Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 653 Metamorphosis

Chapter 653 Metamorphosis
At this time, Li Zhuzi rushed towards the sky, with green spiritual power wrapped around his body, breaking through layers of black clouds.

Can't find Liu Fufeng's location at all.

She didn't know what Liu Fufeng was thinking, whether it was out of control or deliberately breaking away from their barrier, but this was not the reason for her failure.

If Liu Fufeng just fell here, Li Zhuzi didn't know how she should explain to Lu Ling.

She couldn't explain it.



At this moment, the entire Lingshan Mountain entered a strange state.

There are not only nine peaks in Lingshan, otherwise where do those "old women" live?And now this particular place is buzzing.

Even have to make a move.

You know, when they understood the special relationship between Lu Ling, Xianjian and Dongshenhai, there was no such a big commotion, and they could still calmly watch the children below fight and fight for Lu Ling's future. Those who come and snatch, regard themselves as a bystander.

Now because of disagreements, the whole place is almost falling apart.

This is almost impossible to happen on Lingshan.

There is no way, because it is about disciples... In the current world of cultivating immortals, the most important thing is always only the fairy sword Lihuo Hongling, so under the Lihuo Hongling, all magic weapons are useless, the most important thing is people, yes For people with potential, Lihuo Hongya was able to stand above people because it was too terrifying.

If I really want to say, what was really powerful back then was not the fairy weapon, not the fairy sword, but the fairy master... In the final analysis, it was still a human being.

Only small sects and sects regard magical weapons as precious treasures, but at the level of the Holy Land, the most important thing is only people, talents, top talents.

Just like Liu Yu, a short-lived existence, if there is no accident, with her activeness, Lingshan's hard power status will rise by at least two levels, instead of relying on her special status to do something and even look down on herself things.

At this moment when the relationship between the four clans is very sensitive, every genius and talent with top-level kinship is extremely scarce, and... time is running out. Under such circumstances, a talent with top-level potential is more important than anything else. important.

So the current human race can't even bear the price of the growth of those geniuses... It is naturally the best choice to grind from death, but in this special period... there is nothing wrong with putting the battle in the future.

Like Shushan, the reason why he wants to get Lu Ling's nurturing right so humbly... is also the shortage of talents. Their height is much higher than that of Lingshan women, so as long as they have the power of the human race, they will go to educate them. Under the most basic concept, all holy places may disappear, only Shushan will not, unless the entire human race is destroyed, otherwise this impoverished holy place will still stand.

Calm like Qionghua Holy Land, stepping forward at all costs, dragging the stump, at this critical moment, they also behaved the same way, they didn't have time to give those disciples a fair competition, since the selected Qionghua son inherited the title of Wuhen, To become Jianping's guardian, he must quickly cut off all possible threats to the young master and use resources on him.

As for saying that the winner is king, that is certainly correct. Of course, this kind of saying is useless when you have no resources. Let’s talk about it after you become the winner. At other times, just listen to the arrangements obediently.

It's cruel, but it's the truth.

Why not the Great Sad Valley?It's just that for these old monks, more thoughts are being delayed by the more important matter of how to establish a true Buddha, but even so, they did not let go of the selection of disciples and released some top-level "Buddhist scriptures" That's good evidence.

This is all for later.

However, the scene in the world of cultivating immortals has been out of control, and everyone can feel the severe atmosphere... At this important time, only potential monks are the most important.

The Seven Great Sacred Grounds are even planning to hold a "draft" to draw potential disciples from small sects, or those who have become famous, into the Holy Land for advanced training, in order to deal with the disaster that may come even sooner after a thousand years.

From this plan, it is enough to see the seriousness of the matter.

At this time, every disciple is extremely important... Therefore, Lu Ling's status has only been improved a little now, and Liu Fufeng... She is so much stronger than Lu Ling, so it goes without saying.

The importance of Liu Fufeng in Lingshan may be due to her behavior of breaking through the venerable barrier with zero cultivation today, and "chatting and laughing happily" with the devastating space crack, becoming the most important disciple cultivated by Lingshan—— Said to be a resource Evenly divided, but it is still biased after all. After all, it is not unfair to eat as much food as there is appetite.

And at this time, the reason why the group of bosses in Lingshan were about to fight was also because of Liu Fufeng.

With such a strong child, some of them can't sit still...

"Senior sister, I can still find her position now, her body is merging with Jieyun, why stop me?" a woman said angrily.

"Yes, let's save this girl. The risk is too great. We finally found someone comparable to Liu Yu. We are not qualified to take risks."


There was a lot of noise.

"First of all, they are all surnamed Liu, but there is still a big gap. This is only in terms of potential." The other woman shook her head: "Calm down, all of you, this girl has the mark of the master on her body, let her go and do what she wants." Just do what you want, your interference is nothing more than restraining her."

"Still thinking about Master? Her old man didn't do anything except reading and making troubles."

The one who said this was also Yun Shu's disciple and her closest relative.

"..." Everyone else looked helpless, because what she said was really true.

A group of people looked at Dongfang's pitiful master.

"Senior sister, what do you think?"

"Me?" The woman in red looked at Jie Yun in the direction of the first floor: "I wanted to pull her down... because it was too dangerous."


The woman in red shook her head: "However, I didn't hold Xiao Lian back then, so she has become like this now."

The woman's face darkened.

Dongfang Lianren back then was not what he is now. The reason why he changed to poison was only because of an accident in retreat... At that time, the woman in red knew that there was a risk, but she didn't stop her, not because she didn't stop her, but because she couldn't stop her. live.

"Then, Senior Sister, Senior Sister..." The woman in red looked at the girls and women around her, and asked, "Do you think I was wrong?"




A moment of silence.

"I was wrong." The woman showed a little painful expression, because of her dereliction of duty, the apprentice who was treated as a daughter lost too much. As a master, she must be wrong.

However, in the eyes of others, she is not wrong, because without that adventure back then, there would be no Dongfang Lianren now. At this time, Dongfang Lianren's position in Lingshan is the absolute core, just like Qin Qin. It is at the strategic level.

As Dongfang Lianren's master, she naturally did nothing wrong. Not only was she not wrong, but she also made great achievements.

"Little Zhuzi is in the same mood as I used to be." The woman shook her head and continued to do her needlework, the meaning was obvious.

Go with the flow.


Another moment of silence.

They understand what a woman means. Li Zhuzi is just like her. Even though she knows that this is Liu Fufeng's choice, it is probably her chance, but Li Zhuzi still wants to stop her, because this is a teacher... No, parents What should be done, she didn't want Liu Fufeng to be hurt.

Because of Lu Ling's relationship, Li Zhuzi was lying when he said he didn't like this girl.

And Master Dongfang Lianren's words were undoubtedly telling these women.

What's the matter with you?

In her opinion, only Liu Fufeng herself is qualified to make decisions for Liu Fufeng.

If I have to say, one is Li Zhuzi, the other is Chu Qishui, the third is Liu Yao, and even Xu Xu Qinqin can get involved. What does it have to do with you girls?Are you really addicted to being an elder?In fact, they are nothing, just watch quietly, wait for the result, and then analyze.

Dongfang Lianren's master did not say these words clearly, but her tone and actions have clearly expressed it.

After being attacked like this, no one else has anything to say.

He could only quietly watch Li Zhuzi looking for Liu Fufeng in the vast sky.



As for Liu Fufeng, the only one who can make decisions for her is Lu Ling, not even herself.

And the reason why she left that barrier was because her subconscious mind told her.

If she wants to keep Ah Ling by her side, wants to stay by Ah Ling's side, and wants to protect Ah Ling, she must have the capital to make her Ah Ling depend on her, so she must obtain these powers.

So before Liu Fufeng had time to communicate with Li Zhuzi this time, he was willful once.

After experiencing the fear at the beginning, what Liu Fufeng felt was the excitement that he had never experienced before.


She now feels her body being filled with something.

She can move freely in these clouds of calamity, as freely as in her own home. Those terrifying forces that represent destruction are like children to her. After entering the crack, they were all eaten by the space crack.

It was as if the cracks were afraid, afraid that their owner would be harmed.

This feeling of being dependent made Liu Fufeng think of Lu Ling.


Liu Fufeng's spirit was shaken, and he instantly walked out of the loss after gaining the power.

It was pitch black all around, and she... was walking in the whole sky, she felt that she had everything under control now.

So what should she do now?
Liu Fufeng searched a little bit in his brain.

First, she needs to see herself, Ah Ling, but she is not in the right state now.


Liu Fufeng still remembered that Li Zhuzi and Master Luanfeng said that these little guys in the sky were dangerous and might pose a threat to Lingshan... Although Liu Fufeng didn't know how dangerous these "dark" that looked scary but were actually obedient, but since It was Li Zhuzi who said it, so she must find a way to help the other party, after all, she has been helped so much.

As for how she obtained her own strength, that was the third, or even the fourth and fifth.

At this time, in Liu Fufeng's induction, she could feel that these dark spaces are rapidly gathering together, and the eye of the storm has also initially formed. Even if Liu Fufeng is an ordinary little girl, she still knows what the storm will look like after it forms. of……

So, what I should do now is to let it stop.

Do they listen to themselves?


After Liu Fufeng opened his mouth, he suddenly didn't know what to say, because she didn't know what instructions to give, and even if the other party listened to her, her voice couldn't be heard for a few meters. How could it be possible that the darkness covered the entire sky? I can hear you.

So Liu Fufeng gave up speaking of orders.

Thinking of what Xu Xu taught her, her special talent does not need to be guided, and everything can be left to the instinct of the body.

The instinct of the body...

Liu Fufeng didn't understand, but at this moment he could only give it a try.


Close your eyes, let the pulling sensation lead her to an unknown place, at the same time Liu Fufeng felt that many things were flying into her body, filling her body bit by bit.

At the same time, what followed was a slight tingling pain and a trance.



Heaven and earth change color.

The dark clouds quickly faded away, and the jet-black color like spilled ink on the sky was quickly absorbed by a cotton cloth.

Li Zhuzi watched the darkness around him gather in one direction at an incomprehensible speed and speed, and took a deep breath.

"Zhuzi, what's going on here?" Master Luanfeng stopped beside Li Zhuzi: "These cracks are moving so fast, I was almost brought into it."

Li Zhuzi shook his head.

While the two were talking, the dark cracks in the sky were reduced by [-]%.

Li Zhuzi stared at the black ball visible to the naked eye in the distance, like an egg.

At this time, all the black cracks rushed into the black egg like a black hole like crazy, and when the cracks left, the self-healing ability of the space took effect, filling up the fragile glass-like space.

At this time, the sky seems to have opened a big hole, it is just a gradually shrinking cave, and the center point is a very attractive existence.

The clothes of Li Zhuzi and Luanfeng Daoist were blown by the wind of space brought by the departure of the cracks. To avoid any uncontrollable factors, they did not move at all, quietly watching the changes in the situation.

"I don't can't be." Master Luanfeng held the half-missed whisk, stared wide-eyed, and looked at the blackness that was getting smaller and smaller in the sky.

Where is the storm here?
It was all eaten up.

She and Li Zhuzi watched quietly until all the darkness disappeared, and the solid moon and brilliant stars returned to the sky.

Because the space was destroyed, the heavy snow that appeared because of Lu Ling also stopped, and the bright moonlight shone from the sky, illuminating the Lingling Platform on the first floor, and beautiful shadows once again appeared on the still lake of Linghu in the mountains.

The moon is bright and the wind is clear.

Deng Lingtai returned to peace.

"Huh..." Daoist Luanfeng finally recovered from the shock at this time, she had been dumbfounded for a long time.

He and Li Zhuzi looked at each other.

Both guessed what was going on...but couldn't believe it.

At this time, the real Luanfeng only had excitement and excitement in his heart. While Li Zhuzi was happy, he was also a little worried...

Could it be that ordinary girl who ate up this entire space that was on the verge of collapse?
In the blink of an eye, the two arrived at the center of the previous vision. At this moment, a strange scene appeared in front of them.

It was a pitch-black cocoon, about the height of an adult, one meter wide, and completely pitch-black, as if it were a void. The void inside could not be seen, and it seemed that it did not exist.

So many cracks in space can be pressed into such a thing?
Where's Miss Liu?

Master Luanfeng stretched out a finger nervously, and poked the cocoon in front of him.

However, the pitch-black cocoon in front of him has no substance, no surface, just like an egg without an eggshell, so the moment Master Luanfeng touched the surface, he sensed something was wrong and pulled his hand back instantly.

It was only after looking at it that she realized that her spiritual power to protect her body had been completely eaten away, and if she slowed down, her fingers would probably be gone.

"Bamboo, girl it inside?"

"It should be." Li Zhuzi nodded hesitantly, things have developed like this, even she doesn't know what happened... But this is the only possibility, because Liu Fufeng is not dead, the jade card that represents her life And there is no problem.

Li Zhuzi tried to send his spiritual power into the black hole-like cocoon, and it really worked, the egg seemed to be a little fuller.

"Need to be catalyzed?" Master Luanfeng thought thoughtfully, and then sent his pure, transformable spiritual power into it.

"Sure enough." Seeing that the cocoon had grown a little more, Master Luanfeng nodded and worked with Li Zhuzi.

After a moment.

The two beauties were above the sky, their chests heaving violently, especially Li Zhuzi, dripping with sweat, drenched his body, and his hair was messy.

Her spiritual power is almost exhausted and she must need to rest.

Daoist Luanfeng is almost there.

"It seems that it's still a little bit worse..." Master Luanfeng looked at the color of the pitch-black cocoon that was almost full, and took a deep breath.

She and Li Zhuzi were really miserable. There wasn't much spiritual power left because of the barrier, but now they had to use it as food.

And the reason Luanfeng Daoist and Liu Fufeng are not surprised is also very simple. In the world of cultivating immortals, all transformations are like Liu Fufeng's. Although Xu Xu's innate fire spirit back then was not as exaggerated as Liu Fufeng, it also sucked up a volcano. of magma.

So they understood Liu Fufeng's current appearance as a transformation, and there was nothing wrong with it, but they didn't expect that this girl's transformation was so troublesome, eating so many space cracks was not enough, and she needed spiritual power to replenish.

"I can't do it anymore." Master Luanfeng took a deep breath and shook his head. He thought that the remaining spiritual power of the two of them would be enough for Liu Fufeng. Knowing that the other party can't finish eating, their spiritual power recovery speed is simply not enough to output.

"Let's ask someone to help you," said Master Luanfeng.

There are still so many guardians and divisions in Lingshan, they are already very tired today and need to rest.

"Just a little bit." Li Zhuzi shook his head.

After waiting for so long, Liu Fufeng finally got her chance, and she wanted the other party to have the best chance.

Who knows, does this kind of transformation require the precision of spiritual power?
"Let me do it."

At this time, a Taoist nun appeared beside the two of them.

Master Luanfeng looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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