that he began to like this little girl.



In fact, Bai Yunfan overestimated Lu Ling.

It's not that Lu Ling is not dissatisfied, it's just that she has a small heart and can't pretend to be anything, so it's over after a word of complaint, and Lu Ling has never felt that she has a high status...

She is a salted fish.

Xianyu turned over and was still Xianyu... She was just a low-level child in Lingshan.

Therefore, she would be thankful if someone could teach her, and there would be no opinions, let alone her favorite swordsmanship. Bai Yunfan was willing to be her teacher, and she wished she could hug someone's thigh.

As for tenderness.

forget it.

It can only be said that Lu Ling is stupid, and Bai Yunfan is even more stupid than her.

Two idiots collided.

(End of this chapter)

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