Chapter 732
It turned out that the original Aya looked like this.

Li Zhuzi quietly looked at the girl in the picture with all the emotions on her body, unable to move her eyes for a moment.

This should be A Ling's third character.

Li Zhuzi feels that Lu Ling in front of her is the third gray area between yin and yang. She doesn't care about anything, and she doesn't show any personality, which means that there may be two Lu Ling. She has neither of Aya's personalities, or she may have both.

Maybe this is... what Lu Ling should look like.

Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling, her eye circles were a little red, she could feel that the current state of Lu Ling was what her A Ling wanted even in her dreams.

At this time, Lu Ling was actually the product of Xuenv's power swelling to the limit, suppressing her original character, and the state she showed was not so much the sword heart, but the heart of a child.

But Li Zhuzi didn't explain this to Venerable Ye, not because she didn't want to talk about it, but because now she couldn't see anything except Lu Ling.

In the picture, the girl took a bite of the shortbread, then stared at the shortbread in her hand, frowning.

Li Zhuzi seemed to hear the girl's dissatisfaction.

"This one is not as delicious as the one given by the husband."

Yes, she liked to make this snack for Lu Ling at first.

Seeing that although Lu Ling didn't like it, Li Zhuzi didn't waste it, so he ate it up and thought of something.

At this point in time, the little girl had just been slapped by her because she didn't eat cleanly.

She was listening to everything she taught Lu Ling.

Seeing that Lu Ling still listened to her, Li Zhuzi breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that no matter which Lu Ling it is, only the simple character has changed, and other things in the general direction have not changed.

It would be really troublesome if Lu Ling, who did not express her personality the same way, even had a very different outlook, but now Li Zhuzi has relaxed a lot after seeing this scene.

According to this scene, no matter which Lu Ling wakes up, she is her own A Ling, and then she needs to be a husband to guide her to the right path.

That's not Lu Ling, but her ability as a teacher.

Li Zhuzi's face looked much better.

Venerable Ye looked at the slow eating speed in the picture, and the little girl was in a daze, and then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

This scene is exactly the same as the "Zunzun Ye" in the picture.

Li Zhuzi took the picture into his eyes and nodded.

Li Zhuzi naturally didn't understand what Venerable Ye was thinking of. The current Lu Ling was so similar to the Li Zhuzi back then, with the same greedy mouth and the same undisguised.

Even the posture of eating is the same. At first, I gobbled it up, then slowly, and I have a high tolerance for food that I don't like so much.

What Venerable Ye looked at was not Lu Ling, but Li Zhuzi.

Immediately afterwards, Venerable Ye withdrew his gaze and put his gaze on Li Zhuzi beside him. After thinking about it, the person in front of him must be more important in his memory than in front of him.

But when Venerable Ye wanted to see Li Zhuzi, he turned his head and met the latter's gaze.

Bamboo is looking at him?
Venerable Ye felt flustered for a moment, because Li Zhuzi's eyes were very gentle...

It's suffocating.

Venerable Ye quickly calmed down, he understood that it was because of Lu Ling, not him.

"How about bamboo?" Venerable Ye asked.

"Helped me a lot." Li Zhuzi nodded. With this experience, she at least understood that Lu Ling will always be Lu Ling and will not become someone else. This is the most important thing.

Then if we deduce it later, Liu Fufeng will always be Liu Fufeng.

"It will be the best if I can help you." Venerable Ye nodded.

"Yezi, go ahead, Ah Ling's current state... must be very strange." Li Zhuzi looked into Venerable Ye's eyes.

She never asked.

such as……

The matter of Jiange in Shushan.

The matter of Shushan Ancestral Sword.

There's even that demon king...

Li Zhuzi has never asked Lu Ling, because she can also guess that it is nothing more than something brought by the ice blood. When she first saw Lu Ling, the latter was covered in bright white, with fierce swords shining in his eyes. .

This is not because of character, but because of strength, because of spiritual power.

The spiritual power of the ice blood.

"Okay, take a good look at the bamboo." Venerable Ye opened the barrier.



With one thought, the world of swords unfolded, swallowing the huge sword light that Lu Ling swung, and then the sword energy enveloped the cabinet of the sword cabinet.

The figures of the two disappeared in place.

In the new world, there are mountains stretching for thousands of miles, green mountains and green waters.

After that, Lu Ling's figure appeared above the mountains, floating with the wind.

Looking at the huge ice-type spiritual power on her body, even "Zun Ye" couldn't help being surprised.

Condensed atmosphere...

Li Zhuzi nodded, this is her Ah Ling.

It's just that the spiritual power emanating from Lu Ling's body is definitely not limited to the Qi Condensation Realm, she can feel the huge power in Lu Ling's body.The power thrown at the expansion, that power, is the root cause of the heavy snow on Lingshan.

The heavy snow in Shushan is the same now.

Ah Ling's icy blood may produce a lot of cold energy.

Li Zhuzi continued to look down.

The following scene is very simple, it is nothing more than Lu Ling attacking, and Venerable Ye dodging, no matter what kind of moves Lu Ling uses, the latter has never made any big moves. Survive her attack.

That kind of feeling of recruiting and letting go is really uncomfortable.

So Lu Ling stopped and stopped moving.

Li Zhuzi was thoughtful, and then he was very interested.

Putting away part of the psychological burden, Li Zhuzi felt like watching a movie at this time.

"Can I stop hiding?" At this time, Lu Ling was floating in the air, and as the world was covered with snowflakes, under the urging of spiritual power, her hair returned to the color of snow again.

"How about playing with me?"

she said so.

Because he couldn't hit it, after the first strike, Lu Ling reduced the scale of the sword energy, thereby increasing the speed of the sword energy.

It turned out to be completely useless, and I still couldn't touch the corner of the man's clothes.

"Eh." "Zun Ye" was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Don't hide, don't hide, you come."

Then, Lu Ling began to accumulate energy.

Just as things were supposed to be, Lu Ling merged all her strength into a single line, and as the girl in the picture slowly drew out her dagger, following the long sword chant, a huge cold air rose from behind Lu Ling, gradually mixing and blending , showing its own shape.

The arc-shaped sword aura is very sharp, and since Lu Ling is above Venerable Ye, the sword aura at this time fits the name of the waning moon.

Very strong.

But Li Zhuzi still shook his head, A Ling was still too tender.

Then as she expected, Venerable Ye did not dodge this time, but waved a jade-colored sword energy, which easily broke Lu Ling's move.

With the sword intent of a gentleman, Li Zhuzi could feel the strange touch of polish on Ye Zunzun's body, without showing any sharpness at all.

He turned and glanced at the man next to him.

He... once again walked in front of himself.

"Let's go here." Venerable Ye put away the screen and said to Li Zhuzi.

In fact, there are still some things behind...

For example, when Lu Ling's sword energy exploded and she saved her, releasing these scenes may... no, it will definitely increase Li Zhuzi's affection for him a lot.

But Venerable Ye was unwilling to do this, of course not because he was unwilling to accept Li Zhuzi's favor, but because... he didn't want to make Li Zhuzi worry.

Afterwards, as the explosion ripples receded, the mountains were instantly destroyed, and the shattered soil and ice fell from the sky like meteors.

Looking at the scene where the sky is falling apart, it is not very lethal, but it will make Lu Ling very worried.

In the current state, Venerable Ye is unwilling to make Li Zhuzi feel the slightest bit of uneasiness.

Anyway, what Li Zhuzi wanted to know was about the same, and there was no need to continue.

"En, thanks." Li Zhuzi nodded.

"Tell me thank you." Venerable Ye shook his head, poured a cup of tea for Li Zhuzi, and looked into the room.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

This sentence has almost exhausted his courage all these years.

Li Zhuzi didn't seem to notice it, so he nodded and took a sip of the tea.

He glanced at the man in front of him.

Ah Ling... It should be a good choice to practice with him.

After all, from the scene just now, he taught Lu Ling to be very attentive and patient.

Li Zhuzi kept this point in his heart.

A Ling is just A Ling, she has strength, but she can't exert the maximum effect, so in the eyes of herself and others, she is just an older child, without any threat.

Think of this.

Li Zhuzi looked at Venerable Ye's eyes much softer, because in the scene just now, no matter how out-of-standard abilities Lu Ling showed, Venerable Ye didn't show the slightest bit of impatience, nor did he intend to explore, just doing his duty. Part of it is playing a role of coaxing children to play.

The best way to attack a single mother is to be kind to her children. For Li Zhuzi, Venerable Ye... is Lu Ling's uncle she recognizes?

He's just an uncle, otherwise what else would he want to do? You know, even if Shen Canghai claimed to recognize Lu Ling as his niece, Li Zhuzi didn't recognize her, because most of Shen Canghai's kindness to Lu Ling was because of Li Zhuzi, although he didn't It's not good, but Li Zhuzi just doesn't like it, and... the main reason is that Shen Canghai is not gentle enough.

Venerable Ye did it inadvertently.

By the way, Mo Qing is also an uncle.

It's a pity that these two dull men didn't feel anything, they didn't even strike while the iron was hot.

However, if he knew that he had obtained the status of an uncle, he would probably be very satisfied.

Li Zhuzi took a sip of the tea lightly, feeling the bitterness carefully exploded on the taste buds, and the willow eyebrows opened up a little.

Aya will be fine.

Moreover, she also knew what she wanted to know.

There is only one word that can be done now.

and so on.

"By the way, she likes the glass you gave Ah Ling very much." Li Zhuzi said casually.

"That's good, it's not a good thing." Venerable Ye said with a smile.

Li Zhuzi didn't speak.

Not a good thing?

It contains a gentleman's sword intent, isn't it a good thing?In fact, Li Zhuzi always felt that the fire glaze given to Lu Ling by Venerable Ye was very mysterious, but the inspection could not find anything.

She also felt that the conflict between ice and fire a few days ago was caused by the conflict between Huo Liuli and Lu Ling, but she was quite worried.

But after rescuing Lu Ling, Huo Liuli did not show any abnormality, and the explosion at that time became something that everyone could not understand.

"Let's drink tea, Ye Zi, you come once, unfortunately, I... can't offer anything to entertain now." Li Zhuzi said softly.

Venerable Ye smiled wryly.

This is still too polite.



in the room.

Young Master Xiao sat beside Lu Ling's bed with a calm expression.

He didn't listen to the commotion outside, and since he came in, his gaze never left Lu Ling.

This... girl was completely different from the Lu Ling he knew.

Not to mention the change in appearance, but the gestating sword energy shocked him.

As the sword master, he looked at Lu Ling's body, and his eyes felt a slight pain.

How did she become like this?
Young Master Xiao will inevitably check Lu Ling, and the result is that Lu Ling's cultivation base, roots, age...

Not to mention the surprise.

The most important thing is that Lu Ling has too much cold in her body.

More than the one he saw in Shushan.

Is it because of the fairy sword Xueluo Qianhan?

do not know.

Moreover, it was different from what Lingshan saw. In the eyes of Shushan people, the cold air in Lu Ling's body was also mixed with a huge amount of awe-inspiring righteousness. After a moment of confusion, Mr. Xiao thought he had seen the awe-inspiring sword array in Shushan.

He couldn't see the Yin-Yang Taiji Diagram, but he saw the awe-inspiring aura emanating from it, and he couldn't help being shocked for a moment.

As the outsiders thought, Young Master Xiao had nothing to do about Lu Ling's coma, he just simply came to see her... This is not considered peeking, right?

Lu Ling is a little bigger than before, and she looks a little more girly, but unfortunately, her skin color made her lose a lot of points.

But Mr. Xiao has long passed the age for looking at looks.

When he came to visit Lu Ling this time, the main purpose had already been fulfilled.

This time, he was finally sure that Lu Ling was not suitable to be his disciple, or in other words, not able to inherit his way.

Lu Ling has her own way of swordsmanship, which is not suitable for him.

He can teach Lu Ling about the practice of swordsmanship, but...he cannot let Lu Ling inherit his killing intent sword.

It seems that the most suitable person is really...

A girl in red with a round face appeared in the mind of Mr. Xiao.

With a wry smile, he shook his head.

The other apprentice he chose had an almost crazy obsession with the girl in front of him. How should I put it, this kind of feeling made Mr. Xiao feel extremely weird, especially after he found out that he, an old man, was really a little tempted.

cough cough.

not yet.

Even if there is, it will be after Lu Ling has fully grown up, not now.

Forget it, let them do it.

Now, Mr. Xiao has solved the main purpose, looking at the girl on the bed.

His complexion was a little complicated.

she will not die.

Young Master Xiao had a hunch, just as Senior Sister Yun said, those of their cultivation would not worry about Lu Ling's life, because they could see something.

But there was no way to wake her up.

The man wanted to reach out and touch her face...and finally gave up.

Sit there quietly.

Look at it for a while, look at it for a while and then leave.

He is looking forward to what the mysterious Lu Ling will look like when he grows up. If he can not change his original intention... maybe he can really conquer himself.

(End of this chapter)

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