Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 498 Girl Chapter Title

Chapter 498
Luoyan City.

A small round table, crowded with four figures.

"Aling, how is my sister's craftsmanship?" Xifeng asked nervously.

"It's delicious." Lu Ling puffed her cheeks.

"It's fine if you like it." Xifeng's eyes narrowed into a line, and Liu Fufeng looked at each other, who nodded slightly.

In the past, when Xifeng was helping Liu Fufeng, she was just a helper.

Today, Liu Fufeng is helping her, she is the chef.

If you really want to talk about Xifeng, her craftsmanship is average, but she can't stand the good ingredients, and Lu Ling is used to Liu Fufeng's dishes, so it's not bad to change the taste once in a while.

So Lu Ling ate happily.

"It tastes good." Luo Hanyi made his own evaluation.

Zhao Yingge didn't say anything, but the way she picked up the vegetables was an admission. Xifeng was not a pampered young lady, Zhao Yingge had known this for a long time.

Liu Fufeng also felt good.

Because there are no meat dishes on this table, Ting Xifeng means that he likes something lighter, which is just in line with Liu Fufeng's wishes.

A very comfortable meal.

Because Lu Ling was very happy, everyone present was very happy.



After dinner, everyone washed the dishes together.

Several people were sweating.

"Hot spring, hot spring." Luo Hanyi called.

"Let's go, in the side yard, someone opened it before, you are the first to see it besides me." After saying that, Xifeng prepared a few bath towels, and took a few people away go in.

After Liu Fufeng took off his clothes and put on a bath towel, he looked at Lu Ling who was letting her hair loose, and went up to ask.

"Senior sister, how's the wind and cold going?"

"I feel much better." Lu Ling sniffed: "The method taught by the teacher is still very useful, and the upper limit of spiritual energy has also been expanded a lot."

"Junior sister, help me unbutton the back."

"Okay." Liu Fufeng took Lu Ling's coat in his hand, and found a notebook and a golden earring from it.

"Senior sister, I'm here to rest today, so don't read books."

At this time, Lu Ling took off all her clothes, tied the bath towel in a knot on her chest, then snatched the book and earrings from Liu Fufeng's hand, and stuck them on her chest.

Shaking his head lightly: "No, I still want to read a book while soaking in the hot spring...Junior Sister, this is also a good way to relax, besides, I can't get in the way when you chat with Sister Xifeng and the others. "

"..." Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment.

"No, Junior Sister, I'm not blaming you. For me, I feel very relaxed and safe when you are by my side." Lu Ling stuck out her tongue.

"Okay, whatever you want." Liu Fufeng shook his head, then snatched the golden earring from Lu Ling's hand.

"Junior Sister!" Lu Ling pouted.

"I'll keep it for you first. Speaking of which, senior sister, you haven't pierced your ears, so it's inconvenient to hold them. Go back and find a chance. I'll get you one." Liu Fufeng smiled and put the golden earring on his left ear .

"How is it? Does it look good?" Liu Fufeng turned his head to look at Lu Ling, the golden earrings swaying slightly.

"Okay... look." Lu Ling was taken aback.

It was the first time she saw her junior sister wearing jewelry, or earrings, and she had never seen her wear the blood butterfly that was given to her before.

She didn't even know that Liu Fufeng had pierced ears.

always have?

However, it looks good, and this light golden solid color feels just right for Liu Fufeng.

"Junior Sister, when did you get your ears pierced?" Lu Ling asked curiously. If possible, she would also like to get one... but she was a little scared, would it hurt?

The main thing is that the earrings don't have to be carried in your arms.

"When, when I was very young." Liu Fufeng recalled for a while, and said with a smile: "Girls will play well before they are ten years old, senior sister, this is not a good thing, um, it is also very inconvenient to take care of, That is, after going to Lingshan, the thin thread was removed from the ear, otherwise you may die at any time."

"Not a good thing? What do you mean?" Lu Ling didn't understand.

"It's nothing, I mean, to ordinary girls, you are different, senior sister, I'll get you one when I go back, it must look good." Liu Fufeng shook his head: "Senior sister, let's go in, don't let Xifeng and the others wait Anxious."


In the yard, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the open-air hot spring is filled with a little water vapor.

The spring water is neither big nor small, and there is no problem in accommodating six or seven people.

After entering the water, everyone sat around.

"Comfortable... I feel so tired recently that my bones are about to fall apart." Luo Hanyi sat lazily in the water, let out a breath of steam, and then looked enviously at Lu Ling's jet-black hair.

"so envious."

"Okay, let's take your bath." Zhao Yingge shook her head, her short hair was not good-looking anyway.

Then, I suddenly felt a gaze fall on me, and when I looked over, I found that it was Xifeng.

"Well... I can't see it, Zhao girl, you are quite smart." Xifeng watched all the people around, and finally came to a conclusion.

The one with the best figure is Luo Hanyi, followed by Zhao Yingge, and then she and Liu Fufeng. Compared with her, Liu Fufeng is slightly inferior.

As for Lu Ling...

forget it.

"..." Zhao Yingge twitched the corners of her mouth, but did not speak.

"Junior Sister, what is Sister Xifeng talking about?" Lu Ling showed her eyes underwater at this moment, poked her head out and said something, and then thumped twice.

"I didn't say anything, senior sister, you don't have to take it to heart." Liu Fufeng fooled Lu Ling.

Being around these women is indeed very stressful...

"Cut, what a mess." Under the water, Lu Ling gradually moved in front of Luo Hanyi, with half of her head exposed, staring fixedly at Luo Hanyi's side face.

"Xiaoling? What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?" Luo Hanyi touched the side of his face in confusion.

"It's nothing, uncle, you actually have pierced ears." Lu Ling said unexpectedly.

"Isn't this normal?" Touching his ear, Luo Hanyi felt a little strange: "I got it pierced when I was a child, but after I entered the mountain gate, I didn't need to take care of it. In fact, I also have a lot of jewelry, but I rarely wear it."


With that said, Lu Ling swam up to Zhao Yingge.

After seeing Lu Ling, the latter looked much better: "A Ling? Why do you suddenly want to see this?"

"Sister Zhao, you actually have it too!" Lu Ling said in surprise after observing carefully.

At first, I thought that a woman like Sister Zhao who didn't care about herself and wrapped her breasts when she went out would not have pierced ears.

"What's so strange." Luo Hanyi didn't take it seriously: "It's normal for girls to have pierced ears."

Lu Ling nodded, then looked at Xifeng, but found that the latter was a bit cramped.

It stands to reason that she is the one who shouldn't have this kind of expression.

"It's normal for a girl to have earrings, isn't it..." Xifeng swallowed, but she didn't have any...Even if she wears earrings, she uses clips...

"Oh?" Lu Ling discovered something, looked at Xifeng, and finally came to a conclusion.

Xifeng has no pierced ears.

Very strange.

"Junior Sister? Sister Xifeng doesn't even have one, otherwise I wouldn't want it either." Lu Ling said to Liu Fufeng.

Lu Ling, who was used to wearing skirts, felt that piercing her ears was no big deal, mainly because her junior sister had them, so she also wanted one.

"Okay, Senior Sister, don't worry about this, I'll make the decision for you." Watching Lu Ling's actions one by one, Liu Fufeng smiled and shook his head.

"Then listen to you, junior sister." Lu Ling shook her head, then enjoyed the hot spring without speaking.

Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling, and memories of his childhood flashed through his mind.

In their city of Picheng, wearing earrings is a sign of "lowly people", so Liu Fufeng said that this is not a good thing.

For ordinary girls, before the age of 10, they often have to go through such a test.

At that time, the mother or other elders will do the work, rubbing rice grains on the earlobe repeatedly to numb it, and then piercing it with a needle point, piercing through the grass or silk thread. After a long time, small holes will be formed.

While operating, the mother also has to educate the children so that they know how to be a well-behaved woman.

This is how Liu Fufeng experienced it, and I believe the uncle and sister Zhao should be the same.

As for Sister's normal if she doesn't have one, she was raised as a boy, and as her status, she doesn't need such things unless she wants to.

Of course, Liu Fufeng doesn't care about the so-called lowly person's mark now, as long as it looks good, she will get one for Lu Ling when she goes back.

Touching the golden earrings on his ears, Liu Fufeng stroked the long hair of Lu Ling underwater, playing with it casually.

Because of Lu Ling's actions, the atmosphere was a little weird.

Zhao Yingge also seemed to be lost in memory.

When she was young, her mother loved her very much, but even so, she still pierced herself.

First press the ear firmly with beans, press the blood to the surrounding area, and then prick it with a needle.

It hurts, really hurts.

Maybe it was just like a mosquito bite to the current Zhao Yingge, but to the little girl at that time, it was definitely a heart-wrenching pain.

He touched his ears unconsciously.

There is also a nearly transparent knot on it.

It's also ridiculous. Zhao Yingge, who hates women's bodies, has to wrap her chest around her chest when she goes out, but keeps her pierced ears intact...

For her, this is something left by her mother, it doesn't mean that she must wear jewelry or something.

Shaking his head, his eyes shifted to Liu Fufeng's ears.

If I remember correctly, this golden earring is a Guqin, she saw Lu Ling use it once, and the sound is very nice.



Xifeng has always regarded herself as a big sister, but now seeing that Zhao Yingge has earrings, she feels weird psychologically.

Decided to wait for Lu Ling and the others to leave and tie one by himself.

In fact, if she thinks about it carefully, she also knows that these earrings are a sign of "lowly people", but this is in other metropolises. For Luoyan City, girls get their ears pierced more because they can wear beautiful silver jewelry.

In Luoyan City, even a wandering woman can never be said to be lowly.

So Xifeng didn't think about this level for a while, but felt that she was not so feminine, so she might not be able to set an example for Lu Ling - it can be seen from the fact that Liu Fufeng tried his best to eat rose fruit for Lu Ling What is this girl thinking.

Rose hips are also a kind of cucumber, but the effect of promoting growth is better. This was revealed by Xifeng inadvertently when the two were chatting. As a result, Liu Fufeng went back and looked through the medical skills and found that it was true. Let Xifeng Feng prepared for Lu Ling... a cartful of rose fruit.

The precious fruit has a much better taste than cucumbers, and Lu Ling quite likes it, so Xifeng ordered several large-scale fruit farms to specialize in growing rose hips.

Tonight's dessert was rose hips, Lu Ling ate three, and Liu Fufeng laughed from ear to ear.

There are many indications that Liu Fufeng is very concerned about Lu Ling's development. She wants to make her sister more feminine, so Xifeng always feels that she should set an example for Lu Ling.

Of course, it's feminine and not flirtatious bitch.

This speed is still difficult to grasp, for Xifeng.

When I go back, I will have my ears pierced and prepare some silver jewelry.

After making the decision, Xifeng looked at Lu Ling.

The girl sat in front of Liu Fufeng, her long hair floating in front of her like ink soup.


Glancing at Lu Ling's chest, Xifeng bowed her head.

It's really sad.

And Lu Ling is too thin.

When she and Lu Ling were this age, they had already begun to take shape.

Xifeng leaned against Luo Hanyi.

"Sister Luo."

"What's wrong?" Finding out that it was Xifeng, Luo Hanyi squeezed towards Zhao Yingge.

She and Xifeng don't have much contact with each other, and Yingge doesn't like her, Luo Hanyi is not stupid.

"I have something to ask you." Xifeng whispered.

"Look at what I'm doing." Zhao Yingge shook her head, "Tell me what you want."

"Oh, then you can ask." Luo Hanyi said.

Looking back at Liu Fufeng who was playing with Lu Ling's earlobe, Xifeng whispered in Luo Hanyi's ear: "Isn't your Lingshan a fairy gate? Aren't you all fairies? Can't you control your body?"

The legendary Lingshan girls are all stunning. Xifeng had a bad impression of Lingshan in the past, thinking that they were transformed by magic. Looking at Liu Fufeng now, it seems that they are real.

"Huh?" Luo Hanyi was taken aback for a moment, never expecting this to be the question.

But the East has also mentioned this kind of problem.

"Temperament, what matters is temperament, understand?" Luo Hanyi said imitating Dongfang Lianren's words.

"I know temperament is important, just tell me why." Xifeng said curiously.

They're all women, so there's nothing they can't talk about, and Luo Hanyi is usually worried about his figure, so he can talk to Xifeng if he doesn't have anything to say with Zhao Yingge.

"Well, let me tell you..." Luo Hanyi said: "Although there are spells that can change the body shape, and the technique of rebirth can also transform the body according to one's own preferences, but most of the people's images are fixed after they transform into a virtual realm. , no matter how it changes, the soul will not change... Besides, the pretended body can be seen immediately. The eyes of these women are poisonous. The difference between the natural growth of the body and the use of spiritual power is very small, but You can’t hide it from them at all, it’s not shameful enough.”

When Xifeng heard the words, she nodded half-understanding.

Lingshan is a school for women, right? Where there are women, there are fights.

Maybe, figure is also a comparison item for these fairies when they have nothing to do. In such an environment, it would be embarrassing to fake it.

On this point, Xifeng really guessed right.

That group of women is so idle.

How is the development of the girl in whose family, what does it look like when it is finished, how many people like it...

Everyone likes this topic.

And Liu Fufeng has fully seen through this essence, and doesn't want to embarrass Ah Ling, and she also wants a perfect younger sister...

Therefore, for some time to come, Lu Ling will not be able to do without rose fruit.

Nutritional balance.

She waited for the day when Lu Ling grew up, hoping to see a perfect Lu Ling before she left.

(End of this chapter)

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