Chapter 569

As the head of Qionghua, the middle-aged man should be the most authoritative person in the world of cultivating immortals.

Even Shushan and Yihua Palace also have heads and palace masters, but the hierarchy of these two holy places is not so strong, and there is no way to compare with the head of Qionghua in terms of weight.

Perhaps there is still a domain master in the Eastern Divine Sea that can be compared with Qionghua.

However, the backgrounds of these two holy places are not on the same level, so the mature middle-aged man in front of him has a terrifyingly dignified status.

The attire is also in line with his temperament. Ordinary Qionghua clothes, long hair tied up, behind the mountain-like pressure brings Qionghua people a sense of stability and peace of mind.

All of this is based on Qionghua's background and the absolute strength of the man in front of him, and... the leader has a strong desire to control and unpredictable temperament, which is recognized by the world of immortal cultivation, and is the strongest among the recent generations of Qionghua Holy Masters The older one, he also used an iron fist to remodel Qionghua, a somewhat lifeless holy place, and awakened the ambition and enthusiasm of the younger generation.

In fact, the young master has only met the head of the sect twice in his life. This kind of great ability is not something that anyone can see at will. It is heard that the head of the sect is practicing all the time.

The first time he met the master was when he obtained the status of Jianping's inheritor, and the second time was when the saint transformed into Si'er and became his junior sister.

Every time, the opponent puts him under tremendous pressure.

No one could believe that such an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with not so handsome facial features possessed monstrous power and strength.

Young master, facing such a person, how could he be careless and careful...

The head of Rili Wanji suddenly asked such a small person to come over, either to investigate the matter of Qionghua Sword, inquire about the elves.

The hope is the first one. If the second one, he will bet on whether he can be found out when he is lying.

The man in front of him is a well-recognized hero. In order to bring Qionghua back to the most authoritative position in the Holy Land, he probably can do anything.



Seeing the young master's knuckles turned white, the middle-aged man waved his hand: "I just have something to ask you, don't be nervous."

The son is also the most potential among Qionghua's new generation, he has been paying attention to it, and plans to focus on training.

Not being close to women is also what he values ​​most.

"Yes, what does the Holy Master want to know." The young master bowed respectfully.

"What is the name of the Holy Master, the previous head is not bad." The middle-aged man shook his head, not taking his nervousness to heart.

Young people, it's strange not to be nervous.

"Yes, head." The young master kept listening, but in fact his mind was completely suspended.

"It's nothing..." the middle-aged man said.

The next question surprised the young master, because the master only asked him some... dispensable questions about personal cultivation.

For example, what level has he cultivated to, whether Jianping's competitive pressure is too great, etc. There are no nutritional issues at all.

This made the young master think that what the other party really wanted to ask was later.


Why did the leader beat around the bush.

The young master didn't understand, but he could only keep asking and answering like this.

Sure enough, after talking about some innocuous questions, the leader changed the subject and asked about some things in this secret realm.

The young master gave a brief account of the matter, of course, focusing on the saintess, focusing on describing some things about the saintess' trip, while ignoring their own experiences.

I thought that the head of the sect would be unhappy because of this, but the other party didn't seem to notice what he was hiding, and instead nodded from time to time.

"Although she is willful, she still has some growth." The middle-aged man let out a cry.

"..." The young master didn't answer.

This is not something he can accept.

"Okay, I'm here because..." The middle-aged man's slightly squinted eyes opened, and a ray of light flashed across them.


Young Master's vigilance is raised to the maximum.

The middle-aged man thought: "...Actually, there is nothing else, just to understand the performance of the saint, and there is... one person."

"I don't know who the head is talking about?" The young master knew that he was talking about elves. After all, he had been in close contact with elves now, and everyone knew that the Qionghua sword was broken in two. Pretending to be ignorant.

"To be honest, I don't have any impression of this person, but she said she is a disciple of Qionghua, and..." The middle-aged man sighed, and the majestic aura of being the head of Qionghua disappeared in an instant. It was as if he had become an ordinary person.

The daughter told him that no matter what, we must find that person, and mobilize all Qionghua's resources to find her, otherwise this saint will not be able to do it...

What are you talking about.

Naturally, he would not tell the young master about this kind of thing, but he just showed some worry.

"????" The young master was stunned. can't understand.

I thought I was pretending to be confused, but now I realized that he seemed to be really confused.

"Master, what do you mean... Wuhen is dull, I don't understand." The young master frowned, he was really dumbfounded now.

"It's called Lu Ling, do you know who you are? Girl, about fourteen or fifteen years old, with black hair and a beauty mole." The middle-aged man asked.

He also forcibly remembered Lu Ling's appearance - under the constant nagging of his daughter.

"Lu... Ling?" The young master looked blank, he had never heard of this name before.

"Not Jianping's?" The middle-aged man continued to ask.

"No." The young master nodded affirmatively.

"That's strange... I just asked someone to check. There are only so many people named Lu in Qionghua, and there is no one named Lu Ling. There are not even a few girls who meet the age." The middle-aged man's face is full of doubts. .

"Wuhen... would like to share the worry for the head." The young master said respectfully.

As long as the temporary problem has nothing to do with the elves, he just dragged on...

"The thing is like this..." The middle-aged man explained briefly.



After a while, the son understood.

The head of the sect is looking for a person named Lu Ling. This person is what the saint wants, and... the saint said that she is a disciple of Qionghua, and she met in the secret realm...

"Back to the head, among the several teams we have in the secret realm this time, there is no disciple named Lu Ling, and...the age of more than ten years old is not suitable for the realm." The young master said.

"That's right." The middle-aged man nodded.

It seemed that this kid didn't know who Lu Ling was, but it was within his expectation.

Narrowing his eyes, he became a little more serious.

This Lu Ling, who came out of nowhere and only his daughter very strange.

But he is not worried.

As long as this person exists, it is impossible for Qionghua to find him.

He didn't worry about the other party's danger at all, but what was annoying now was what to do if his daughter got angry and ignored him, especially if she couldn't find Lu Ling for a day and wouldn't talk to him...

This is the reason for his sad face. Compared with his daughter, other elves and swords are trivial and unimportant.

Now, his good daughter has taken people to the fifth-level secret realm of Lingshan, and she kept saying that Lu Ling hadn't come back, and she was looking for trouble with the elves...

Trouble with the elves... That's not a joke, if you're not careful, you might really get into trouble.

He knew of some elves in the secret realm of Lingshan.


The young master stood aside without saying a word.

He was really confused. Is that so-called Lu Ling... such an important person?More important than elves?

Why didn't the leader say a word.

That's right, except for the saint, everyone else doesn't remember that they have ever met a girl named Lu Ling.

This is one of the rewards for quest completion.

However, what he forgot was only Lu Ling, and he still remembered the elves...

Under such circumstances, how could Si'er, the only one who remembered Lu Ling's existence, not be in a hurry, found his father when he came back, gave him a mission, and then led a group of people to the fifth level secret realm...

Among them are a few strong men with honorable titles, and the same is true. Only middle-aged people know her daughter's determination, and she is serious.

So I called the son over to ask, and try to find Lu Ling as soon as possible.

It is impossible for the young master to know that the majestic head in front of him is actually controlled by an out-and-out daughter...

The reason why the other party looked at him differently and felt that it was right tempered was because the son did not covet his daughter's beauty at all, and treated her as an ordinary junior sister, which was rare, plus her talent was not bad, and she was ready to focus on training.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do." The middle-aged man said, his attitude relaxed a lot.

He thought the young master was very pleasing to the eye, so his attitude was a little more casual.

"I couldn't help the head." The young master lowered his head and breathed a sigh of relief. The head really doesn't care about the elves at's okay.

"By the way, have you met an elf?" The middle-aged man asked casually.

"...Yes." The young master raised his head and gave the people in the hall a strange look.

What do you mean...they met an elf?

and many more.

The head doesn't know that he has been in contact with elves.

if it is like this……

I want to put away the broken sword at my waist, but I just think about it, this kind of careful thinking is useless in front of the head, even if he doesn't know what happened, but the sword... I guess I will be discovered as soon as I meet up.

The reason why he didn't ask was that the young master believed that it was most likely that the sword was not as important as that girl named Lu Ling, because the headmaster only wanted to ask after her matter was over.

"The sword actually broke...Speaking of which, it has been with me for a while..." The middle-aged man said slowly.

Son: "..."

"Forget it, don't worry about anything, it's just an old antique, it will be broken when it breaks." The middle-aged man looked at the young master and said earnestly: "Old things are broken, and new ones are meaningful."

This Qionghua, like the Qionghua sword, is rotten inside... Once it encounters a strong enemy, it may be powerless to resist.

When the young master heard this, he bowed his head and said nothing.

In fact, what the leader said reached his heart, he is not a conservative person, he likes to break the rules...

Very surprised.

"Go back and get some materials, just fix it." The middle-aged man looked at the broken sword on the young master's waist, his eyes a little distressed.

Anyway, it is still a treasure, even in Qionghua it is very rare.

"Yes." The young master nodded, this time, he finally took a closer look at the man in front of him.

He has a tall body, a dark face with sharp edges and corners, and his eyes are indifferent, as if nothing can attract his attention, but... the young master now feels that there are sharp and disturbing eyes hidden under those seemingly calm eyes.

Like a god.

The only feeling.

"I didn't expect it to be the highest elf. I thought it was the most high elf... This neighbor is a little heavier than I thought..." The middle-aged man said, looking at the young master, and asked calmly: "Wuhen , How does it feel to be in close contact with the highest elves?"

"It's very dangerous." Young Master said bluntly without any hesitation, "The other party cut off my sword grid with just one strike. Fortunately, the other party did not have any malicious intentions."

"Normally, they basically don't have killing intentions." The middle-aged man nodded, obviously, he didn't suspect anything.

"The elf is covered in cold air, she doesn't know her face, and she doesn't know why she came here. It seems that... she wants some sword skills, and I gave her what she learned." The young master explained on his own initiative.

"Good job." The middle-aged man nodded in satisfaction: "I don't know if it will be useful, but at least we have a good relationship..."

He is thinking about the problem.

Even if he is the head of the sect and is a perfect person except for his daughter, he would never have thought that it was not an elf but a human who cut off the Qionghua sword. After all, elves, everyone knows.

"The head...the saint..." The young master hesitated to speak.

"Let her go." The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly. With the few people she brought, he probably wouldn't even be able to see the face of the highest elf, and he didn't worry about being in danger. This time he left enough for his daughter. the hole card.

Unfortunately, he hasn't seen the highest elf yet...

But as Qionghua's face, it's really not appropriate to show up... My daughter can make trouble if she wants to.

"That's it, you can go back." The middle-aged man picked up the book on the side and opened a page: "Order to go down, do your best to find the girl named Lu Ling, the characteristics are given to you, the treatment is a distinguished guest, you can offer rewards, treasures Under the power of the saint, use it at will."

The middle-aged man knew that if his daughter was serious this time, he had to be serious too.

And he also wants to see who has such a charm that his daughter likes him so much.

Fortunately, it's a girl, otherwise...

Eyes are dangerous.

"Leader, leave without trace." Then, the young master withdrew from the palace.

The middle-aged man looked up at his back and frowned.

After a moment he shook his head.

He likes this kid very much, let him go.



The young master leaves the palace and teleports.

Go back to the room.

Take a deep breath.

After changing clothes, I broke out in a cold sweat.


Although the head of the sect looks kind, but that's just the appearance... The young master is still not sure whether the head of the house has found out that he is lying.

But at least for the time being he didn't trouble the elf.

Turning over the previous painting, looking at the figure of the girl on it, the young master suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.


It is not certain that the current head will not be able to use elves, but even if there is a slight possibility, he still has to be careful.

He wants to protect the simple elves, the darling of the world.

As for the girl the head told him to find, he had no interest at all. He didn't like women, or in other words, he didn't like all women except elves.

Just follow the instructions and let others find it.

Don't worry about it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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