Chapter 697
The moon is in the sky.

It was late at night, and a cool breeze came in from the window, blowing on Lu Ling's face, bringing a hint of coolness.

As if feeling cold, Lu Ling suddenly opened her eyes, stretched out her hand and touched her cheek, which was slightly moist.

Are there tears...

I was so weak that I cried again.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling turned her head to look, and found that Liu Fufeng was lying on the edge of her bed, and fell asleep.

Lu Ling felt distressed for a while, but she was very weak now, Lu Ling could only pat the edge of the bed lightly.

"Junior Sister, Junior Sister..."

It was only a small movement from Lu Ling, and Liu Fufeng woke up in an instant.

"A Ling, are you awake? I'll get you some water..."

"No need, no need, I'm not thirsty." Lu Ling shook her head lightly, looked at the deep exhaustion on Liu Fufeng's face and said: "Junior Sister, let's go to bed together, we can talk about anything tomorrow."

"..." Liu Fufeng looked at the worry in Lu Ling's eyes, hesitated for a moment, changed into his pajamas, and lay down beside Lu Ling.

The moment she lay down, Lu Ling immediately entangled her, not caring that she was only wearing underwear now.

Rather, she felt more comfortable feeling Liu Fufeng's body temperature, her face turned red, and she actually yawned.

"Senior Sister, take a good rest." Liu Fufeng said angrily, but he didn't actually struggle.

Aya...she must be very uneasy right now.

As Liu Fufeng thought.

Suddenly... Having obtained a power that may be related to the memory of the previous life, Lu Ling was very excited, but there was a strong anxiety in the excitement.

With the awakening of her rules, Lu Ling also acquired the passive ability of divination of secrets. In this era when secrets are shielded, Lu Lingque still sensed a trace of anxiety, but she didn't know where the anxiety came from... With junior sister by her side, if she hugs junior sister, she will not be afraid of anything.

"I'm going to sleep." Lu Ling said, she huddled under the quilt, and pressed her small face on Liu Fufeng's arm.

Feeling Lu Ling's breathing, Liu Fufeng smiled helplessly, and hugged Lu Ling with his backhand, letting the girl's hair pass through her fingertips smoothly.

She wanted to grasp the softness, but Lu Ling twisted slightly, and Liu Fufeng caught it in vain.

Startled for a moment.

Then I felt Lu Ling's strong dependence.

"Rest, there must be a lot of things tomorrow." Liu Fufeng hugged Lu Ling and said softly.

"Well, junior sister, good night." Lu Ling's dull voice came from under the quilt. Although it was not loud, it was filled with deep happiness.

Liu Fufeng also closed his eyes with the same happiness as Lu Ling.



After a long time.

Liu Fufeng opened his eyes.

At this time, Lu Ling was already sound asleep, turned over and wrapped herself around her body.

Liu Fufeng subconsciously hugged Lu Ling even tighter.

She discovered that with the arrival of the day of awakening, she was being affected by that huge memory every day, and her so-called persistence... could she really persist for that long?
Liu Fufeng gritted his teeth.

After a while, she calmed down and became the junior sister Lu Ling was familiar with.

Obviously, although Lu Ling loves Liu Fufeng, it is far from the level that Liu Fufeng loves her. When Lu Ling's other personality came out, she found something wrong just by meeting Liu Fufeng, but now it's the other way around. Didn't notice any strangeness about her junior sister.

But for Liu doesn't matter much.

She promised Lu Ling.

Never let go first.

She was unwilling to let go, she wanted to protect Lu Ling, and would not let anyone hurt her Ah Ling.

Even if that person may be yourself.

Thinking of this, a trace of firmness flashed in Liu Fufeng's eyes, as if he had made some decision.

Close your eyes.

This time I really fell asleep.



In a certain red world.

Hong Ling took everything into her eyes, sighed and said nothing, she admitted that there is no solution to this situation now.

Everything depends on the two sisters.

Of course, she will help Lu Ling until she surpasses Liu Fufeng.

Originally, she still had some concerns about whether Lu Ling might not be her master... But after Lu Ling's rules were revealed today, she no longer had any doubts.

It is a very strong rule, but not everyone can use it.

But...with the remnant soul of the fairy lord, Lu Ling's comprehension of the way of balance is deep into the soul. She can easily control the special balance from another world. What an ordinary child can master will definitely be backlashed.

There is another very important point.

Lihuo Hongling and Xueluo Qianhan cannot coexist in the same person, not even the fairy master, one ice and one fire, one movement and one stillness, one yin and one yang, they cannot be like sisters forever.

Even without the fall of Xue Nu back then, sooner or later there would be a break between her and Luo Qianhan, and it would be the kind that would never die.

However, the special way of balance that Lu Ling demonstrated today shows that she...has the power to control their sisters at the same time. If Lu Ling can take this path to the peak, then the fate of eternal hostility between her and her sister may be over. will dissolve.

Is this... the solution mother has been thinking about for so many years?


On Lu Ling... there are too many causes and effects gathered, involving Lu Ling, even Hong Ling has some involuntary thoughts.

When the greatest power is concentrated in one person, that person must have a chain.

Is Liu Fufeng the chain?

Hongya didn't know.

All she could see of the future was a blur.

She only knew that the current Lu Ling was far worse than Liu Fufeng.

far away.

The Tao of space is not that simple. The base point of the world, the Tao that even she cannot touch, is so simple.

Even if Lu Ling can use her power, it is hard to say whether it is the opponent's opponent...

Perhaps only by perfectly integrating Lu Ling's Tai Chi way, and using this way to control her and Luo Qianhan at the same time... would it be possible to have the power to fight.

She looked at the sleeping Lu Ling.

This girl... must not only know what kind of desperate power gap she is facing.

And it happened to be Liu Fufeng.

It happened to be her.

Fortunately, judging from Liu Fufeng's power to intercept Lu Ling today, she doesn't intend to leave Lu Ling too soon, but she doesn't know how many times this character can be maintained until the next awakening.

And, who is Liu Fufeng's identity?

She still has no answer.

Hong Ling gave up the idea of ​​finding Liu Fufeng's identity. The future is too vague, so it's not too much for her to help Lu Ling.

The "mall" that was promised to be opened to Lu Ling is about to open.



the next day.

As Liu Fufeng said, everything is very busy.

Many people came to see Lu Ling, including Li Zhuzi and even Yun Shu.

The conclusions reached are...

Let Lu Ling continue to practice this way, delay her choice of literary soul and martial soul, as long as she does not exceed the soul-forming state, she can procrastinate as long as she can, and Lu Ling...needs to show which one in this short state? The road is more suitable for her.

If you want to show your potential, you can't stay in the greenhouse all the time, because it has something to do with Shushan. The Lingshan people even had the idea of ​​letting Lu Ling go to Shushan to experience in advance, but Li Zhuzi rejected this idea in one word.

Tianguang Market.

Enough for Lu Ling to practice.

As for the woman in purple clothes... Yun Shu said, tell them not to understand, there is nothing that Master Luanfeng can do.

The rest of life should be the same as before.

Lu Ling learns swordsmanship, Taoism, and piano. In her spare time, she spends her free time exploring the world to study the strange way of Tai Chi.

Li Wangsheng was completely shocked by Lu Ling's talent, and he learned his tricks in a day, so what about the next ones?
This man doesn't think about anything now, he just thinks about how to teach Lu Ling so that she can absorb it to the maximum extent, but... It seems that after the last time he showed the way of the sword, Lu Ling's body was overdrawn, and he couldn't recover in a short time Vitality, so even if you want to teach new knowledge, you have to wait half a month.

Although it was a waste of time, Li Wangsheng did not object.

How can you learn faster without rest?

Compared to Lu Ling's talent, this half a month is nothing.


Lu Ling entered a short vacation.

During the day, Fang Qiuyu also started to teach her theoretical knowledge, and Qin Qin did the same. Afraid of making Lu Ling tired every day, he also started to teach her about music theory.

Lu Ling's life is very easy.

According to the degree of recovery of Lu Ling's vitality, Lingshan gave her half a month to rest. After half a month, Lu Ling will recover all her vitality. In fact, she would be fine after sleeping for the first time. , because of the second forcible use, it fell into a period of weakness.

Lu Ling lived very comfortably.

Mouth something.

She has recently started to read "Book of Changes", the trilogy "Lianshan", "Gui Zang", and "Book of Changes". Her head is getting big after reading it, and she can't understand it at all, so she can only take it slowly, starting from the most basic start learning.

She hasn't forgotten to read ancient poems, after all, she doesn't want to be a woman who only knows how to practice and is full of muscles.

Lu Ling recently had the idea of ​​learning to draw, but she just asked the people around her, and there were not many who could draw, so she had no choice but to give up.

At this time, it was ten o'clock in the evening, Fang Qiuyu had already left, Lu Ling was alone at home, and Liu Fufeng went to study with Master Luanfeng.

"Dong dong dong."


Lu Ling slid the wheelchair out the door, but she didn't see anyone, so she muttered a few times and closed the door.

Outside the courtyard, the figure of a woman in purple gradually appeared.

The brows are full of tangles.

She had heard about Lu Ling's weakness, but since she couldn't meet each other, she could only leave her breath on the door in this way, stealing Lu Ling's physical condition in an instant.

As she saw, Lu Ling's body at this moment was like a bottomless clear spring, and it took a long time to fully store it.

Why...why is this happening?

Shouldn't she have received feedback from that rule?
Why is it so weak...

Could it be that……

She thought of the girl next to Lu Ling.

Liu Fufeng.

She was inexplicably afraid of her.

Could it be that she got in the way?

The more the woman in purple thought about it, the more she felt it was possible.

"Uncle Shen..."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind, and the woman in purple shuddered, someone could get so close to her!
Turning his head, he froze for a moment.

The person who called her was Liu Fufeng.

"Uncle, are you going to see my senior sister?" Liu Fufeng smiled, forcedly.

The woman in purple could see that Liu Fufeng wasn't targeting herself... Rather, she was very weak now, very weak. Although her complexion was ruddy, the trace of sickness could never be concealed from her eyes. Did something happen?
"I'm just passing by." The woman in purple snorted, turned and left.

The doubts about Liu Fufeng disappeared, although she was very afraid of Liu Fufeng, but she couldn't tell the reason, and she was not sure.

This girl is so weak now, it is impossible to stop her strength, and her vision is so high, Liu Fufeng is definitely not pretending now, maybe Daoist Luanfeng can't see it, but she can.

So, what's going on... Could it be that the power of the new rules is not suitable for Lu Ling to absorb?

The woman in purple left with suspicion.

Liu Fufeng looked back at the woman, a silver light flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared.

Ah Ling... still needs her to teach melody.

Thinking about it, Liu Fufeng returned home with heavy steps.

As soon as the sound of Liu Fufeng's footsteps came, Lu Ling was already waiting at the door. Seeing Liu Fufeng's figure, she opened her arms.

"Junior Sister, you are back!"

Liu Fufeng picked her up from the wheelchair, sat down and put her on his lap.

"Junior Sister, Teacher Fang taught me how to draw a sword today, as well as the rudimentary form of sword intent..." Lu Ling said bluntly, and Liu Fufeng listened with a smile on his face.

Facing Lu Ling, her weakness was deeply hidden.

However, Lu Ling still found some clues.

"Junior Sister, what's wrong with you? Why do you look unhappy? Are you tired from practicing today? I have already said that Uncle Feng set fire to you too much. Hurry up, go back and rest." Lu Ling was anxious.

Liu Fufeng smiled and pinched her nose: "Uncle Feng's fire can no longer burn me, if she hears you speak ill of her, be careful she spanks your ass."

At this moment, Xu Xu was still unwilling to come out, and Liu Fufeng felt a little bit like her apprentice.

"That's...?" Lu Ling was still worried.

"It's just because I encountered a little difficulty in cultivation, and I need to think about it." Liu Fufeng explained.

"Oh." Lu Ling nodded and stopped asking.

She really can't help her junior sister's cultivation at all.

"By the way, Senior Sister Qin won't be coming tonight." Lu Ling said.

"Is that so?" Liu Fufeng hugged her and thought about it.

"Then... Let's go home to see Xifeng and the others tonight."

"Okay, okay." Lu Ling nodded again and again: "I miss them too, Xuechen, Sister Xifeng, Sister Zhao, and...Master..."

"En." Liu Fufeng also smiled as he saw Lu Ling counting with her fingers and counting one by one.

See it.

Even without her, her A Ling still has someone to rely on.

This is why she... can die with peace of mind.

She promised Ah Ling that she would not let go, but not in this category.

And she's already doing it.

If someone could see Liu Fufeng's sea of ​​consciousness and the inside of her body, they would find that her body and soul had been torn apart, and it was her own power that hurt her.

Liu Fufeng... actually tried to tear himself apart from his soul to his body.

she said so.

Ah Ling would not let anyone hurt her, even if that person was herself.

Originally, I thought I could still be by Ah Ling's side, so I collected her power, but... I changed so fast that people were caught off guard, so that was the only way to go.

The current Liu Fufeng is already beyond the reach of a god, cut into this state by space, no one can save her.

She still had a little bit of power left, which she used to bid farewell to Ah Ling.

Still reluctant.

 Chapter 700! 4000+ chapters, I don’t know the actual number, it’s been more than a year before I know it!The code words have become a habit, and the last time I slept without illness or disaster was before twelve o'clock, I can't remember clearly... I hope my health will get better soon in the new year!I also wish everyone good health, the body is the capital of everything ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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