Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 605 Life on Day 1

Chapter 605 The first day of life
Originally, Liu Fufeng was always worried about Lu Ling, but this girl kept frowning after she fell asleep, she always felt that Lu Ling was having a nightmare, and sure enough, before she lay down, she heard sobbing.

Liu Fufeng sat up and looked at Lu Ling, and then Xifeng and the others also sat up.

After three seconds of silence, the girl's groaning voice sounded again. This time it was confirmed that it was not an illusion. Liu Fufeng hurriedly got up, and Xifeng also rolled to Liu Fufeng's original position with interest, and followed Zhao Yingge closely to make room for Liu Fufeng. The place looks after Lu Ling.

Zhao Yingge didn't worry too much about Lu Ling, at most she was having nightmares, and she didn't care whether Xifeng was by her side, but just looked at the sleeping cat in her arms, feeling a little worried.

Is this little guy too sleepy...

At this time Liu Fufeng knelt in front of Lu Ling's thatched bed, looking at her.

I don't know what Ah Ling dreamed about, in short, she has cried like a little tabby cat, there is an unusually obvious tear stain on her face, and the pillow is also wet.

It seemed that he had encountered something very unhappy, his toes were curled up, his mouth was sobbing, and his little hands were tightly clutching the bed sheet under him.

Seeing Liu Fufeng felt anxious, her Ah Ling rarely had nightmares...

If it's so uncomfortable, then don't sleep.

"Senior sister... wake up."

Liu Fufeng whispered in Lu Ling's ear.

It was also strange, after hearing Liu Fufeng's voice, Lu Ling fell silent almost instantly, and Liu Fufeng took this opportunity to break Lu Ling's hand off the bed sheet and hold her hand.

This move was very useful, and Lu Ling's brows slowly relaxed.

"Senior Sister, wake up... wake up..."

With itchy ears, Lu Ling opened her eyes.


The tone was a little aggrieved.

"What happened?" Liu Fufeng sat on the edge of the bed, and did not let go of her hand.

"What happened? I..." Although Lu Ling hadn't completely put away her emotions at this time, she was a little puzzled: "I...why am I crying?"

At this time, Lu Ling condensed a water mirror with cold air, looked at the girl with swollen eye circles inside, and was stunned.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Liu Fufeng frowned.

"I, I don't know..." Lu Ling squeezed Liu Fufeng's clothes tightly with one hand, "Junior Sister, I feel... very uncomfortable right now."

"Where is it uncomfortable?" Liu Fufeng suddenly became nervous.

"No, it's in my heart..." Lu Ling was so anxious that she couldn't speak; "It's just... very sad, as if I didn't eat lunch and then bought snacks and was snatched away..."

What kind of description is this.

Xifeng smiled.

But Liu Fufeng didn't smile, instead he frowned even deeper.

"It's okay, it's okay, everything is fine now." Liu Fufeng took the initiative to hug Lu Ling into his arms, feeling Lu Ling's heartbeat much faster than usual, Liu Fufeng was sure that Lu Ling must have been frightened.

Lu Ling, who put her head on Liu Fufeng's shoulder, gradually calmed down, and then her pupils continued to change in blue and black.

She was still dreaming about something.

It was the same as the dream in Luoyan City that time, it was probably the same character as the mother, and a dilapidated token with the word "Xu" written on it, but this time it was different, she also dreamed of a man, It seems that there is also a scene where I spend the festival with a woman...but that person is not her junior sister.

Her memory was messed up, and she didn't know it anymore, but what made her very upset was that when she woke up, she found that she was crying, and she was crying stupidly, and her junior sister saw her.

It's a shame...

But wait a moment, wait a moment and seal all these messy memories, so that they won't let it disturb the lives of myself and my junior sister.

"Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng pushed Lu Ling away from his side, blocked the sight of Xifeng and Zhao Yingge with his body, and looked into Lu Ling's eyes, but Lu Ling did not avoid her.

[You found out. 】Lu Ling opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Liu Fufeng nodded.

She realized almost as soon as Lu Ling opened her eyes that it was not her soft A Ling who was in front of her.

"Junior sister, because it's embarrassing... don't expose me." Lu Ling took the initiative to lie on top of her, buried her face in her arms, and then whispered: "It's not that I don't rely on you, crying in nightmares. What, that's stupid."

As she said that, Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng beggingly, with a bit of a coquettish nature.

For her, it was almost unimaginable to have a coquettish partner before, but now that she has another identity as Lu Ling as a cover, she can feel at ease doing such a thing, of course, it is only limited to the other party. In the case of Liu Fufeng.

"I didn't blame you, it's just... nothing happened." Liu Fufeng looked at her worriedly.

"It's nothing, I just had an inexplicable nightmare." Lu Ling held Liu Fufeng's hand and smiled.

However, the feeling of being abandoned is really... unpleasant.

"Junior Sister, you won't abandon me, right?" Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng pitifully.

Liu Fufeng was puzzled, she saw a little anxiety and guilt in Lu Ling's eyes.

She didn't know that Lu Ling felt guilty because she found in her dream that "she" seemed to spend the festival with another girl she didn't know, and the relationship was still good. She was afraid that this was an act of "betrayal", so she said Say something like this.

In fact, Lu Ling doesn't have to worry at all, Liu Fufeng's love for her is almost unconditional now.

"I said before, I won't let go first." Liu Fufeng shook his head, then stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of Lu Ling's eyes: "Continue to sleep?"

"I'm sleepy, I have to go to class tomorrow." Lu Ling yawned: "But I don't want to sleep on the bed, I want to sleep with you, junior sister."

"But, this bed..." Before Liu Fufeng finished speaking, Lu Ling rolled to the side forcefully.


After the sound of falling on the flesh, Xifeng clutched her stomach and curled up. She returned to her seat just now and wanted to hear what Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng were talking about. On her stomach, she has become a meat pad.

"Sister Xifeng, I'm sorry." Lu Ling looked at her guiltily.

"It's okay...cough, it's good that you didn't fall." Xifeng looked at Lu Ling helplessly, Liu Fufeng didn't speak, and looked at Lu Ling pointing her finger at her, and sighed.

There is no bed to sleep in, so they have to squeeze the floor together.

Forget it, Ah Ling's current state is not stable, she should sleep in her arms.

"It's getting late." As Liu Fufeng said, he lay down again in the middle and turned his body sideways. At this time, Lu Ling naturally rolled into Liu Fufeng's arms, and stretched out his arms to wrap her waist tightly. Xifeng and Zhao Yingge who were watching were envious for a while, but because of Lu Ling's appearance, now Xuechen was also sticking to Lu Ling's back, Zhao Yingge became a loner again, a little bit disappointed.

She unexpectedly likes this little guy.

"Good night." Lu Ling dropped a sentence, buried her head in Liu Fufeng's chest, and closed her eyes.

Cheeks are flushed.

If it was Lu Ling, she wouldn't be shy, but now that she is not hiding deeply, if her younger sister sees her acting like a baby, her old face has no place to put it... But despite being ashamed, she still feels very comfortable, especially After dreaming about something really bad.

She doesn't want anyone, she doesn't care about anyone, the past is not important, but she only wants her junior sister, and as long as she has her junior sister around, everything else doesn't matter to her.

"Good night." Liu Fufeng also closed his eyes.

This time, they really fell asleep, because Lu Ling was beside them, and everyone closed their eyes, fearing that they would disturb Lu Ling to sleep.

However, under the premise that there are obviously beds in the house, the four women choose to sleep on the floor, making people dumbfounded.



into the night.

In Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness, Hong Ling has completely transferred herself into the fire glaze also named Hong Ling, and she is responsible for the reason Xuechen has been sleeping... Who knows if this girl will find out when she is awake? she?

At this time, the fire colored glass around Lu Ling's neck was inhabited by Li Huo Hong Ling's sword spirit. I'm afraid even Venerable Ye, who made this colored glass, would not have thought of such a thing.

Looking at the fiery red new home around her, Hong Ling nodded in satisfaction. Although she was not as comfortable as in Lu Ling's sea of ​​knowledge, it was not bad, and she couldn't always live in the depths of Lu Ling's heart, because she knew that Lu Ling On the premise that it might be her master, she might not be able to hold back and pry into the secrets deep in Lu Ling's heart...

For example, today, when Lu Ling's subconscious memory surfaced, she almost couldn't hold it back. Fortunately, she told herself repeatedly that she was the master, and she couldn't commit any wrongdoing, so she held back.

As she said, only do a good job in the system and try not to disturb Lu Ling's normal life, because that may disrupt the rhythm of chess players. What if it affects the remnant soul of the fairy master in Lu Ling's body?So Hong Ling can only go on like this now.

But this girl will soon be in the Soul Realm, and she has to update the items in her store as promised...



at the same time.

Heavy snowfall.

Chu Qishui sat on the tree and let the snowflakes fall on him.

The jade slip flickered, and then a key was sent to her. It was the key to the secret realm that Han Xue stole.

came back?
Chu Qishui casually put it in his arms.

This was transmitted by Luanfeng real person, and there was a spatial fluctuation at the same time. Her ears moved, and she vaguely seemed to hear Han Xue's voice.



Let me go……

I don't dare anymore... Jueer, save me...

blah blah blah blah.

Chu Qishui closed the space crack expressionlessly, and then continued to drink his own fruit wine in the heavy snow.

This girl should be cured, otherwise she would be a little lawless, and she actually stole it from her.

Well, although she herself doesn't care, it's almost certain that Luanfeng will be angry.

Han Xue is also a member of Xuanjing Division, not everyone in Lingshan, and Luanfeng would not beat her too hard...probably.

In fact, Han Xue's seniority is very low, and she is also relatively young. Luo Hanyi called her Xiaoxue. From this, it can be seen that Han Xue's status in Lingshan...

Almost anyone can pinch her twice.

Head up and drink.

Life is a little more peaceful, A Yao is not around, the two apprentices are self-sufficient, it doesn't matter whether she is a master or not.

A Yao said that she should go to Chasing the Wind, she has very good girlfriends there, and because of her own affairs, A Yao also retired from the position of the deputy peak master of Liufeng, so she can take a good rest.

Hope this rest can make her feel better.

Chu Qishui thought so.

As for the two new girls, she has already seen them, and they are all pretty good. The main reason is that Liu Fufeng is someone she approves, and she can accept anyone Liu Fufeng approves.

Suddenly, some of the wine jug in Chu Qi's sailor's hand spilled out.

Speaking of...

Isn't Liu Fufeng and senior sister a bit similar?

Not the appearance, but the temperament.

Shaking his head, he also felt ridiculous.

She has a good impression of Liu Fufeng, maybe it has something to do with this surname.



The night passed quickly, and when Liu Fufeng opened his eyes, he saw two busy figures.

Zhao Yingge was washing something, and Xifeng also walked in with a basin and a towel at this time.

"Sister Liu, are you awake?" Xifeng put the hot water on the ground aside: "It was water for washing rice, just right, wash your face?"

Liu Fufeng was a little dazed, and looked down. At this moment, Lu Ling was wrapped around her body. Her hair was inseparable from her arms, waist, and neck, and they couldn't be separated at all. Moreover, Lu Ling was obviously still asleep.

Taking a look at the sky outside, Liu Fufeng probably knew the time, it should be when the first phoenix call just passed by.

"Sister Xifeng, you are..." Because he couldn't get up and was afraid of disturbing Lu Ling's rest, Liu Fufeng's voice was very low.

"Maybe it's because of the elixir. Girl Zhao and I woke up in the middle of the night... Xifeng shook her head: "I read the book all night, she... practiced marksmanship outside, and she is not afraid of the cold. "

Xifeng continued.

"Later, when it was dawn, I couldn't sleep, so I thought about it. I might as well make a meal... But there are only some rice and noodles at home, so I'm going to make some vegetable porridge."

And she didn't have a good relationship with Zhao Yingge, but the latter offered to help, which surprised Xifeng a little.

"The elixir might have a refreshing effect." Liu Fufeng didn't know the specific effect of the medicine, but shook his head: "It's still early... If you wake up now, senior sister will be sleepy."

"Then you can hold her and sleep for a while, and leave the breakfast to me." Xifeng shook the rice in her hand, looking at Liu Fufeng's eyes with envy, compared to Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling is not at all Clinging to her, the relationship between the pair of sisters is too good.

"That's it, please trouble Xifeng." Liu Fufeng yawned.

"No trouble." Xifeng nodded: "By the way, sister Liu, everything on Lingshan is edible, right? The food at home doesn't seem to be enough."

"Well, you can eat them all. There are some vegetables I grew myself behind the house. Sister Xifeng, you can go and have a look." Liu Fufeng whispered.

"I see, okay, you guys go on to sleep"

Then, Xifeng put down the basin soaking the rice, put on her clothes and went out to get vegetables.

Looking at the busy figures of Xifeng and Zhao Yingge, Liu Fufeng rarely showed a cat-like expression of comfort.

In fact, she is also a little lazy... Although she wanted Ah Ling to eat her cooking, she went to bed late yesterday... Now that she has help, she can sleep a little longer.

very nice.

Sure enough, if someone lives together, life will be much more convenient, and you won't feel lonely.

Rubbing Lu Ling's face in his arms, and hugging the limp girl, Liu Fufeng closed his eyes.

She likes this kind of life.

 Don't have the illusion that there is a main line 2333
(End of this chapter)

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