Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 487 The End of One Day

Chapter 487 The End of the Day
Liu Fufeng hugged Lu Ling, his face was slightly red.

She just said that she made Lu Ling rely on her, and now she has become weak. How can she protect Ah Ling from the wind and rain when she is prone to fall?
However, I just couldn't bear it.

Biting her lower lip, tears dripped from her chin uncontrollably, slid onto Lu Ling's snow-white neck, and flowed into her clothes.

Liu Fufeng also knew it was embarrassing.

But... let her relax.

She has been under too much pressure recently.

Sometimes, after crying, it will be much easier, and Lu Ling is the last straw that overwhelms her.



At this time, Lu Ling only felt that.


Being held tightly in Liu Fufeng's arms, Lu Ling's bones were being rubbed, and the strength of the former was getting bigger and bigger. Lu Ling didn't use her spiritual power to resist, and was just hugged tightly by her junior sister. .

Enduring the pain, Lu Ling didn't feel any dissatisfaction.

The wetness on the neck and the girl's trembling and holding her breath all explained one thing very well. Her junior sister cried.

Lu Ling has never seen Liu Fufeng like this before, and the junior sister in her impression is the strongest person she has ever seen...

Wanting to say a word of comfort, I opened my mouth, paused for a while, and then closed it again.

She doesn't comfort people.

forget it……

Sensing Lu Ling's movement, Liu Fufeng tried hard to make his voice not sound so embarrassing, his voice trembled slightly.

"Senior sister, don't talk, let me hug you for a while."

Just for a while.

You can adjust it right away.


Facing Liu Fufeng like this, Lu Ling could only compromise, close her eyes, and cater to Liu Fufeng.

She felt her junior sister's body temperature, heartbeat, breathing, emotion... Slowly, Liu Fufeng calmed down, but still did not let her go.

"Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng tightly wrapped his arms around Lu Ling's waist.

"The reason why I'm angry today is not just that you, Senior Sister, take care of everything by yourself and don't tell me, but more importantly, other things."

Liu Fufeng's tone gradually calmed down, and his tears were also withdrawn.

"During dinner, I had a premonition... Senior sister, you are going to leave me, that look..."

With that look, Liu Fufeng felt a sense of distance from Lu Ling for the first time.

Liu Fufeng grabbed Lu Ling's arm, his hands were like iron tongs.

Said to be angry, in fact, it is more afraid.

She didn't know if the current self could live without Ah Ling.

From a long time ago, the meaning of her existence was for this girl in front of her. If Lu Ling really left her, maybe her life would come to an end here.

Liu Fufeng also knew that her feelings for Lu Ling had reached a sick level, but she didn't care, and she didn't intend to seek medical treatment.

As long as Ah Ling is by her side, she can live any kind of life.

Because of Lu Ling's dependence on her, Liu Fufeng never thought that anyone could separate the two of them, not Qin Qin, nor Li Zhuzi, nor anyone else.

But she forgot one person, that is Lu Ling herself, if she wants to leave, Liu Fufeng can't stop her, and she can't stop her either.

Liu Fufeng thought about it for a while, if Lu Ling had really told her to leave Lingshan before, she would most likely let her go, and she was still generous.

A Ling wants to have her own life, Liu Fufeng thinks there is no problem.

But after today, Liu Fufeng changed his mind.

Not to mention that she really left, but the sense of distance that was inadvertently revealed during dinner made her feel like she was sitting on pins and needles, and she couldn't accept it at all.

That's why she left the dinner table early and went back to the room to adjust her mentality. Only by weaving something for Lu Ling could she calm down a little, but even so, her mind was full of Lu Ling.

If A Ling leaves, what about eating?
She is cold and cannot eat some cold food.

I usually wake up late in the morning and don't like to go out, it will be suffocating.


blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Later, Liu Fufeng figured it out by himself.

She should stop pretending to be generous.

She didn't want Ah Ling to leave her, absolutely not.

As for being angry... how can I be willing to be angry.

And Lu Ling...

The face behind the girl's mask had returned to calmness, and suddenly, she found that she had taken the initiative again, and the hearts of all the people she cared about were tied to her.

The disturbed heart also recovered.

Naturally, she won't be jealous of another self, the fake is always fake, but the junior sister likes it, she is willing to lie to herself like this, Lu Ling was originally not so willing to continue, but she endured it for Liu Fufeng, after all she I also don't want to wear a mask in front of her all the time.

As for the possibility of a real split personality... Well, if it splits, let's split it. Even if it splits in the end, she is still the one who holds the absolute initiative, and it can only be her.

Lu Ling felt much more relaxed now, she didn't need to hide her emotions in front of her junior sister, and she didn't need to be afraid that she would hate her, the big stone in her heart was finally let go.

Hmm... Her body is with Liu Fufeng, but now in Lu Ling's view, Liu Fufeng belongs to her.



Hugging Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng said softly: "Senior sister, promise me one thing."


"Don't leave Lingshan." Liu Fufeng said.

Originally, she wanted to say, don't leave me... But she is thin-skinned, she has said a lot of truth just now, and now she really can't open her mouth.

Not being allowed to leave Lingshan is about the same as not being allowed to leave her. Anyway, Liu Fufeng will not leave Lingshan. Master has reborn her, and she hasn't served him yet.

Her A Ling is very smart and should be able to understand what she means.

"Don't leave Lingshan? I'm afraid it won't work." Lu Ling's mood improved, and she returned to her original nature.

"No?" Liu Fufeng was taken aback.

"Of course." There was a smile on Lu Ling's face under the mask: "Junior Sister, I can't stay on Lingshan for the rest of my life, it's so boring, besides, I'm not on Lingshan now either."

"..." Liu Fufeng stopped talking, and after a while, he reached out and twisted Lu Ling's thigh.

Play stupid.

"Okay, I promise, let's not leave Lingshan." Lu Ling said.

In fact, for her, the main reason for leaving Lingshan was Liu Fufeng. Now that the problem is solved, there is no need to leave... How can the master of the East God Sea Pavilion be as comfortable as the elder sister of Lingshan Nine Peaks.

Hmm... In fact, Lu Ling doesn't understand what it means to be the owner of the East Shenhai Pavilion, otherwise it's really hard to say with her greedy temperament.

"Junior Sister, let go, it hurts." Lu Ling patted Liu Fufeng's hand.

Only then did Liu Fufeng realize that she had pinched Lu Ling's wrist red, so he quickly let go.

Lu Ling moved her body for a while, then separated from Liu Fufeng, and then the two looked at each other.

For Liu Fufeng, the mask is scary.

But this was the first time that Lu Ling took the initiative to look into her eyes, Liu Fufeng was a little nervous, mainly because the eyes behind Lu Ling's mask were watery, this was the first time Liu Fufeng saw Lu Ling like this.

Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng "affectionately", and spoke slowly after the latter's heartbeat accelerated.

"Junior Sister, I am yours."


"Master, Master, Senior Sister, what did you say so suddenly!"

Liu Fufeng's face turned red up to his neck, and he waved his hands repeatedly.

"Well, I'm telling the truth, this body belongs to you, don't you know." Lu Ling shrugged and looked at her fair legs.

There used to be a person... No, the Demon King could get this body at close range, but unfortunately he died.

Later, she belonged to Liu Fufeng.

"So, as long as junior sister doesn't let you go, I won't let go." Lu Ling looked straight into Liu Fufeng's eyes.

Although Liu Fufeng couldn't stand the current Lu Ling, he still looked into her eyes and responded seriously.

"I'm not letting go, absolutely not."

"That's the best." Lu Ling played with her hair and looked at Liu Fufeng's face.

Lu Ling won't let go, as long as Liu Fufeng doesn't let go, she won't let go until she dies.

As for the junior sister letting go first...

There should be no such situation, Lu Ling believed.

"This is also a promise." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling.


"That's good."


They looked at each other speechlessly.

looking at each other.

Then, Liu Fufeng stopped blushing, and dissatisfaction appeared on his face.

The more she looked at Lu Ling like this, the more uncomfortable she felt, especially the unconcealable evil spirit in Lu Ling's eyes.

"Sister, you..."

"Leave me alone, I can't change it, and I'm not the Lu Ling you know." Before Liu Fufeng could speak, Lu Ling choked her first.

A good relationship means a good relationship, but the current Lu Ling will not compromise with Liu Fufeng in everything.

It was also the first time Liu Fufeng was contradicted by Lu Ling, and his face was bloodshot for a while.


But there was no fire.

Now she is also reluctant to beat Lu Ling.

Forget it, forgive her this time.

Lu Ling thought of something, and said, "By the way, junior sister, remember to return the white tiger skin that Uncle Shen gave me after you use it up. It can be turned into a cape, a scarf, or even a hat. It's very warm. .”

"..." Liu Fufeng twitched the corner of his mouth.

Look at Lu Ling's stinginess.

"You...I don't want this white tiger skin to scarf you."

"Well, don't be angry, I want the white tiger skin, and I also want the scarf you gave me, Junior Sister." Lu Ling showed greedy eyes.


"Okay, don't be angry, close your eyes." A cunning flashed in Lu Ling's eyes.

You can't just ask for your own things, but also give them some benefits. Lu Ling has always thought so, that's why she gave Luo Qianhan benefits, and made herself feel uncomfortable in front of that old monk. As for Liu Fufeng... ...Lu Ling thought about it and didn't know what she needed.

But there is a universal solution.


Liu Fufeng closed his eyes.

Then, she felt a moist feeling from the side of her face, and immediately opened her eyes, and saw Lu Ling who was hastily putting on the mask.

Liu Fufeng touched his face, startled for a moment.

All dissatisfaction disappeared in this kiss.


There is helplessness and doting in the eyes.

Sure enough, no matter how bad Lu Ling was, she couldn't get angry at all.

"Senior sister, you don't need to wear a mask." Liu Fufeng said.

"Well, but I don't want to take it off." Lu Ling said.

Liu Fufeng expressed that he didn't dislike her, and logically, he could take it off, but Lu Ling always felt uncomfortable... If she needs to see Liu Fufeng in the future, she should wear it.

I believe that the junior sister will feel awkward seeing her face and completely different temperament.

"As you like."

Then, the two fell into silence again.

"Junior Sister, do you really have nothing to ask?" Lu Ling fiddled with the doll in her hand.

"Sister, do you want me to ask?"

"To be honest, I don't want to."

Lu Ling felt that she was also contradictory enough.

"Then I won't ask."

"never mind."

They looked at each other, smiled, and said nothing.

With such a family, Lu Ling felt that she was content.

Next, it's a normal relationship.

Lu Ling enjoyed the treatment that belongs to "Lu Ling". First, Liu Fufeng interrogated her about today's study, and then checked her notes...

Sure enough, her junior sister was very troublesome, troublesome to death.

Lu Ling's scalp was numb from her question, women talk too much.

Then, the two took a bath together.

Very comfortable.

Lu Ling likes taking a bath very much, because it will make her clean.

The two talked a lot.

In general, Lu Ling was very happy.



The two finished washing.

With the windows open, you can feel the cool summer breeze and the stars twinkle in the sky.

In the house, there was only an oil lamp lit near the head of the bed, and as the night wind kept beating, the room flickered.

Lu Ling lay with her back facing Liu Fufeng, she took off her mask and looked at the splendor outside.

There is a star that is particularly bright in the sky, and Lu Ling thinks it is very kind.

She likes the sky like this.

Hold the doll and close your eyes.

Liu Fufeng was sitting beside him in pajamas, with a box on his lap containing red wool.

She woven a scarf for Lu Ling with the faint candlelight.

Only the sound of needlework and the breathing of the two could be heard in the air.

Suddenly, Lu Ling spoke.

"Junior Sister, I am very happy today."

"En." Liu Fufeng nodded, and the needle and thread in his hands were spun round and round, which was very efficient.

"Then I'm sleeping."

After a little movement, Lu Ling shrank into the quilt and leaned against Liu Fufeng's lap.

"Go to sleep, there is still class tomorrow." Liu Fufeng said casually.

Then nothing happened.


I don't know how long has passed.

The candle was more than half burned.

Liu Fufeng stretched, put down the wool in his hands, bent down and put it under the bed.

He took off his coat and lay down carefully.

At this time, Lu Ling was already sound asleep, her mouth was slightly opened, accompanied by Liu Fufeng's familiar small snoring.

As if sensing Liu Fufeng's aura, Lu Ling murmured a few words about junior sister, and then entangled her like an octopus, restraining her so that she couldn't even move.

Liu Fufeng shook his head helplessly, lowered his head and pecked the girl's forehead, then turned off the light.

Close your eyes.

Hearing Lu Ling's even breathing, Liu Fufeng felt relieved.

Does she really have no doubts in her heart?

Yes, but not many, more worried about Lu Ling.

She has some problems herself, and Lu Ling is obviously more serious than her... So, she will protect Lu Ling well in the future.

As for now.

She felt sensitively that her A Ling was back.

"Sleep... sleep..."

Caught in a dream fragrance.



In the vast sea of ​​consciousness, the sky was full of blizzards, and the blizzard in the distance swept the whole world like a natural disaster.

The girl woke up in the snowstorm. The moment she opened her eyes, time seemed to stop.

But only for a moment.

"My head hurts..."

The girl got up from the snow in pain.

At this time, Lu Ling "returned", and she felt that she had a very long dream.

This feeling is very familiar, so even in a dream, Lu Ling realized that it was not a dream, but another bad version of her reappeared.

Fortunately, she didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

On the contrary, because of another self, she felt the importance of her in Liu Fufeng's heart, and Lu Ling felt it sweet.

Sure enough, she likes junior sister the most.

"So... where is this place?" Lu Ling looked around in a daze.

Well... this time it should be a real dream.

 Immediately 520!love you guys

(End of this chapter)

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