Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 651: The Suspicious Points of That Year and Liu Fufeng's Opportunity

Chapter 651: The Suspicious Points of That Year and Liu Fufeng's Opportunity
Basically no one noticed Liu Fufeng's movements.

Shen Gui was originally very close to Liu Fufeng, because Liu Fufeng's soul stayed beside Lu Ling, but her cultivation base was not high enough to see... But after Liu Fufeng woke up and transcended this world, Shen Gui still Did not capture the fleeting space fluctuations.

At this moment, Shen Gui was still thinking about the woman in purple.

The other party didn't mean to hide her power, so she could see a vast ocean... Is she really from Lingshan?
Shen Gui was very skeptical, this woman could not be from the Eastern Shenhai... Besides, why does such a strong person have no sense of existence in Lingshan, even for ordinary disciples, she is the senior sister of the second peak of Lingshan, Like Xu Xu, they have already started to take over some affairs of Lingshan...Shen Gui and the others first confirmed that Li Zhuzi is a very powerful person, and it was also because they saw some information about Li Zhuzi...but they had never heard of this person.

Very strange.

Thinking to no avail.

Not to mention Shen Gui, the current state of the purple-clothed woman is also tangled, the joy after meeting Lu Ling has long since disappeared, because there is a strange sense of threat that appears with the joy.

She could see Liu Fufeng.

At a glance, I saw the sleeping soul on the ice sculpture.

If at first she thought that this feeling of disobedience was an illusion, after confirming again today, she can be sure that Liu Fufeng is a threatening existence to her.

And this is what she doesn't understand, this soul that makes her feel uncomfortable, is completely in a dazed state, without the slightest ability, as if she can kill him with just a stretch of her hand...

It's weird isn't it?

The one who can make her feel threatened, not to mention the top powerhouse, but it shouldn't be such a weak girl.

Logically speaking, if she wanted to protect Lu Ling, then it was right to eliminate all instability around her.

So she was hesitating and wanted to kill Liu Fufeng directly, then all the threats would disappear.

But finally gave up.

One is because after several encounters, she discovered that Liu Fufeng was a very special existence to Lu Ling... She couldn't just do it like this.


Her intuition told her that the fire colored glaze engraved with the character [黎] in Liu Fufeng's hand was not something to be messed with.

What is being said here is not that she sensed Hong Ling's power, but the sword energy of Venerable Ye's full strike inside.

The current purple-clothed woman can't face such a strong sword energy, and she can't take Liuli off the opponent's body, so she can only give up.

Decided to observe again... After all, she has lost too much memory, it is very likely that the other party is not a bad person but she doesn't like her... This is possible, I can only think so.

keep an eye on.

It's still early.

Just around the corner, the woman in purple was contemplating about Liu Fufeng, when suddenly a man bumped into her arms.


The weak body caused the woman's physical condition to drop instantly, and the light bump from the other party directly shattered her spiritual power.

"Sorry, sorry." The woman who bumped into someone looked up.

This woman had a fire lotus on her shoulder and was holding a book in her hand. It was obvious that she was obsessed with reading and hit her.

What a nerd.

But the woman in purple didn't underestimate her... She didn't think that the other party's bump into her was unintentional, and... before that, she hadn't noticed the other party's existence at all.

"You are."

"Ah." Yun Shu closed the book and looked at her.

"Actually... I don't know you, but Lingshan knows you, so I let you up here."

"..." The woman in purple looked at this bookworm who was shorter than herself, and thought of something.

Decades ago, she lost all her strength, and went up to Lingshan under the guidance of someone... Along the way, those organs of Lingshan were useless to her, and then she saw this nerd.

As she said, she was indeed the one who put her up the mountain.

The woman in purple nodded, but soon began to cough violently. At this moment, Yun Shu breathed out her true energy and stabilized her injury.

"With such a serious injury, you still run around." Yun Shu frowned.

"Can it be cured?"

"No, I said it at the time, you should be a dead person." Yun Shu shook her head, then looked at her: "Sure enough, it has something to do with Dongshenhai...that is to say, it has something to do with Lu Ling, but you also It has a deep relationship with Lingshan."

"I don't remember." The woman in purple shook her head.

"I know." Yun Shu nodded. It was she who helped the woman in purple hide the past and gave her a suitable identity. She has lived in Lingshan for nearly 50 years... She is very peaceful, and she is very familiar with Lingshan , and even became a leading figure in the rhythm circle.

It's also easy to keep her.

At first glance, she saw that the woman in purple was from the East Shenhai. After all, the monstrous waves were so easy to recognize... But after careful inspection, she was sure that the woman in front of her had a relationship with Lingshan, and she might even be a senior in Lingshan. , so regardless of the reason, Yun Shu left her in Lingshan.

"Have you regained some of your strength?" Yun Shu asked.

The woman in purple nodded. Yun Shu's words could be said. After all, it wasn't Yun Shu. There was no place for her in Lingshan. She might still be dying in Luoyan City at this time.

"I found some. It's a magical girl." The woman in purple said.

"Of course I know that she still has an extraordinary attraction to Dong Shenhai, that... the little guy on Lingshan Mountain, have you noticed it, can you think of anything?" Yun Shu said.

The woman in purple understood who she was talking about, it was nothing but Mo Qing.

"I don't like the other one." Said the woman in purple.



"Ahhh... What a hassle." Yun Shu sighed. If it wasn't for the fact that she hasn't read any good novels recently, she wouldn't want to get involved in these things.

Yun Shu complained, and at the same time raised her head to look at the woman in purple.

"You'd better be quiet, or... I'm going to have a headache."

"Is it a threat?" The woman in purple looked at the nerd in front of her.

"It's really straightforward, but you can take it as a threat." Yun Shu looked at the oil stains on the book in her hand, then glanced at Lu Ling's direction, and said, "I really like that girl, please don't I used to intervene in her life. Of course, I welcome her to learn rhythm from you. Most importantly, this is Lingshan. You know, I don’t want to see any child hurt. Pay attention, it is any child. "

"I didn't intend to kill her." The woman in purple frowned: "Remind you, she is very dangerous."

"Dangerous? Which one are you talking about?" Yun Shu suddenly smiled. On this Lingshan, troublesome girls are the most feared, and she continued: "In contrast, there are more heart-warming girls, aren't they? Maybe you were one too."

"Probably." The woman in purple nodded. She and Yun Shu couldn't communicate, but she received the threat from the other party.

They didn't take Liu Fufeng's threat seriously, which was also within her expectation.

"However, I can understand the threat you mentioned." Yun Shu looked at Jieyun in the sky, and she actually felt that girl's soul went to the sky...

Spatial talent is rare, but it will definitely bring a little trouble to them, but... who knows?
If he killed his own girl because of this little danger, then Luo Hanyi would be finished long ago, and he can still live till now?
Yun Shu immediately noticed Liu Fufeng's strangeness, and at the same time, she also cut off the purple-clothed woman's sense of Liu Fufeng, including the things she just left on Liu Fufeng's body... It's better to take away such dangerous things as soon as possible. good.

The woman in purple knew that she was protecting Liu Fufeng, but she had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Yun Shu looked at her back and nodded.

This woman has the best sense, otherwise...she might have to inform that woman Mingyue, and the two of them should discuss it, so that this dangerous person can't be allowed to stay in Lingshan.


Eyes on the sky.

Because of Yun Shu's relationship, the woman in purple didn't notice that Liu Fufeng woke up without concentrating at all, and Yun Shu didn't intend to stop Liu Fufeng from rushing towards Jieyun... Space talent, space cracks, she has everything heard.

If it was another disciple, Yun Shu, she would definitely prohibit her from doing this kind of death, but Liu Fufeng is different. This kind of talent that she has never seen before has to be developed by herself, and other people can't control it. Perhaps, her growth needs What about space cracks?
So Yun Shu has already made arrangements, if she will be injured by the crack, then she will rescue Liu Fufeng as soon as possible.

From here we can see the importance of Liu Fufeng.

You know, when she found out about Lu Ling who had discovered the ice bloodline, which might be related to the fairy sword, she didn't pay attention at all... It was also when Lu Ling went down the mountain later, she thought this girl was quite cute...

Even now, when Lu Ling's power exploded, she didn't feel how important Lu Ling was.

Because there is a high probability that it is the cause of the fairy sword.

But Liu Fufeng is different, this girl's talent is too malleable and has infinite potential... As for the mystery of space, even if the filial son of Shushan comes, he can't explain why.

Earth, Fengshui, Fire, and Space, the last one is the strongest attribute, but it is not something that humans can have, but now that Liu Fufeng has confirmed that he has it, how can she not care.

At this moment, Yun Shu found someone.

Somewhat surprised.

"Why did you come out?"

The tone is not very good.

The other party was not surprised either, and gave Yun Shu a deep disciple salute, then just watched in the dark, looking at Liu Fufeng with worried eyes.

Yun Shu: "..."

At night, Yun Shu looked at the Taoist nun's face and the unhealed wounds on her body.


She is Liu Yu's master, and the Taoist nun in front of her is Liu Yu's sister... She didn't want to flirt, but... even she couldn't accept her very well.

" is your body?" Yun Shu asked.

The Taoist nun in the distance was surprised that Yun Shu would talk to her, but she just shook her head.

"...Forget it, she is your disciple, can you protect her?" Yun Shu asked.

The Taoist nun nodded. At this time, she was carrying a standard long sword on her back, which didn't have much luster in the night, but just simply carrying the sword on her back, she seemed to be a different person.

Even though she was seriously injured, even though her realm has fallen to the Void Transformation Realm, as long as she thinks about it, there is nothing more than a crack in front of her eyes. Daoist Luanfeng and Li Zhuzi need to spend a lot of effort to deal with it, and it is just a sword to her things.

"What about the other one? You don't care anymore?" Yun Shu asked.

The Taoist nun was surprised that this master had so much talk with her today, but she still shook her head, showing that compared to Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng needs people to worry more.

"Okay, watch, I'm leaving." Yun Shu opened the book, and walked away slowly against the backdrop of the fire lotus.

It's not that she is in a good mood today and talks a lot, but... as she herself said, she doesn't want every child in Lingshan to be hurt, including this child who is hard for her to forgive.

She could tell that Chu Qishui had matured too much... but also weakened a lot, and that kind of indomitable momentum might never come back... What happened back then, Lingshan not only lost Liu Yu, but also this A girl with unlimited potential.

Yun Shu's footsteps became a little heavier.

One day, she will investigate clearly, because everyone knows that what happened back then was not that simple.

Chu Qishui failed to break through before the battle, not only did not break the barrier of cultivation, but also suffered backlash, so Liu Yu sacrificed himself in order to save the field, and then Li Wangsheng used Liu Yu's power to eradicate the demon king, and he was infected with the demon. gas.

Here's the thing.

There were too many doubts for Yun Shu.

The simplest one, Chu Qishui failed to break through?

To be honest, if it wasn't for Chu Qishui's degeneration later on, Yun Shu would not believe that the peerless genius who worked so hard would fail to break through. You must know that Chu Qishui's potential is far more than that, and she must choose to break through at that level. There will be [-] points of certainty, but in the end it fails?
Yun Shu didn't want to believe it, but Chu Qishui's personality changed so much that she had to believe it.

Then there is Liu Yu...why is she...

How strong and smart Liu Yu is, no one knows better than Yun Shu. She thinks it is inevitable that this apprentice will surpass her. This kind of situation that was not necessarily fatal turned into the worst situation... She incomprehensible.

But all this is in the past.

A new, potential disciple appeared in front of her, which made Yun Shu understand one thing... The past will always pass.

She needs to find the truth, but until now, there is no way to find it.



Climb to the sky above the Lingtai.

Liu Fufeng was full of doubts.

At the very beginning, she just felt a threat... She couldn't say it, but it must be a threat.

The deadly kind.

Then she felt that she had to do something, the simplest thing was that she needed to become stronger and protect herself.

Because things seemed to be beyond her expectations...

Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment.

What did she expect?

What did she expect?
Splitting headache.

totally no idea.

Liu Fufeng looked at his transparent hands.



Why on earth did she become like this?And those dreams one by one...

Pained for a long time.

Lu Ling... Ah Ling...


In the end, it was Lu Ling's smile that pulled her out of the pain.

Liu Fufeng opened his eyes and rushed into the sky.

Instinct told her that it would be good for her to get these powers first.



Down below, Li Zhuzi suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately after, Master Luanfeng stood up suddenly, and the two looked at the sky together.

what is that?
Li Zhuzi's pupils constricted.

"Girl Liu?"

"That's Liu Fufeng?" Daoist Luanfeng was taken aback for a moment, and then directly pulled out the whisk from his arms. She didn't know how Liu Fufeng appeared and why he went up there, but she didn't have time to think about the matter, so it was better to stop Liu Fufeng the most important.

"I'll help." Li Zhuzi didn't think too much about it. Although Liu Fufeng was talented in space, it was a crack in space. If he touched it with his soul, his soul would fly away, and no one could save him.

She couldn't take risks, and she was unwilling to take risks, after all, she wasn't sure to protect her, because Liu Fufeng's suicidal behavior would probably evaporate in an instant.

The Great Array of Protecting Mountains will not protect her from this kind of behavior.

Almost instantly, Li Zhuzi and Luanfeng gave up on maintaining the barrier. Compared with the possibility of space storms forming, Liu Fufeng's life safety is obviously more important. Storms forming, at most, destroying buildings...will be destroyed in the end. The big formation protecting the mountain came down with spiritual energy, and Liu Fufeng...

will die.

That's a good decision.

Immortal Luanfeng threw his whisk into the sky, and immediately after a phoenix cry, Li Zhuzi threw his own bamboo ornaments into the sky, giving all his strength to Immortal Luanfeng, forming an absolutely indestructible barrier.

They wanted to use this barrier of absolute defense to stop Liu Fufeng and drag him down.

"I found it." Master Luanfeng stretched out his hand and forcefully, the barrier swallowed Liu Fufeng in his entire body.

Then, just when she was about to rescue Liu Fufeng, an accident happened.

I saw Liu Fufeng, who was in the state of soul above the sky, exerted force on his toes, and directly hid into the void and disappeared.

This moment shocked Master Luanfeng.

"She... jumped into the space? But... because of Jieyun, the space has long been unstable..."

Is this the space talent?

It's unbelievable that she broke through her confinement so easily.

You know, this is Lingshan, with the blessing of formations, within her enchantment, even Mo Qing, she can catch it accurately, but in the end, she was run away by a little girl like Liu Fufeng?
Surprised shocked followed by nervousness.

"Oops, this girl is in danger."

"Let's go." Li Zhuzi kept her eyes on the sky, looking for Liu Fufeng's figure, but after finding nothing, she flew into the sky, and she could vaguely feel what Liu Fufeng was going to do.

Is this girl crazy?

Seeing this, Master Luanfeng followed Hua Hong to fly into the sky. If the barrier is useless to this girl, then they have to catch Liu Fufeng before she dies. After all, there are some weak creatures in the barrier. The cracks, that's because the barrier they built sealed the powerful cracks... As for Liu Fufeng, she may directly rush into the black dragons. If you tear it up, you really can't save it.

And Liu Fufeng...

She just felt that she was blocked by something, which was not acceptable, so she subconsciously used the method of jumping the space, the effect was very obvious, and the obstructing thing couldn't trap her at all.

Although she feels that she is being watched by many people now, the things in the sky are very important to her.

do not miss it.



On the ground, the nun had already drawn out her sword.

Different from Master Luanfeng and Li Zhuzi, she, the sword cultivator, locked onto Liu Fufeng's position from the very beginning, and according to her perception, Liu Fufeng was rushing towards the largest black dragon at this time—there was a huge catastrophe hidden there. The greatest power left by the cloud.

Even the Venerable wouldn't touch it, but Liu Fufeng...

For a moment, she thought of the ordinary girl who kept hitting her barrier... day by day, exhausted, but did not give up.

Maybe she really doesn't know what giving up is.

The Taoist nun started to worry, if she didn't know that the master had a back hand, she would destroy the crack now.

Now... decided to take another look.

Maybe it's the opportunity of the disciples.

 Speaking of it, I think I have written many things very clearly. By the way, I have a question about the keyboard. Mine is a white model with red switches. I don’t know the brand of others. It says rk on it, but it is broken now. Someone recommended a cherry. I didn’t catch up with Double 11, but I caught up with the logistics... It’s estimated that I can’t ship it in a short time. I don’t have a keyboard recently, and the speed of writing books has dropped significantly, but the red switch is really comfortable. Today What kind of shafts did the boss bring me, and I tried it, and it was still red and soft and comfortable.


(End of this chapter)

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