Chapter 620
At this time, the luck in Lu Ling's heart disappeared.

To be precise, when the first note was played, she knew her current level... It was far worse than she imagined.

Mentality and physical condition also affected her ability to perform.

Of course, the deadliest thing is...she was slack, her fingers were stiff, and she was so focused on whether she could get away with it with her outstanding talent, she also ignored the most basic problem of Guqin's strength after changing the violin.

Not even... without tuning first.

In fact, even if it is Qin Qin's piano, after getting it normally, it is necessary to tune it before playing. This is what Senior Sister Qin emphasized and emphasized.

She forgot all about it.

Bow down.

Paled face.

Qin Qin's face was also extremely ugly.

"A Ling, you couldn't wait to use the coiling strength in the third law. You wanted to restore your strength, but you directly disrupted the rhythm of the song, and you rushed to the beat. It's completely out of shape."

This is the performance of rustiness.

Lu Ling's face became paler and she didn't dare to say anything.

Qin Qin took a deep look at her, then looked away from Lu Ling, and said in a low tone, "I'm very disappointed."


The girl's knuckles turned white.

Take courage and look up.

"Senior sister, I was wrong." Lu Ling looked at Qin Qin, but the latter still didn't look at her.

Qin Qin turned her back to Lu Ling, and said in a very soft voice, "In this case, even if I give you a whole day, you won't be able to get back to the state."

Lu Ling: "..."

She knew that Senior Sister Qin was right.

After touching the piano, she understood that she would not be able to return to the state of playing the piano in a short time. Now she is full of hesitation, because she is worried that she will make mistakes, and on the contrary, she will not even be able to do the basics of the basics.

"In your current state, you can't even complete the basics, let alone play freely... The music theory is all messed up. In this way, after letting the senior sister see... what else do you want to learn." Qin Qin shook her head mockingly. , frustrated with irrepressible anger.

Unfortunately, she was not angry with Lu Ling, because she was angry with herself, because she found out that after she knew Lu Ling's talent was extremely high, she only cared about instilling rhythm knowledge in her, ignoring the other side of education, that's why she lead to this result.

Obviously she should know that step by step is the best, talent doesn't mean everything, how come Lu Ling is in chaos...

full of dissatisfaction with myself.

For Lu Ling, there was only disappointment.

But most of the time, disappointment is more worrying than anger. Lu Ling hopes that Senior Sister Qin will scold her severely, or even hit her... She also doesn't want to be looked at by such gloomy eyes.

Lu Ling moved her knuckles, wanting to continue practicing, at least to be able to play a complete piece of music without being too embarrassed, stretched out her hand to hook a note, and then said to Qin Qin: "Senior sister, I can practice again..."

Before she finished speaking, her white fingers pressed on the silver strings, causing Lu Ling's next voice, which should have been crisp, to muffle.

Lu Ling buried her head deeper: "Senior Sister..."

"No need to practice."

"I can..."

Qin Qin interrupted Lu Ling, and instead of looking at her, put her eyes on her feet, and said at the same time: "You should know, you don't have any confidence or state, and it will only get worse and worse. At least keep the current state today. level……"

Shaking his head, he didn't say anything more.

But Lu Ling understood.

Lu Ling: "..."


Senior Sister Qin is right.

If it is only half an hour, there is a great possibility that not only did she fail to improve her previous mistakes, but she became worse than she is now because of mentality problems.

Weakly looking at Qin Qin's hands on the strings.

"Senior Sister... I was wrong." Lu Ling lowered her eyes, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, and her eyes turned red.

It's all her fault.

Relying on my talent of [Five Tones and Six Rhythms and Thirteen Emblems], I was lazy, thinking that it would be the same as cultivation, and I could get double the benefits by putting in one-third of Liu Fufeng's efforts...

The above are her real thoughts.

The strong sense of guilt swallowed her whole... What to do, I have disappointed Senior Sister Qin and myself... There is still Senior Sister Shen behind... and even her Junior Sister.

It's really wrong.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Lu Ling's voice gradually trembled.

Suddenly, Qin Qin raised his hand holding the strings, touched Lu Ling's head, and straightened the somewhat messy hair.

"Okay, let the senior sister see what it should look like." Qin Qin dragged Lu Ling's chin and wiped a little moisture from the corners of her eyes: "It's my fault, too high expectations, you are under the mountain Cultivation is already very tiring, and I can't go too far."

Anyway, the senior sister doesn't know what level Lu Ling was before.

However, even if it is as she said, Lu Ling should not be squeezed too much, but this is for her own sake, because Lu Ling's musical talent is the best she has ever seen, so she doesn't need to work too hard at all... as long as there is If you practice hard, you won't be as bad as you are now.

After not practicing for a long time, Lu Ling actually regressed... This was unacceptable to her.

Now Qin Qin probably feels that the world is gloomy.

But she likes Lu Ling, and she can't see her being sad... It's also very contradictory.

You can only turn the fire on yourself.

"Okay, don't feel bad, keep the current state." Qin Qin smiled gently, then took Lu Ling's hand and brought her back to the table in the restaurant.

In front of her were all her favorite dishes, most of which were meat dishes, and Qin Qin specially collected oil so that she would not be greasy.

The little girl stood there with her head bowed.

"Let's eat." Qin Qin pushed her.

Lu Ling remained motionless, standing in front of a pile of delicious food, but she didn't have any appetite, which was in stark contrast to her eagerness to eat at the beginning.

"Be obedient, don't starve to death, it's not a big deal, just play a tune, and try to catch up tomorrow." Qin Qin said softly, seeing that Lu Ling still didn't move, she shook her head and hugged her Go to the chair, serve her rice and soup, put it in front of her eyes, and then stuff the chopsticks into her hand.

"Drink the soup first to nourish the stomach, and then there are more dishes today, so you can eat slowly. Today's soup helps digestion, so you can eat with confidence." Qin Qin said.


"Eat! Don't let me talk anymore." Qin Qin pinched Lu Ling's face.

"Yes." Lu Ling picked up the bowl and took a sip.

Sweet and sour, very appetizing.

"Good." Qin Qin nodded in satisfaction, and stretched out her hand to unbutton her clothes: "A Ling, you eat first, I'll go to see my senior sister... just take a bath and save some water, senior sister doesn't like to waste, You know."

"En..." Lu Ling nodded.



Qin Qin was just afraid that she would affect Lu Ling's appetite when she was here, and she had already comforted her, letting this girl eat alone would calm her down and calm down her disordered emotions.

Lu Ling usually has a delicate mind and needs to be cared for... Qin Qin has already started to regret that she didn't control it before, and said a lot about Lu Ling.

After a while, Qin Qin came out wrapped in a bath towel, and she didn't forget to let Lu Ling have a good meal before leaving.

"Eat obediently, I will check when I come back later."

"Understood." Lu Ling nodded and watched Senior Sister Qin leave.

Pick up chopsticks.

Lu Ling took a bite of the rice, then waited foolishly without chewing.

A drop of water fell into the white grains of rice along her face.

The girl put down her chopsticks, lay down on the table, buried her head in her arms, and shrugged her shoulders slightly.

Now I really know regret it.

You shouldn't be lazy...Senior Sister Qin must be very sad right's all her fault...

Suppressed, sobbing.



Qin Qin's mood at this time was similar to what Lu Ling thought.

With a flushed face, Shen Gui looked at the woman who walked in in surprise.

"Junior Sister, why are you here?"

"Can't you?" Qin Qin took off the towel and jumped directly into the bathtub. The hot water splashed, and the clear water covered and sank back to the top of her head, making her face hot.

Qin Qin sank to the bottom of the water and began to shut herself up.

Shen Gui was not angry either, looking at Qin Qin who was buried in the water, bubbling and bubbling, with a blank expression on his face.

Qin Qin continued to close herself, sticking to the bathroom floor, opened her eyes and looked at the lights on the water through the water, feeling very bad.

Shen Gui pretended not to see it and continued to take a bath.

However, she took the initiative to jump up the topic.

"I thought you would accompany Lu Ling for dinner." Shen Gui said.


"...Pfft." Qin Qin emerged from the water, spit out a mouthful of water, straightened her messy hair like a lunatic, and looked at Shen Gui dissatisfied: "What are you talking about, you think I will take advantage of the meal time Give Aya a tutor."

Just like Shen Gui knew her, she also knew her senior sister. On the surface, she didn't care about anything, but in fact she had the same mind as Ming Jing, knowing everything.

Shen Gui didn't speak.

To be honest, she was a little surprised to see Qin Qin at this point in time. Based on her knowledge of her junior sister, she should hurry up to improve Lu Ling and not lose her talent in front of her.

Regarding Lu Ling, Qin Qin would not back down at all.

It's just... Looking at Qin Qin now, Shen Gui can probably guess the reason why Qin Qin is autistic.

Shen Gui shook his head and asked: "So, why did you come here..."

Qin Qin: "..."

After the silence, Jiu Wei showed weakness in front of Shen Gui.

She swam to Shen Gui's side in the water, and leaned against her.

"I lost……"

"Losing? Why do you say that." Shen Gui turned to look at Qin Qin who was holding his arm.


Junior Sister is really upset today, even if Qin Qin doesn't say anything, she can feel that kind of loss.

I was still very excited when eating today... Is the problem with Lu Ling?

"If you lose, you lose. Why..." Qin Qin clenched her fists, "But even if you lose, it's only this time. I won't give up Ah Ling to you."

"En." Shen Gui nodded, losing interest in this topic.

Qin Qin opened the chatter box, talking to herself.

"She's fine, it's my problem. I should instruct her not to leave Qin Yi behind..." Qin Qin's voice was very low, and she hugged Shen Gui's arm harder.

This kind of words shouldn't be said to her own biggest enemy... But looking at Shen Gui who was blushing all over her face - Qin Qin quickly got lost in Shen Gui's false tenderness.

Knowing that the senior sister is just blushing, but still wants to rely on her... It's really strange.

"You should have told me many times." Shen Gui sat up a little bit, carrying Qin Qin's body that was snuggled up to him.

"I don't remember." Qin Qin shook her head, but Ah Ling's current appearance showed that her instructions were not thorough enough.

"I can already guess a little bit about Lu Ling's level. I didn't have any expectations. You don't have to do that." Shen Gui calmly looked at Qin Qin who had softened into a puddle of mud, and said.

"Cut... I actually stopped making sarcastic remarks... I'm still not used to it." Qin Qin curled her lips, at this time the effect of the hot water came up, and the blush slowly climbed up her face along her neck.

Qin Qin and Shen Gui are like a pair of drunken sisters together.

"Okay, let me go, don't make a sad face, it's ugly." Shen Gui looked at Qin Qin seriously. When the master is breaking through, don't let her feel bad emotions.

"No, I'm not happy now!" Qin Qin muttered.

"I said let me go." Shen Gui turned his head.

The temperature in the air dropped instantly.

"Hiss..." Qin Qin took a deep breath, immediately let go of Shen Gui's arm, and flicked his foot to face her.

"Hehe, if you are unhappy, pick up the sword?" Shen Gui looked at Qin Qin.

"How many times have I told you, I won't fight with you, let's soak in your bath." Qin Qin looked at Shen Gui dissatisfied.

boring woman.

She is really a fool who would look forward to Shen Gui's comfort.


Turn your head.

Start washing your body.



In the restaurant, Lu Ling still kept lying on the table for a long time.

"No...Senior Sister Qin said, eat well..."

Wipe away tears, pick up chopsticks, and eat.

But she couldn't stop her tears, and she didn't look so ugly.

Embarrassing and ugly in every sense.

No, you have to eat well.

I took a mouthful of delicious food, swallowed it hard, and then repeated the above process.

The food that I couldn't eat enough in the past has become sour now, and I can't eat it at all.

Lu Ling with puffed cheeks turned her head and looked at the Guqin in Qin Qin's room.

If she practiced again now, she wouldn't be able to adjust well without an afternoon of hard work...

It was only half an hour, so there was no time for her to practice at all.

No one is to blame, she is lazy.

When she was in Luoyan City, she didn't practice the piano more than five times in total. Many times she wanted to practice the piano, but in the end she picked up the basic sword formula... because she felt that her musical talent was good enough.

The reason why I cry... is because I was comforted by Qin Qin.

Senior Sister Qin said that she knew that she was working hard at the foot of the mountain, so even if she regressed, she would not blame her... But Lu Ling's family knew about her own affairs.

She exists in a systematic [world], and she has enough time every day... How could she not even have time to practice the piano? After all, Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan were there at the time, so she didn't want to practice the piano.

Knowing that everything is my own problem, and then thinking about the comforting words of my senior sister, no matter how I think about it, I feel uncomfortable.

A strong sense of guilt...

It makes Senior Sister Qin sad, she is simply a scumbag.

He looked down at the mess of rice.

Suddenly looked up.

wait, time?
(End of this chapter)

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