Chapter 633
Although Luo Hanyi was crying all the time, he was tired from crying.

Much more awake than ever.

In fact... Although Luo Xian was pushed out by her, she didn't show any rebellious expression, even when she left, she had a face of helplessness and pampering.

So... Luo Hanyi, who knew the importance of his status, just cried, and didn't do anything drastic.

Otherwise, don't forget, this woman is a real madman.

God knows what the crazy woman who lost everything will do.


Luo Hanyi lay on her and Luo Xian's bed, tightly clutching the jade slip in his hand.

She has lost all her strength now, and it took a lot of thought to put another trigger point on Luo Xian's chest when Luo Xian was taking a bath without Luo Xian noticing it.

It's a simple screen recording spell. Because of its strong concealment, Luo Hanyi has kept it until now. Just when he found out that Luo Xian had an "affair", he took it out and used it.

According to the setting, there is only one chance to "take a photo", so she added some small mechanisms.

Only triggers when her strings are not next to her, and she is not dressed yet.

The closer it is to the foreign breath, the greater the chance of triggering it.

Luo Hanyi had already thought of this.

Because she felt that as long as Xian'er didn't go that far with that woman, she... could forgive her.

She educated Luo Xian so well, he would not let her down.

As for the possible misunderstanding or something, Luo Hanyi didn't believe it.

Because Luo Xian has no close friends.

Although somewhat realistic, this is the truth.

Among Luo Hanyi's peers, there is Dongfang Lianren who is doting on him, and Luo Xian doesn't have one, so at this time, as long as this mark is triggered, it means that the adulterer has been caught.

In the past, Luo Hanyi would not believe that Luo Xian might have someone he likes... But the other party is really weird recently, and Luo Hanyi still remembers the complexity, resentment, and a little bit of joy that Luo Xian showed from time to time... Based on her experience.

This is what people like.

"Kill her, kill her, kill her... If I can't do it, let Dongfang do it... Turn her into a ****, see if Xian'er can still see her... "

Luo Hanyi wiped away tears on the bed, and said harsh words.



in the bathroom.

Qin Qin didn't dare to continue asking, so she had a quiet bath time for a while, but even though she got very little information, the news of Luo Xian running away from home still made her unable to digest it.

Quiet and think carefully.

Uncle Luo's behavior is probably related to the fact that Junior Sister Luo has someone she likes, after all, she is like a child.

it is as expected.

The more Qin Qin thought about it, the more she felt it was possible.

No wonder Junior Sister Luo didn't want to mention it, it was really embarrassing.

Liu Fufeng didn't care so much now, his curiosity towards Luo Xian had almost dissipated, and he sat quietly in the water alone, thinking about something.

Luo Xian...wrapped in a bath towel, she sat across from Liu Fufeng, squinting her eyes, with sweat dripping down her face into the soup pond.

Sure enough, no girl can resist taking a bath, even if she was not human.

"Huh..." Luo Xian exhaled a white breath.

Think about what happened before.

Showing a helpless look.

Master is really... stupid.

Why don't you tell her... Actually, how could she really not tell her?In fact, she told Luo Hanyi the second day after Lao Hei came back, and left Lao Hei at home and gave him a separate courtyard to live in. Later, when Master asked her where she was going during the day, she also Tell her truthfully that he is with Lao Hei.

But Master didn't believe it, so what could she do?
In fact, her master didn't take Lao Hei seriously at all, and now she probably forgot that Qifeng still exists.

Mainly because of Luo Xian's request, Lao Hei was not allowed to go out indiscriminately.

Luo Hanyi's last impression of this black bear was when Luo Xian first appeared. After so many years, how could he remember who it was.

Probably Luo Xian's hometown.

Completely ignored.

There are often spirit clans appearing on Lingshan, and Sister Xihuang is the leader of the spirit clan, so there is nothing to be concerned about.

And if the black bear is a handsome guy, it's fine, such a stupid guy... Now it's different from the Luoxian race, no one would think that she would like each other, right? Even Luo Hanyi didn't believe it, and didn't even think about it at all. Luo Xian is shirking responsibility.



Thinking of this, Luo Xian glanced at Qin Qin.

The senior sister seems to be very interested in her private affairs, but if she tells her the truth, most of the other party will prevaricate because of her.

Is Old Black really that bad?
not understand.

There is actually something wrong with the aesthetics of the human race, she really doesn't know, what is the charm of Bai Yunfan, Mo Qing, a man who fascinates his own children?
I don't know what's so good about these men... She didn't feel that Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan were handsome, thin, small, and they didn't have good-looking tails.

If the last one is removed, the tail is no longer important.

Words such as "handsome", "demeanor", "handsome", and "gentle" can't be felt at all. Besides, gentleness can't be seen on the surface.

For Luo Xian, when that big guy was holding her and running in the thunder clouds, that was the tenderness that could be seen and touched.


But maybe I should change my thinking, because I have become a human, so I can't go back to the past, and my thoughts are also moving closer to the human race.

If you want to try a human male?
Such thoughts flashed through Luo Xian's mind and then disappeared without a trace.

Can not accept.

As expected, she still doesn't like men, thinking about it makes her feel uncomfortable, and if it's a bear, her master won't have any opinions. If she really has a specific partner, Luo Xian feels that whether the other party can live for a week is a problem.

It's not an exaggeration.

Just like Venerable Bamboo, not many people are willing to provoke Shen Canghai.

same nature.

But Luo Xian didn't care about her master's psychological problems, every master was her favorite master.

When she first shed her human body, she never thought that she would have such a precious existence...nor did she think that someone would rely on her so much.

The master's mental state is not good, and the spirit is congenitally lacking, but it will only make her dote on Luo Hanyi more, and there will be no estrangement in the slightest.

For the current her and Master, they are already inseparable from each other.

This is a strange pair of master and apprentice.

Although Luo Xian is an apprentice, in fact, in Luo Xian's heart, Luo Hanyi is a child who needs her care, and she has to worry about everything.

The reason why he didn't want to tell Luo Hanyi who he liked was not because he was afraid that she would be jealous.

Luo Xian knew that what Luo Hanyi was worried about was that he didn't want her and didn't tell her anything. In fact, if she told her everything, Luo Hanyi would definitely lose his temper, but at least it wouldn't be like this now. look.

Afterwards, as long as she coaxes her a little bit, even if she wants to marry the other party, Luo Hanyi probably won't say anything, and will come along with her.

Live together, not marry together.

After all, the happiness of the apprentice is also the most important issue that Luo Hanyi needs to consider.

For Luo Xian, this master really can pinch it as he wants.

I didn't tell her the specific reason, just because... I'm sorry, it's the same reason as single mothers don't want to share their emotional state with their children.

Even Luo Xian would feel very ashamed.

That's it.

Of course, there is no need to worry about Luo Hanyi, Luo Xian has fully observed Luo Hanyi's state before being kicked out, so nothing will go wrong.

It's good to let her calm down. She probably won't lose her temper when she goes back tomorrow.

"Senior Sister Qin, there are many people on Lingshan...all have mental problems." Luo Xian said suddenly.

"..." Qin Qin froze for a moment, then smiled mischievously.

Unable to refute.

Problems with the soul are naturally spiritual problems.

Did you suddenly say this because of Master Luo?She has heard the name of Sanqian Ruoshui a lot outside.

Qin Qin couldn't connect the silly Luo Hanyi with the murderous witch that was rumored outside, but it was not surprising, because the human race majored in soul, which is very mysterious, and a little bit of missing it will lead to unexpected situations. Mental state is just the simplest part of it. kind.

Of course, not all problems are related to the soul, and there are also second personalities.

As for other things.

Qin Qin looked as usual.

Like her, there are relatively few people who hide themselves all the year round, put on a mask and have not assimilated with the mask.

He glanced out at Lu Ling, and when he looked away, he suddenly met the gaze of Liu Fufeng from the opposite side.

The other party gave her a gentle smile.

For a moment, Qin Qin seemed to have been shocked by an electric shock, and immediately avoided Liu Fufeng's sight.

There was a chill down the spine, and there was a feeling of being seen through.

It must be an illusion, she just glanced at Lu Ling briefly, and said nothing.

At this moment, a girl's yawn came. Although it was very small, everyone present could hear it.

"Senior Sister is awake, I'll take a look." Liu Fufeng stood up from the bath and walked out.

Qin Qin breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and saw Luo Xian with a weird face.

Qin Qin smiled awkwardly.

Luo Xian looked at her, and continued: "In the past few years, the problem of spirit and soul seems to be very serious, and Lingshan's reputation outside is getting worse and worse... If it's not our special, there are more gentle and kind people Junior sister, the behavior of some lunatics is enough to make countless enemies for Lingshan."

"Crazy? You dare to say it." Qin Qin shook her head.

Shen Canghai, Luo Hanyi, Dongfang Lianren...

These women are beyond her ability to comment.

"Your lunatics don't include me." Qin Qin suddenly looked up.

"Not including, if you don't drink, Senior Sister." Luo Xian gave her a natural expression.

"Alcohol is prohibited in Lingshan, what are you talking about?" Qin Qin smiled.

Looking at Qin Qin's old fox-like smile, Luo Xian shook his head helplessly, looked outside, implying something: "Did Lingshan suffer disasters in recent years, and all of them are disciples with great potential. If so, if these people get together in the future, there will be big troubles."

"I don't think it's a disaster, it's simply luck, and there's only a thin line between a genius and a lunatic." Qin Qin retorted.

"Great luck?" Luo Xian asked noncommittally, "Senior Sister Qin, do you know how much loss has been caused to Lingshan by the actions of Uncle Shen, my master, Uncle Dongfang, and Uncle Zixu all these years?"

Among these few people, Zixu Daoist is the most murderous. Although Shen Canghai is mentally healthy, he will cause trouble, but he is still not as good as the most troublesome troublemaker, her master Luo Hanyi.

Crazy, no distinction between the enemy and the kind that kills people.

Lingshan didn't know how many times she wiped their buttocks. Compared with these few people, Dongfang Lianren was simply a big sister who knew her.

"Loss? I haven't paid attention to it." Qin Qin shook her head.

Luo Xian continued: "Actually, with our family background, we have paid a lot to settle some things, especially in recent years, the world of cultivating immortals has not been peaceful, and the front line of Tianguangxu has always been tight... Before dealing with the East Regarding the issue of Shenhai, we don't want to make a fool of ourselves and ask for something based on our status as women... But for Lingshan now, we can be as greedy as we can."

"...I don't understand these things, but their existence is not just a loss." Qin Qin forcefully said, with a face of embarrassment. For her, it is a bit difficult to talk about the people above.

"It depends on who you compare with. Compared with the last Lingshan people, we can say that we are all in a mess here, and apart from the indispensable existence of Master Dongfang, the others are not impossible to replace. There are a lot of losses. Much is avoidable."

Qin Qin: "..."

If her master knew about this kind of thing, she probably...wouldn't take it to heart at all.

Shen Canghai would not care about his own children's criticisms, he would be beaten if he made a mistake, what the other party said was the truth.

"Otherwise, let's change the subject?" Qin Qin smiled wryly: "For example, why do you come to see Junior Sister Liu?"

If Luo Xian's words spread, there would be no trouble, but if she listened to it, she might suffer.

Uncle Zixu is terrifying.

"We'll talk about these things later." Luo Xian stared at Qin Qin, "Now, Senior Sister, do you still think such a disciple is troublesome?"


Qin Qin's face gradually turned cold.

She doesn't like that kind of talk.

"I don't think it's troublesome." Qin Qin responded to Luo Xian.

"Right, after all, they are so cute." Luo Xian raised the corners of her mouth, lifted the wet hair around her ears, and said, "After all, my master is the biggest trouble on Lingshan right now, but Senior Sister Qin, I have reached my limit in taking care of Master. , and some small troubles, they need a loving senior sister to wipe their buttocks."

"I thought what were you going to say? I won't help you." Qin Qin's face thawed instantly, and changed into helplessness.

Feelings are waiting for her here, it's a cliché.

In fact, she has rejected Luo Xian many times when he recruited her to be Qifeng's assistant.

"That's just talking casually." Luo Xian had expected this result a long time ago.

Qin Qin looked in Lu Ling's direction.


If Lu Ling's generation grows up, it will probably be a big trouble... After all, Qin Qin knows that there are still many little girls who are still young, but they can already see many problems.

"Junior Sister Luo, you are not the senior sister of this class yet, you think too much, are you tired?" Qin Qin looked at Luo Xian speechlessly.

She almost forgot that the girl in front of her who had chatted with her about homework for a long time was an extremely strong competitor of Lingshan's senior sisters. Compared with Shen Gui Xuxu and the others, she was not inferior at all.

As Shen Gui's good junior sister, the other party should be regarded as her political enemy?
Luo Xian is a little sensitive to win her over in this situation.

(End of this chapter)

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