Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 730 Lu Ling's Essence

Chapter 730 Lu Ling's Essence

"Yun Shu...wouldn't sell my domain owner to you as..."

Mingyue hesitated to speak.

Suddenly being looked at with this kind of gaze, Mr. Xiao was extremely uncomfortable.

He knows what the other person is thinking.

If it was another person, he would definitely pass by with one sword strike, but who made the opponent be Senior Sister Mingyue?Young Master Xiao's face was not good-looking, but he didn't lose his temper. He just secretly decided in his heart that he must kill that old man.

Mingyue's complexion was not very good either.

In fact, when Mingyue first heard the news, her first reaction was that it was a mischievous taste of Li Liweng. She didn't think that this filial son would really think about their family having a domain master, so she didn't mention it.

But after contacting her today, as a woman, she felt something was wrong.

Maybe, this junior really fell in love with their domain master.

If Lu Ling was an ordinary woman, Mingyue would definitely not think so. Did she really think that Mingjie Jiuzhong was so easy to break through?Mingyue thinks that there is no woman in the world who is worthy of being a filial son.

But who is Lu Ling?

If others don't know, how could she not know.

That's Snow Maiden.

To put it bluntly, these so-called old guys are not on the same level as Xuenv at all. Even if Xuenv does not have Xueluoqianhan, together they may not be the opponent of each other.

Although such a peerless man was buried by the dust of history, even if there is only a little soul left, she thinks it is enough to impress Mr. Xiao.

Therefore, she is not joking anymore, but feels that it is really possible.

Maybe... Young Master Xiao didn't realize this?
The people in Shushan are all wood.

Who can say this kind of thing clearly.

"Junior brother, don't you intend to explain?" Mingyue looked at Young Master Xiao vigilantly, who looked helpless and a little aggrieved.


"Okay, I'm not kidding anymore." Mingyue waved her hand and said.

However, her vigilance has not diminished in the slightest.

"Junior Brother, what do you want to ask me?" Mingyue looked at Young Master Xiao.

Young Master Xiao was not surprised and said directly.

"Senior sister, did you just say that Lu Ling is your domain master?"


Domain owner?

When did the Eastern Divine Sea have a domain master?
Aren't all Sifanghai Pavilions jointly managing Dongshenhai?
As a human race, there is already nothing you can't say about the background of the human race. Even if the Great Sad Valley wants to establish a true Buddha, they all know about the chaos of belief and agree.

"This involves the origin and secrets of the Eastern Shenhai. Lu Ling is not as simple as it seems." Mingyue looked at Young Master Xiao meaningfully, and then changed the topic.

"It's not something that can't be said, just like Xueluo Qianhan, but Lu Ling's existence is far more important to Dong Shenhai than Xueluo Qianhan."

"I believe it." Young Master Xiao nodded, then looked at Mingyue, and said, "Senior Sister, if it wasn't Shushan, would you have explained it clearly to me?"

"You are very self-aware." Mingyue chuckled and agreed.

She...wouldn't talk too much with people in Shushan.

It stands to reason that everyone has become a foundation, and the views of sects have long been let go, and everyone is for the human race.

But the Eastern Divine Sea is different.

I have always disliked Shushan unilaterally.

The world has always believed that the conflict between Dongshenhai and Shushan is due to class conflicts, because the nouveau riche and the poor do not like each other, and it is not a big problem at all.

Everyone paid no attention to it.

But only a few people understand that the contradiction between Dongshenhai and Shushan is irreconcilable.

It's just that Mingyue will not do anything to hinder the human race, and will join forces with Shushan when necessary, but she never likes Shushan, and she will never tell Shushan about some things that she thinks are unnecessary.

For Dong Shenhai, this is too normal.

"Then don't ask." Mingyue tilted her head and laughed, a light blue pendant on her neck flashed a cold light.

She knows a lot.

Even because of the masters, he understands the events of the year better than Xihuang.

She knew the cause of Xue Nu's death, she knew the true strength of Xue Nu, she knew that Xue Nu did not really die, nor did she really enter reincarnation.

She even knew why Xueluo Qianhan failed, and she knew from the beginning that Xueluo Qianhan was in Lingshan.

Mingyue, who remains absolutely loyal and longing for Xuenv, has a very normal attitude towards Shushan.

Like the snow falling in the cold, they are all angry at Shushan's resignation.

It's just that Luo Qianhan hates his sister, and even dislikes Shushan.

But for Xue Nu's apprentices, or the people behind them, they don't know anything about Luo Qianhan and Hong Ling, so they only know Shushan, and Shushan can be regarded as their half-enemy, so don't expect her to be good to Mr. Xiao look.

"If you really like Lu Ling, you have to wait until she grows up." Mingyue suddenly thought of something and said.

She felt that it was necessary to mention it, otherwise, this man would be very troublesome.



not angry.

All he wanted to do now was to kill the Liao Li Weng.

But speaking of Lu Ling.

Young Master Xiao must also admit that Lu Ling is very different. This girl is very mysterious. After such a long time, Young Master Xiao thinks that maybe Lu Ling is the descendant of Xue Nu.

Even if it was him, it was impossible for him to think that Xue Nu was Lu Ling, or a part of Lu Ling.

No one knew that Lu Ling matured at a terrifying speed.

The first opening of the mind is born in disaster.

At a certain moment, after understanding the meaning of purity, just as the longing heart sprouted, she realized that she had become extremely dirty. For a newborn girl, that was no longer simply despair.

Hopes and nightmares wrapped around her like two yin and yang fish.

Nobody knows these things, maybe...knows, but not the details.

No one has ever mentioned this kind of thing to Lu Ling, and she is also avoiding it.

Therefore, the appearance of "Lu Ling" is the product of her self-defeating and self-proclaimed dirty attitude.

Later, she met Liu Fufeng.

So, another Lu Ling was born.

She was the pure version of herself in a girl's fantasy. At that moment, she was grateful, joyful, and jealous.

Lu Ling when he was in Shushan, the first Lu Ling that Xiao Gongzi saw was the original Lu Ling, and what he saw in his eyes was a demon girl who didn't look suitable for her age.

And, the purity of the heart.

So the question is, for Mr. Xiao, what should the person who attracts him the most look like?
Xiao Gongzi is known as the God of Killing, but his heart is actually calm and enters the water, and he has no desire for killing. The outside is dirty, and I keep my heart.

No one else has this kind of mentality except him, and neither can Shen Canghai. She can kill people, and what matters to her is domineering, not pollutants.

And Lu Ling made Mr. Xiao look at it a lot more.

That might be the feeling of the same kind, the strong pollution did not change her original appearance.

Therefore, he admitted that he was indeed attracted by Lu Ling.

Is it really just a joke?
Probably not.

It's just that Mr. Xiao won't tell others about these things, he just needs to know it well, the other party's age is too young after all...

But after hearing Mingyue's words, he felt a little strange.

Domain owner...

The status is not low. According to the rules of the Eastern Shenhai, if Lu Ling is the domain master, it means that even Mingyue has to listen to Lu Ling.

Slightly strange.

Speaking of which, he came to Lingshan entirely because he met Yun Shu, who asked him to pay attention to Liu Fufeng's news, and at the same time, told him about Lu Ling's current state.

Young Master Xiao knows Liu Fufeng.

She is very important to Lu Ling, and she is also the one that Lu Ling said took away her body.

An ordinary girl.

He will help to find her, but the most important thing right now is not Liu Fufeng, but Lu Ling, she hasn't recovered yet.

"Senior sister, are you sure you can cure Lu Ling?" Young Master Xiao asked Mingyue.

Mingyue was a little surprised when she heard the words, and asked back: "Are you not sure?"

Then Mingyue shook her head: "Yes."

Yun Shu couldn't help it, let alone a filial son.

Sure enough, this man came to see Lu Ling.

She felt uncomfortable, but she had nothing to do. After all, Mr. Xiao came to see Lu Ling with good intentions, and she didn't know the relationship between Lu Ling and this man. If Lu Ling really liked...

Then they have nothing to do.

If the parties concerned don't mind Shushan anymore, they, who are juniors, will naturally not step up and make Xuenv feel uncomfortable.

After thinking it over clearly, Mingyue lightly stroked the tears of Xuenv on her neck, and said, "Actually, I am... not very confident, but... I have to try."

"Yeah." Young Master Xiao nodded and didn't speak any more.



Next, things are very simple.

In chronological order, they went to visit Lu Ling one by one, with Young Master Xiao starting first.

Li Bamboo Yard.

Young Master Xiao entered Li Zhuzi's room alone. Inside, Lu Ling was lying on the bed neatly dressed.

Outside the door, Li Zhuzi was sitting on a stone bench with a blank expression on his face. Standing beside him were Venerable Ye, Lianren Dongfang and Bai Yunfan.

"I don't know... Master Master can find a way..." Bai Yunfan looked at the closed door worriedly, with a worried expression on his face.

Hearing his words, Li Zhuzi frowned slightly, and a little worry appeared on his calm face.

For Li Zhuzi, Young Master Xiao is a legend, but she has no interest in him now, she only cares about Lu Ling's safety.

Dongfang Lianren admired Young Master Xiao very much, but she is different from Han Xue, she clearly distinguishes the occasion, and she is already very satisfied after seeing him.

But it was clear that there was a mindless person on the scene.

"Bai Yunfan, come with me." Dongfang said pitifully.

"En?" Bai Yunfan was stunned for a moment: "What's the matter?"

"..." Dongfang Lianren was speechless: "Come with me first."

"I'm waiting to see Lu Ling." Bai Yunfan looked at her: "I'll talk about it later."

"Bai Yunfan!" Dongfang Lianren lowered her voice a lot.

"Senior Dongfang, you are a little strange today... I know you are very happy..." Bai Yunfan was stuck, looking at the murderous looking woman in red in front of her, unable to say a word.

"Verun Fanyun, what do you want to say? Say it." Dongfang Lianren was angry.

She yearns for Young Master Xiao, but she definitely doesn't like him.

She hopes that others can distinguish this clearly.

Even though she is a woman who always teases that she can't find a Taoist partner, there are things that must not be joked about.

"Sister Dongfang... My master and your master are in that relationship, let's not worry...don't worry about it." Bai Yunfan smiled nervously, and then walked out by himself.

"If you want something from me, let's go out and talk."

Seeing Bai Yunfan leave, Dongfang Lian shook his head, and saluted Ye Zun beside him.

"I made Senior Brother Ye laugh."

Venerable Ye expressed that he didn't care, Dongfang Lianren followed out.

As soon as he went out, Dongfang Lianren's face darkened.

Her junior brother really has no brains, he can only make the atmosphere tense and uncomfortable, but he has no self-knowledge.

And she felt that it was necessary to let Li Zhuzi and Venerable Ye be alone.

This is a good man.

Although it is not necessary to become a Taoist partner, but... Maybe he will be a suitable reliance.

Bai Yunfan always wanted to connect Li Zhuzi and Ye Zun, but at critical moments, he always disrupted the situation.

"That... Senior Sister Dongfang, what's the matter?" Bai Yunfan still didn't understand.

"Hmph." Dongfang Lianren snorted coldly, said "Come with me", and took Bai Yunfan to circle around.

This man is far worse than his senior brother.

However, for a man who can like Shen Canghai, how can there be no problem in his brain.

Think so.



The extra people left, and Venerable Ye stood quietly beside Li Zhuzi, and his human temperament changed from showing his sharpness to the current one of quietness and inaction, keeping a low profile.

Like a quiet patron saint, quietly protecting the sitting woman in front, as always.

"Yezi, sit down." Li Zhuzi said softly.

"En." Venerable Ye nodded and sat down opposite Li Zhuzi.

Venerable Ye looked at the woman opposite.

The girl Li Zhuzi who he knew was very calm no matter when and where, as quiet as a pine valley, seemed to have completely disappeared, and only the Venerable Zhu remained in front of him.

For Lu Ling... she really changed a lot.

"You are injured." Venerable Ye hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn't help but speak. He could sense that Li Zhuzi's Dao heart was unstable and suffered a serious soul injury. Although he was recovering slowly, after all It is distressing.

"Small things." Li Zhuzi shook his head, facing this friend from back then, the teammate whose relationship was second only to Shen Canghai... Li Zhuzi put down a lot of guard.

"Ye Zi, do you know Lu Ling?"

Li Zhuzi's sudden opening made Venerable Ye startled.

What do you mean?
"What does Lu Ling look like you have seen? Is the heart of the sword transparent?" Li Zhuzi said quietly.

She researched a lot.

Lu Ling has two personalities.

This can't be hidden from her, after all, Dongfang Lianren, Li Wangsheng has met the second one, but Lu Ling didn't show it in front of her.

But... maybe there's a third.

Li Zhuzi has been worried about who Lu Ling will be when she wakes up, or whether it will be helpful for Lu Ling to know all of her personality, so Li Zhuzi needs information.

(End of this chapter)

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