Chapter 532

For Qionghua disciples, it is unimaginable that Lu Ling is from Lingshan. After all, this is the secret realm that Qionghua Holy Land is using. Since Lingshan has leased the secret realm to Qionghua, naturally it will not do things that damage its reputation. It's just a small random secret realm, its value may not be comparable to the private collection of a disciple of Qionghua, it's not worth it.

Of course, this is also related to the background that has been passed down for thousands of years. Qionghua, who is rich and powerful, doesn't care about a precious secret place at all... On the contrary, the same is true for Lingshan.

Even among the Seven Great Sacred Grounds, Qionghua was firmly at the highest peak.

Therefore, it is very common for masters and uncles to have high demands on their disciples, but it is too much to throw a little girl in the soul-splitting state into this secret realm of the virtual transformation state.

Not to mention, this secret realm is not a primary secret realm of the Void Transformation Realm at all, and the difficulty is not known to be much higher than the normal secret realm.

Mr. Qionghua stepped forward, stood in front of a pile of fresh fruits, and looked at the little girl who was "comatose" in the middle.

At this time, Lu Ling has completely fallen into her dream, she is motionless, and her image is very easy to cause misunderstandings by others.

Lu Ling's sleeping posture is very good.

I don't know if Liu Fufeng knows, if she is sleeping alone, Lu Ling's sleeping appearance is not so bad, only when there are people around her will she evolve into an octopus, clinging tightly to that person .

She alone... the most used posture is curled up, sleeping quietly.

The young master stared at Lu Ling.

The little girl's clothes were tattered...just from the clothes, it was impossible to tell which side Lu Ling was Qionghua's disciple.

It's normal not to see it.

What Lu Ling was wearing was not the Lingshan long skirt, but a small skirt that Liu Fufeng had chosen for her when she was shopping with Liu Fufeng, so it was impossible for people in front of her to recognize Lu Ling through her clothes.

Lu Ling was actually wearing clothes that could represent her identity.

That is her obscene clothes, which are all Lingshan standard clothes...

Here comes the question, how could this man know the underwear style of the little girl in Lingshan... So, after meeting him, he didn't see Lu Ling's origin.

"Senior brother, I don't know what happened. You can feel the pulse of the little junior sister and see what's wrong with her." Si'er looked at Lu Ling worriedly, while looking for something on her body.

"Here, this is the medicine that master gave me, brother, see if she can take it..."

"Junior Sister..." The young master twitched the corner of his mouth, "You won't be able to digest this medicine after taking it, so put it away quickly."


"Don't worry too much. Although this girl looks weak, her life fluctuation is very stable." The young master raised his hand in the void, and a silver sword energy condensed into a silk thread, which was flexibly tied to Lu Ling's wrist.

The alternative thread pulse diagnosis is just much more advanced.

Pointing his finger on the silk thread in the void, the young master withdrew his hand instantly.

Glancing at Si'er, the girl smiled wryly and shook her head.



Like the thousand-year-old ice at the bottom of the lake, the young master even thought that there was something wrong with his method.

Press it up again.

This time the feeling was clear.

It is definitely not a temperature that normal people can accept. This kind of low temperature is not something that can be tolerated by the soul-dividing realm.

Is she really alive...

The young master closed his eyes and finally got serious.


Infuriating spiritual power.

Meridian condition...

Periphery of Sea of ​​Consciousness...

Layer after layer of fluctuations emanated from Lu Ling's body.

After a while, the young master opened his eyes.

Lu Ling is still alive...

actually still alive.

At this time, he has mastered most of Lu Ling's physical condition.

"Your junior sister is right." These were the young master's first words.

What he sensed from Lu Ling was the spiritual power of the spell, and some sword energy... This is exactly what Qionghua needs to learn when starting a double-cultivation school like Qionghua, and it is also something that needs to be learned in the soul-splitting state.

After close contact with her, she finally confirmed that Lu Ling was her own junior junior sister, and she no longer had any disagreements.

"Little junior sister survived, it seems that a certain uncle gave her a life-saving means. Although she is not allowed to support her through experience, she is different... her cultivation base is too low." The young master said seriously: "There are still The smell of space fluctuations, it is very likely that you, junior sister, have triggered some kind of protective mechanism..."

Si'er interrupted his brother's analysis and spoke eagerly.

"What about her body? How is it? There won't be any danger."

"The body... is very weak, she has lost a lot of blood, the pulse is weak, and the meridians are a little disordered... It seems that the pulse is not near the end of life, but there is a force that helps her suppress the injury." The young master shook his head, his level is not enough, Can't see anything more: "By the way, but it's true that the little junior sister is not in danger... It seems that the uncle dotes on her very much..."

"Pet her? Will petting her throw her to this kind of place?" The girl objected to this, but since Lu Ling's life was not in danger, she finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Is there a way to treat her?"

"My technique should be able to..." Young Master nodded, and continued: "However... Junior Sister has her own protection mechanism, and she should be able to adjust it by herself. I'd better not do it, so as not to cause any trouble."

"Understood." The girl seemed to have unloaded a big burden, but before she could relax, her heart hung up again: "Senior brother, she's so cold, she's going to be fine."

"I don't know, maybe it's a side effect of the protection mechanism."

"What about her situation now?"


Speaking of this question, the young master hesitated for a moment, and some weird expressions appeared on his handsome face.

"Brother?" The girl suddenly looked at Lu Ling worriedly.

"...My lord turned his attention back to Lu Ling, as if he wanted to know what kind of magical material this girl is made of.


"Don't worry." The young master shook his head, stretched out his slender fingers and pointed to the corner of Lu Ling's mouth.

Si'er looked over and saw a little crystal.

The young master finally said: "She... fell asleep."

Si'er: "..."

The air was suddenly quiet.

"Brother, what did you just... say?" The girl looked at him in disbelief.

"Junior Junior Sister is sleeping soundly..." Young Master is also very helpless, every action of the group on the fourth floor is like walking on eggshells, but this Junior Junior Sister actually rested here and slept soundly.

The heart is still quite big.

"Perhaps, the vision of the elves before was due to the protective measures of the little junior sister... If it is the master left behind, there is still no problem in suppressing some elves in the Void Transformation Realm." The young master continued.

This can perfectly explain some problems.

As for the fruits around Lu Ling...

Does it matter?

Not that important.

"..." It took a long time for the girl to realize the message that Lu Ling was sleeping, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"Sleep... fell asleep..."

So, this girl is not in a coma?

Sleeping in such a cold place?
At this time, in Si'er's sight, the girl in front of her turned over, pressed her hair under her body, showing a painful expression, but soon, she adjusted her posture, hanging sweetly. smile, continue to sleep.

Well, really fell asleep.

It looked like he was in a coma.

"Brother, do you mean we don't have to do anything now?" Si'er asked.

"En." Young Master nodded: "Find out the fourth floor first and then talk about the action, and I will leave it to you to take care of the younger sister."

"Understood." The girl nodded, and then the young master turned and left.


The girl...was almost killed by her.

Don't know what to think.

Otherwise, send the little junior sister out of the secret realm in advance?

I have such an idea.

But she immediately rejected it.

No, if it is sent out, the protection mechanism on her body will be useless. Since the master of the little junior sister gave her such a thing, she naturally has her own reasons.


If she just sent the little junior sister out like this, what would she do?
What if her behavior disgusts my junior sister?
Haven't explained it clearly yet.

When Junior Sister wakes up, ask her what she thinks.

Thinking so, continue to stare at Lu Ling.

Small skirt, no shoes...the white feet are very cute...

The girl stared blankly at Lu Ling for a while, then suddenly trembled, and immediately realized that she couldn't go on any longer, there would be problems in such a cold day, and she should quickly bring her junior sister into her barrier.

Looking at the fruit on the ground, the girl waved it into her space bracelet, then walked up to Lu Ling, and gently hugged her.

The movements are gentle, like a porcelain doll in her arms, which will shatter if she is not careful.


Lu Ling didn't wake up, her nose moved, but she fell asleep even more soundly in a daze. A woman's body with soft jade and fragrance is always more comfortable than sleeping with ice.

She only felt that her eyelids were heavy, and there was no sign of waking up from the dream at all. Instead, when she was in the girl's arms, she grabbed her clothes with her backhand.

She dreamed of her junior sister.

And this side felt the body of the little girl in her arms tense, and the girl stroked her back until she calmed down again.

She likes girls very much.

Carrying Lu Ling back to the camp.

Seeing the girl came back, there was another girl in her arms.

"Fourth senior sister, is this the little junior sister you met before?" someone asked, they already knew the ins and outs of the matter from some people.

The girl nodded, then made a gesture of silence, and led Lu Ling back to the center of the camp.

After seeing Lu Ling, all the female disciples gathered around here.

Each voice is very low.

"Fourth Senior Sister, what happened to her?"

"Falling asleep." Si'er shook her head, she didn't need to explain many details and didn't want to explain too much, she just needed to send the little junior sister home steadily.

There is still a lot of self-blame in my heart, after all, under Lu Ling's trusting gaze, she sent the dagger into her chest...

Very apprehensive.

Can such a young girl really understand that she did this for her sake?
Recall that when I was at Lu Ling's age, I didn't even know what a secret realm was, let alone the rules of a secret realm...

So, which uncle or uncle is so cruel, even if the girl in the family made a big mistake, she wouldn't be thrown into this kind of place.



Here, a group of female cultivators surrounded Lu Ling and Si'er, staring at Lu Ling intently.

"You know what I want to say." One person said.

"En." Everyone nodded in unison.

At this time, the long eyelashes of Lu Ling who was sleeping soundly trembled slightly, resisting the urge to touch her alone, and said.

"This girl... is too cute... When did Qionghua have such a beautiful girl?"

"So many people, you have seen them all."

"No, you can't let Fourth Senior Sister hold her alone, it's too unfair, I also want to pick up a cutie on the road..."

Qionghua hadn't accepted a disciple for many years, let alone a girl like Lu Ling.

She may have just been brought up the mountain by a certain uncle or uncle.

For a moment, Lu Ling became the focus of the female disciples, and they all formed a group.

The male disciple... didn't care about Lu Ling that much, and ignored her after knowing what happened.

A little girl, wouldn't it be fine if you find it and send it home?The most important thing now is how to clear the customs, the others don't matter.

Unlike the men in the camp who were serious about exploring the fourth floor one by one, the female nuns only felt that the heavy atmosphere dissipated in an instant after they found the doll-like Lu Ling.

Although customs clearance is also very important, after all, they have been wiped out many times by the group, but there is a cute girl in front of them, and few people are willing to go if they are asked to explore the icy road. They are more willing to take care of an injured girl. .

This is the difference between women and men.

"Fourth Senior Sister, I can't hug you alone." A girl suddenly said.

"What are you doing?" Si'er shook her thin ponytail and looked at her with a frown.

" wait." The girl took off the pendant around her waist, and then a tent appeared in everyone's sight, with Qionghua's logo printed on it. The tent gradually grew larger, covering everyone. At the same time, The temperature has also risen a bit, and the cold air has been expelled.

She doesn't have a mobile cold barrier, but she does have a fixed one.

"Senior Sister Zhang, what are you doing with this when you go out..." One person looked at her in disbelief.

I have never heard of going out to experience and sleep.

"What does the little girl know?" The girl snorted coldly, and then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, she took out a... big bed from the hangings, which can sleep three people. There are beautiful patterns on it, and the bed is very soft. Sheets made from rare clothing materials.

Using expensive fabrics to sit on the bed sheets, except for Qionghua's waste, it is impossible to imagine this kind of thing in other places... After all, it is rare to rest after practicing. What Lingshan seeks is a place close to the secular world.

Si'er: "..."

A group of female disciples: "..."

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a bed?" The girl shook her head disdainfully, then tidied up the soft big bed on the floor, and then with a wave of her hand, there was a big quilt and pillow in her hand. Within a minute, after she tidied up, A luxurious big bed appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Okay, let's put Junior Sister on it." The girl clapped her hands.

"...You, very good." Si'er held back for a long time and didn't know what to say, after all, few people would bring...a bed when they went out for training?

"Okay, what's so surprising, if they didn't want to camp, I wouldn't take this thing out."

"No, in a sense, senior sister, you are also very powerful..." A girl glanced at the things in her space magic weapon, and nodded to the girl.

Everyone nodded in unison. Although they would bring some daily necessities or snacks when they went out, they were completely different from this alien who carried a home with him.

But now it does come in handy.

Si'er put Lu Ling on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and then a mysterious pattern was formed on the soft quilt, and the temperature inside gradually increased.

Lu Ling's face gradually turned red.

Because of her physique, she is not afraid of the cold, but she is relatively sensitive to temperature changes. Like Shen Gui, she has an ice attribute and likes to take a bath.

Therefore, the rise in temperature made Lu Ling more comfortable, and she didn't even bother to move a finger.

"By the way, junior sister, do you have any tables and furniture, please bring them out together." Si'er said.

"Fourth Senior Sister, how do you know I have it?" The girl surnamed Zhang curled her lips, but she followed suit.

After a while, there were two more tables and an unknown number of stools in the room, and they were all at the level of magic weapons.

" really do."

"Hey!!! Didn't you ask me to take it? What does this look mean?" The girl was dissatisfied.

"It's okay, Junior Sister, you did a good job." Said, Si'er put some of the fruits that were put away on the table, she should like to eat these things.

And her actions also reminded others.

"As expected of Fourth Senior Sister, it's cunning. You can camp and have dinner in this kind of place. Wait, I brought a lot of food... I also brought a lot of food."

"I have it too."

"Wine, does anyone want wine?"

"Who told you to eat it? It's my junior sister..." Si'er shook his head helplessly.

"Ah? Senior sister, you... are more cunning than I imagined, and you actually want to bribe her with things."

Even though they said so, these girls did not stop taking things out. After a while, the place was filled with all kinds of food, none of which were ordinary products, and there were even a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures. Taking one outside the Holy Land will cause an uproar.

Now it's thrown on the table like this, and it's even considered bad taste...



Just when these people surrounded Lu Ling like a house, the Qionghua disciple who was in charge of exploring outside felt something was wrong.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and there are even snowflakes.

This place is on the fourth floor of the basement.

 Recently, my health is really bad, well, or my health has not been better, but someone gave me a gift today, I am very happy^_^
(End of this chapter)

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