Chapter 507 Process
At this time, outside the bathroom.

Zhao Yingge sat in the room, staring at his silver gun in a daze, while Luo Hanyi was beside him nervously.

"I said, it's almost done, I'm not nervous, what's there to be nervous about." Zhao Yingge shook her head.

"You don't understand." Luo Hanyi got up, sat down again, then got up again, walked around the room, and then put his ear against the wall, but he couldn't hear anything.

Now, Shen Gui and Xifeng are in the next room.



After Xifeng sat down, she looked at the woman across from her.

Broken hair, black Taoist robe, tall and slender, with a dignified look, somewhat similar to Zhao Yingge, but Zhao Yingge is far behind her.

"Shen... Senior Sister, right?" After thinking about it, Xifeng said.

Although Shen Gui looked young, but a woman's instinct told her that she couldn't be called younger sister...

And she was right, Shen Gui's expression softened a little when he heard the word Senior Sister.

Since she called her Senior Sister, she was a girl from her own family.

"To make a long story short, how did you think about it?" Shen Gui said bluntly.


When Xifeng faced Shen Gui, she was more hopeless than she imagined. If Shen Gui still had an overbearing attitude, she would definitely fight back with words, but when Shen Gui calmed down, her shy person became became herself.

"I don't know Lingshan that well yet..." Xifeng choked out this sentence after holding back for a long time.

"It's okay, I'll have time to understand slowly." Shen Gui looked at Xifeng seriously.

This Xifeng didn't know that she was appointed by Master Li and Jiufeng's new disciple... And after a period of investigation, Shen Gui was still very satisfied with Xifeng as a whole.

She is scheming and has the weakness of a woman, and she is deeply loved by Lu Ling.

As for talent...

There is no problem with the martial arts since he was a child, but other aspects are a bit inferior...Of course Shen Gui never looked at talent.

Her own talent is mediocre in the first place, and it is estimated that she is half a catty compared to Xifeng.

If you are satisfied, you will naturally start accepting people.

When dealing with official business, Shen Gui has always been serious and earnest, never bringing personal emotions into it, otherwise, with her domineering temperament, she would just throw the two of them on the Lingshan Mountain, why would she want to do that? many.

Of course, being so patient is also related to Li Zhuzi's order.

"Get to know... slowly." Xifeng sighed, even though she didn't know anything about Lingshan, she knew that it was a ladder to heaven, but... how much does Lingshan know about her?
Do you know her suffering?

If she left, what would happen to this huge Luoyan City?Give it away?
So, what face would she have to meet the city lords of Luoyan City?
"Xifeng, you should be aware of your own body, you won't survive this year." Shen Gui said lightly, stating the fact.

"Yeah... recently, it's getting worse." Xifeng stretched out her hand to wipe her face, and there was thick rouge on her fingertips to cover her complexion.

It was no surprise that Shen Gui knew her secret.

Speaking of which, I will be free in about a year...

However, Luoyan City still needs a city lord, even if this city lord can't do anything, it doesn't matter, because Luoyan City already has a mature system... For the choice of a new city lord, Xifeng has no one yet, but one thing is certain Yes, under her request, the new city lord will not have much power... There is no way, father will forgive her.

The illness came like a mountain... I have no ability to do the following things well.

"Joining Lingshan can cure your illness." Shen Gui looked into Xifeng's eyes and said, "Although you still have one year left, Lingshan won't wait for you for a year, so seize the opportunity."

"..." Xifeng was silent.

She is not afraid of death.

I was expecting death...

Seeing Xifeng was silent, Shen Gui shook his head.

She had already said that Xifeng was easier to deal with.

"What are you thinking about? Falling Goose City?"

"...Yes." Xifeng smiled bitterly, Lingshan is Lingshan, she has no initiative at all, when facing Shen Gui, it is completely different from when facing Liu Fufeng and Luo Hanyi.

This is the fairy gate, no matter how dissatisfied she is in her heart, if she really matches, everything will turn into helplessness.

"Luoyan City..." Shen Gui thought for a while: "Although it is said that cultivating immortals does not enter the world, but if it is you, you can be your city lord even if you enter Lingshan."

For this crazy woman who has been fighting to the death on the front line of Tianguangxu, a mere city lord of Luoyan City... is really nothing, it can't compare to Qin Qin's meal.

Worldly things are always worldly things.

If this thing has extraordinary meaning to Xifeng, she doesn't mind a little flexibility.

She has this right.

And Xifeng froze for a moment.

"Senior Sister Shen, what do you mean?"

"What do you think is the relationship between Luoyan City and Lingshan? You will understand in the future." Shen Gui said lightly: "Enter Lingshan and heal your body. Rules, you can't run down all day..."


For Xifeng, the most important thing in Shen Gui's passage is the relationship between Luoyan City and Lingshan.

Other things don't matter.

Healing diseases, being a city lord, etc., has long been ignored.

However, if she heard such words a month ago, she would probably join Lingshan without hesitation.

Now I still have some thoughts.

"That's right." Shen Gui thought for a while before speaking suddenly.

"You are the city lord of Luoyan City, right? After you enter the mountain, you can look for the information of the city lords of Luoyan City in the past. They are all written in detail."

Obviously, she has already regarded Xifeng as her junior sister.

"En..." Then, Shen Gui gave Xifeng a meaningful look.

"Tell me, if there is a city lord who can live for 200 years, or even 500 years, or 1000 years, what will Luoyan City look like?"

"...Senior sister, I understand." Xifeng bent down.

This senior sister finally didn't feel as awkward as before.

"Well, the dagger is good. After going up the mountain, if you have any ideas about the way of swordsmanship, you can come to me." Shen Gui nodded, and then walked out the door.



Zhao Yingge's door was opened, and Shen Gui walked in.

Before Zhao Yingge had any reaction, Luo Hanyi jumped up first, and looked around Shen Gui.

" didn't do anything, did you..."

"Uncle Master?"

"'s okay, it's fine if you don't do anything." After confirming that Shen Gui didn't have Xifeng's blood on him, Luo Hanyi breathed a sigh of relief.

With Xifeng's temper, she was afraid that Xifeng would anger Shen Gui... Shen Gui never knew what holding back was, but it was obvious that Luo Hanyi didn't know Shen Gui that well.

"So, how did Xifeng do it? Did she agree?" Luo Hanyi asked nervously.



in the bathroom.

Lu Ling was working hard on Liu Fufeng's body, her knuckles were congested with blood, but seeing how comfortable her junior sister was being pressed by her, Lu Ling felt that it was all worth it.

Suddenly, the bathroom door was opened.

Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng turned their heads at the same time, only to see Xifeng coming in with her hair loose and wearing a bath towel.

"Oh? Is Ah Ling massaging younger sister Liu?" Xi Feng looked at Lu Ling who was kneeling beside Liu Fufeng, her eyes lit up.

"My sister also wants to enjoy this treatment. Her busy bones are about to fall apart recently."

Xifeng took off the bath towel, entered the water, and turned sideways to cover the rouge on her face.

"Sister Xifeng!" Lu Ling didn't react until Xifeng entered the water.

"Why are you here? Has Senior Sister Shen finished talking to you?"

"How long will it last?" Xifeng shook her head.

"What's the result? What's the result?" Lu Ling was very nervous, but Liu Fufeng felt relieved after taking a look at Xifeng.

"The result... of course it is..." Xifeng sat down with Lu Ling's taste, and then changed the topic: "A Ling, you haven't promised me yet, why don't you give me a shoulder squeeze."

"I promise, I promise, tell me quickly." Lu Ling hurriedly said.

"So easy?" Xifeng looked at Lu Ling's mouth that was gradually flattening, and waved her hand: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you, of course I have no choice, Lingshan... I never thought about it before, However, according to your Senior Sister Shen, I am not yet a disciple of Lingshan, and there are still several hurdles..."

"That is to say, Miss Xifeng, will you go up the mountain with us?" Lu Ling asked excitedly.

"Of course." Xifeng smiled, and looked at Liu Fufeng.

it is more than words.

"Sister Liu, it seems... you, the wife of Luoyan City, will continue to work." Xifeng laughed.

"Whatever." Liu Fufeng shook his head.

Then, it was Lu Ling who asked for some details.

Until now, Xifeng still has a feeling of dreaming... suddenly became a disciple of Lingshan?It's incredible.

However, it is also reasonable.

There was absolutely no way to refuse what Shen Gui gave her.

Not to mention 500 years and 1000 years, even if they can live for 200 years, it is unimaginable... If Luoyan City must have such a long-lived city lord, Xifeng hopes that that person can only be Xifeng.

Moreover, according to what Lingshan gave her, living is not suffering. Relatively, the pressure can be relieved a lot, and... During her life, Luoyan City has only her as the city lord. If you are behind, you can develop rapidly.

She can watch Luoyan City develop for a hundred years, or even 200 years... Watching the hard work of her ancestors gradually grow, this is something Xifeng even dreamed of, she didn't dare to think about it before, but now that she has a choice, she won't hesitate at all.

No way, she couldn't refuse.

And... There are also some seemingly unimportant conditions, which are the factors that determine her to stay.

The relationship with Liu Fufeng, the love for Lu Ling.

This is also important.

Hmm... Xifeng's sexual orientation is normal, maybe in the future she might meet a suitable partner and have a child...

This is something I never even thought about before.

Xifeng's heart is in a mess, probably because of the feeling of a big prize from the sky hitting her face. Fortunately, after seeing the stupid and cute Lu Ling, when she thinks that there is such a cute creature as Lu Ling on Lingshan Mountain, Xifeng has a lot of love for the road ahead. Confusion eased a lot.

Looking forward to life after that.

It's been a long time since I looked forward to tomorrow.

"Sometimes..." Xifeng looked at Liu Fufeng: "I just like my despicableness. After entering Lingshan, I can still own Luoyan City. How can I refuse such a condition? It's too cunning."

"It's human nature." Liu Fufeng shook his head indifferently.

She is actually similar to Xifeng, except that she likes her Aling.

"Sister Xifeng has made the decision, what about Sister Zhao?"

Lu Ling began to worry about Zhao Yingge.

Luo Hanyi was also worried.



"It means that bitch joined Lingshan, right?" After hearing the news about Xifeng, Zhao Yingge said decisively, "Then I refuse, I won't stay with her."

"Sakura Song!!" Luo Hanyi was anxious.

But Zhao Yingge completely ignored Luo Hanyi, and looked straight at Shen Gui.

"Well, the rejection was quite quick." Shen Gui flicked the broken hair in front of his forehead, revealing a heroic face, then crossed his hands and looked at Zhao Yingge, his eyes were a little dangerous.

"I probably didn't tell you, I don't like girls who talk dirty."

Zhao Yingge: "..."

"Especially in front of the little ones at home..." Shen Gui glanced at Lu Ling's direction.


"What are you thinking about?" Shen Gui played with the sword energy on his fingertips.

"I...was wrong, I'm sorry." Zhao Yingge hesitated and apologized. After being reminded by Shen Gui, she found that she did often swear in front of Lu Ling. You must know that Lu Ling is learning what she sees now, training three Guan's age... She might... No, it has already had a bad influence on Lu Ling.

"En, it's not bad." Shen Gui nodded in satisfaction, he was strong on the outside, soft on the inside, and cared about children... a little bit similar to her.

"It's nothing good, I won't join Lingshan." Zhao Yingge said.

Shen Gui shook his head: "Don't talk so deadly."

"Gui'er, don't be angry..." Luo Hanyi became nervous after seeing Shen Gui like this.

"Uncle Master." Shen Gui tilted his head and glanced at Zhao Yingge, then respectfully said to Luo Hanyi: "If it wasn't for you and Uncle Dongfang's request, she...wouldn't be worth my time, when will Lingshan The income needs to be so low."

She still didn't say a word, Xifeng was actually the same, and that was Li Zhuzi's request.

"..." Luo Hanyi stopped talking.

She understood Shen Gui's meaning, it was to tell her not to speak, Zhao Yingge's quota was originally given for Luo Hanyi's face, so don't cause her any more trouble.

"Okay, let me see you." Shen Gui said, taking out a piece of paper: "There is no way to verify the later things, but when you were young... it seems that you were not a quiet girl."

"He who is born with supernatural power is not a fuel-efficient lamp, is he?"

Zhao Yingge was not surprised that Lingshan was able to find her own information. In her consciousness, Lingshan was the land of omnipotent gods.

"Well, the strength is quite strong... However, there are quite a few times of being repaired by others." Shen Gui read and said: "They are only allowed to hit me, and I am not allowed to hit them. What is the reason..."

A little bit of interest.

"You said this sentence?"

"I don't remember." Zhao Yingge said, "When did this happen..."

"It seems to be when you were eight years old." Shen Gui said.

"Who remembers this kind of thing clearly." Zhao Yingge said: "However, there is really no reason why you can't fight back."

"En, not bad." Shen Gui put down the paper, looked at Zhao Yingge: "Do you want revenge?"

"Think." Zhao Yingge said calmly, and the mention of revenge has already been integrated into her blood, so it will not cause fluctuations.

"However, no one else is needed to help."

"No one wants to help you, but someone who came here reminded you that the feeling of tearing the scars apart again is very painful." Shen Gui said.

"I don't know, let's talk about it after tearing it apart. I don't want to think about it so much now." Zhao Yingge said, and then glanced at Shen Gui unexpectedly. She didn't expect that the other party would say these things to herself.

"???" Luo Hanyi looked confused.

What are these two talking about?


(End of this chapter)

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