Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 580 Chaos relationship

Chapter 580 Chaos relationship

At this time, the bitter tea entered her throat, and Li Zhuzi's body was slightly red in the mist. She sat up a little, and said to Lu Ling.

"Come here, let me check."

"Cough, cough cough!" Lu Ling, who was enjoying the warm water, choked up several times after hearing her husband's words, and suddenly stood up from the spring, coughing violently.

Li Zhuzi shook his head, got up and patted her on the back, looked at Lu Ling who was blushing, and said angrily, "How did you do that?"

"..." Lu Ling gently pushed Li Zhuzi away, sat down in the water again, and continued to pretend to be a goldfish and spit bubbles.

"?" Li Zhuzi was puzzled, but he took the initiative to sit beside her and said, "Give me your hand."

"Sir... did I do something wrong again?" Lu Ling looked at her pitifully, thinking that Li Zhuzi was going to beat her. .

"Check your cultivation." Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling seriously: "I can't save that person for nothing, right?"

"Cultivation? Oh." Lu Ling stretched out her hand awkwardly.

She thought...

Well, it's time to clean your head.


In the hot spring, Li Zhuzi held Lu Ling's hand and closed his eyes.

Then, her expression became more and more serious, and Lu Ling was taken aback for a while.

Is there something wrong with your body?Why does Mr. Mister have such a scary face.

Li Zhuzi felt a huge energy when she didn't check her body, but now after careful inspection, she found that she could no longer understand Lu Ling's spiritual power.

Why so much... From going down the mountain to going up the mountain is only the time for her to write a book, but Lu Ling has undergone tremendous changes. The spiritual power that was originally like a small pond has now become a vast ocean.

It far exceeded the stock of the peak of the normal soul-dividing state, even skipped the soul-forming state, and barely touched the threshold of the illusory state.


How did Ah Ling's soul body and meridians carry such a large amount of spiritual power?
Li Zhuzi started to get serious.

The simplest thing is, if Lu Ling can't control her power well, just the restlessness of her spiritual power is enough to make her suffer unceasingly, and even explode to death.

But after a careful inspection, Li Zhuzi opened his eyes in surprise.

Contrary to what she thought, Lu Ling's spiritual power was well controlled, the vast ocean was calm, and even if there were some waves, they would be suppressed in an instant—it was Lu Ling's subconscious behavior.

When did this girl control her spiritual power so well?

Who taught it?
No longer worried about Lu Ling's safety, Li Zhuzi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sir... am I okay..." Seeing this, Lu Ling asked cautiously.

"It's okay." Li Zhuzi let go of Lu Ling's hand: "I have already surpassed the peak of the soul-splitting state, and I can easily enter the soul-forming state by going through the procedures."

"That's good." Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

"But... have you learned any skills recently?" Li Zhuzi looked at the girl in front of her. She was letting my Zen master help Lu Ling to relieve the coldness in her body, but with the other party's ability, she definitely couldn't let Lu Ling improve. to such an extent.

"I've learned it." Lu Ling nodded: "It can help me control the cold around my body."

"Control the cold air?" Li Zhuzi nodded, and that's it: "What kind of exercise."

If this exercise is unique in controlling aura, she doesn't need to add this link in the exercise prepared for Lu Ling.

She didn't ask who taught it, that wasn't high enough priority.

"The general outline of "Shenlan" is..." Without hesitation, Lu Ling began to recite the exercises that Mo Qing had given her, and at the same time had acupuncture points on her body.

"The content of Chapter 1 is..."

After talking for a while, Lu Ling stopped.

"Sir, this exercise seems to be used to control cold air, it's relatively simple..."

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded, hiding the shock in his eyes.

With her vision, she can naturally tell what level of skills this "Shenlan" is... Needless to say how precious it is.

Moreover, normal people don't have so much cold energy to mobilize, that is to say, this "Shenlan" was created for Lu Ling.


"Then, a great monk has your imprint on his hand, Mr. He taught me the means of controlling spiritual power, but...haven't fully learned it yet." Lu Ling nodded.

"..." Li Zhuzi continued to be in a daze.

"Sir, if you think it's not good, then I won't practice..." Lu Ling panicked seeing Li Zhuzi's silence.

"Practice, practice well." Li Zhuzi woke up when he heard the words: "It is very good for you. You should practice every day and remember how it works."

"Already remembered." Lu Ling nodded.

Li Zhuzi glanced at Lu Ling.

Zen Master Duwo, she understands, but no matter how you look at it, this exercise book is not from Zen Master Duwo.

East Shenhai?

"Who taught you this "Shenlan"?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"Sir, don't you know? I thought you knew." Lu Ling was also taken aback.

"who is it?"

"Teacher Mo, I went up the mountain with Teacher Bai..." Lu Ling sold Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan without hesitation.

"The two of them..." Li Zhuzi took a deep breath.

Well, speaking of it, I have to thank the Lord of the Southern Territory, that Shenlan is still very powerful.

Then, Li Zhuzi can basically be sure that the people in East Shenhai already know Lu Ling's identity. She didn't participate in the meeting with Mo Qing last time, so the news is relatively closed recently.

And Mo Qing's "selfless" behavior made Li Zhuzi slightly change his opinion of him.

Although cowardly, at least he is not a stingy person.

This is the man.

If it is Lingshan...

Li Zhuzi thought that this group of women would never give up their sect's mentality, and maybe they would beat them back.

As for Bai Yunfan... taught some ordinary things, Li Zhuzi didn't care at all.

"Sir, what is the relationship between Mr. Mo and you?"

Lu Ling's sudden voice pulled Li Zhuzi out of her thoughts, she looked at the girl with sparkling eyes, and suddenly got a little angry.

"It doesn't matter."

"It really doesn't matter?" Lu Ling didn't quite believe it... Her system probably wouldn't lie to her.

"What do you think?" Li Zhuzi raised his hand, and a white jade ruler suddenly appeared in his hand.

"It's okay, it must be okay."

Lu Ling shook her head like a rattle.

I thought the gentleman in the shower wouldn't have a ruler on him.

Immediately cowardly.

"You're a big kid." Li Zhuzi sighed and put away the ruler.

No matter how uncomfortable she is with Mo Qing, she must thank him for this matter... it can be regarded as an acceptance.

"Turn around." Li Zhuzi said to Lu Ling.

"Yes." Lu Ling turned around decisively, with her back to Li Zhuzi.

Lifting Lu Ling's hair, Li Zhuzi took some soap powder and rubbed it on her head: "How long has it been since you took a shower?"

"One day... no, two days." Lu Ling thought for a while.

"Wash it well, it will smell."

"No way, sir, don't scare me." Lu Ling was startled, and then began to scrub her body.

At the same time, Li Zhuzi said: "Take a day off, and I have arranged the next courses. Ordinary schools are fine. Learn about Wu Po."

"Understood." Lu Ling nodded, and then asked when the husband would sit obediently and enjoy Li Zhuzi's service after studying.

"The key choice for the soul-forming state is in the middle stage of the soul-forming state, and it will be very fast for you to reach that state." Li Zhuzi said casually.

"Sir, how can I break through the soul-dividing realm." Lu Ling turned her head back: "I feel that my strength has been increasing, but I just don't have the feeling of breaking through the realm..."

"This is something about soul power. The teacher will teach you when the time comes. It's very simple. It's a matter of course. It's not difficult to break through the realm in the early stage." After Li Zhuzi finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment.

What she said about not helping others practice has long since become invalid on Lu Ling's side.

Well, she doesn't care and no one cares.

"Don't you already have the power of the soul? The next step is to seal this part of the body, and then pull out a new place to practice martial soul. When you are in the middle of the soul, choose one of the directions , and then just merge the two places together." Li Zhuzi explained briefly, but seeing Lu Ling's blank look, he probably knew that she didn't understand anything.

Sure enough, Lu Ling shook her head lightly.


"Otherwise, why do you think it is called the combined soul realm? The combined soul is the part that is separated from the soul." Li Zhuzi said.

"Well, I see." Lu Ling nodded, then thought of something, and looked down at her chest.

With a sigh of relief.

That scar is gone... It's a good thing, otherwise she really doesn't know how to explain it.

And this scene fell in Li Zhuzi's eyes, and he was taken aback.

this girl...


Have you reached the age where you care about your body?

"You don't need to think too much about this kind of thing, it will get better with time." Li Zhuzi said casually.

If this kind of words were heard by other people, they would definitely be complained about. She has a very good figure, so she can stand and talk without back pain.

Hmm... It will hurt if you stand for a long time with big breasts.

"It's even... a little troublesome." Li Zhuzi thought of something, with a black thread on his head.

"Troublesome?" Lu Ling thought for a while, if her scars were still there, it would indeed be troublesome, so she nodded.

Said it would be really troublesome.

"Why are you nodding your head?" Li Zhuzi nodded Lu Ling's head. This girl has not developed yet, so what does she know.

"...It's not what you said, sir..." Lu Ling shook her head, feeling aggrieved.

"Okay." Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling: "Get up, it's almost time for lunch, and that girl Liu Fufeng is here."

"Junior Sister is here? It seems that I slept for a long time..." Lu Ling nodded, then climbed out of the hot spring, looked back at Liu Fufeng: "Sir, what about you?"

"I'll steep it for a while." Li Zhuzi shook her head, she hadn't finished her tea yet, so soak it for a while.

"Well, I'll go and welcome my junior sister in." Lu Ling just ran back to Liu Fufeng's room naked, and walked out wearing a small skirt and crutches after a while.

Opening the door of the school, I saw my junior sister just about to come in.

"Junior Sister, you came so fast." Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng and said.

Liu Fufeng's nose moved: "Senior sister, have you just taken a shower?"

"Well, Mr. and I were just taking a bath. Speaking of junior sister, I just slept with Mr. for the whole morning, and we finished our business in about 10 minutes. Let me go to Nanyuan to find a school tomorrow." Lu Ling said.

"The school in Nanyuan? Do you mean studying with everyone? Not bad." Liu Fufeng nodded.

At this moment, a little girl with hair shawl came out from the corner behind Liu Fufeng.

"Sister Lu, you're back!" Tang Sheng rushed up and hugged Lu Ling's waist.

"It smells good... Sister Lu, have you just washed your body?"


Tang Zheng with short hair looked at Lu Ling with a displeased face.

"Master, sister?" Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng suspiciously.

"When I came here, I met Teacher Tang, and she asked me to bring them here." Liu Fufeng held Tang Zheng's hand who was having a fight, and said softly, "Do you have something to do with Teacher Li?"

Although he was not very satisfied with Lu Ling, Tang Zheng had no resistance to Liu Fufeng, a gentle elder sister, and nodded with a blushing face.

After Lu Ling saw the scene of the two holding hands, she was taken aback.

This little girl...has a few tricks.

However, the junior sister is hers.

Immediately, he held Tang Sheng's hand harder.

"Sister Lu?" Tang Sheng was taken aback for a moment, his little face turned red instantly...

Sister Lu Ling has never hugged herself so actively.

"A Sheng, do you have something to do with your husband?" Lu Ling asked.

"Yes... my sister has something to do, but my sister doesn't know. Recently, Master is busy with the orchard, and I need the teacher's help in the next cultivation." Tang Sheng blushed and said intermittently.

Sister Lu's arms are cool and comfortable...

"I see, sir is inside, I'll take you in." Lu Ling smiled, and then gave Tang Zheng a wink.

In fact, she liked Tang Zheng better, but when she saw him holding hands with her junior sister, she couldn't help feeling a little jealous.

After speaking, Lu Ling took Tang Sheng's hand and walked in.

However, she didn't notice that Liu Fufeng was staring at her intently at this moment.

"...Damn it." Tang Zheng watched his younger sister just leave with him, his teeth itching with anger, and just as he looked up to say something, he saw Liu Fufeng's expression.


A girl's instinct made her feel something very bad...

"Sister Liu..." Tang Zheng turned into a harmless little rabbit in an instant, and cautiously said to Liu Fufeng.

"Ah, it's okay." Liu Fufeng looked away from Lu Ling, lowered his head and gave Tang Zheng a smile.

"Let's go in."



In an instant, Tang Zheng felt an electric current pass through his back, he shivered a few times, and then nodded frantically, expressing his agreement with Liu Fufeng's words.

"Is it cold? The snow hasn't melted yet, so you can't take off your cotton coat." Seeing Tang Zheng's unusual appearance, Liu Fufeng said concerned.

"Yes, yes, I'll put it on in the afternoon." After finishing speaking, Tang Zhengfu seemed to follow, making Liu Fufeng a little puzzled to be alone in the same place.

She should be the type that children like very much, and she is familiar with Tang Zheng, why is she so afraid of her.

Well, it doesn't matter.

But... the behavior of her senior sister made her a little annoyed...

(End of this chapter)

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