Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 553 Getting Ready

Chapter 553 Getting Ready
Lu Ling has always been submissive, given a task, just do it.

However, this customs clearance proved that she really didn't have it, and she didn't quite know what it was, but she seemed to have a little impression, and heard the fourth senior sister mention it.

Not only Lu Ling, Xuechen also looked at a loss after sensing the master's emotions.

【Master, what is the clearance certificate? 】

【I don’t know either, but since I’m looking for Fourth Senior Sister to give me advice, I think it’s better to be serious...】 Lu Ling hesitated and said a few words: 【Then it’s best not to reveal your identity, it should be very interesting Bar……】

Lu Ling doesn't know how to lie, and she doesn't like it, but she has no other choice in this situation, she can only try to make her behavior seem a little reasonable.

[? ? ? ] And Xuechen couldn't understand what the master was saying at all.

Are you going to give something to the girl with the short ponytail before?
If it was the Fourth Senior Sister, Xuechen would understand, after all, she treated her master very well.

Although she found that Si'er was hiding her identity, what does this have to do with her being a cat who loves her master deeply?
She doesn't care so much.

She doesn't need to understand many things, she can do whatever the master wants, as long as the master is happy.

The little girl has always thought so.

【Master, I will listen to you. ] Xuechen said something seriously, and then said: [But where can I get this customs clearance certificate...]

Hearing this, Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, Xuechen was as caring as ever, and then, like a deflated ball, shook his head: 【I don't know...】

Suddenly, the girl seemed to remember something.

She thought of the position she had been struggling with before and what the Fourth Senior Sister and the others were busy looking for.

His eyes shifted to the black bear.

If there is no mistake, Xiao Hei is the boss that Fourth Senior Sister and the others want to attack...

Lu Ling's eyes lit up.

What did you say that the original boss was my subordinate? It turned out to be you... Lu Ling suddenly felt that this task was very good. She was originally unhappy because there was a penalty for a branch line, but now that she thinks about it, the system really likes her , thinking of her.

Naturally, Lu Ling hoped that Si'er and the others could pass the customs smoothly, but on the other hand, she didn't want anything to happen to Xiao Hei... Now that she was the boss, Lu Ling wouldn't feel bad.

Yes, the token must be on it.

"Hey..." Hei Xiong showed a helpless expression when he saw the little girl posted up suddenly.

What exactly is this girl going to do...

It didn't move, and Lu Ling dragged the hair to ride on its shoulder, and fiddled with something in the hair on the neck.

"..." The little eyes narrowed.

Not to mention, although it was itchy, Lu Ling's little hand was scratching and pulling on it, and it was still very comfortable, just like a massage - if it wasn't for the little girl's hands being so cold that it was dying, it felt that it could be more comfortable.

I just don't know what she's looking for...

Looking for lice?

"Why not..." Lu Ling's chest rose and fell slightly, and she was riding on the black bear's neck, her tight and thin legs dangling between the black bear's neck.

"Where is it hidden?" Lu Ling tugged at its ear.

"..." The black bear grinned helplessly.

Sure enough, as long as she was a girl from Lingshan, she would not be able to pass this level.

I feel a little nostalgic, the last time I was raped by a girl was many years ago, I don't know what this girl is looking for.

Make a sound of doubt.

Lu Ling understood, and she used her hands vigorously: "Do you have the customs clearance certificate...give it to me..."

Proof of customs clearance?

Black Bear was taken aback.

Why does this girl want this... Isn't that only available to Qionghua?
Yes, it's not a good thing. After the Qionghua people were wiped out by the group several times, they never went to look for it. It's okay to give it to Lu Ling to play with.


"Really? You can... show me, I don't know where it is hidden, and I can't find it." Lu Ling said excitedly.

The black bear continued to nod, and in Lu Ling's sight, he took out a token from behind his buttocks.

Just as she was about to hand it over to Lu Ling, the girl kicked her feet as if she was trying to avoid something, and she bounced off, falling to the ground with a bang.

"Hiss..." Lu Ling took a breath.

The fall was unclear, the girl stood up rubbing her buttocks, then pointed at the black bear with a blushing face: "Where did you hide this thing!!!!"

Black Bear: "???"

Where is it convenient to put it... In fact, it is placed on the back of the waist, bound up with some hair, but it has long hands, and Lu Ling can't see it.

Not understanding why Lu Ling suddenly acted like this, Hei Xiong scratched his head.

"You... Forget it, throw it on the ground and let me see." Sitting on the ground, Lu Ling pointed at the white token in its bear's paw, resisting the discomfort.


Hei Xiong threw the token Qionghua disciple had always wanted on the ground, gliding on the ice for a long distance, and came towards Lu Ling.

"Don't, don't come here!" The girl screamed, her white feet slammed on the ice, and she slid several meters away, for fear of being touched by the token.

Fortunately, the token stopped not far from her.

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at the token.

【Master, is this the clearance certificate you want? 】 Xuechen asked.

[I don’t know, but it should be... The material seems to be white jade from Lingshan Mountain, and there is a spirit character on it...] Lu Ling observed the token on the ground, got up from the ground, and looked at the black bear dissatisfied: "Xiao Hei, How can you put things from Lingshan behind your butt, it's too much."

【…】 Xuechen didn't speak.

People are spirit race, not human...

The black bear is already used to the unreasonable troubles of the little girl in Lingshan. Lu Ling didn't insist on plucking its fur like other children, and cried when it couldn't be plucked.

I don't know what this girl is doing with the customs clearance token. It's useless to take this thing to Lingshan.

"Forget it." Not intending to pursue the issue of black bears being unhygienic, Lu Ling looked at the token on the ground, was stunned for a moment, wiped her eyes, and took a few steps closer: "Low level..."

There is also a small character under the word spirit.


its not right.

Whether the task is for a high-level token, or a token that no one has ever obtained, it should not be this.

[System, come out to help, is this token? 】Lu Ling closed her eyes and asked softly.

I didn't expect the other party to answer, the system basically didn't talk to her.

But this time, the other party answered.

【no. ] A cold voice sounded in Lu Ling's mind, and then she said: [Host, the high-level clearance token is on the elf beside him. 】


Young lady?

How is she.

Lu Ling was a little unbelievable.

No wonder……

No wonder it's a certificate that no one has ever obtained... Just kidding, she has seen Hei Xiong easily destroy a team of Qionghua, and Xiao Hei... was almost slaughtered by the young lady, and there was no way to fight back , It's not at the same level at all, being hung up and beaten by others.

With the Fourth Senior Sister and the others, how could they get the token from the Younger Sister.


Lu Ling glanced suspiciously at the ice beauty who was not far away and looked gently at this side, her pretty brows were slightly frowned.

At first, she thought that the allegiance was to Xiao Hei, and that the black bear was devoted to her because of her honey... But thinking about it carefully, something was wrong.

Let the system give her the task again.

[Special requirements: ① If the host status is detected to be compatible with the highest-level elf, and the high-level elf is loyal, it will automatically take over the position of the guarding boss of the cold ice origin cave. ②The gatekeeper boss naturally has the majesty of the boss, and must not take the initiative to admit defeat or over-accommodate. Whether the over-accommodation is judged by the system, if it is, it will be regarded as a mission failure. 】

Sure enough, the allegiance of the high elves.

The so-called high elf should be this young lady.

And the so-called highest elf is himself?
Allegiance to...

what's the situation?
Lu Ling was at a loss.


Lu Ling didn't think she was Long Aojiao or anything, she could take in a bunch of younger brothers once her aura unfolded, and to be honest, she didn't have much aura, and the only remaining face she had was already lost in front of the young lady.

very puzzled...

However, Lu Ling didn't intend to ask, because this kind of question is very embarrassing.

Forget it, since she knows that the token is with the young lady, she will ask the young lady for the token later.

There is one more thing, this little black has to be settled first.

【Master, what are you thinking about? 】Xuechen found out that his master was always distracted, so he asked in doubt.

【nothing. 】Lu Ling casually brushed off Xuechen, then said something to the system while thinking.

[System, I request additional rewards. 】

【Insufficient permissions. 】The other party readily refused.

Just kidding, I have never heard of myself taking the initiative to increase rewards for myself.

[System, I want a jar of honey, the same kind as last time, is this reward too much? 】Lu Ling curled her lips: 【Other people's systems are not as stingy as you. 】


[Ding, after the judgment, the host's request was approved, and a jar of honey was added to the reward as a reward for the host's good performance. 】

【real? ] Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, obviously she didn't even think that the other party really gave it.

It seems that this system is not really dead rules...

What Lu Ling didn't know was that the reason why she agreed was the effect of her saying "other people's system". The rewards of her own system were indeed not very good, and Hong Ling knew it herself.

[Host, this system hereby reminds you that the majesty of a boss is very important. Now that you have accepted the mission, you must use all your power. High elves can be an exception, but the black bears of the Spirit Race still need to be used. 】

[I know, I know, I won't release water, you are quite humane. 】Lu Ling waved her hand, in a good mood.

Anyway, she didn't intend to release the water.

Just kidding, if you can't reveal your identity, you will be beaten as a boss.

A group of level 50 players team up to fight a level 1 boss, and the system will remind the level 1 boss not to let go.

It would have been nice if she hadn't been killed.

Still water?
Now she is begging Fourth Senior Sister and the others to release the water.

Can you not be afraid?

Lu Ling was afraid that she would be wiped out by the other party as soon as she met... In that case, the first task of surviving for three days would not be completed, so she didn't want it.

Therefore, for the safety of his own life, even if the system doesn't say anything, Lu Ling will definitely drag the bodyguard of the black bear.

And pulling the black bear... Lu Ling felt that the black bear was very kind to her, and in order to make the other party willingly follow her to protect her, Lu Ling decided to take out honey.

Not afraid of Xiao Hei bullying himself.

Unless it doesn't want to eat honey anymore.

Lu Ling is well aware of the charm of food for foodies, because she herself is... If the husband is willing to give her bamboo-colored lotus seed cake, she can do whatever she wants.

"Xiao Hei, put away your token, but you have to go out with me." Lu Ling said.

Black Bear looked at her puzzled.

It's good to go out, but will the elf let her go?
"Also, I have good news for you. As long as you are obedient, there will be honey for you tomorrow." Lu Ling added.


For a moment, the black bear thought nothing of it.

Old Hei did it, the little girl did what she asked her to do.

The black bear nodded sharply, agreeing.

The small mung bean-like eyes exuded the light of a hungry wolf, as if they wanted to eat Lu Ling whole.

"You...don't look at me like that, I'm afraid..." Lu Ling shrank her head.

However, now that she has a bodyguard, she feels a little more at ease.

Sure enough, the best situation is to let Xiao Hei go to fight the opponent, and after the match is evenly matched, he throws down the token and runs away.

The most suitable.


Now that's the token.

Lu Ling walked to the ice beauty, raised her head, and looked at her timidly.

It felt very rude.

The high-level customs clearance certificate that no one has ever obtained should be a very precious thing. She really doesn't know how to open it... As a guest, she has received a lot of care from the master, and now she has to shamelessly ask for things. So simple.

As for Miss Sister's loyalty...

Although it is said that the system should not go wrong, Lu Ling thinks it is best to ignore this point.

The girl's intuition told her that this was another big trouble.

However, the shy she hadn't spoken yet, and the ice beauty took the initiative to speak.

"Han Bing, do you want this?"

Lu Ling looked over, but found a palm-sized, ice-blue token in the palm of the ice beauty, which was the same style as that of the black bear.

This is the high-level customs clearance token she needs, and it is exactly as the system said, it is here with Miss Elf.

"If you need it, just take it, it's not something useful." The ice beauty looked at Lu Ling gently.

To be honest, it's really not a good thing.

When Lu Ling asked Hei Xiong for a token before, she thought that Lu Ling might need it, so she had already prepared it.

There are two elf tokens, one is intermediate, she gave it to the intermediate elves below, and the other is the current one.

It's really useless to her, if Lu Ling can use it, that's really the best thing.

"Thank you, miss..." Lu Ling took the token with a blushing face.

The lady is really caring.

"It's okay, Han Bing, are you... going to try the sword with someone from before?" the ice beauty asked.


The ice beauty nodded.

She also felt very uncomfortable with those people's attitude towards the noble Han Bing before, but she didn't do anything because of Lu Ling's face. Now that Lu Ling is preparing to take revenge, she naturally has no objection.

Also, there is no seriousness in the current cold ice attack, which may cause other people to be injured by the source and fall, and even bring trouble to Lingshan.

It has nothing to do with me...

But after thinking about it, when Lu Ling criticized the black bear for "insulting" the token of Lingshan, she felt that Lingshan was still very important to Lu Ling.

Just follow along, in case she goes berserk.

"Han Bing, can I follow?"

She asked.

(End of this chapter)

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