Chapter 683 One Month
The next morning.

Because the junior sister was by her side, and she could still cultivate, Lu Ling slept very comfortably this time, very heavy and had no dreams.

It was very comfortable, so when she opened her eyes today, Lu Ling swept away the previous confusion and was very refreshed.

The dazzling sunlight came in from the window beside the bed, and Lu Ling subconsciously closed her eyes.

What time is it... Lu Ling will also check the time.

According to her understanding, it is already ten o'clock in the morning.

Why didn't Junior Sister call me?

Subconsciously, it's like getting up, only to stretch your arms, and then lie down again.

Forgot, the last leg she used for strength was gone... and this situation made her waist completely useless.

But Lu Ling was neither disappointed nor afraid, she counted silently in her heart.

"one two Three……"

When counting to three, the door was pushed open, and Liu Fufeng walked in. She had already changed out of the clothes that belonged to Xu Xu, and put on her Taoist robe.

"Senior sister, are you awake?" Liu Fufeng walked over and carefully helped Lu Ling up.

Lu Ling smiled happily.

This is why she is so dependent on her junior sister.

Just as Lu Ling was about to nod, she suddenly noticed something and looked up at Liu Fufeng.

"what happened?"

Her response was still such a gentle smile.

"No, it's nothing..." Lu Ling shook her head. Just now, she felt that the junior sister was a little weird, but she couldn't tell what was so strange.

Lu Ling's nose moved.

Her sense of smell has been very sensitive since she practiced.

"Junior sister, do you smell a fishy smell..."

Although it is said that there will be once a month at home, and the junior sister does not tell her, but this time Lu Ling felt something different.

"I... Forget it, I cut my hand when I was cooking just now." Liu Fufeng stretched out his hand to show Lu Ling, there were some white stripes wrapped around his fingers, which smelled faintly of blood.

As for the palm that should have been wounded, it was so fair that no scratches could be seen.

Lu Ling did not doubt that he was there, holding Liu Fufeng's hand, her eyes were full of distress.

"Junior Sister, why are you so hurts."

"It doesn't hurt." Liu Fufeng shook his head: "I changed the kitchen utensils, the length is a little different, I was distracted... I won't be in the future."

"En." Lu Ling nodded.

She wanted to use Wenshun method for her junior sister, but she knew her own family affairs, so she could only watch Liu Fufeng hurt, and thinking of her junior sister getting hurt and having to dress herself, Lu Ling was very upset.

But this little emotion lasted only for a while.

Liu Fufeng put a red skirt and black stockings on Lu Ling, and finally tied her a low ponytail. He looked at Lu Ling with satisfaction, and then carried her downstairs and put her on a wheelchair.

In front of the table is a freshly prepared breakfast.

Lu Ling twitched her index finger when she smelled the aroma, and then meal time began.

Liu Fufeng also picked up his chopsticks and started to eat breakfast.

As it should be.

After the meal, Master Luanfeng came, talked to Lu Ling, and took Liu Fufeng away, saying that he was going to accompany her junior sister around, and then he had something to do, so he came back at night.

Lu Ling knew that they were going to test the talent of the junior sister, so Lu Ling gave Liu Fufeng a reassuring look, and then stayed at home alone.

The salutes are all in the corner, where Liu Fufeng sorted out her belongings, and there are books that Lu Ling needs to read, but she didn't read them.

Instead, he turned the wheelchair and walked to the wall, looking at the picture scroll there...

Keep your eyes peeled.

She kind of likes these words, and also wants to know what kind of hand and pen can draw these spiritual scrolls. If she can also draw, does it mean that she can keep her junior sister by her side forever.

There was an inexplicable irritability in my heart.

Lu Ling lost the mood to appreciate the beauty, and turned the wheelchair to walk around the house, went to every room, saw the kitchen knife that cut her junior sister, and was in a bad mood.

In front of the bathroom door, Lu Ling was about to exit when she suddenly saw clothes soaking in the basin in front of her.

It was her junior sister's pajamas.

Should not be ah.

I wore it yesterday, why do I have to wash it today.

Lu Ling, who knew Liu Fufeng's washing rules, didn't understand. After walking over, she looked at the wooden basin at her feet.

The nose moved.

It was strong, the taste of her junior sister.

sweat stains.

sweat?It was cold yesterday...why?
Lu Ling still wanted to see it, but she heard a knock on the door outside, she hurried over and found that it was Qin Qin.

"Aling, are you sleeping well?" Qin Qin walked in.

"Okay...ok..." Lu Ling said, "Sister, are you injured?"

Why is everyone hurt today.

"Oh, you, Senior Sister Shen, called me." Qin Qin said casually.

Lu Ling; "..."

Looking at Qin Qin without any resentment, Lu Ling swallowed her saliva, and she had a better understanding of Shen Gui's ferocity.

Qin Qin knew what Lu Ling was thinking, but she didn't explain.

Yesterday, after an indefinite number of years, she fell asleep with Shen Gui in her arms again... During the friction, she ate a lot of tofu, and she felt that she had made a lot of money.

"Aling, were you okay yesterday?" Qin Qin asked.

"It's fine, thank you Senior Sister Qin for your concern." Lu Ling shook her head, "But I have to live here..."

"I know, I feel relieved when I see you." Qin Qin chuckled and didn't ask further; "I still have some things to do, so I'm leaving first, Ah Ling, Qiu Yu and the others should come over to teach you how to practice later in the evening. Come to teach you the piano, can you bear it? If not, then..."

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded vigorously, it was nothing.

"I know you can." Qin Qin nodded in satisfaction. Lu Ling not only can, but also understands everything. This is her best "daughter".

Qin Qin left contentedly.

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

Blink, pupils have no focal length.

Are you going to start... a new round of cultivation...

Speaking of it, she almost forgot that she still needs to practice... because the bottleneck has been stuck for a long time.


By the way, if you break through to the Soul Realm system, you will open a mall for yourself.

Lu Ling cheered up, she will work hard to practice.



Fang Qiuyu, Gu Chenxi, Gu Xiao, Yu Sixian and Nie Yin came out of Luanfeng Master's hall without much strength.

They were interrogated for a long time, including everyone's feelings about Liu Fufeng's power...

Gu Chenxi was listless, but immediately regained her spirits.

I was very happy to see their little apprentice soon, and then looked at Fang Qiuyu with dissatisfaction: "You have also seen that Ah Ling's ice talent is so good, it is so good to a terrifying level, just like this, you still have to fight with Fang Qiuyu." I rob the apprentice?"

Gu Chenxi's ice attribute martial soul talent is ranked first in Lingshan.

"Didn't the uncle say it? Listen to what the little girl thinks." Fang Qiuyu didn't answer.

She was holding a little girl by the hand.

Tang Zheng.

She likes Tang Zheng very much, if you're not kidding, she has already surpassed Lu Ling... So, she actually didn't mean to rob her as an apprentice.

This time, except for Yu Sixian who was really joining in the fun, the others came here for the "interview".

Leave one teacher that Lu Ling wants to learn, and the others can leave. You don't need too many teachers to teach at the same time, especially if they are all teaching martial arts. I really think Lu Ling can be a clone.

If Lu Ling wants to learn the sword of the king of hundreds of soldiers, there is Fang Qiuyu.

If you want to learn spells, there is Gu Chenxi.

There is Gu Xiao who wants to learn long spears or open and close weapons.

If you want to learn small weapons and hidden weapons that are light and agile, there is Nie Yin.

As for Yu Sixian, it has been said that she is here to play.

Lu Ling has to choose one of them, and then start her future studies, anyone is fine, as long as she likes it, then only one person will come to teach her in the days to come.

One person is enough.

Gu Chenxi was very excited, she thought that Lu Ling would choose her.

Tang Zheng kept silent, the girl was carrying a wooden sword on her back, Fang Qiuyu made it for her overnight, she liked it very much.

This girl is now preoccupied with how to practice swords, so obsessed that she even let go of her jealousy towards Lu Ling, and followed Fang Qiuyu without any sense of existence.

She has approved of this teacher.



In the blink of an eye.

A month has passed.

The recent Lingshan is very lively, everyone is tense up and down, as if something big is about to happen.

Seventh Peak.

Luo Hanyi's home.

"Why, Xiao Xian'er still ignored you?" Dongfang Lianren looked at Luo Hanyi on his lap and asked.

"Hey~" Luo Hanyi's face turned pink, and he twisted a bit.

She was poisoned by the poisonous was also the Eastern pity she had brought on by herself, and the other party was relying on her, and she really had nothing to do.

"No, no... Xian'er completely, ignores me..." Luo Hanyi said, shedding a few tears.

This was the first time that Luo Xian and her had been separated for so long. Luo Hanyi knew that she had been out a few times, but it was all for business, and she went back as soon as she was done.

"I told you I knew I was wrong...but she, she just ignored me..." Luo Hanyi cried out loudly.

"Okay, okay, don't cry." Dongfang Lianren comforted Luo Hanyi helplessly.

She had talked with Luo Xian, but there was nothing she could do. Luo Hanyi touched Luo Xian's bottom line... because she actually suspected that Luo Xian and others had crossed the line, and almost sent Luo Xian who was going home Mad.

This is the first time that Luo Xian has been wronged like this. Master suspects that she is an indiscreet girl... Luo Xian lost all good mood, and he never even visited Hei Xiong once.

This time, Luo Xian, who never gets angry, was really angry, so she didn't even give Dongfang Lianren face.

"Luo Hanyi, what did you say to Xiao Xian'er? This is the first time I've seen her get so angry." Dongfang Lianren looked at her.

"I..." Luo Hanyi hesitated.

Dongfang Lianren narrowed his eyes.

"Xiao Hanyi, you sent a message to cry with me, I will come back the next day, I stayed with you for a month, and I didn't go anywhere..." Dongfang Lianren paused when he said this.

She didn't even go to Xifeng's place, you know, Xifeng's place has... It is very likely that it was a letter left by that person.

She didn't go.

Well... It's not because of Luo Hanyi, it's because she didn't dare to go because of the imminent situation... She didn't dare to know what was written on the letter paper. Staying here with Luo Hanyi was more like escaping .

She needs time to calm down.

The memories that person left for Dongfang Lianren back then were much more turbulent than she imagined.

"Sister loves you so much, you don't even tell me this kind of thing? Then I'll go back..." Dongfang Lianren said.

"Don't, don't go... I was wrong, I was wrong..." Luo Hanyi grabbed Dongfang Lianren's sleeve: "I said..."

She took out a jade slip from her bosom, and told Dongfang Lianren everything she had done.


"It means that Xiao Xian'er had skin-to-skin relationship with someone else the day she ran away from home?" Dongfang Lianren asked in surprise.

"That's I asked her if there was someone outside..." Luo Hanyi said aggrievedly.

Dongfang Lianren: "..."

not talking anymore.

Her first reaction was exactly the same as Luo Hanyi's.

Who is Luo Xian?

Her temperament Dongfang Lianren couldn't be more clear, this magic weapon will only be triggered in very intimate contact, among ordinary women, even she Dongfang Lianren would not have such intimate actions with other women... She thinks Luo Hanyi's idea is very possible.

But judging by Luo Xian's reaction, it shouldn't be true.

"Does Xian'er know that you have this evidence?" Dongfang Lianren asked, she used the word "evidence".

"I don't know." Luo Hanyi shook her head, she didn't dare to let Luo Xian know.

"Then...forget it." Dongfang Lianren originally wanted to ask whether Luo Xian might not admit to it, but after thinking about Luo Xian's character, the possibility is very slim.

"Have you seen it? Who is the other party?" Dongfang Lianren looked at the jade slip in her hand with interest.

Hearing the words, Luo Hanyi shook his head again and again, and put the jade slip back into his bosom, for fear that Dongfang Lian would open it.

She was afraid that Luo Xian was lying to her, that Luo Xian would leave her after she knew the truth, and what was even more afraid...

"Opening it means that I don't believe in Xian'er, she...will definitely be even more angry." Luo Hanyi said.

"...All right." Dongfang Lianren looked at Luo Hanyi, and two words flashed in his mind.


The current Luo Hanyi is really humble.

"Xian'er won't be angry all the time, just wait a little longer." Dongfang Lianren comforted her.

"En." Luo Hanyi nodded.

"You rest for a while, I'll go out for a while." Dongfang pitifully said.

She hasn't seen Lu Ling since she came back. She heard that she was in Yifeng, and there was a meeting the day she came back. She was comforting Luo Hanyi for not going. Senior Sister Feng just wanted to tell her about this matter, and it seemed to be related to Liu Fufeng.

"Go early and return early." Luo Hanyi said.




In the blink of an eye, Dongfang Lianren appeared in Lu Ling's small courtyard, and before he entered, he heard Fang Qiuyu's shout.

She looked up.

At this moment, Lu Ling was sitting in a wheelchair, holding a wooden sword in her hand, swinging it clumsily.

"Speed! It's too slow!" Fang Qiuyu's aura made Lu Ling tremble.

"Lu Ling, your kendo talent is the best I've ever seen, and you have a little bit of my own understanding, but your foundation is too weak, so keep swinging your sword." Fang Qiuyu sternly said.


"But what? Since you chose me, you have to practice hard even if you can't move your legs! Remember, this is not for martial soul, but to exercise your spirit. Besides, you are not really unable to move. One thousand times, continue, no Don't eat at noon today!" Fang Qiuyu looked at him coldly.

"Yes, yes..." Lu Ling continued to swing her sword, her fingers were bloodshot, but her face was firm after being told.

Fang Qiuyu nodded in satisfaction.

After a month of training, the princess aura on Lu Ling's body finally disappeared.

Obviously, Lu Ling chose to learn swordsmanship in the end.

And Fang Qiuyu made her understand what cruelty is.

 Next is the period of rapid growth.

(End of this chapter)

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