Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 504 Do You Want To...Join Lingshan

Chapter 504 Do You Want To...Join Lingshan

The man's voice was low, but he smiled nicely.

Mo Qing's neutral and gentle face has always been attractive, very elegant at first glance, and then became more and more tasteful.

It's just that this pair of eyes, as gentle as a fountain of tranquility, exudes an undisguised chill at this moment.

"Whoever hurt you, I'll kill him." Mo Qing said, his domineering consciousness swept out from the surrounding area of ​​Luoyan City.


In the medical hall, Luo Hanyi looked up in a daze.

"Who is this... Forget it, I can't control it."

at the same time.

Bai Yunfan suddenly opened his eyes and looked in Mo Qing's direction.

Killing intent?
Covered with killing intent in Luoyan City, is this man crazy?
This is much more serious than the surveillance incident.

Mo Qing is not a calm person.

Just as he was about to get up to find out, he sat back down.

What happened to Dong Shenhai has nothing to do with him, he wished Dong Shenhai could offend Lingshan.

But...for the sake of Teacher Lu Ling, I'd better remind him.

A second later, the thought disappeared.

" ask for more happiness."

Bai Yunfan felt the spiritual power of the Lingshan people from Mo Qing, which meant that someone was going to deal with him...

"What's wrong with you?"

Shaking his head.


Mo Qing's room.

Mo Yu withdrew her breath, then kicked Mo Qing's calf.

"Almost done."

"Sister, who is it? This person is not from Lingshan." Mo Qing made no secret of her killing intent.

He didn't notice it just now, but now...he found a trace of charm on Mo Yu's body.

Mo Yu has not yet reached that level, that is to say, it was left by others.

With her current cultivation base, it is impossible not to get hurt by leaving behind the charm of Dao.

Although he never said it, Mo Qing knew that the number one person in the world for him would always be this grumpy sister who hardly gave him good looks...

Anyone who dares to hurt Mo Yu, Mo Qing will make them pay the price.

"Are you worried about me?" Mo Yu froze for a moment, then turned his back for a moment, turned around with a serious face: "Cough...your sister, when do I need you to worry?"

Mo Qing frowned, this is not a matter of worry or not, but that Mo Yu has already been injured, although the injury is not serious, but Mo Yu appeared in front of him at this time, it is impossible for him to turn a blind eye, everyone has something that cannot be touched Touching Ni Lin, this sister is the only Ni Lin of this Southern Territory Lord.

Whoever moves will die.

"You just say who it is." Mo Qing stretched out his palm, and a drop of water slowly swirled in the palm.

People who can face this ordinary drop of water head-on, under the fourth level of the Venerable, there are only monks with tortoise shells in the Valley of Great Compassion, and even these monks, Mo Qing can make him unable to eat and walk around.

"Are you nervous?" Mo Yu suddenly smiled: "This is Lingshan, so I don't need you, a little guy, to help me out."

"It's different." Mo Qing shook her head.

Lingshan is Lingshan, he is him, even after Lingshan takes revenge, he will go there in person.

"What's the difference?" Mo Yu spread her hands, looking at Mo Qing with helpless eyes, a man who cared about her partner, but cared so much about her...

Or want to be her Taoist companion.

Either her brother.

Here is the second type...

Well, I won't swear today, I'm in a good mood.

"Okay, don't you just want to know who it is, put away your divine sense, or I'll be really angry." Mo Yu said seriously.

"Okay." Mo Qing withdrew her consciousness and waited for Mo Yu to speak.

After a while, Mo Yu said, "It's Bai Ling."

"It's her?" Mo Qing was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Xuan Jingsi can't do it either, she actually dares to do something to you."

"Well... to be precise, I did something to your sister." Mo Yu said as a matter of course.

Mo Qing: "..."

"The Bailing of the Xuanjing Division seems to be the fourth heaven like you? But that's not the point." Mo Yu sat down casually: "Didn't this woman insist that Luoyan City has demonic energy, but she couldn't find it if she looked for it? Let's go." She didn’t leave again, you don’t know, even Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng’s boudoirs were broken into by her several times, but she couldn’t find them, so she told me that there is still the last room that I haven’t been to.”

Mo Qing: "...Then, you started fighting with her?"

Even if it was in Lingshan, it would be wrong for Mo Yu to act first. From this point of view, Senior Sister Bailing was right, but it was Mo Yu's own fault.

"It's not enough to do anything about it." Mo Yu picked up the water glass and took a sip, and said, "Later, the last room belonged to Shen Gui, and Gui'er was in seclusion, so I could let her in? You know, Shen Canghai is also in seclusion If she finds out I'm here and disturbs Shen Gui... I won't be annoyed to death by her."

"But Bailing didn't listen to her, so she had a brain... Then I did it." Mo Yu said indifferently: "I and Bailing are old acquaintances, and she was also injured in the same way as before. This woman, You have to fight to be happy."

Mo Qing: "..."

Although Senior Sister Bailing has a little problem, no matter how you look at it, Mo Yu's problem is bigger, and Mo Qing can be sure that Mo Yu's words definitely beautify herself.

And Senior Sister Bai Ling was also injured...their relationship is really good.

Forget it.

Also he was overly nervous.

"Okay, look at your appearance, I'm worried now, why did you go early." Mo Yu looked at him with hatred.

"???" Mo Qing looked at her suspiciously, then put away the previous murderous aura, his face moved.

"By the way, sister, you just said that you can go up the mountain?"

He waited almost a month.

Mo Yu: "..."

After silence, put the cup down hard.

"Yes, it's just these few days. I'll take you, Luo Hanyi and Bai Yunfan, and go up the mountain together. Li Zhuzi and the other sink into the sea, hehe..."

Turn away.

"Suddenly lost his temper again." Mo Qing didn't know where to say something wrong again, after shaking his head, he took a deep breath.

"I can finally go up the mountain... I don't know how the bamboo is doing now."




Shen Gui opened his eyes.

The retreat is over.

At the peak of the Void Transformation Realm, one foot stepped into the Realm of Rebirth, and at the same time, some things that had been forgotten for a long time also surfaced.


I will not escape, or I will never take that step.

"Shen Lan, I missed the appointment." Shen Gui looked at his hands and said slowly.

She would never call that person Miss.

Just like that girl named Shen Lan never regarded her as a servant, she always liked to hold her hand and call her name.



Before she died, she tried her best to get her out of the bloody place. At the man's feet, she only opened her mouth but couldn't make a sound.

His eyes are still so clear.


Shen Gui left anyway, carrying Shen Lan's hope for life.

What was left to her after escaping was a promise that could never be fulfilled.

"From today onwards, you will be my personal bodyguard, the kind for a lifetime."

"Miss, she is so small, what can she do?"

"You don't know, Afu must be a very powerful swordsman in the future, I believe her."

"Just her? Miss, be careful that the master is not happy..."

"Shut up, I like her, but I don't like you, you can go, you can go."

"...The villain knows his mistake."

Closing his eyes, Shen Gui's breathing gradually calmed down.

It's all a thing of the past.

Revenge should be reported.

Is the Yi tribe considered revenge?
Father's family, mother's family and wife's family, I don't know how many people there are.

Use the sword Shen Lan gave her, one sword at a time.


Those people will never know where this evil spirit came from, and they will never find this person in hell.

Interestingly, because of the large number of people, many people from the world of cultivating immortals were involved, and some of them were the pillars of the largest caves under the Holy Land.

The cultivation base is very high, Shen Gui still can't see their limit.

That's right, otherwise, he couldn't be so domineering and take care of his family... Shen Gui thought it was understandable.

Then, these pillars were broken by Shen Canghai's kick, and even the unlucky Dongtian Paradise was left behind.

No holy land was willing to offend Shen Canghai, who was almost insane at the time, for the sake of a few caves.

Shen Canghai originally wanted to keep them for Shen Guifu to settle the score himself, but she refused.

Too many people have been killed, men and women and children.

How many innocents?

Thinking about it now is a sin.

The taste of revenge...

Can't tell.

Shen Gui walked out of the room, found that Liu Fufeng was still busy, went into the bathroom, took off his clothes, and entered the water.

Reflected in the water was a short-haired girl with a calm expression without any fluctuations.

Sure enough, she had become a cold-blooded person.

Memories are always memories. She thought she hadn't come out, but she had let go of it long ago.

It is only a matter of time before breaking through the Void Transformation Realm.

Laughed lightly, laughing at himself.

The name Afu should be left behind.

But... what about the name Shen Gui after leaving it behind?what does she want
Sometimes, Shen Gui herself doesn't know what she wants... Think about it, it's all for her own family.

This is why she practiced desperately.

What has been lost once is now very precious.

Master, Master Li, Xu Xu, Junior Sister... Unknowingly looking back, there are many more people who have to give their lives for it.

Barefoot outings, summer breeze, autumn whispers, and the stove in the middle of winter, what Master promised at the beginning, has been fulfilled.

Lingshan, her home does not allow anyone to get involved.

Just now when Mo Qing swept Luoyan City with her spiritual sense, she sensed it, but the other aura that followed closely belonged to Master Mo, so she ignored it, thinking it was no big deal.

Enjoying the hot water, Shen Gui's face was like a peach blossom.

This blushing problem cannot be changed.


Now that he has also left the customs, it is almost time to contact Uncle Mo and go back to the mountain together.

The little ones at home are also very important, and they need to add the right blood.

Now, her task is to bring Zhao Yingge and Xifeng back to the mountain... The task given by Master Li must be completed naturally.

These two people are more troublesome than the other.

As the female city lord of Luoyan City, Xifeng has obvious weaknesses, and Shen Gui is sure to bring her back.

And Zhao Yingge...

I have to say that this little girl is somewhat similar to her.

But the problem is not too big.

After experiencing these things, Shen Gui knew what Zhao Yingge wanted. Although the feeling of opening the bloody wound after revenge was painful, it was also a relief.

Lingshan will give her what she wants.



A circle of people around the table.

Lu Ling was sitting on Liu Fufeng's left hand, holding a bowl of rice and eating in small bites. Next to Lu Ling were Luo Hanyi and Zhao Yingge.

But today there is an extra seat.


She is on the right side of Liu Fufeng right now.

"Aling, do you like this dish? I specially cooked some of it with sugar water. I don't know if the ratio is good." Xifeng handed some rose fruit to Lu Ling.

"I like it." Lu Ling nodded.

Xifeng smiled: "Just like it."

Then, she looked at Liu Fufeng.

Xifeng is not an idiot either, Liu Fufeng asked her to come down for dinner today, and when she said she had something to do when she went back...

Compared with Liu Fufeng's invitation, everything is nothing. Luoyan City naturally has its own way of operation, and she doesn't have to worry too much about it.

Therefore, Xifeng wanted to know why Liu Fufeng kept her here.

Although she doesn't eat or sleep, there are some things that would be more serious if she sits together. Her status is very embarrassing, so let's settle it at the dinner table.

So Xifeng spoke.

"Sister Liu, why did you think of asking me to have dinner with you today?"

"En...that..." Liu Fufeng faltered a few words, apparently startled by Xifeng's preemptive attack, and hadn't figured out how to speak yet.

"Okay, just tell me if you have anything to do with me, if there is anything else we want to see." Xifeng put down her chopsticks.

Lu Ling also looked at Liu Fufeng strangely, even she could feel something was wrong with Liu Fufeng.

"They have something to say, silly woman, let's avoid it first." Zhao Yingge got up and pulled Luo Hanyi to leave, her body was almost recovered.

"Hey, I haven't finished eating yet." Luo Hanyi called.

"Sister Zhao, don't worry." Liu Fufeng stopped Zhao Yingge and said after a pause, "Today... I also have something to talk to Sister Zhao."

Hearing this, Zhao Yingge sat back.

"Both of us have a share? Strange, sister, tell me, I'll listen."

Xifeng nodded.

Liu Fufeng pondered for a while, and said: "At most three days, my senior sister and I will go back to the mountain."



"Go back to the mountain? Can I go home now!" Lu Ling jumped up in surprise, she had been homesick for a long time.

There was dead silence all around.

Lu Ling swallowed her saliva and sat back.

Both Zhao Yingge and Xifeng looked very ugly, but Xifeng recovered faster.

"I'm going back now? I didn't expect it to be so soon, how about this, come and play with me before going back." Xifeng smiled and gave Lu Ling a wink.

"Sister Xifeng..." Lu Ling could also see Xifeng's forced smile, and the joy of going home was immediately diluted.

"Going home is one thing, and another thing..." Liu Fufeng smiled wryly.

God knows why Senior Sister Shen asked her to notify these two people first... But Senior Sister Shen is also right, it is indeed better for them to have a preparation.

"What's the matter? Tell me, don't hide it." Xifeng said.

Zhao Yingge didn't say a word, there is always a banquet in the world, and it will be sooner or later, she has already made preparations, and she also wants to know what Liu Fufeng wants to say.

Liu Fufeng took a deep breath and said.

"Well, Sister Xifeng, Sister Zhao, Senior Sister asked me to ask you if you join Lingshan."




As well as the surprised Lu Ling and the expressionless Zhao Yingge.


After half an hour.

"Sister, I didn't hear what you said."

(End of this chapter)

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