Chapter 691
Looking at Lu Ling's stubborn eyes, Bai Yunfan felt mixed feelings and felt very uncomfortable.

With the facts in front of him, it's not that he doesn't believe in Lu Ling... But, he really can't find anything to believe in.

First of all, Li Wangsheng's strange swordsmanship has been practiced by him alone for thousands of years, and it is expressly forbidden in Shushan. If there are still people in the current world of cultivating immortals who can use it, and their cultivation level is higher than him, People with stronger sword intent than him...then Li Wangsheng is the only one.

He couldn't look directly into Lu Ling's eyes.

Could it be... Senior Brother Li used her body to cast spells, but he didn't let her understand, so Lu Ling thought it was him?
After all, the cold air in the sword array is so strong.

The more Bai Yunfan thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

His thoughts coincided with Li Zhuzi's and Luanfeng's, and all three of them felt that their thoughts were correct.

So it can't be said that Lu Ling lied. Naturally, Bai Yunfan would not have any dissatisfaction with Lu Ling. He knew this girl well and would not lie.

So Bai Yunfan was about to appease Lu Ling, when he turned his head and saw Lu Ling gritted her teeth tightly.

"I... I'll give you one last chance, believe me, otherwise... I'm really angry."

The girl stared at him, Bai Yunfan was afraid that Lu Ling would grind her teeth.


Being stared at by Lu Ling, Bai Yunfan unexpectedly found that he was a little timid.


First perfunctory?
Being angry can easily hurt your body, and besides... Li Zhuzi's eyes behind him made him shudder, making him even more terrifying.

Bai Yunfan said: "I believe..."

Before she finished speaking, she was turned back by Lu Ling's eyes full of resentment.


If you don't believe her, you don't believe it. The face of coaxing a child makes Lu Ling even more angry.

Master Luanfeng had no choice but to support his forehead.

Bai Yunfan pretends to be a little bit like it.

"I...I..." Bai Yunfan hesitated.

Bai Yunfan has never seen such a big scene before, and he is so courageous that he can even tease his own master. The only thing he has coaxed in his life is Shen Canghai. He is afraid that Li Zhuzi will be angry because Shen Canghai will be unhappy, but he is looked at by Lu Ling like this ...For a while, I felt that Li Wangsheng was not that important anymore.

Somewhat scary.

He still likes Lu Ling very much, so...

Swallowing his saliva, he turned his head and looked at Master Luanfeng for help.

God knows why Lu Ling is so angry.

Daoist Luanfeng would care about him?So she gave him a blank stare.

I can figure it out, if I can't appease the little girl, just wait for Li Zhuzi's anger.

Bai Yunfan turned his head and met Lu Ling's eyes.

And his performance fell into Lu Ling's eyes, and she was completely disappointed in him.

All the anger turned into grievances.

With a slap, a drop of tears fell on the wooden sword in his hand, and when he looked up, there was no weakness on his face, but a decision was made.

Bai Yunfan was completely panicked, and was about to get close to Lu Ling in a hurry.

"Don't come over." Liu Fufeng stopped him coldly.

No matter what the reason was, he made her Ah Ling angry. Liu Fufeng's behavior is very rude now, but she swears that she has endured the desire to tear him apart.

Bai Yunfan stopped, his face full of embarrassment.

It was hated by both sisters at once.

He was also very wronged, and he didn't deliberately find fault or anything...

"Ahem." Lu Ling coughed, and wanted to lift the tiger skin off her body, but was stopped by Liu Fufeng, she had no choice but to hold the wooden sword and raise her hand.

Her physical strength has recovered a lot.

Don't you believe it?Then I will let you believe it.

Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's trembling hand, supported her arm, and whispered in her ear.

"A Ling, take a good rest."

She was serious when she called Ah Ling, Lu Ling knew, but she didn't back down, after working hard for so long, wouldn't she be inferior to allowing her own results?

"Believe me, it won't hurt your body, just a little tired." Lu Ling raised her head and looked at Liu Fufeng stubbornly. She seldom, or never, would go against Liu Fufeng's ideas, and it's the same this time. If you let her take a good rest, she will be obedient.

She will listen to her junior sister.

Lu Ling handed over the decision to Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's eyes, hesitated, and said after a while.

"Be careful."

"En!" Lu Ling smiled, like a flower blooming in spring.

She knew that the junior sister would believe her.
Turning her head to look at Bai Yunfan, her face turned cold. When she said she was angry, she was angry. After that, if this person didn't spend some effort to coax her...she would ignore him.

Lu Ling took a deep breath, and under the eyes of everyone, she tried her best to raise her sword.

Close your eyes.

After using it once, there will be no difficulty for her memory, and there will be no mistakes in the slightest.

"Three Talents Transformation."

Lu Ling uttered a few words softly, which made everyone present stunned.

Bai Yunfan stared at Lu Ling in disbelief.

He actually felt the mobilization of awe-inspiring aura from Lu Ling's body, which was exactly the same as the aura of the awe-inspiring sword formation in Shushan Mountain Protector, no, it was even worse.

Daoist Luanfeng was also excited, Li Zhuzi looked at the senior sister beside him thoughtfully, and then, the white light shone brightly, and she shifted her gaze to Lu Ling in an instant, staring at her firmly.

I saw that Lu Ling's whole body and even the wooden sword in her hand were covered with a layer of white light.

This is definitely not the Lingshan technique, it has a strong atmosphere of Shushan.

Was it taught by Bai Yunfan?
No, absolutely not.

That is Li Wangsheng.

Bai Yunfan looked at Lu Ling, his throat rolling.

Didn't Lu Ling lie?

No, it's impossible, how could she have so much spiritual power to use.

Lu Ling didn't bother to talk to him anymore.


Open your mouth.

A shooting star went towards Bai Yunfan, Bai Yunfan was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, he was hit by the sword light and flew into the sky in a blink of an eye.


Lu Ling said angrily.

After the voice fell, it was like daytime outside the window, everything was silent, all the sounds disappeared, only a mysterious picture of yin and yang was slowly rotating in the sky, arousing the aura of Lingshan.

Countless spiritual power surrounds the edge of the Tai Chi diagram, forming bursts of spatial airflow.

This time the scope is not as large as before, but it also covers more than half of Yifeng.

The sword light was like a meteor tearing through the clouds, scrambling to the ground, and the extremely cold sword energy brought up traces of snowflakes.

It was exactly the same power they felt before.


Master Luanfeng stared blankly at Lu Ling, she now knew how Li Wangsheng's shock came from...

Fortunately, with Liu Fufeng in front of her, her performance was not so unbearable. The real Luanfeng appeared in the sky in a flash, and opened the barrier to block all the sword lights that might hurt the disciples.

Take Liu Fufeng as an example, when she makes a move, she uses all her strength to form a barrier.

As a result, Lu Ling's power couldn't pass through her barrier, and judging by its strength, it was only at the Void Transformation Realm, far worse than Liu Fufeng.

Master Luanfeng nodded.

This is the normal situation.

In's not normal at all, and it wouldn't feel normal in any holy place. A girl in the early stage of the soul-forming state, and she hasn't cultivated the martial soul, waving her hand is the output of the virtual transformation state, and it's still in such a large range...

Moreover, the Tai Chi diagram in the sky is the truly terrifying thing, and these overflowing rays of light can only be regarded as leftovers at best.

No matter how you look at it, it can't be normal.

But unfortunately, this girl's older sister is Liu Fufeng.

Compared with Liu Fufeng... Lu Ling seems to be the same.

After the initial shock, Master Luanfeng was unexpectedly calm. My sister is so against the sky, but the younger sister who is willing to take care of her is not too much, right?

Master Luanfeng raised his head.

A white yin-yang fish in the sky is eye-catching, exuding a brilliance comparable to the sun, while the other half is darker than the night sky, scarier than the space crack, like an abyss.

Is this the sword drawing that Lingshan has studied for so long but has no clue?

Sure enough, as Li Wangsheng said, Lu Ling's picture is different from his. There is a round of tomorrow in the dark abyss, and the dazzling black is dark in the abyss.

It's very mysterious, but I can't tell what kind of mysterious method it is.

But her intuition told her that the trick Lu Ling used, the sword radiance that seemed to be used to hurt people, was not the point, but the picture in the sky.

Lu Ling's picture is different from Li Wangsheng's, so if no one tries it, no one will know what the picture does, and Master Luan Feng knows without thinking that Lu Ling certainly doesn't know either.

He looked down at Lu Ling.


"Aling! What's wrong with you, Aling!!"

Liu Fufeng called urgently.

"Teacher Li……"

"Don't worry." Li Zhuzi was calm at this moment, but she was actually shocked... But at this time Liu Fufeng needed a backbone, Li Zhuzi checked Lu Ling's body and sighed.

"It seems that the previous sword drawing has almost emptied her physical and spiritual power, but this time the trick did not have enough spiritual power, so it overdrawn some of her soul power. In order to protect the body, the sea of ​​consciousness is automatically closed." Li Zhuzi Said: "It won't hurt the body, go to sleep, it will be fine after waking up."

Lu Ling drained her last strength, but she did not pass out but fell into a deep sleep.

Soul power is also a part of mental power, and Lu Ling's mental a boundless blizzard, but unfortunately she can't control it, otherwise she wouldn't be exhausted by the two moves.

"I didn't was really her." Li Zhuzi touched Lu Ling's face lightly. At this time, Lu Ling's face was as pale as paper, which made people feel distressed.

I have to admit that Li Zhuzi didn't trust Lu Ling before, which made her somewhat guilty.

This girl...has really grown a lot, did Li Wangsheng awaken her power?

He looked up at Liu Fufeng.

She is probably the only person present who truly believes in Lu Ling.

Liu Fufeng naturally didn't know that Lu Ling had this ability, but she still believed in Lu Ling unconditionally. Li Zhuzi felt that maybe this was the gap between her and Liu Fufeng, and it was no wonder that her status in Lu Ling's heart was lower than that of Liu Fufeng. .

At this moment, Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling quietly, his face was ugly, without a trace of blood, as if it was not Lu Ling who was overstretched but her.

Gently hugging Lu Ling into her arms.

After Lu Ling used that incomprehensible trick, everyone including Li Zhuzi looked at the sword picture in the sky, only Liu Fufeng rushed to Lu Ling's side immediately, and did not look at the trick of Ah Ling who had taken her time , but has been distressed until now.

Liu Fufeng believed in Lu Ling.

It's not because she knows who Lu Ling is, what's around Lu Ling, and that she is definitely not weak...

It's because she's her sister.

This is why Liu Fufeng believed in Lu Ling.

Watching Lu Ling's pale face, Liu Fufeng gently hugged her.

After a while, Liu Fufeng looked up at Li Zhuzi.

"Will it bring trouble to Lingshan?"

What she was talking about was that Lu Ling knocked that uncle of Shushan into the air. She didn't see Ah Ling's tricks, but the mysterious Tai Chi Center in the sky was not easy to match. With Lu Ling's potential, it was really possible could hurt him.

He didn't care whether Liu Fufeng was hurt or not, and he didn't care if he died. On the contrary, he had better beg that his A Ling was really not hurt, otherwise she would kill him.

she can do it.

And no one will suspect her.

The trouble Liu Fufeng asked was just because he was afraid that this person's accident under Luanfeng's nose would bring some bad influence to her Ah Ling.

"If it didn't happen, it would be really troublesome." Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling: "This girl has finally helped Lingshan once."

Without Lu Ling's actions, Li Wangsheng would be exposed steadily.

Who would have thought that the last sword formation was also Lu Ling.

"Then I'll take Ah Ling back to rest." Liu Fufeng said.

"Go." Li Zhuzi nodded.

Liu Fufeng left.

But the sword drawing did not disperse.

Li Zhuzi finally showed a look of shock all by himself.

I... what kind of student did I accept.

Lu Ling has this ability, good...or bad.

Being selfish, she hoped that Lu Ling could be happier instead of being involved in various incidents, just like today.


Li Zhuzi flew into the sky, and after approaching the Tai Chi diagram, his body froze.



Can't win.

This is Li Zhuzi's first impression.

This kind of thinking will only appear when facing the venerable who is stronger than herself, and discussing the Tao. It can hurt her, but it shows that Lu Ling's way is ahead of her.

Lu Ling will not have this ability, that is to say...

This sword drawing is a terrible rule, and as Li Wangsheng said, Lu Ling is the master of this new rule, and this day is also the time when this rule will show its glory.

Li Zhuzi has a Taiji diagram on his head, and his short hair whistling around his ears.

Looking up, there was endless darkness, and black and white flickered between the sky and the earth. Now, most of the people in Lingshan are probably awake, looking at the sword picture spinning above Yifeng, they don't know what happened.

What about Bai Yunfan?

Covered by the yin and yang fish breath on his head, Li Zhuzi couldn't find Bai Yunfan's person at all, so he closed his eyes for a moment and opened them again.

Spiritual consciousness can't steal the yin-yang fish on the head, it's like a black hole, eat whatever comes in, Li Zhuzi can't see what's going on in the view at all.

How is Bai Yunfan?Li Zhuzi didn't know either.

If you want to know how Bai Yunfan is doing... you need to know what this picture does.

Li Wangsheng's guardian sword array can designate people he considers to be allies for protection, and Lu Ling's should be similar, and Bai Yunfan must be an enemy in Lu Ling's eyes at that time, so he will naturally receive the most violent attack .

Now that Lu Ling fell asleep, the remaining pictures also lost the ability to judge.

Li Zhuzi rushed into the Yin Yang fish.

 Belated Merry Christmas ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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