Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 628 The location of existence

Chapter 628 The location of existence

Among the red flowers, the two sat there.

"Senior Sister, it's not that she didn't practice on purpose. There are really too many things to learn, and there is not enough time. Later, even the time for lunch at noon is squeezed as much as possible."

Liu Fufeng's attitude is obvious, even if Lu Ling's piano skills have regressed, don't blame her.

The attitude was very tough, which made Qin Qin slightly startled.

According to the impression that Junior Sister Liu had when she knew that Lu Ling hadn't cultivated before, she thought Liu Fufeng would be very angry... However, the contrast between before and after was too great, which made her a little silent.

Liu Fufeng was still explaining to Lu Ling.

Only she, the pillow person, knows how serious her Ah Ling was when she was down the mountain. The time of the day was divided into many pieces, and the time for bathing and sleeping was shortened a lot to study... In this way, Lu Ling still occasionally Taking time to practice the piano, Liu Fufeng thinks that even a little regress is acceptable.

Questioning her Aling's level, in a sense, killed her efforts in Luoyan City.

Liu Fufeng didn't allow it.

"Senior Sister Qin, I didn't relax my requirements on her because she was practicing the piano. It's really... really tired, and she has worked very hard." Liu Fufeng said: "It's not that the piano is not important, so I didn't practice, the main thing is When Ah Ling was in Luoyan City, the main task given by Teacher Li was to let her improve her realm, so..."

"No, no, it's okay." Qin Qin interrupted Liu Fufeng and waved her hands repeatedly. She is not such a stingy person, how could she not know what Liu Fufeng said?
Not to mention that Lu Ling's performance was so good.

The reason why she remained silent was because she found that Liu Fufeng was more and more like Lu Ling's mother.

"Junior Sister Liu, you really raised this girl as a daughter... In the past, she still looked like a sister-in-law, but now from Lu Ling to you... I don't think there is any problem with being a mother and daughter." Qin Qin said strangely Looking at Lu Ling.

"No way." Liu Fufeng shook his head, even if she raised Lu Ling as a daughter, Lu Ling didn't have such thoughts, in Ah Ling's view, her position...

stunned for a moment.

Suddenly, she realized that she didn't know what kind of existence she was in Lu Ling's heart, she only knew that she was very important, but her identity was unknown, sister, senior sister, junior sister... or something else.

Like Li Zhuzi, the husband Lu Ling likes to trust...

She has always been a junior sister.

Lu Ling has many junior sisters, Tang Zheng, Tang Sheng, and a lot of girls younger than her are her junior sisters.

"Junior Sister?" Qin Qin woke up Liu Fufeng suspiciously.

"Junior Sister...what is it?" Liu Fufeng raised his head.

"Ah?" Qin Qin didn't understand.

"I'm sorry I was distracted." Liu Fufeng apologized, then looked at Qin Qin with some hesitation: "Senior Sister Qin, in your opinion, what am I to Senior Sister?"

"Why do you suddenly want to ask this?" Qin Qin frowned, but seeing Liu Fufeng's tangled expression, he probably knew what she was thinking.


She herself had also thought about what kind of existence she was to Shen Gui.

In the end, it really settled on the word "Junior Sister".

"I don't know." Qin Qin looked at Liu Fufeng and continued, "But I think there is a high probability that it is [Junior Sister]."

"That's really the case?" Liu Fufeng showed an expression of unwillingness, his mind was inexplicable, and he didn't understand it.

Ah Ling gave her the status of Junior Sister, but she was still not satisfied... But there was nothing she could do, in fact, if she wanted, with Lu Ling's obedient level, she could do whatever she wanted, and she could choose her identity at will.

But... What she cares about is not these things, but more about the opinions of outsiders.

Just like Senior Sister Qin thought she was Lu Ling's mother.

This is not the impression she wants to leave on outsiders, but if you ask her what kind of impression she thinks is appropriate, she can't tell.

Adolescent, girlish ambivalence.

Qin Qin continued.

"Although we all know that you are her junior sister... But in fact, the status of senior sister is more suitable? Senior sister and junior sister are very special to Lu Ling, right? For Ah Ling, the word junior sister should belong to you alone. Others Everyone has a surname..." Qin Qin paused and continued.

"You are different from me... At least everyone can clearly see that Ah Ling is dependent on you. Without you, she would not be able to live." After Qin Qin finished speaking, she looked at Liu Fufeng with a strange look in her eyes. A little envious.

Liu Fufeng also didn't understand what Qin Qin meant, what meant they were different, but Qin Qin's words reached her heart.

To Lu Ling, she must be special. Knowing this, she was very happy.

Among the flowers, Liu Fufeng moved his body a little bit, and the rich fragrance of flowers around them made both of their faces slightly flushed... Especially when one of them thought of Shen Gui and the other thought of Lu Ling, the air was a little hot.

But Liu Fufeng hadn't finished speaking yet. Senior Sister Qin was right, but she also disagreed with Qin Qin's point of view.

"Senior Sister Qin, I don't think what will happen if Ah Ling leaves me." Liu Fufeng looked at Qin Qin seriously, and said, "There is no one who cannot be separated from anyone."

She always felt that way.

Even if the opponent is Lu Ling.

But... Whether Lu Ling is really strong or not, she knows in her heart... But Liu Fufeng must think that even if the other party leaves her, he can still live a good life.

Forcing is fine.

Because only thinking like this can she feel at ease.

After Liu Fufeng finished speaking, Qin Qin hadn't spoken yet, so she fell silent first.

Obviously wanting Ah Ling to be strong, but still wanting her to rely on herself...

She really is a bad person.

"Well, Junior Sister, you sometimes call her Senior Sister Lu Ling, and sometimes you call her A Ling. Sometimes I'm not used to it." Qin Qin didn't say anything, but changed the topic. She still has the ability to read words and expressions.

As for what Liu Fufeng said just now, no one is inseparable from anyone... She just smiled.

She doesn't know anything else, but Lu Ling is definitely inseparable from Liu Fufeng, it's okay for a few months, try it after a long time?
These are all raised by Liu Fufeng himself, she does what she says.

"People will grow up. Ah Ling is still young mentally, so she will grow up...well, you won't leave her anyway, and your own life has just begun." Qin Qin said.

Liu Fufeng raised his head and smiled, as if he admitted her words.

Qin Qin said inwardly that it was bad.

What's going on with the two of them today... The topic of whatever was said finally fell silent, that's not okay.

"Ahem, the topic has gone far." Qin Qin took Liu Fufeng's hand and told her: "I said before that Ah Ling practiced the piano not to criticize her, but to praise her, and there is one more thing I want to discuss with you. Let's talk about it when we're done."

"En? Praise?" Liu Fufeng's eyes lit up, and she knew that her Ah Ling was very good at everything.

Qin Qin nodded, and took out a small crystal from her waist.

This was recorded after she discovered that the Meditation Song could be used for the soul effect. There is still a piece of Shen Gui there, and it will be handed over to the Lingshan people tomorrow so that they can have a headache.

"Junior Sister, I didn't record from the beginning, the sense of substitution may be poor, but don't worry, even if you don't understand anything, you can definitely understand it."

With that said, the piano music began to play.

In less than three seconds, Liu Fufeng's eyes were attracted by the "daughter" in the video who was concentrating on playing the piano.

Qin Qin nodded clearly.

She knew it was a trump card.


The look in Liu Fufeng's eyes now is very similar to that when Sister Keyu watched him get the first place in Lingshan Wenhun Dojo.

She also said that she didn't regard Lu Ling as her daughter.



Video playback ends.

Liu Fufeng turned his head with unsatisfied feelings.

"I didn't expect...Senior Sister, her level has improved so quickly..."

"Well, it's very fast. Although it's just a piece of music, it's really hard work." Qin Qin nodded, and continued: "However, there is a problem now, because of some of my personal abilities, such small methods as meditation cursing After playing it on the piano, I can use my spiritual power to engrave it intact, so what you heard, sister, is the meditation song played by A Ling, with the meditation spell, the original flavor, now the face is not hot, this is The effect of the meditation spell."

"Wait, wait, what is it?" Liu Fufeng didn't understand what Qin Qin was talking about after listening to it for a long time.

After Qin Qin explained in detail, he finally understood.

Her Ah Ling can use Wenhun when she plays the piano?
"Isn't Senior Sister's literary soul unusable?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"That's the problem, junior sister, you don't understand the meaning of using the rhythm to use the soul, but I know very well that if this kind of thing happened, if her talent can be determined...then she might not have the right to choose martial soul. "Qin Qin said.

No joke.

For Lingshan, Wenhun is always the first, and the use of rhythm is the most functional known among Wenhun. Qin Qin uses Fengmingqin, but there is only one Fengmingqin, and not all Anyone can use it, but if Lu Ling can reach the Venerable on the Wenhun, maybe he can solve the mystery of it, and the impact on Lingshan will undoubtedly be earth-shaking.

This is different from Immortal Sword.

The cultural soul is the foothold of Lingshan, the most important.

"Now, the matter has been reported to the higher-ups. I will hand over the materials tomorrow, so I must explain clearly to you, Junior Sister." Qin Qin looked at Liu Fufeng seriously.

Her junior sister is very persistent in Lu Ling's education, and she definitely doesn't want others to intervene, but she still wants to talk.


Liu Fufeng understood.

Is it possible to deprive A Ling of the right to choose...

His face was very troubled.

Lu Ling's happy expression after knowing that she could learn martial arts flashed in her mind.

Then, she thought of the loss of Lu Ling telling her that she could not use Wenhun.

and love for the violin.


"I don't know what to do." Liu Fufeng shook his head: "Senior Sister Qin, to be honest, I personally want her to learn Wenhun..."

It has always been that Liu Fufeng doesn't like Lu Ling going to fight and kill.

"However, Senior Sister likes Wu Po very much." Liu Fufeng said.

"Like it, or are you curious?" Qin Qin asked, because it was certain that Lu Ling liked Wenhun very much, otherwise she wouldn't have learned it so fast, and lost it because she couldn't use it.

"I like it, I like it." Liu Fufeng turned his head, looked at the sleeping Lu Ling, and then looked back at Qin Qin.

"Senior Sister, this happened so suddenly... I don't know what to do..."

"Okay, I see." Qin Qin patted her on the shoulder, and she understood what Liu Fufeng meant.

She also wanted Lu Ling to learn Wenhun, but because of Lu Ling's own reasons, she wanted her to choose... She understood this feeling, just like Tang Zheng had to learn Wenhun, and had to accept it.

In fact, knowing Liu Fufeng's preference would be easier. Will Lu Ling go against her junior sister's wishes?The answer is obvious.

"Junior Sister, don't be nervous. That's what I said. The news from above has not been finalized yet, and there is still Master Li ahead... But I think it's better to let you know first."

"Thank you, Senior Sister Qin." Liu Fufeng nodded, and asked: "Senior Sister, can she really use Wenhun?"

"As far as the meditation mantra is concerned, yes." Qin Qin nodded.

Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

This event is good news for her.

Aya would be very happy to know.

"Senior sister, does she know about this?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"I haven't told her yet. After all...she has a lot of secrets, and I'm not sure if it can be used other than the meditation spell." Qin Qin said.

"I understand, Senior Sister Qin, you are worried." Liu Fufeng said.

She understands everything.

In fact, it is not a big deal at all, the so-called forced choice... Liu Fufeng can see how reliable Lingshan is.

This kind of trivial matter should be told to her "guardian" in name?
There is also a master up there.

But Liu Fufeng was a little curious, what would happen if she really strongly opposed it?
Ah Ling will definitely listen to her.

Shake his head.

It is also what she wants to see that Lu Ling can choose Wenshun...

Qin Qin said: "Let's put this matter aside for now, and it won't be decided in a short while. I will inform my junior sister as soon as there is any movement in the matter."

"Okay." Liu Fufeng nodded and looked at the time.

If you don't go back now, you may not be able to go back. After all, Sister Zhao and Sister Xifeng should be sleeping, and it's not good to disturb their rest.

And after a while Ah Ling will be fast asleep, Liu Fufeng will be reluctant to wake her up.

You can't carry her through the teleportation formation, Liu Fufeng still hasn't forgotten.


In the video, Lu Ling showed her familiar tired expression... Lu Ling could hide it from others, but she couldn't hide it from her. This kind of exhaustion had appeared many times.

Knowing that Lu Ling had a good rest the day before and slept during the day, she shouldn't be so tired.

So, she wanted to go back and sleep with Ah Ling in her arms.

Heal your senior sister.

...Well, let's heal each other.

"This should be the serious matter you want to talk about, Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng said, implying that everyone can go home separately.

"Ah? No, I just mentioned this matter by the way." Qin Qin chuckled, pretending not to understand what Liu Fufeng meant.

Just kidding, Lu Ling fell asleep, and...Shen Gui also said that kind of thing to her, it's okay to let her go out to eat tomorrow, so...she will sleep here today.

Two more sleeps.



"Ahem, I still have business to do." Qin Qin put away her smile and said.

"Business?" Liu Fufeng didn't understand.

"No kidding, it's really important." Qin Qin pulled Liu Fufeng to stand up from the flowers, and looked her body up and down.

She is really serious.

"Junior Sister, how is your cultivation is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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