Chapter 544
As an elf, Ice Beauty doesn't need a name, because all the little guys here except her don't exist objectively, they are just some aura, and if you don't become a high-ranking elf, you don't have the concept of death, let alone a name.

High-level elves also do not need a name, because of resource issues, most of the elves are separated, and a high-level elf leads some small elves and middle elves.

She didn't even have anyone to talk to, so why would she want a name.

Of course, even if there was someone to talk to, they wouldn't chat or anything, so when talking with Lu Ling, the topic seemed very awkward.

But now she is on the topic.

The name of the human race is still very important. They practice ancestor worship, and their names are as important as their lives. Therefore, although human monks have their own dao names, they also value their names.

Dao names are external, and names are internal. Calling names means that two people have a close relationship... Of course, it is better to call each other Dao names in public.

"Well, it seems that the name is very important, otherwise, Han Bing, would you give me one?" Bing Mei said humanely.

To deal with the little girl, let's get close first.

The ice beauty is ready to go through the process.

"...No." Lu Ling shook her head and refused.

She didn't understand the meaning of the name to the human race, because she hadn't learned it at all, and it wasn't written in the book. All Lu Ling's common sense came from Liu Fufeng, Li Zhuzi, and Qin Qin, and she didn't know anything else.

The reason for refusal is also very simple.

She doesn't know the name.


Even though she was rejected, the ice beauty didn't feel disappointed at all.

"Why?" The ice beauty looked at Lu Ling, she didn't really want a name, as long as Lu Ling took care of her, it didn't matter what she said.

The elf who seldom speaks wants to chat with her when facing the highest elf, especially if the other party is the blood of the legendary snow girl.

"I don't know how to name it." Lu Ling thought about the cultural lessons she had learned before, and there were not many poems in it that could be used, and Xuechen used the only ones related to ice.

She is still half illiterate.

"And..." Lu Ling raised her head, staring at the ice beauty with resentful little eyes: "Miss sister, since you said that I am a guest, I am Han Bing, so there is no room or anything?"

The girl tightened her chest.

Most importantly, is there anyone who makes guests squat on the ground naked?

In this situation, how could she be in the mood to chat with this young lady about these things.

Because of the intimacy with women in her heart, Lu Ling was not afraid of strangers and outsiders, and expressed her emotions very well.

"You mean you want a house? I've seen it... I'll think of a way." The ice beauty nodded.

The elf agreed, but Lu Ling was a little apprehensive.

Looking at the icy wings extending from the elf's shoulders to cover the sky and the sun, he swallowed.

With such a big body, it's too much for her to live in a house... Does she have some thoughts about it?

Lu Ling is not a willful and selfish person.

"Well, I'm just saying, if it doesn't work, forget it." The girl said weakly.

"No? Why not." The ice beauty walked up to Lu Ling and looked at her: "Since Han Bing spoke, why not, it's just a house."

In Lu Ling's inconceivable sight, the pair of ice wings that were huge enough to cover the sky suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and the only thing left in front of her eyes was the normal-sized ice beauty.

Because the latter was not wearing clothes, Lu Ling finally turned her head away in embarrassment.

Then, the ice beauty took a deep breath, and a cold air escaped from her mouth, and the cold air instantly dissipated, forming a huge bubble shape to envelop her and Lu Ling.

A moment later, an ice palace rose from the ground.

worldly architecture.

Lu Ling foolishly watched the formation of the palace.

A standard living room, tables, chairs, and even carpets... Of course, it's all ice, and the whole palace is full of blue.

"It's amazing...but the color..." Lu Ling subconsciously said.

"Don't you like it?" The ice beauty nodded, then blinked. Immediately afterwards, the palace was dyed with color at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a scroll slowly unfolding in front of Lu Ling's eyes.

After thinking about it, for this girl, maybe a small building is more suitable, rather than a luxurious palace.

The Ice Palace began to change.

Soon after.

It is no longer the cold ice before, but has become a truly quiet and elegant attic.

In the main hall of tens of square meters, the air is filled with the pleasant smell of wood.

All the furniture was the same as ordinary ones, reflecting the brilliance of the lacquered wood. After Lu Ling was shocked, she reached out and pinched the red blanket on the ground.

It's so soft, you can't help but want to roll on it.

Is this really the ice cube she saw just now?This blanket was an ice sculpture before...why...can ice cubes do this?

Obviously it's just cold.

At this time, Lu Ling seemed to have opened the door to a new century.

Just when she was shocked, a woman's voice came from behind.

"Is this kind of home okay?"

Needless to say?of course.

The colors are bright and the furniture is exquisite. It is similar to Senior Sister Qin's house, and it is more atmospheric. I don't know how many floors it is, but there should be at least two floors. Through the window, Lu Ling can see the ice and snow outside.

Looking down, there is a soft blanket under your feet. It is hard to imagine that this place was still covered with ice not long ago.

"Yes, yes." Lu Ling nodded sharply. She likes this kind of room. It's not so luxurious, but it's not simple, it's very delicate.

This appeared out of thin air under her nose, and it was formed by the young lady in one breath.

Well, what a big tone.


The girl wanted to say something, but when she turned around, she froze as if struck by lightning.

"who are you?"

In front of her eyes, the young lady who was completely made of ice disappeared, and what reappeared in front of her was a woman, a very beautiful woman... very beautiful, Lu Ling's knowledge was not enough for her to use powerful words, she only knew pretty.

The only word that flashed in my mind was "Leng Yan Wu Shuang"...

It is no exaggeration to say that apart from Luo Qianhan, the woman in front of her is the most beautiful person she has ever seen.

"Don't you know me?" The woman walked towards Lu Ling, without too many emotional fluctuations, as if stepping on the clouds.

The complexion is beautiful and beautiful, when I saw that face, I thought of nothing but a country and a city.

Even if Lu Ling is a young girl, she is still fascinated. Beauty is gender-neutral.

The sculpted fairy sister is a sculpture after all, and when she turned into a real person, the shock to Lu Ling was unprecedented.

The woman's icy blue long hair cascaded down like a waterfall to the waist of Chu Gong, who was grasping gracefully. Her skin was white and silky like creamy fat. She had crescent eyebrows and phoenix eyes. Looking up, the arrogance revealed in her eyebrows made people subconsciously avoid her. The line of sight, but Lu Ling saw some concern from it, and was immediately captured.

The most important thing is to dress.

Not a skirt.

This was the first time that Lu Ling saw a woman not wearing a skirt other than Taoist robes and children's clothes... Shen Gui wore Taoist robes most of the time, and occasionally it was pajamas, which didn't count.

The woman in front of her is wearing a simple plain dress, which is slightly tight on her body, and it is tightly pressed to her proud chest and buttocks. A simple ribbon is tied up at the waist gently. The lower body is not a skirt, but a close-fitting long skirt. Trousers and tight trousers expose the woman's slender and round legs to the air.

To be honest, this kind of tight and neat clothes was the first time Lu Ling saw in this world, and she instantly had the feeling that this woman does not belong to this world.

He didn't wear shoes like himself.

The woman walked towards Lu Ling with an indifferent demeanor, and Lu Ling felt a trace of familiarity in her.

She likes this kind of handsome girl.

Lu Ling stared blankly at the cold and glamorous goddess walking towards her, and then remembered to speak.

"Are you... the young lady from before?"

"Is it hard to recognize?" The ice beauty raised her eyebrows. She couldn't express her feelings towards Lu Ling. She has a cold personality, but she has a kindness from the heart to Lu Ling. This is not only the loyalty of the elves, but also There are unexplainable feelings in it.

It's a feeling of caring for your child.

She has no children, but she can understand the feeling of caring for the younger generation, and the care for Lu Ling is deeper than all other elves, making her wonder if she has changed because of being assimilated by Lu Ling.

But don't hate it. After being assimilated, she is Lu Ling's subordinate elf, and she is directly a part of Lu Ling.


"No, no, no... no, well, it's really hard to recognize..." Lu Ling shook her head, and then nodded again.

The little sister suddenly put on clothes and turned into an ordinary person or something, she was not prepared at all.

But this is really good-looking, with long flowing ice blue hair, which is much better than Han Bing's rigidity before.

and many more.

Lu Ling suddenly remembered something, glanced at the blanket on the ground, the surrounding houses, and the neatly dressed woman who had turned into a glamorous beauty, then looked down at her naked outfit, and twitched the corners of her mouth.

Isn't this young lady really black-bellied?

She screamed inexplicably noble and icy, and then what she did was to take off her clothes and throw her naked body on the ground.

What a shame to play.

"Han Bing, I already have a house, why don't you sit up?" The ice beauty sat on the chair beside Lu Ling, looking at her expressionlessly.

"I don't want it." Lu Ling aggrieved and drew circles on the ground.


"Because you bully people." As she said that, Lu Ling stared at the woman in front of her eyes, don't think that being beautiful is a big deal.

She can obviously create a house with cold air, and she has clothes to wear, so why bully her?
not understand.

It's fine if it's a stranger, if you are killed in the secret realm, you will be killed, but this person is different, the kind feeling makes Lu Ling not like the feeling of being bullied.

"Bullying you? No, are you talking about clothes?" The ice beauty blinked.

"It's clothes." Lu Ling nodded.

It's useless to say anything, she feels that the woman in front of her is a black-bellied person, and it's a real blow.

What Lu Ling didn't realize was that their relationship was pulled very close in an instant, and they hadn't said anything substantive until now, but unfortunately, Lu Ling trusted her very much, and even started acting like a baby unconsciously.

The reason for ice-type affinity, this kind of affinity has two sides, mutual affinity...

The ice beauty also noticed the change in Lu Ling's attitude. Although she was a little surprised, she really couldn't tease this little girl like this anymore.

Strange to say, it is not that she has never seen a girl from the human race, but there is no one like Lu Ling who can stir her heartstrings... In her eyes, no matter how cute a girl is, she is no different from a stone on the side of the road , but Lu Ling is different.

I like it very much, I like it very much, if it weren't for the elf's instinct and her own cold personality, she might run away with Lu Ling in her could it be the current hazy feelings.

It's like when boys bullied the girls they liked in elementary school.

"If you don't tell me, how would I know what you want." She said to Lu Ling.

"Who said I didn't say anything." Lu Ling snorted coldly and turned her head away.

"Okay, don't be angry, just give you clothes." The ice beauty shook her head, then waved her hand.

Lu Ling floated into the air like a doll.

"What are you doing?" Lu Ling screamed, clutching her chest.

"Clothes." The beauty touched Lu Ling's body, and then Lu Ling felt that she was surrounded by a kind force. When she came back to her senses, a long blue dress appeared on her body.

Something like a princess dress.

With a sigh of relief.

Finally got clothes to wear.

"Thank you..." Lu Ling landed and thanked softly.

If you are wronged, you must have the necessary etiquette.

"It's nothing." The ice beauty looked at the light blue dress on Lu Ling with satisfaction. .

The girl with blue skirt and silver hair is very cute.

Enough quarrels, almost enough, she found that she didn't need to get close to Lu Ling at all, because the other party seemed to trust him by nature just like her.

She should have a showdown with Lu Ling.

The ice beauty looked at the girl who was circling around and looking at the skirt, and blinked.

"Okay, I know you have a lot of questions. If you have any questions, ask them. I will answer them truthfully."

"En." The silver-haired girl nodded.

She does have a lot of doubts, such as where is this place, isn't it underground? Why is there a sun...

Also, who is this young lady, why is she called Han Bing, what is the relationship with Xuenv, etc., and so on, Lu Ling even thought about how she could help her.

When we first met, I thought these issues were very important, but after getting along for a while, Lu Ling didn't care so much about these things.

It's amazing to find a beautiful big sister on my own adventure...

Lu Ling raised the corner of her mouth.

In the sight of the ice beauty, the silver-haired girl held up her skirt, looked left and right, pinched her waist... from time to time, she stood on tiptoe, looked at the skirt still dragging on the ground, and curled her lips.

It's normal for girls to be curious.

What the ice beauty is curious about now is that this girl really didn't realize that her body has been elementalized... she is no longer lame.

At this time, Lu Ling put down her skirt and turned her head.

The ice beauty looked at her seriously, ready to answer Lu Ling's question.

Just when the ice beauty thought that Lu Ling was finally going to question her, Lu Ling spoke.

His face was reddish, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Miss sister... I don't like this skirt very much, can you give me your kind of... tight-fitting..."


"It's better to give me another silk, I'll tie my hair."

(End of this chapter)

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