Chapter 571 Delay
After Lu Ling transformed back, she recalled the short time she spent with the little sister...with a dazed look on her face, and she felt a little embarrassed by the attitude of the other party.

She woke up from someone else's body and mistook her for her junior sister.

What's more, the posture is somewhat shameful...

Moreover, she is no longer an elf, but has become an ordinary person.

Due to various reasons, Lu Ling didn't know how to face the young lady in front of her, what kind of face to use, and what to say to her.

It is actually somewhat difficult for her to accept the inexplicable kindness of the other party.

For Lu Ling, this kind of kindness is inexplicable.

So she found an excuse to leave as soon as she woke up... If the ice beauty had looked carefully at that time, she would have found that Lu Ling's face was flushed to the neck, and her steps were not very steady.

Fortunately, Lu Ling felt that she could go home soon... There was no need to worry about this little sister's kindness to her.

Later, I went to find Hei Xiong, who said he wanted to go home with her, and that he had something to do with Lingshan, so Lu Ling didn't care, we just walked together, she was not afraid of anything.

Then, the little sister came out, and Lu Ling was in a mess. Before she could figure out how to explain to her that she was going back, she could only joke that the black bear wanted to go home with her.

Who knew that the ice beauty would go home with her as soon as she opened her mouth...

Lu Ling was immediately dumbfounded.

She already felt strange that the black bear came home with her, now...

She came here to practice, not to take over the harem.

If Xuechen hears this, she will definitely complain about her master, she still has so little harem, basically she will have one more harem as soon as she wakes up.

Before Xuechen formally appeared beside Lu Ling, what she did most was to sleep beside her master... Later Liu Fufeng, Qin Qin, Dongfang Lianren and others were similar.

All of them were Lu Ling's "sleeping" harem, but now it's just one more, it's nothing. are not counted as harem.

"Can I go home with you? I won't cause you any trouble." The ice beauty walked to Lu Ling's side.

"Miss sister, are an elf." Looking at the face close at hand, Lu Ling blushed and took a step back.

"What's wrong with the elf, you are also an elf."

"I... I'm a human..." Lu Ling said, her tone gradually became weaker.

she is human?
I used to believe it very much, but as I learned more and more, I began to doubt the authenticity of this established fact. However, after a figure flashed in my mind, my eyes immediately became firm.

"Miss, I am human."

"I know." The ice beauty nodded, and then looked at Lu Ling. Based on her experience, she couldn't go around with this little girl, otherwise the topic would go very far, so she said directly: "Can I leave with you?"

"..." Lu Ling was silent, she didn't know why things turned out like this.

She didn't know what an elf was, so Xuechen mentioned it to her... Now, the other party wants to go home with her, so it won't cause trouble for Lingshan...

The little sister is different from the black bear. Lu Ling has seen the true strength of the ice beauty, and even she knows that the ice beauty is not an ordinary person.

She was a little scared.

This young lady is not human...

They have known each other for a long time, and Lingshan is her home... She is unwilling to do things that may cause problems-this is what the younger sister has repeatedly told, don't cause trouble for Lingshan, it is them Where the sisters stand.

That's why Lu Ling, who has always followed her heart, was so entangled.

In contrast, the black bear is a pet, so Lu Ling can agree.

She has always felt that one thing more is worse than one thing less, and reason makes her refuse.


Looking at the young lady's clean eyes, Lu Ling couldn't say anything.

"Miss sister, I... It doesn't matter what I say, it's up to you." Lu Ling held back such a sentence for a long time.

Reason makes her refuse...

But she was never a rational person.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have "loved" her junior sister in such a short period of time... Just do whatever you want.

But her natural timidity did not give her the courage to agree directly to the other party, using such ambiguous words.

"I see." The ice beauty understood what Lu Ling meant... She didn't agree, but she didn't refuse either...


For her, the best answer was that Lu Ling didn't directly refuse. She also knew that a high elf following a person might bring a lot of trouble to that person, but these were not problems, she could overcome them.

As long as Lu Ling doesn't hate her, it's fine.

"Actually, I have also been to Lingshan." The ice beauty said suddenly.

Lu Ling froze for a moment, and then had a flash of inspiration.

The token that Miss Sister gave her... seems to have a spirit character on it...

Could it be one of our own?

Lu Ling looked at each other in disbelief.

The ice beauty nodded.

No elaboration.

"Let's eat."


Then, the two of them went to the dining table, where some fruit platters were simply placed.

Lu Ling swallowed, she was indeed hungry.

Lu Ling raised her head while eating the fruit.

"Miss, have you met people from Lingshan?"

"Yes, they gave you the previous token." The ice beauty swallowed the fruit in her mouth, and simply responded to Lu Ling.

"That's good." Lu Ling continued to ask: "Then do you know what Lingshan looks like?"

"I don't remember clearly." The ice beauty said truthfully.

Back then, the human race in her eyes was similar to ants, they were not important at all, how could she remember what it looked like...

"That's it." Lu Ling was a little disappointed. She also wanted to know what her current home, Lingshan, looked like to other people.

She has not met many outsiders, so the young lady's evaluation is still helpful for her to understand the world.

But Lu Ling cheered up immediately.

Where there are junior sisters and masters, no matter what, it is a good place.

"Miss, I think you will like it, Lingshan is very beautiful!" Lu Ling said.

"Well, I believe it." The ice beauty looked at Lu Ling gently.

In fact, it was the people from Lingshan who came to find her... At that time, although she knew the power of the human race, she didn't like the human race, but she wanted to enter the secret realm of Lingshan, so she had contact with the people from Lingshan, but she was cold not much.

But this time... I'm afraid it won't be as simple a contact as before.

But she didn't think that the other party would refuse the request of a high-ranking elf, which would be of great benefit to Lingshan—provided that it would not be known by other holy places.

Suffering not from poverty but from inequality, elves are precious possessions to the world, let alone people.

But even if there is a risk, the people in Lingshan will still not refuse, unless the high-level people in Lingshan are a bunch of idiots... Ice Beauty doesn't think they are idiots.


Her insistence on following the little girl also meant to increase her social status.

With a high-ranking elf following her, this little girl's life should be much better. She still remembers that when she first met Lu Ling, the other party's clothes were not very good... and under the eyes of the elf, Lu Ling's mortal body was almost It is tattered, and many things cannot be hidden.

She looked very uncomfortable.

Glancing at the girl with puffy cheeks who was eating fruit, the ice beauty blinked.

She deserves a better life.

Like the princess in the story, as noble as the highest elf among the elves... instead of dragging the current broken body.

This kind of emotion is called distress, but she doesn't understand it very well.


At night, Lu Ling sat on the black bear's shoulder with her eyes closed.

She was recalling the sword technique she learned today...

Not far away, the ice beauty put on a layer of blue ice clothes and followed behind Lu Ling. The difference was that behind her was a slender rapier, which was crystal clear and extremely precious.

It fits her personality very well.

This is the strengthened Xuanbing Sword, which was thrown into the corner by Lu Ling, and was later handed over to her for safekeeping.

When she first got the sword, the ice beauty was shocked.

Is this really the black ice that she watched the black bear cut off from the ice?
It's just that after a short while, the sword has undergone a qualitative change. Not to mention its sharpness, but the light blue ice that is close to the original level makes her dumbfounded, especially, the feeling of the elves made her feel The huge energy in the Xuanbing Sword.

It was cold, but could explode at any moment.

The ice beauty had the illusion that the sword on her back was not the ice sword, but the red flame sword... But after her careful inspection, it was indeed only the ice element that was right.

I don't know how this magical little girl did it.

Don't say she doesn't know, Lu Ling herself doesn't know.

The task reward gave her a strengthened sword, but she had forgotten it in the back of her head long ago, and she didn't know what the use of strengthening it was, and it took a lot of effort to pick it up, so she asked the young lady to help keep it and return it to her when she was free.

Not to mention anything else, she still likes this look very much.

【Master, this sword...】 At this time, Xuechen has completely absorbed the power of Lu Ling, jumping up and down in her sea of ​​consciousness: 【Master, I think there is something wrong with this sword, which makes me very uncomfortable...】

【You've been talking for a long time, but what's wrong? 】Lu Ling said helplessly, this girl has never finished since she woke up.

【I can't tell, but master, don't you think it's hot?This is not a mysterious ice sword at all. 】

[But I only saw ice. ] Lu Ling repeated.

This has undergone a system transformation, and she thinks it's okay.

[Besides, Xiaoxue, you have been talking for a long time, is this sword stronger than before? 】

【……Yes. 】

[Is it harmful to me? ] Lu Ling continued to ask.

【……No. 】

【Then what are you talking about. ] Lu Ling was dissatisfied: [That is to say, everything is normal except for the heat? 】

【... But master, it's weird...】 Xuechen wanted to say something, but finally shut up.

Because the master is not happy.

She is also very wronged... There is really a strange feeling on this sword... She can't figure it out.

Xuechen doesn't know how many levels Hong Ling's ability is high in. Of course she can't feel it, and it's also a sister's connection, otherwise she might not have discovered as much as Ice Beauty.

【Okay, okay, don't be unhappy. ] Lu Ling wrapped one hand around her hair, and at the same time comforted the little girl: [I didn't listen to you, did you give the sword to the young lady? Don't be angry. 】

【I'm not angry... how dare I be angry with the master...】 Xuechen said aggrievedly.

【Well, I also like that sword very much, so I keep it, it’s so pretty. 】Lu Ling continued.

For a moment, Xuechen's eyes lit up.

very nice?
That's her appearance... The master said she looks good?
[Really... is it beautiful? 】The little girl asked cautiously.

【very beautiful. ] Lu Ling nodded.

Then, Lu Ling felt that the little girl's mood suddenly improved...and she was relieved not to let her throw away the sword.

This girl... is actually quite easy to deal with.

Xuechen is happy because she comforts her...but who will comfort her?

It has been several hours, and there is no sign that she can go home at all. Didn't Senior Sister Yun say that she will be able to go home in three days?
The reason why she was a little unhappy was not because Xuechen kept nagging in her ear, but because she couldn't go home, and she was in a hurry.

At this moment, Lu Ling suddenly heard a notification tone.

"The mission is completed. Without dying once, live for three days and can no longer accept Xueluo Qianhan's help. The completion rate is 80.00%. The reward: one month's access to the world has been issued."

Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, and then there were not many emotional fluctuations.

Once the reward is in hand, it will be in hand...

She just wants to go home now, even the three-day deadline given by the system has come, where is Senior Sister Yun?
I won't really forget her...

cut happy.



Lingshan, of course Yun Shu didn't forget Lu Ling.

She is also very anxious...

In fact, it was Hong Ling's pot.

She was not a qualified system, and almost forgot that there was another task, and she also blocked Yun Shu's mark.

It wasn't someone else who prevented Lu Ling from going home, but her system, but later she remembered and unblocked her.

And Yun Shu wanted to bring Lu Ling back 10 minutes ago... Because Tang Keyu has been here several times in the past few days, it was hard for her to perfunctory.

The three-day deadline finally came, but who knew that she couldn't find Lu Ling's coordinates at all. She had left a mark on her body before, but now she couldn't move her.

This is strange, I don't know what happened to the little girl, there are no more than one person in the world who can block her mark...

Then, after careful research, Yun Shu came to a conclusion that Lu Ling's mark didn't disappear, but was blocked by something, so she couldn't receive the signal...

In other words, if she wanted to bring Lu Ling back, she could only tear open the barrier to find her.

This is not acceptable, it is now Qionghua's enchantment...

Therefore, Yun Shu is now facing a very embarrassing situation.

However, this situation didn't last long, and she could feel her mark again. The moment she sensed the mark, her power swept Lu Ling's whole body up and down, and she got no abnormal feedback, except ... a little anxious.


Could it be that she herself has become silly after reading novels recently?
Forget it, send the little girl back to the Spiritual Road and let others pick her up...

If I don't show up myself, it will be embarrassing to be found out.

 Going to the hospital tomorrow to change the lenses, I hope the degree will not exceed my psychological expectations, Amen.

(End of this chapter)

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