Chapter 625 The Impassable Lily Road

Qin Qin didn't care about these small things, but now she heard what the senior sister said...she blindly brought Junior Sister Liu and A Ling here to rest, and it was still at night, which was indeed a bit inappropriate.

She herself doesn't care, but Junior Sister Liu may be troubled.

But there is no other way, although she lacks consideration, but the matter has already happened, all she can do is to explain the matter clearly to Liu Fufeng in advance, and just apologize.

At this time, Qin Qin still didn't react. Liu Fufeng already knew the special significance of this small building. She thought that Liu Fufeng had just gone up the mountain and had few contacts with people. Fufeng's shy blushing before was related to this incident.

What she didn't know was that the first floor was the only way for Lu Ling to go to school, and it was also the place where Lu Ling had the most activities. How could Liu Fufeng let her "daughter" live in an unfamiliar place.

So much so that not only Nanyuan, Beiyuan, but even most of the facilities around Linghu Lake in the mountains, Liu Fufeng knew how to use it, so...Liu Fufeng, who knew the first floor of Lingshan very well, naturally knew some potential meanings of this small building.

It was because he knew that he told Lu Ling not to go north after getting off the teleportation array.

Who knows, will some bad senior sister drag Ah Ling into this small room...

Although Liu Fufeng didn't know much about Lingshan, it was far more than what Qin Qin had expected for her... It was because she thought that Junior Sister Liu didn't know anything, so the senior sister should guide her.

Just like when Liu Fufeng first went up the mountain, she performed the duties of a senior sister.

Qin Qin thinks that in the future... she still has to consider the consequences when she does things, otherwise, what is the difference from Master Dongfang who suddenly captured Ah Ling in full view?

Qin Qin looked at the senior sister in front of her with strange eyes.

"Senior Sister, you know everything...then you opened a big bed room for me...what do you want to do?"

"Oh." The girl waved her hand, with a smirk on her face: "It was a wrong drive, it was a wrong drive, it wasn't intentional..."

Qin Qin: "..."

Sure enough, it was intentional.

"Senior sister, what are you looking forward to? And... you like women, right?" Qin Qin gritted his teeth and looked at the girl.

"I'm not, I don't." The girl shook her head again and again: "Junior Sister, how can you insult people's innocence out of thin air..."

Then, the tone changed.

"As a senior sister, is it wrong to want to see the junior sisters get along with each other in peace? Besides... how do you know that your junior sister doesn't like you, maybe you can accomplish a good thing, you have never had any friends, senior sister I'm still quite worried, now there is a girl who is willing to approach you, and you are willing to approach her, this kind of opportunity is once in a lifetime, if you don't catch it, you may be really lonely for the rest of your life, Junior Sister." The girl looked worried Looking at Qin Qin.

Hearing this, Qin Qin twitched the corners of her mouth: "Senior Sister... really worried you..."

"No no……"

"But I don't like Junior Sister Liu, I mean the kind that goes with men and women."

"Oh? Don't like it? No, I see that you look very excited, and I must have read it right." The girl looked at Qin Qin in surprise, and then suddenly thought of something: "Wait, if it's not that Junior Sister Liu, let's go together There are also..."

Suddenly frightened.

"No way, the other junior sister is too young..."

"Senior sister, what are you thinking!!!" Qin Qin became angry, and her voice raised a lot.

Ah Ling is her hope for the future, how can she focus on boring emotional games, Qin Qin has been teaching Lu Ling to stay away from men, but it doesn't mean she can accept Lu Ling and girls as partners, so she just heard her senior sister say Just mentioning it made her mood fluctuate a little.

"Why are you so... excited, I just said it." The girl looked at Qin Qin strangely. If she said it was because of a joke before, she was really surprised now.

At the beginning, she seemed to have heard someone say that Qin Qin fell in love with the little girl, but she never took it to heart. Now it can't be true.

Recalling Qin Qin's appearance when he came in, gently hugging a long-haired girl, basically not leaving her eyes... On the contrary, what she thought was Qin Qin's friend was standing outside the door. Qin Qin didn't realize that she didn't come in.

The girl covered her mouth, her eyes were full of disbelief, and at the same time, her neck blushed quickly.

"Junior Sister Qin, this is not good... Junior Sister is too young to do... that kind of thing, and Master and the others will be very angry if they find out about this kind of thing."

"I won't do that kind of thing." Qin Qin shook her head helplessly.

The girl looked at Qin Qin seriously. She liked her junior sister to join Lily's ranks, but age was also very important. Although it was a good feeling to cultivate, but if the other party was that junior sister Qin, she couldn't accept it.

"No, tell me first if you like her." The girl asked, "Look into my eyes and talk."

Qin Qin looked at the girl helplessly, and then spoke.

"I like it. How could I not like it? I'm still counting on this girl to take my place." Qin Qin thought about Lu Ling's performance today, nodded with satisfaction, and continued: "But it's definitely not the girl you know. the kind of liking."

"En..." The girl looked into Qin Qin's eyes, then nodded, as if she had reached some conclusion.

"Junior Sister Qin, if you like her, you like it, but if you really want to eat her, you'd better wait a few years until she becomes an adult, otherwise it's really not suitable, and the uncles will be unhappy."


"Junior Sister, don't rush to refute. Senior Sister, you can't hide a hundred of them from me. You just mentioned this girl, her eyes are shining, and the corners of her mouth are not naturally raised. The most important thing... "The girl's green fingers slid along Qin Qin's plump body all the way to her neck, and stayed there for a moment.

"My heart beat faster, and my neck turned red. This is not simply a liking for a little girl."

Qin Qin was also taken aback when she heard her serious explanation.

She just thought that Lu Ling might surpass her, so she was a little excited. After the analysis by her senior sister, she seemed to really like Ah Ling.

The liking here is the level of love.

But... the senior sister who looks younger than her in front of her is indeed an emotional veteran... It seems that when someone once doubted whether Qin Qin liked Shen Gui, this senior sister knew it just by looking into her eyes Her feelings for Shen Gui are only at the family level...

Therefore, Qin Qin suddenly began to wonder if she was really so dishonest that she liked Lu Ling. It should be normal for her to have some changes that she didn't know about when she stayed by Master Shen Canghai's side all year round.


In fact, it was a misunderstanding. Qin Qin mentioned that Lu Ling's eyes would shine not because of Lu Ling, but because of Gu Qin. In Qin Qin's heart, only Fengming Qin could accompany her through the whole life. The girl took her seat on Lu Ling.

However, after such a misunderstanding, Qin Qin looked at her senior sister's determined eyes, and began to really doubt whether there was something wrong with her sexual orientation.

The main reason is that Qin Qin's family knows their own affairs. If there is really a Taoist companion, then the other party must be a master of temperament, or in guqin, and must be better than her, and she doesn't hate it.

Whether it's a man or a really doesn't matter that much.

Although Lu Ling is not satisfied with the above conditions, she has the potential to be able to do it.

So, maybe she really wanted to cultivate Lu Ling in another aspect...without knowing it.

"..." The girl nodded as she watched Qin Qin's face darken.

Qin Qin felt the strange look in his eyes, held back for a while and said, "...Sister, I can't explain it to you."

"There's nothing to be shy about." The girl shook her head: "Back when I liked her, she was still a little girl... Wasn't it that I raised her to be the outstanding person she is now, ah, she agreed to bring me food Well, what time is it?"

"..." Qin Qin twitched the corner of her mouth.

This is the first time she has heard of such a thing...

"So, I can tell just by looking at your thoughts." The girl stretched out her hand to straighten Qin Qin's collar, and said, "But it's still the same sentence, when she becomes an adult... But I don't think there is any need to remind you, I think It turns out that you are different from me, not because you simply like girls... or because you like her... A very peculiar girl, where does the charm come from? But I am a little curious..."

"So...forget it." Qin Qin obviously didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, because she was really shaken now, and the other party's analysis was exactly the same as she thought...

I also started to get nervous.

"Okay, don't say it if you don't want to say it, I will keep it a secret for you, but I will say the ugly things first, I have just been home for a few days, but I have heard some rumors from you, maybe it is not so easy to hide " said the girl.

"Got it." Qin Qin nodded.

"Okay, your mica grass ginger tea is ready." The girl said, took out a thermos from the teleportation array, and handed it to Qin Qin: "Let's not talk about the younger sister, remember to take care of the older one." gone."

"...I'll go back first." Qin Qin went upstairs with a few steps, carrying the pot.

When I came down, I was fine, but when I went up, I was full of worries.

The moment Qin Qin returned to the room, Liu Fufeng stuck his head out and looked at her.

Qin Qin avoided Lu Ling because she was preoccupied with other things, and could only focus on Liu Fufeng... However, this kind of hot gaze made Liu Fufeng's heart skip a beat.

Senior Sister, she...why is it weird, she went out just now...

Liu Fufeng, who was doubting his sexual orientation, was also a little flustered.

"Junior Sister, get up and drink some ginger tea to warm yourself up." Qin Qin said suddenly.

Liu Fufeng shuddered.

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng slowly got up from the bed and walked towards Qin Qin.

And Lu Ling... was still sleeping comfortably on the bed, because Liu Fufeng was by her side, so she was sleeping soundly, and she didn't know what kind of dangerous state her junior sister was in at all.

"Junior Sister, you still have to keep warm recently, drink more ginger tea." Qin Qin poured Liu Fufeng a cup of hot mica brown sugar tea and handed it to her.

Liu Fufeng nodded, took a sip from the teacup.


Her Tiangui days... Senior Sister Qin remembered it.

But Senior Sister Qin is right, she should really pay attention to keeping warm. She left the ice glass that Lu Ling gave her at home, and used it for Sister Xifeng or Sister Zhao when they went out. .

Now my actually a little uncomfortable.

After taking a sip of hot tea, the mica grass quickly took effect, and Liu Fufeng's face quickly turned red.

Very comfortable.

The belly is warm.

It also feels good to be cared for.

Although Lu Ling is great in every aspect, but due to age limitations, Lu Ling knows too little, and it is almost impossible to expect her to be as considerate as Senior Sister Qin.

Drink tea quietly.

Liu Fufeng felt that Senior Sister Qin only cared about her senior sister, and she was ashamed to think about it.

Qin Qin wasn't idle either, she was also drinking tea, she looked calm, but she was actually a little flustered, she had no choice but to stop thinking about Lu Ling.

But Liu Fufeng is Lu Ling's mother, she may have unruly thoughts about her daughter, and it is difficult to calm down when facing her mother.


"En?" Liu Fufeng raised his head, his heart trembled.

Senior sister is very wrong.

The look in her eyes is very strange, guilty, shy, and there are many emotions like a little woman.

Liu Fufeng swallowed her saliva, it was the first time she saw Senior Sister Qin in such a young daughter's pose...she wouldn't really face herself...

"Junior Sister, I have something to tell you." Qin Qin put down the teacup, although it was difficult to say, but what should be said still had to be said.

"En." Liu Fufeng looked at her.

"Do you know where this place is?"

"..." Qin Qin's sudden opening made Liu Fufeng a little dazed.

Senior Sister Qin, what does this mean?
Hint at her?
"I... know." Liu Fufeng said with some difficulty.

"I know you know..." Qin Qin said something like a tongue twister: "I mean, this place looks like a place to rest and chat, but in fact, it has other meanings."

"Other meanings." Liu Fufeng took a deep breath, then looked at Qin Qin: "Senior Sister, it's not good."

what's wrong?
"It's not good, I know it's not good...but the matter has reached this point, and there's nothing I can do about it." Qin Qin was distressed. It was her nervousness that caused Liu Fufeng to suffer.

"There is no way?" Liu Fufeng moved a little away from Qin Qin. Although she was not sure if there was something wrong with her sexual orientation, what she knew was that she had no interest in women other than Lu Ling, including her own friends.

Qin Qin thought for a while and didn't know how to speak, so she wanted to test Liu Fufeng's attitude towards others misunderstood that she was a lily, and if she couldn't accept it, she wouldn't say anything.

"Junior Sister, what do you think of those... sisters and sisters who are together in Lingshan." Qin Qin's voice became smaller and smaller.

Liu Fufeng shook his head, she had to speak clearly.

"I only like Aya."


What do you mean... Qin Qin was a little confused.

Of course she knew that Liu Fufeng liked Lu Ling, but why did she emphasize it.

and many more.

Could it be that he was really that obvious today?Even Junior Sister Liu can see that she likes Lu Ling?

(End of this chapter)

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