Chapter 689 Lu Ling's Transformation of Three Talents

Lu Ling frankly said that she didn't understand anything.

After finishing speaking, looking at the quiet scene around him, he realized something, and his breath suddenly weakened.

Master Luanfeng came back to his senses, and patted Li Wangsheng on the shoulder.

"Unexpectedly, you come on, but I suggest you better give up and don't waste time."

Li Wangsheng didn't speak, and looked at Lu Ling thoughtfully. Lu Ling felt the man's gaze, and pretended to be an ostrich.

If you don't understand it, you just don't understand it.

What about condensing the three talents and three lights, and mobilizing righteousness... Although she knows that the essence of righteousness is a variant of yin and yang, she just doesn't know how to do it.

No one can understand it.

Liu Fufeng wanted to say something else, but she was dragged down by Master Luanfeng to continue training. Master Luanfeng had high expectations for her, and she was constantly strengthening her training. When Liu Fufeng was able to charge a few times in her blazing formation without injury After going back and forth, she can be invincible in the intermediate group with her talent.

Master Luanfeng quickly started training Liu Fufeng.

Li Wangsheng was upstairs looking at Liu Fufeng's neat figure darting through the flames.

Worthy of being a flawless body.

Liu Fufeng had never been exposed to combat before, but now that she has been trained for a month, her reaction ability and combat awareness have improved visibly with the naked eye.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the girl behind him.

Lu Ling immediately lowered her head.

Li Wangsheng sighed, they are all teachers and sisters, why is this so stupid.

"You...don't understand at all, do you?" Li Wangsheng asked softly.

"...No." Lu Ling spit out two words lightly.

"Don't be discouraged, this is normal." Li Wangsheng said.

"Really?" Lu Ling immediately raised her head when she heard his words.

"Of course, otherwise, why would I have given you a month." Li Wangsheng rubbed Lu Ling's ponytail: "Is there something I don't understand? I'll teach you little by little."

"I..." Lu Ling looked at Li Wangsheng's face, lowered her head silently, and said in a very small voice, "I didn't understand at all."

"Then listen to me from the beginning." Li Wangsheng said gently.

Hearing this, Lu Ling looked up at his gentle face, froze for a while, then nodded vigorously.


She will study hard and not let the uncle and junior sister down.

"First, use the method I taught you to extract the Qi in your body..."

Lu Ling listened carefully.



After a long time, another huge picture of Tai Chi covered the entire courtyard.

Master Luanfeng frowned.

She said it all, don't let Lu Ling do useless things...

In all fairness, although the Lingshan people agreed with Lu Ling to learn the sword, the sword here is the spirit sword, that is, the way of conjuration, after all, it is correct to approach the legendary Xuenv.

Li Wangsheng began to teach Lu Ling other things...

She was a little unhappy.

But... with a sigh, he didn't try to stop Li Wangsheng.

Maybe... there will be a miracle.

And Lingshan owes Li Wangsheng a lot.

Thinking about it, her demands on Liu Fufeng increased again. For a moment, the entire world was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, only the constant flickering of space.

Master Luanfeng's bad mood disappeared, and he looked at Liu Fufeng with satisfaction.

This girl has been jumping through the space for an hour, but now she doesn't feel any discomfort, just sweating a little... It's too much, you know, even at the level of the Venerable, it is impossible to jump through the space for two hours without interruption.

With Liu Fufeng around, it doesn't hurt to make Lu Ling less nervous, so just give Li Wangsheng some time.




Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling who was lost in thought.

This time, Lu Ling was not obsessed with the handsomeness of the sword picture like last time, but closed her eyes, thinking about the problem seriously.

He didn't speak, just looked at Lu Ling quietly.

Unbeknownst to her, Lu Ling was quickly searching for keywords in her mind at this time, because her face was flushed because of overuse of her brain.

She didn't read the Tao Te Ching, but tactfully inquired in the Book of Changes. After such a long time, Lu Ling has also learned most of the Daozang in her mind.

[Yi Chuan, Cocission: "There is the way of heaven, there is the way of man, and there is the way of authenticity. The three talents are two, so six. The six are not the other, and the way of the three talents is also. The three talents are heaven, earth and man. The three brilliance, The sun, the moon and the stars."]

Looking at the explanation in the book, a world opened up in Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant. With her understanding, she created the sun, moon, stars, and heaven and earth... There is no one, but the space is full of goose feathers and heavy snow.

Lu Ling quickly understood the principle.

The three talents are the heaven, earth and man, the heavenly stems represent the way of heaven, the earthly branches represent the way of the earth, and the Tibetan stems represent the way of the world. Fate is composed of the three talents of heaven, earth and man. The Tao of the world has changed, two-thirds of it has changed, and it is one-third of the Tao of Tianming and Tianji.People's lives will be changed.

In this case, righteousness... what ratio should be used to separate?
And... what exactly is righteousness.

Everyone said that she had awe-inspiring aura, but Lu Ling didn't understand what awe-inspiring aura was, nor could she understand it.

This was the root cause of why she couldn't understand.

Li Wangsheng's righteousness should be about eliminating demons and defending the way, but Lu Ling...can't feel that killing each other is just from the standpoint of humans and demons.

Lu Ling fell into confusion.

Exactly... what is justice?
According to what the uncle said, is it justice to massacre an existence that is different from your own position?

Is such an action really just?
Lu Ling didn't understand.

Suddenly, she thought of something.

The junior sister told her.

"The opposite of justice is not evil, but other justice."

Lu Ling chose to trust her junior sister unconditionally.

But...if this is the truth, then in the eyes of the justice on the contrary, the righteousness that the uncle insists on, isn't it that he does all kinds of evil...


The word "stance" flashed in Lu Ling's mind.

And, her purpose of living: "Follow your heart".

Standing firm is justice, or... looking at problems objectively from a third-party point of view is the so-called awe-inspiring righteousness in the real world?

Lu Ling was thinking.


Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling and frowned.

There seemed to be some subtle changes in Lu Ling's body. Suddenly, Li Wangsheng's pupils constricted, and his body was involuntarily covered with a layer of white light.

The girl two meters in front of him suddenly emanated an unstoppable arrogance, mobilizing all the righteousness in him.

This was the first time he saw the aura of grandeur on Lu Ling fluctuate.

Lu Ling opened her eyes.

She thinks she understands.

The so-called uprightness has nothing to do with stance, it should refer to "awe-inspiring aura", at least for her at the moment.

As for Lu Ling's position... there is no doubt that she is on the side of the human race. She feels that her idea of ​​equality just now is outrageous.

At this moment, she could probably understand some of Li Wangsheng's thoughts, as well as that sentence in her talent.

Yujian came by the wind, eliminating the devil from heaven and earth.

She was born with an aversion to, she hated them.

She doesn't need to consider her position. Anyone who may harm her junior sister, husband, and relatives is evil, so she is naturally righteous when she is an enemy of these evil forces.

The demons must be the greatest threat to the family members around her.

Driven by this kind of thinking, Lu Ling's righteousness and Li Wangsheng's righteousness gradually coincided.

Lu Ling's hand holding the wooden sword became a little nervous.

She has a feeling that it can work now.

Lu Ling held the sword, took a deep breath, and ignored the shocked Li Wangsheng beside her.

Righteous doubts are gone, next is...

The three talents of heaven, earth and man have two possibilities for each change. Heaven - yin and yang, earth - softness and rigidity, and man - benevolence and righteousness. In this way, there are only eight possibilities for the arrangement and combination of the three talents, and the most likely means of adjustment is...

Lu Ling quickly came to a conclusion.

Stare at the sky.

Imagine, imagine that there are people in the sky who hurt her junior sister...

Hurt junior sister.


A gleam of silver light flashed in Lu Ling's eyes, and then the aura of grandeur filled, a dazzling white light permeated from Lu Ling's body, filling the whole room, and at the same time, a strong aura was constantly compressing.

It got smaller and smaller, and it condensed on the tip of the sword, extending out a three-inch sword light.


Lu Ling opened her mouth slightly, revealing her lovely teeth.

It's just that her expression is not cute now.

A silver light pierced the sky.

Liu Fufeng in the flame formation found something, came out from the crack in the space, and looked up at the meteor in the sky straight up, under the sluggishness, he forgot that there was still hot flames around him.

Daoist Luanfeng quickly fished Liu Fufeng out of the formation, and said angrily.

"Why are you distracted!"

Liu Fufeng didn't speak, but looked at the sky.

Master Luanfeng looked along, his momentum froze.

I saw a silver light cut through the sky, reflecting the whole peak like daytime, and her enchantment was also fragmented.

The silver light exploded, making it impossible to see, and then it seemed that all the sounds in the world disappeared, and a huge Tai Chi picture slowly unfolded over the Lingshan Mountain, covering a peak and half of the Lingtai.

There is white in black, and black in white, complementing each other, completely different from Li Wangsheng's previous incomplete products.

The momentum and richness are not on the same level.

Some disciples on the Lingtai looked up at the strange scene in the sky, and then found themselves imprisoned and unable to move an inch. At the same time, where the silver light passed, everything was silent, only dizzy tinnitus.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a strong cold air, which made the disciples who were recruited feel like they had fallen into an ice cellar, and a layer of frost formed on their bodies.

A figure suddenly appeared in the sky above the sword picture, it was Yun Shu.

She frowned, and waved her hand to remove the negative state of the disciples with low cultivation bases. Then she looked in Yifeng's direction, and a gap formed between her brows.

The people who were rescued looked at each other, not knowing what happened.



a peak.

True Luanfeng was naturally also imprisoned, but she was furious for a moment, and she escaped from a space shift and appeared beside Li Wangsheng.

"I told you not to destroy this enchantment! Now Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan must have seen it! Hurry up!!"


No one pays attention to her.

Master Luanfeng was finished with anger, only to realize that something was wrong.

The move that was several times stronger than the previous sword array just now seemed to be Li Wangsheng's unreserved release, but what she saw now... Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling in shock, as if he didn't see her who was furious, but Lu Ling held a wooden sword in one hand, her face was covered with cold sweat, and she looked exhausted.

what's the situation?
No... Li Wangsheng knew that she would not do such an absurd thing, let alone break her barrier after her reminder.




The brain stopped for a few breaths.

Master Luanfeng analyzed the scene, and a ridiculous conclusion appeared in his mind.

Is it... Lu Ling?
No, no, probably not...

But looking at Li Wangsheng's face, she already somewhat believed it.

"What's going on?" Master Luanfeng said with a sullen face.

"It's Lu Ling."

During Li Wangsheng's speech, his eyes were fixed on Lu Ling. At the same time, the trembling in his words showed that he was not as calm as he seemed. There was a strong cold air.

As for the fact that Lu Ling drained her energy with one move, he wasn't surprised at all.

Covering the entire peak and half of the Lingtai, the range is terrifying... Lu Ling did not faint, and it can already be seen that the strength of the mental power is unfathomable. Li Wangsheng conservatively estimated that Lu Ling's mental power is his. double.

This is not an exaggeration.

Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness is endless, and the breadth of the sea of ​​consciousness inherited from the mysterious person and Xuenv is unimaginable.

"Lu Ling..." A moment of horror appeared on Luanfeng's face.

For a moment, a look of anxiety appeared.

Although Mo Qing will abide by the etiquette, but Bai Yunfan has little brains, who knows if he will rush over to watch the excitement.

"Go! Be careful of exposure."

Li Wangsheng also realized something, he looked at the exhausted Lu Ling with reluctance, took a deep look as if he wanted to engrave Lu Ling in his eyes, and then used the Taiji diagram in the sky to escape and disappear.

When Li Wangsheng left, Master Luanfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and turned his head to look at Lu Ling lying on the wheelchair, his eyes were like burning flames.

At this time, the little girl was completely exhausted, and the skirt on her body was completely soaked in sweat. Under the cold sweat, the color of her underwear could be seen faintly red.

"A Ling, are you okay?" Liu Fufeng appeared next to Lu Ling, squatting down and looking at her worriedly.

"No, nothing..." Lu Ling said weakly.

She didn't expect to be so tired with just one move... It was too late when she realized that something was wrong when Jian Guang left her body, her physical and spiritual power were all taken out of her control, and the feeling of weakness that came with it It made her want to die... Fortunately, after seeing Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling lifted her spirits a bit.

She needs the healing of her junior sister.

"Junior Sister... Hug..."

Lu Ling opened his arms, and Liu Fufeng hugged the drenched Lu Ling in his arms without hesitation, and then looked at Master Luanfeng.


"Hush." ​​Daoist Luanfeng interrupted Liu Fufeng, looking at the sky.

Yun Shu was standing in the void at this time, without revealing her figure, but Master Luanfeng could feel her presence.

"It's Lu Ling." Master Luanfeng said.

"Understood, pay attention to safety."

A female voice rang in Luanfeng's ear, and then disappeared.

Master Luanfeng turned to look at Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng.

"You two sisters... this is too... the sword formation just now..."

For a while, I didn't know what to say.

"Senior Sister Feng! What happened!"

At this time, another person appeared in the sky and came down immediately after seeing the weak Lu Ling.

"Sir..." Lu Ling said weakly.

The person who came was Li Zhuzi.

(End of this chapter)

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