Chapter 637 The Return of the Pity of the East

Luo Hanyi was at home, waiting for news.

I am very conflicted in my heart. On the one hand, I hope that the mark will be triggered quickly, and on the other hand, I don't want the mark to be triggered. I hope... Luo Xian is still loyal to her.

However, Luo Xian let her down, and the mark was finally triggered.

Luo Hanyi buried his head on the pillow, motionless.

The pillow smells like Luo Xian.


Obviously... In order to give Luo Xian a chance, she set very loose conditions, as long as it is not too close to the skin, as long as it is not tired of being together... A simple kiss will not trigger the mark.

This is already Luo Hanyi's bottom line, because everyone on Lingshan is a girl, it is impossible to get closer.

But now, her imprint triggers the explanation that Luo Xian and that vixen have already done everything they can. When she was crying alone at home, Xian'er was in bed with him...

How could Xian'er do such an excessive thing?

Luo Hanyi hugged the pillow, looked at the jade slip tightly clutched in his hand, and hesitated whether to open it now, to see which peak of vixen it was that tricked her apprentice away.

I should have opened it immediately, and then went to deal with that vixen.

But... She knew that her health was not good, and if she was suddenly stimulated, she might not be able to control herself... This is Qifeng.

Although she lost her strength, Luo Hanyi didn't want to gamble... She lost control now, and it would cause Xian'er a lot of trouble. If someone gets hurt because of her...she will blame herself very much.

After thinking about it, Luo Hanyi finally put the jade slip away.

Can't bring trouble to Xian'er, absolutely not.

Luo Hanyi bit her cuff tightly, making a creaking sound, thinking that Xian'er was doing very intimate things with a certain woman now, she felt her heart was about to burst.

I really want to see who it is with.

But it can't be opened, Luo Hanyi knows very well, for safety, she needs to wait until there are other people watching her, and then open it...

But with such a big Qifeng, there is no one who meets the requirements at all. If it is someone else, she can find Luo Xian, but when it is Luo Xian that needs to be dealt with, Luo Hanyi doesn't know what to do.

Luo Xian would be ashamed if they saw Xian'er's ugly appearance, but Luo Hanyi didn't want to, and she didn't want others to see her Xian'er's body.

In this way, there is no one to choose.

Could it be that he has the evidence, but has no way to see who that vixen is?This is too uncomfortable.

seven peaks...

Old black?

A figure appeared in Luo Xian's head.

This big guy broke through to the reincarnation realm yesterday, a whole lot higher than Luoxian. If it was him, he should be able to stop her before she went crazy, and Lao Hei is not a human being. Go out, and, the other party and Luo Xian are from the same place, and the relationship with Luo Xian is also very good...

Most importantly, it will not have emotional entanglements with its apprentices.

It's the most suitable.

It's just that I don't know if this big guy can still recognize me after so many years. If it is not obedient, there is nothing I can do about it now.

Thinking of doing it, Luo Hanyi got up and went to find the black bear.

And she would never have thought that this big guy she wanted to ask for help was actually an adulterer...


in the yard.

Where is the black bear?

Luo Hanyi got lost in his backyard.

Those who usually go out are all led by Xian'er.

Before Xian'er said where to hide the black bear...

Luo Hanyi turned his gaze to the huge warehouse behind him.

In the seemed that there was no such building.

It should be inside.

Luo Hanyi straightened his clothes, wiped away his tears, and tried his best to appear serious.

This is to prevent the black bear from ignoring her and not listening to her... Luo Hanyi hasn't seen a black bear for a long time, and she hasn't paid attention to it. Even from the black bear, she hasn't seen each other yet, but Luo Xian and it reported each other Luo Hanyi's impression of the other party was still that of the little furry guy who was no taller than three meters when he was a child.

But it was Old Hei who looked like that, she looked a little apprehensive.

The opponent's fangs are terrifying, I don't know why Luo Xian thinks it is cute.


Luo Hanyi swallowed, adjusting his expression.

Finally, a high-cold Yujie appeared in front of the warehouse door. Except for her red eyes, everything else was perfect and imposing, even standing in front of Shen Canghai.

As everyone said, Luo Hanyi has a very good skin, aloof and stern, as long as she is willing.

Luo Hanyi raised his head and looked at the huge warehouse in front of him. The gate alone was as tall as four of hers.

"Xian'er is really too much. Even if you have great power, you can't build such a big house. What a waste."

Thinking about it, Luo Hanyi stretched out his hand and pressed on the door.

Identification succeeded.

The door opens.

"Ahem..." Luo Hanyi raised his head and walked in, and immediately saw two huge lanterns.

At the same time, there was a strong smell of blood, a salty and wet smell.

The huge lanterns were rather cloudy and reflective, each longer and wider than her body.

"..." Luo Hanyi's body froze.

Immediately afterwards, the light from outside shone into the warehouse, and Luo Hanyi could see clearly what was in front of the warehouse door.

It's not anything else, but a huge head, a mouthful of huge fangs, her small body is not as big as the opponent's fangs...

Luo Hanyi's legs seemed to be filled with lead, and his expression was stiff.

This was different from what she thought, and the pretended indifference disappeared in an instant.

" are..."

She stuttered, her face was full of panic, she was ready to turn around and run away at any moment.


What responded to her was a deafening roar, which shocked Luo Hanyi's mind to a blank, and he didn't realize that it was just a simple roar, and after processing, the sound wave didn't even lift the corner of her clothes.

Luo Hanyi only saw a big bloody mouth, as if he wanted to eat her whole, the fangs would tear her apart.

She doesn't taste good, she will clog her teeth.

Luo Hanyi yelled and ran away in a stumbling manner.



In the warehouse is Lao Hei's body, although it says that it can shrink, but Luo Xian insists on making it bigger... All of them will live in a bigger one, because if they keep transforming into shape, they still feel quite nervous.

And what Luo Hanyi saw just now was Lao Hei's head.

Crescent Bear poked his head out and looked at Luo Hanyi's distressed back in puzzlement, his lantern-like eyes showed doubts.

what happened?

He was still sleeping, and he felt Luo Hanyi coming... It seems that he has cried before, the black bear is not stupid, he knows that this is Luo Xian's master... In fact, he wanted to run away, because women who can cry are very troublesome, but This is at the other party's home, and there is no place to run, so I can only wait resignedly to see what the other party is up to.

Then, the woman was moaning in front of the door, which made it almost impatient, and it opened the door, and it greeted the other party—yelling is greeting, and it has been said many times.

Then... Luo Xian's master ran away crying, which made Lao Hei's heart shudder, did it make some mistake?

It didn't think it might scare Luo Hanyi, just kidding, when he was a little bear, this woman was only one step away from the Venerable Realm, and...Old Hei has seen Luo Hanyi go on a killing spree, not conservative It is estimated that Luo Hanyi only needs one move to kill it.

Such a woman would be frightened?
how is this possible.

But...the other party is really in a bad mood.

not understand.

And Luo Hanyi is Luo Xian's favorite person... If Little Red Fish finds out, it will die.

Old Hei swallowed his saliva, and closed the door by himself.

go to bed.

I saw nothing, knew nothing, and no one knocked on the door.




in the grass.

Luo Hanyi stumbled and fell into the grass, pressing a human-shaped imprint on the snow.

Head buried in snow.

Without saying a word, his shoulders twitched slightly.

very scary.

What about Xian'er... something is locked here.

Sudden stiffness.

Xian'er is not hers now...

Everyone bullies her.

No one can complain yet.

Isn't there no one?She can do it, and she can do it alone, now, just, go back, and sleep.

Luo Hanyi got up from the snow and cleaned the snow stains on his hair.

At this moment, a buoy suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, which was someone contacting her.

The mark above...

It's the East!
All the strength disappeared in an instant, tears poured out, Luo Hanyi cried and opened the buoy.



Eastern Shenhai.

In the hot spring.

The spring water was a weird pink color, Dongfang Linglong was like a drunk mermaid lying in Dongfang Lianren's arms, Dongfang Lianren was like a landlord, enjoying the grapes peeled by her sister.

She was "calling" Luo Hanyi.

Dongfang Lianren heard that Xifeng had gone up the mountain, and seemed to have a letter to himself. He was a little curious about the situation, but he was not in Lingshan, so he wanted Luo Hanyi to take a look.

It's not that she can't go, but she still wants to play with her sister for another two days.

Get in touch.

"Hanyi..." Dongfang Lianren hadn't finished calling her name when she heard a burst of crying, which woke up Dongfang Linglong who was deeply in love.

"Luo...Hanyi? What happened?" Dongfang Lianren looked at Luo Hanyi in surprise, two big grievances were written on this girl's face, and the background was in the snow in the yard, with snowflakes floating in the sky , clothes, hair covered with water stains.

Quite miserable, it looks like it was abandoned by someone.

The point is... I cried too badly.

Dongfang Lianren hadn't seen her cry so hard for a long time, the last time was when Luo Hanyi accidentally injured a disciple of Lingshan in Tianguangxu.

"Hanyi, calm down, what happened? Tell me..."

On the other side, Luo Hanyi's tears were pattering down, and his voice was intermittent.

"Dongfang, come back quickly... woo woo woo... They all bully me..."

"They? Bullying you? Who, where is Luo Xian?" Dongfang Lianren looked confused, completely unaware of what happened.

Dongfang Linglong regained her senses for a short while, crawled out of the hot spring with difficulty, and tried her best to keep calm.

"Xian'er... woo woo woo, that's her..." Whenever Luo Xian was mentioned, Luo Hanyi's spirit tended to collapse.

"All right, all right, don't cry, I'll be right back, I'll be there tomorrow, tell me what, I'll see who dares to bully you." Seeing Luo Hanyi's tears, Dongfang Lianren showed a distressed expression.

In this world, apart from Luo Xian, Dongfang Lianren treats Luo Hanyi the best.

Her tenderness is only for certain people.

"Dongfang, come back quickly, I, I'll be waiting for you..." Luo Hanyi sobbed, and then the contact between the two was cut off.


Dongfang Lianren looked in the direction of Lingshan, walked out of the hot spring, his body flashed green, and all the water stains disappeared. Then, he turned around and put on his clothes again.

Luo Hanyi, a girl, is not at all reassuring, so what's wrong with her.

Asking her to help him was a huge mistake. still have to go home as soon as possible, without any delay, Luo Hanyi's state is really too dangerous.


Crying like that, with tears in her nose, she also felt distressed when she saw it.

"Linglong." Lian Dongfang picked Dongfang Linglong up from the ground and walked into the house.

"Sister..." Dongfang Linglong said weakly, "Are you leaving?"

"Well, I was planning to cook for you for a few more days. After all, I have been bullying you for so long..." Dongfang Lianren showed a regretful expression, and stretched out his hand to scratch his sister's nose: "But now there is no chance. , Next time, there seems to be something wrong at home, and you have seen it too."

"En." Dongfang Linglong nodded, see you next time.

Next time, she won't be poisoned by her sister so easily.

she will win.

Because this is really embarrassing.

"Linglong, remember what I said, when you meet a man you like, take him down first, don't be like your sister, she's only good enough in this life." Dongfang Lianren instructed Dongfang Linglong.

"..." Dongfang Linglong turned her head away.

God, here we go again.

Her goal is to be number one in the world... How can she have time to fool around with those men?

Even if it's a woman...

Not as attractive as her sister.

As Dongfang Lianren's adopted "sister", how important is her sister's status in her heart?I don't know either.

Anyway, neither men nor women are as good as her sister, who is called a demon girl, a poisonous lady... She also agrees, because that kind of flirtatiousness is indeed very bad.

But... her sister is really the gentlest person she has ever met.

God is very unfair.

"Sister... Didn't you say you want to get married this year?"

"Just tell me, I don't like those people, your sister." Dongfang Lianren shook her head disdainfully, then put her sister on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

Take a step back.

"I'm going back to Lingshan right now, otherwise, Luo Hanyi might have made something wrong again, be honest, I really care about the letter from Xifeng in Luoyan City." Dongfang said pitifully.

"Sister, see you at Tianguang Market."

"Well, see you at Tianguang Market."

Saying that, Dongfang Lianren turned into a red light, and left the Eastern God Sea South Region in a blink of an eye, leaving Dongfang Linglong alone to watch her back.

The body is still hot.

sit up.

Dongfang Lianren is the center of Lingshan, a strategic existence, and Mo Qing's big apprentice, so far the best existence of the new generation of Eastern Shenhai, who has broken through to the realm of rebirth.

She really wants to be number one in the human race.

The first sister of the human race, she won't worry about marrying, right?

Start practicing.

During this period of time, Dongfang Lianren was here, and she had already rested well enough. You must know that she couldn't sleep in the past.


The main opponents of Tianguang Ruins next time will be...Shen Gui from Lingshan, Ye Guanyue from Shushan, and...

She still has to work hard.


(End of this chapter)

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