Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 493 Discrimination

Chapter 493 Discrimination
Mo Qing was going to take a little action to lure Lu Ling back from Bai Yunfan.

This is the future domain owner of their Eastern Shenhai, if they are misled by the people of Shushan, it will be a big game.

Moreover, in the current East Shenhai, except for some disciples who are housekeepers, everyone has gone to clean up the mess for Lu Ling.

Among the four domain masters, the other three were probably fighting the demons, so he stayed in Luoyan City under the pretext of investigating Lu Ling.

If he can't even get Lu Ling, there will be no place to put his face. It is estimated that he will be eaten alive by his brothers and sisters after he returns to East Shenhai.


Looking at the well-behaved girl in front of her, Mo Qing nodded.

He likes Lu Ling very much.

How can you lose to the poor ghosts in Shushan?

But here comes the problem.

He felt that he had done everything he could, and there was really nothing he could do to win back Lu Ling's heart.

He was good at everything, except that he knew nothing about creatures like women, and he didn't know how to please the little girl, otherwise Li Zhuzi wouldn't even be able to remember his name.

No wonder Mo Yu said he was an idiot.

Sighing, Mo Qing made up her mind.

At night, ask Linglong, Dongfang Linglong, as the name suggests, should have a solution.

It is quite embarrassing for Mo Qing, a big man who is going to ask his little apprentice for help now.


Naturally, Lu Ling didn't know that she had started the mission by mistake, and now she just wanted to learn the sword well.

Carry on with your daily life.

Mo Qing's class is over, and Bai Yunfan's class is in the afternoon.

Bai Yunfan of Shushan has also given her the breathing method, and now in class, Bai Yunfan is teaching Lu Ling some basic martial arts knowledge.

And the problem with the structure of the sword before...

Bai Yunfan has already given up.

I don't know what's going on, but Lu Ling just doesn't like the sword frame and the sword, and doesn't listen to it, and deliberately misses these two positions every time.

Bai Yunfan, who fully realized Lu Ling's intelligence, would not believe that Lu Ling really couldn't remember.

In the end, it was attributed to the little girl's self-willedness... Maybe it's because she dislikes the ugly sword and sword.

So in the end, the painting that Lu Ling gave him, the sword on the painting is a "sword" that is slender as bamboo, with the hilt and blade connected.

Is this a sword?

Bai Yunfan was suspicious for a while.

But looking at Lu Ling's pitiful eyes, Bai Yunfan fell.

The price is that now he can only look at the girl who is holding the "bamboo pole" and listening to the class seriously, and is speechless.

At this time, Lu Ling hugged her wooden sword and couldn't put it down.

She drew this sword according to Xuechen's appearance. Of course, she played a little trick and changed it a little to prevent it from being recognized.

Lu Ling is very precious about this wooden sword. She watched Bai Yunfan reduce the size of the house to the size of an arm, and then gradually reduced it to the present shape... Although it is ordinary wood, it has been passed through Bai Yunfan's sword. Moisturizing the mind is enough for a girl who doesn't know how to use a sword yet.

It's a pity that Bai Yunfan doesn't allow her to take the wooden sword home, she can only hold it during class.

Lu Ling's teeth itch from that stingy face, she once suspected that this was Bai Yunfan's trick to "seduce" her, she always thought that Bai Yunfan was a fool, that's why she thought so.

However, this does not affect Lu Ling's respect for the teacher, because Bai Yunfan's knowledge is solid, and he is also very serious about teaching himself.

Lu Ling was very happy to get the wooden sword at first, but she had bad legs and could not use the sword even in a wheelchair, so she was very disappointed after being happy. Fortunately, Lu Ling was very interested in the knowledge Bai Yunfan explained. The general knowledge of martial arts is similar to what Lu Ling learned in "Basic Sword Art", but there are also differences.

The mutual verification and collision of knowledge brought Lu Ling a great sense of satisfaction.

Naturally, he also has a good impression of Bai Yunfan.

This kind of affection is a little different from the affection for Mo Qing. The latter feels more like a parent to Lu Ling, but in front of Bai Yunfan, Lu Ling can be more open.

At this time, Bai Yunfan didn't know why, after finishing a section of knowledge, he suddenly stopped talking.

Lu Ling shook his sleeve: "Teacher Bai? Why didn't you say anything? What are we going to learn next class?"

"..." Bai Yunfan twitched the corner of his mouth.

In the next class, he was going to talk about the role of the sword grid and the techniques used when two mortal swordsmen fight swords.

But, looking at the rapier in Lu Ling's hand, what can he do?
There is no way.

"Teacher Bai, talk to me." Lu Ling continued to tug on Bai Yunfan's sleeve, ripping his clothes into a mess.

"Wait, wait, wait, you little girl, let me think about it..." Bai Yunfan shook off Lu Ling's hand: "Okay, let's teach you how to breathe in the next class."

"Huh? I already know this."

"...Didn't I just give you the book yesterday?" Bai Yunfan was stunned for a moment.

"Look at it once and you'll be fine. It's not a hard point to remember." Lu Ling's innocent expression was silly, but in Bai Yunfan's eyes, it was very cute.

Although Lu Ling has many flaws, she is really smart and talented.

"Okay, then let me teach you what kind of situation is suitable for Shushan's breathing method, and the appropriate use of spiritual power to improve the efficiency of breathing." Bai Yunfan said, paused, and looked down to see the staring Big eyes looking at his girl.

Lu Ling's face was a little red, as if she wanted to say something but dared not.

"Okay, it's not cute at all, just say what you want." Bai Yunfan opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"That..." Lu Ling rubbed her cuffs: "Teacher, can I teach my junior sister this method?"

Then he hurriedly added a sentence.

"I found that with this method and a small amount of spiritual power, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy can be increased by [-]%."

Her junior sister's inspiration is very poor, and she has not succeeded in condensing her qi yet, and she is about to break through the soul-dividing state and reach the soul-forming state, Lu Ling felt uncommonly uncomfortable, so she begged Bai Yunfan.

"If you can teach should also be able to teach my junior sister, right?"

"..." Seeing the little girl's slight expression, Bai Yunfan paused.

This girl... how stupid.

Didn't he promise her when he taught before, can he teach anyone he wants?Anyway, it's a technique he created himself, and he has the final say on how to use it.

Did Lu Ling forget or...

and many more.

This girl probably took her own words as deaf ears.

Bai Yunfan suddenly realized how low his status was in Lu Ling's heart... His heart was bitter, Lu Ling was very obedient with Mo Qing, he was told to do whatever he wanted, to go east instead of west, to drink water and not eat.

He is even more obedient than Mo Qing's own personal apprentice.

How about on my side?Although it is cute, it doesn't have the feeling of Mo Qing's caring little padded jacket. Even Bai Yunfan always thinks that Lu Ling looks at him strangely.

It's not good to say, it's like looking at a fool.

Bai Yunfan suddenly felt unbalanced.

No, he has to think of a way to lure Lu Ling away from Mo Qing...

Bai Yunfan turned his back to Lu Ling and adjusted his expression before turning around.

Seriously scary.


The man was deep in thought, while the girl looked at him eagerly.

Finally, Bai Yunfan let go.

"It's not impossible..."

"Really!?" Lu Ling said excitedly.

"But there is one prerequisite." Bai Yunfan looked Lu Ling up and down.

"Teacher, you say, I will listen to you."

"Listen to everything?" Bai Yunfan chuckled.

What request?Tune in with Mo Qing?Extend class time?
Hearing the weird laughter, Lu Ling trembled, took a step back, folded her arms around her chest, and said, "You can listen to it, but you can't go too far, teacher, otherwise it will be difficult for my junior sister to explain..."



What is not easy to explain.

"Very good, come here." Bai Yunfan looked at Lu Ling gently.

He is good-looking, and the corners of his mouth are frivolous and charming, but it is really not suitable for a gentle expression.

In Lu Ling's heart... this teacher Bai looked like a whore when he smiled, and her whole body went numb from laughing.

"I...I don't want it." Lu Ling took a step back.

"Not coming here, right? Then I'll go." Bai Yunfan pushed Lu Ling to the corner with a few steps.

"Teacher, about we talk about it at the daytime, Junior Sister..." Lu Ling stammered.


With a muffled sound, Lu Ling squatted down with her head in her arms.

"Teacher, why are you beating me!" The girl looked up with tears in her eyes.

"What do you think I beat you for!" Bai Yunfan raised his hand and made a gesture of falling again. Seeing Lu Ling trembling again, he held his head and let her go. After a while, he said helplessly: "I don't know what you think in your little girl's head. What is it……"

"What am I thinking?" Lu Ling pressed the corner of her skirt with one hand, and knelt down on the ground, thinking: "Now I know something about what will happen next in this situation, and then Senior Sister Qin told me that men are Big pig's trotters are not a good thing, my uncle also said similar things."

Then, curiously, he grabbed the hem of Bai Yunfan's white shirt.

"Teacher, what should happen next?"

"..." Seeing the girl's innocent eyes, Bai Yunfan clenched his fists.

He had a feeling that Lu Ling was playing tricks on him, but looking at her innocent eyes, he couldn't open his mouth to question.

"Want to know?" Bai Yunfan asked.

"Yeah." Lu Ling nodded.

"Go back and ask your junior sister." Bai Yunfan said coldly.

"I don't want it." Lu Ling said: "Junior Sister will definitely be unhappy."

"You are clever." Bai Yunfan shook his head.

"Hey, teacher, what exactly do you want me to do before you agree to me, you can teach this to my junior sister."

Hearing this, Bai Yunfan twitched his eyebrows, and then shook Lu Ling's hand cruelly: "Go away, go away, I don't care who you want to teach, didn't I tell you a long time ago? I taught you The things are yours, don't bother me."

"Thank you teacher." After hearing this, Lu Ling smiled, patted the dust on her skirt and got up from the ground, then sat on the chair, opened the notes, and said casually, "Teacher, I'm thirsty."

"Okay, okay, wait for me to pour water for you..." Bai Yunfan took a deep breath and compromised.

After getting along for a while, Lu Ling now has a lot more aura than when they first met, and Lu Ling thinks this teacher is silly and very funny.

"Is there any milk?" the girl asked.

"No, I want to drink to find your Teacher Mo." Bai Yunfan said angrily, and then saw Lu Ling jump off the chair.

"Oh? What are you doing?"

"I'm going to find Teacher Mo."

In fact, she didn't mean to threaten Bai Yunfan, but she really wanted to drink. In her heart, this was not a big deal.

"...Okay, just wait, I'll buy it for you." Bai Yunfan said after holding back for a long time.

"Thank you teacher, here's the money." Lu Ling dug in her bosom, then took out a few taels of silver and handed it to Bai Yunfan.

After receiving Lu Ling's money, Bai Yunfan weighed it in and looked a little better, then asked, "No, where did you get the money from?"

Lu Ling was reading a book and didn't turn her head: "The pocket money given by my junior sister."

"..." Bai Yunfan silently put Lu Ling's pocket money into his pocket with only copper coins left, and prepared to go out.

It took one foot out of the threshold to react, and immediately retracted the foot.

"No, aren't we in class now? Okay, where did you take me? I'll go shopping for you, come and go, won't the second half of the class be gone?"

"It doesn't matter." Lu Ling waved her hand. She actually wanted to push Bai Yunfan away, and then read more of her "Basic Sword Art", and then ask Bai Yunfan for advice when she has enough questions.

This is how time is squeezed out... Anyway, the first lesson that should be learned is over.

And the second half of class...

To be honest, what Bai Yunfan wants to teach is too superficial, she already knew it.

"No, your next class..." Bai Yunfan had something else to say.

Lu Ling interrupted him.

Isn't it just to talk about Tuna?Does this still require a class?With this time, she can read a few more pages of the book.

So Lu Ling spoke.

"Appropriate use of spiritual power can improve the efficiency of breathing. After my test, it is best to use [-]% of the spiritual energy in the soul-dividing state. Based on Fengling and Baoming acupoints, cycle for five weeks, and the effect will be the greatest. According to this speculation, if it is used during the condensing period, only half of the spiritual power is enough, and my junior sister can still use half of the spiritual power." Lu Ling thought for a while, then nodded: "If she can't get it out, it's because of me Do you want to help?"

" did you know?" Bai Yunfan stared blankly at the girl in front of him.

A few days ago, Lu Ling didn't know the location of Wu Zhe Fengling and Baoming acupoints, but now she didn't need him to tell her, she realized the ability to maximize the use of exercises.

This requires a certain amount of martial arts common sense and insights.

And Lu Ling...

Her progress was terribly fast.

"Is it difficult?" Lu Ling tapped her body a few times, marked several acupuncture points, and spoke at the same time.

After summarizing the functions of these acupuncture points and the effects of the spiritual force passing through the meridians, one by one, I finally deduced the best way to use the breathing method.

"Teacher, that's right." After speaking, Lu Ling coughed dryly, as if her throat was not feeling well.

"That's right... little monster." Bai Yunfan said blankly.

"Teacher, what did you say?" Lu Ling raised her head in doubt.

"I didn't say anything, I will take half a class break today, I'll buy you something to drink, wait." Bai Yunfan disappeared in a flash.


After a while.

Lu Ling stretched her waist.

"Finally I can rest for a while..."

The girl lay lazily on the table. After taking three breaths, she sat upright, opened her book, and continued to study.

These common senses of martial arts are all she learned from the basic sword formula in the Great Thousand World.

very funny.

It is said to be a sword art, but in fact the basic chapter covers everything and has everything. It is much more interesting than what Bai Yunfan said. To Lu Ling, Bai Yunfan is just a lecturer, so just ask him if you know anything.

It's almost the same as at Teacher Mo's side, they are all self-study, and there is not much difference if they ask questions if they don't understand.

Teacher, it is used to solve doubts.

In Lu Ling's mind, whether it's Tang Keyu, Bai Yunfan or Mo Qing, what they teach is nothing more than literary soul and martial soul, which are very precious, but not that important.

Sure enough, only Mr. is unique in her heart.

put down the book.

She misses her husband.

(End of this chapter)

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