Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 647 Possibility of Controlling Lu Ling

Chapter 647 Possibility of Controlling Lu Ling

Li Zhuzi took the jade pendant handed over by Immortal Luanfeng. The crystal white jade felt heavy in Li Zhuzi's hands, very heavy.

Didn't you hear Luanfeng Daoist say?Xu Xu's current physical body has been destroyed... Lu Ling probably did it.

Fortunately, if it's just the physical body being destroyed, it's not a big deal. Seeing that Master Luanfeng doesn't look very worried, Li Zhuzi knows that it shouldn't be a big deal, but he doesn't know what kind of state Xu Xu is in now.


Ah Ling is really a little trouble... My rest time has been messed up by her. In a sense, Lu Ling may be more troublesome than Shen Canghai.

Li Zhuzi's consciousness dipped into the jade pendant. At this time, the jade pendant gradually burned into the shape of a fire lotus, and a picture gradually appeared in the center of the fire lotus.

This is a still room, reflecting silver light, like a prison of ice,
This is to show the situation at that time from Xu Xu's perspective.

In the picture, one of Xu Xu's arms can be seen completely frozen, and in the center of the room, there are three lifelike ice sculptures. Li Zhuzi recognized Qin Qin, Luo Xian and Liu Fufeng at a glance.

Combined with Xu Xu's arm condition, Li Zhuzi probably understood what happened to them.

What about Lu Ling?
Li Zhuzi looked carefully in the picture.

In the center of the picture, Lu Ling was kneeling and sitting in the center, with her head lowered, her unclothed body covered by her long hair, it was obvious that she had passed out.

Li Zhuzi didn't know if Lu Ling fainted because of the burst of strength, or if she was frightened.

Based on her understanding of Lu Ling, the possibility of the latter is higher.



Seeing that Li Zhuzi remained silent, Master Luanfeng frowned. She felt that she had to discuss something with Li Zhuzi.

If Lu Ling can't control herself, then... Lu Ling must be controlled.

She knew that Li Zhuzi liked Lu Ling very much, but the destructive power was beyond her expectation.

Master Luanfeng has never heard of such a strong destructive power for a mere talent. You must know that although it is the spirit body of Xu Xu's innate fire, or the yin and yang energy of Sikong Sword in Shushan, they can all burst out in the realm that suits them. The power beyond ordinary people, but the power beyond class is absolutely impossible to appear. It is impossible to defeat the realm of death in the front of the Void Transformation Realm, and the gap in the original source is not at the same level.

Unless it is a special case, such as Lingshan's martial soul fighting Wenhun, most of the Wenhun users in frontal battles are the flesh on the board of others.

But the current situation in the room is not within this range, because both Luo Xian and Qin Qin can rub Lu Ling on the ground.

In other words, no matter how excellent a talent is, it will not explode with too much power.

She could also think that Luo Xian and Qin Qin couldn't resist the destructive power of the ice blood because they were unprepared.

In the picture, even though Xu Xu had already resisted, the cold air forcibly broke through the fire lotus protecting her body, crippling one of her hands... This is completely beyond Luanfeng's cognition.

It is definitely not something that can be explained by the mere word talent.

Master Luanfeng thought it over and over again, and finally the problem came back to the root "Snow Girl".

Looking at Xihuang's actions, the strangeness of the Eastern Shenhai... Is the ice blood really just the same talent as Xuenv?
Can the blood of ice burst out such a terrifying and pure cold poison?
Master Luanfeng... Or the entire Lingshan Mountain is already considering this issue.

Is there something wrong with Xue Nu's ice blood, or Lu Ling's problem, or...

Some dare not think about it anymore. After all, the little girl in front of me, no matter who she is, can't lean her on the snow girl, so the current real Luanfeng is more willing to believe that the blood of the ice may be connected to the fairy star Jibing, and obtain She received a little bit of Snow Girl's favor, which is why she was valued so much by the people of Eastern Shenhai.

She didn't think about it because she didn't think there was such a thing as reincarnation. Even if there was, it would definitely not be the same person, let alone possess the previous power. Zhilun means that the person is dead, all power is dissipated, and there can be no accidents.

In front of the Dao of Heaven, all are equal.

Not to mention Xuenv, even the owner of Lihuo Hongling, who always ranked first among the strongest in the history of the four races, the brightest star of the human race, finally died because of his lifespan.

She alone can suppress all races, all strong men, has extremely powerful personal charm, and has a huge number of followers in all races.

Such an absolutely invincible person possesses the strongest weapon in the world from Lihuo Hongling, no one will doubt her strength.

But so what?
To fall is to fall.

This is true for fairy masters under the wheel of heaven and earth, let alone Xuenv?Although Xuenv is also a legend, to put it bluntly, she is just a younger sister in front of the fairy lord, not on the same level at all.

Fairy masters can't do reincarnation with power, so how can Xuenv do it?
Therefore, Master Luanfeng thinks that Lu Ling's ice bloodline should have borrowed the kind of elf-like, high-level power that is close to the source. That's it.

Pure or impure is another matter, but in terms of the purity of spiritual power, the ice bloodline should crush the top talent of the innate spirit body. After all, in the history of the human race, even Lu Ling has only two ice bloodlines, and the degree of cherishment can be seen One spot.

In fact, not only Daoist Luanfeng thinks this way, but many people in Eastern Shenhai, and even in the upper echelons of Eastern Shenhai, are skeptical of the news that has been handed down from above. Is the ice bloodline really unique to Snow Maiden?Is the bearer of the ice blood really the Snow Maiden?Can she really quickly revert back to the legendary existence that cut off most of the population of the demons by herself?
Everyone is suspicious, including the current old monster in Dongshenhai, and Mingyue is the same. She doesn't say anything, but she still murmurs in her heart.

In fact, why can Xue Nu do things that even the fairy masters can't do? Is it because she is the founder and first domain master of the Eastern Shenhai?

As for whether this matter is a lie, there is also a heated discussion within the Eastern Shenhai. It is worth mentioning that most of the senior officials of the Eastern Shenhai have the same idea as Luanfeng, and they all think that the blood of the ice may be the same as that of the Eastern Shenhai. The fairy star above the Divine Sea has some kind of special connection, or the ice bloodline is biased towards human elves, so there is such a pure power, and it is not the snow girl who is carrying the ice bloodline.

Now, most of them think so, but because of Lu Ling's particularity to the Eastern Shenhai and the worship of the Snow Maiden by the high-level people in the Eastern Shenhai, they decided to follow the rules handed down, what to do, the high-level people There is a heartfelt longing for Xuenv, and although the middle and high-level people below the venerable have not yet understood the significance of Xuenv to the Eastern Shenhai, they cannot understand why a mere Lu Ling can get so much attention from so many people, but they know that the Eastern Shenhai There is a treasure in the forbidden area, which is said to belong to Xuenv's personal collection. After speculation by the people in the East Shenhai, it is likely to contain the second fairy sword [Xueluoqianhan] in the world of cultivating immortals. Only at a certain level can it be opened, so training Lu Ling is almost a must.

In this way, the doubts about Lu Ling within the East Shenhai disappeared.

And no one would have thought of what the relationship between the Immortal Sword and the Dao of Heaven is, and what Xueluo Qianhan means... Xuenv is different from the Immortal Lord, she did not excessively destroy the relationship between the four clans, and she has the right to reincarnate Unlike the fairy lord, who died immediately after her lifespan expired, Xuenv's soul reluctantly left a remnant soul after Luo Qianhan sacrificed all her strength to escort her, which was part of Lu Ling.

In a sense, Xue Nu is not dead, she is Lu Ling.

Xuechen and Xihuang both understand this, so although they know that the master is no longer the original master...but it will always be her master.

Dong Shenhai can be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

On the other hand, in Lingshan, because of Lu Ling's instability, there were voices wanting to "control" Lu Ling long after her Wenhun poison showed abnormal and dangerous abilities. Aya really doesn't necessarily have the qualifications to walk around.

Although Master Luanfeng can understand Li Zhuzi's love for Lu Ling, but now the worries of other seniors and sisters have become a reality, Lu Ling has problems one after another, and now Yifeng and Qifeng have been let down because of the uncontrollable cold. The elder sister died suddenly, this time it was on a small scale...

What if, what if it is within the scope of Lingshan snowfall in the future?

What if more troublesome things will appear in the future?
If something goes wrong with her relationship with Immortal Sword, it may cause immeasurable losses.

Don't forget that Lu Ling's own personality is also a great hidden danger. As Lingshan's acting senior sister, Master Luanfeng must consider these issues.


In front of him, Li Zhuzi was analyzing the news that came slowly.

The reason why the two of them didn't rush to the Beiyuan small building is also very simple. Now the cracks in the space on the first floor of the Lingtai need to be controlled by people, so they have to delay here.

And there is no one in the Lingshan crowd who can use them now. The two of them have no skills to separate themselves, and most of their strength maintains the barrier, so now they can only wrong Lu Ling. They first analyze what happened.

"Junior Sister, can't Lu Ling control her own power well?" Master Luanfeng looked at the "disaster" in the picture and couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Li Zhuzi raised his head.

She knew what Senior Sister Feng meant.

"Before today, there was no problem with A Ling's control of power. I have checked it carefully, and I am not very clear about the abnormal coldness. In my knowledge, there should not be such a cold in A Ling's body. Pure cold poison, unless there is something wrong with her body that transforms her spiritual power, but this state, at least at our level, can only be achieved, and Ah Ling's soul can't support such a heavy load." Li Zhuzi truthfully road.

She was not ready to explain anything.

After all, things have happened now, and everyone has seen that Lu Ling's loss of control has indeed brewed a disaster. Even Li Zhuzi, who loves Lu Ling, has to think about the price of letting Lu Ling be free.

What will it bring to Lingshan? Most importantly, is it possible to hurt Lu Ling herself?
This is what Li Zhuzi pays attention to. There are definitely not a few geniuses who are destroyed by their own talents.

Li Zhuzi took a deep breath, covered his whole body to the sky, then turned his head and said to Master Luanfeng: "Senior Sister Feng, if you can't find the reason this time, and A Ling is really easy to lose control, then the previous containment and control plan for her will be released to me." It's acceptable, but it's best for me to take care of it."

To be honest, until the last step, Li Zhuzi didn't want to see such an innocent girl like Lu Ling being controlled like a monster...but if she couldn't control herself, there was nothing she could do about it.

Master Luanfeng nodded, Zhuzi was always so sensible, unlike Shen Canghai and Luo Hanyi, which made her worry.

"It's not sure yet." Master Luanfeng said.

"Senior Sister Feng, judging from the information Xu Xu gave, her physical body was destroyed, and the connection between her soul and her physical body was cut off, but her soul was not under any attack. The last picture shows that her soul is now imprisoned in an illusion. , there is a high probability that it is caused by Ah Ling's cold poison, after all her soul poison is not weaker than Dongfang Lianren's soul-eating poison." Li Zhuzi analyzed.

Master Luanfeng frowned: "I think so too. These chills look scary, but in fact they are all skin traumas if they don't endanger the soul. It's just a simple paralysis of the soul. It should be possible to break free by relying on it slowly, but it may take a few days of weakness , the reason why I didn't break free is because..."

"Trust us." Li Zhuzi shook his head. Except for Liu Fufeng, all the people who were frozen were at the Void Transformation Realm, and their souls were entrusted to the void. They probably already understood what state they were in, that is to say, All three women are now waiting for their rescue.

Li Zhuzi's chest rose and fell slightly. It can be seen that maintaining the barrier consumes a lot of energy for her, and the reason why the mountain protection formation did not work is because of the two of them. With them, try not to let the mountain protection formation deal with the problem. Affected the adjustment effect of aura.

"Now the problem is, Liu Fufeng." Li Zhuzi said: "This girl has not condensed her energy yet, she is just an ordinary person, she has no separate soul, no combined soul, let alone a soul entrusted to the void, that is to say, now this girl ……died."

"Don't make it so serious, it doesn't sound good to be dead or not." Daoist Luanfeng shook his head: "I was saved after just one spell, but at most she was a little bit frightened, and... with her ability, the state of her soul should be muddled. Yes, she can't solidify at all, and she has no consciousness, she should still be in that room now."

Ordinary mortals' souls are very fragile, and they lose the ability to think after death. Liu Fufeng should be in this state now.

"That's what I said, but it's the first time we've seen the talent of the space department, so it's better to be cautious." Daoist Luanfeng said: "In order to avoid accidents, I have told everyone before coming here, don't come and get involved, but some disciples It's not easy to manage, when I came here, Ye Hehua, who was in charge of guarding the small building, had gone somewhere..."

"..." Li Zhuzi froze for a moment, with a helpless expression on his face.

The two of them are now inseparable.

If you look at it this way, it is estimated that a group of people will be wiped out.

I hope that those who go up to check will be smarter and not approach Lu Ling rashly.

If nothing else happened, something happened to Qin Qin and Xu Xu, Shen Gui should be the first to arrive.

"Okay, we've finished our business, you can come out." Master Luanfeng said to the sky.

Li Zhuzi also showed a clear expression.

These two appeared together with Master Luanfeng.

"Senior Sister Feng, Venerable Zhu..." Mo Qing walked out from the corner and bowed to the two of them.

Of course, he was the first to sense the explosion of Lu Ling's cold air, but it has been inconvenient to go out... Only after he sensed the aura of Master Luanfeng, did he think about meeting this person in power, but he didn't expect to see Li Zhuzi .

The other person is naturally Bai Yunfan.

"Senior Sister Feng, Senior Sister Zhu, good evening, hehehe..." Bai Yunfan was about to become more restrained, and he looked worried.

Bai Yunfan didn't pay attention to Lu Ling's affairs at first, and when it exploded, it exploded, that is, when he saw Mo Qing go out, he followed him out, but what he didn't expect was... unexpectedly saw the figure of his sister, even though Shen Canghai was only a few He left within minutes, but it was indeed someone he hadn't seen for a long time... Bai Yunfan's body trembled instinctively, and his thoughts were completely confused.

Li Zhuzi and Master Luanfeng looked at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Shen Canghai...someone actually likes it.

Master Luanfeng admired the younger brother in front of him very much, and the other... was Mo Yu's younger brother, the Lord of the Southern Region of the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods. Compared to the simple Bai Yunfan, his identity was undoubtedly much more sensitive.

"Senior Sister, Junior Brother just felt something happened, so I went out to check, so I didn't disturb you." Mo Qing said softly.

He didn't say anything to help Li Zhuzi support the enchantment, that would be too stupid.

When Mo Qing opened his mouth, Bai Yunfan also felt that his abnormality should not be too obvious, so he hurriedly said.

"Senior Sister Zhu, so many cracks are caused by sister...cough, is it caused by Senior Sister Shen? Do you need my help?"

Obviously, Lu Ling's idea is correct, Bai Yunfan is just a fool.

"Yunfan, you..." Li Zhuzi looked at Bai Yunfan, although their relationship was not close, but looking at this frivolous man on the surface, he couldn't say anything except helplessness.

He really didn't have any scheming, and he wasn't afraid of offending others.

"This is Lingshan's own business, what are you worrying about?" Li Zhuzi said angrily.

Li Zhuzi is not angry at all, don't forget, because of Shen Canghai, she is also Bai Yunfan's older sister, and she took good care of him before. If it wasn't for Li Zhuzi, Bai Yunfan would have been bullied even worse.

"I...said the wrong thing." Bai Yunfan also sensed his mistake, said awkwardly, and then looked at Jieyun in the sky.

My sister's Leiyun is much more terrifying than his Jieyun at that time... And he was almost beaten to death when he broke through, and her...

Worry was written all over his face.

Mo Qing didn't speak, he is different from Bai Yunfan, there is no point for him to speak here, because his attitude is already obvious, if he doesn't take the initiative to ask, if there is anything, Lingshan can just order.

Therefore, most of Mo Qing's eyes were on Li Zhuzi.

I don't know... Is Bamboo feeling any better...

"You are guests, and it is our problem to disturb the guests." Master Luanfeng bowed his body slightly, and then looked at Mo Qing: "Master of the Southern Territory, about... Lu Ling's question, I may disturb you later."

"Understood." Mo Qing nodded. To be honest, he is also very worried about Lu Ling now. Lu Ling obviously learned from Shenlan, why suddenly she couldn't control herself and caused such a big explosion. Is there something wrong with her talent... ...I am very worried, but since this is a spiritual mountain, I can only wait quietly.

"Lu Ling... just now..." Bai Yunfan was about to say something, but when he saw Li Zhuzi's eyes, he immediately shut his mouth.

"You can go." Li Zhuzi said, his tone was a bit harsh, but the people present didn't care.

"Bai Yunfan, you find time to come to Nanyuan Academy once during the day, I have something to see you." Li Zhuzi said.

"Understood, Sister Zhu, cough, cough, Senior Sister Zhu."

"Okay, sorry to bother you." Li Zhuzi nodded. She heard that Lu Ling and Bai Yunfan had learned swords. As Lu Ling's husband, she had to know what her A Ling had learned.

After that, Bai Yunfan and Mo Qing left.

Although Li Zhuzi and Master Luanfeng were anxious to death, it was important to maintain the stability of the Lingtai. At this time, they were sitting cross-legged on the ground, speeding up the repair of the cracks in the space.

They didn't care much about people passing by. They cast a barrier, and the passing disciples couldn't see them.

The former Lingshan people also looked back.

In this way, everyone misses someone.

A woman in purple came out of Nanyuan holding an umbrella. At this time, there was light snow falling in the sky.

After hesitating for a moment, the woman put away the umbrella and let the snowflakes fall on her face, body, and heart.

The originally cold body turned reddish strangely.

"Cough..." Although the woman in purple looked better, her body was still weak, and she walked towards Beiyuan with heavy steps.

On the way, I looked up and saw space cracks all over the sky, but I didn't pay attention.

Bow your head, there are two people who are maintaining the barrier, and they don't care, they just walk forward.

Behind her, there was a child's breath, but she didn't care.

She just wanted to know what object or person that sudden, familiar, tense force was.



On the way, Mo Qing suddenly turned her head and looked into the corner.

I only saw a purple corner of the clothes.

His face was suspicious.

Why does it feel like Master Mingyue is here... Then he laughed at himself, it should be an illusion, definitely an illusion, it seems that because of the explosion of Lu Ling's breath, his water system has also been affected, and in Lingshan Zifu God Consciousness can only be received, so it is inevitable that mistakes will occur.

This is Lingshan, Master Mingyue could not be here, she should be guarding the gate at the border of Tianguangxu now.

Close the door and go back to the house.

Continue to think about his bamboo.


At this time, Shen Gui had already entered the bathroom where two murders occurred.

The icy world in front of her eyes made Shen Gui's cold expression even more frightening, and her soft black pajamas became stiff due to the low temperature.

Lifting the broken hair by the ear with one hand, Shen Gui took a deep breath, looking at the ice sculptures in front of him that were frozen in the water and merged with a pool of ice, and the girl kneeling beside her.

what happened?
Except for Lu Ling who was still alive, Qin Qin, Xu Xu, and Luo Xian.Liu Fufeng was all dead.

Shen Gui took a step forward, then his expression changed, and he retreated instantly.

was eroded.


Shen Gui spat out a mouthful of ice slag.

It wasn't an illusion, her junior sister and Xu Xu were really killed.

The black long sword was unsheathed.

 6300, just write more water, and slowly increase the speed after getting used to it. Now I can write 3000 an hour, and there is no problem when I come back from get off work normally!I'm still pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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