Chapter 744

a new day.

outside the school.

Some disciples would go to Liushuiyuan from Nanyuan to study, so the front of Li Zhuzi's gate was always very lively, but the bamboo forest where she lived was relatively quiet.

Some little girls saw Li Zhuzi coming out of the door and saluted respectfully.

"Master Li, good morning!"

"Morning." Li Zhuzi nodded with a smile. These little girls are very energetic and vigorous, like the future of Lingshan.

"Master Li."

While Li Zhuzi was watching the group of girls walking slowly, someone grabbed her sleeve.

Looking down, it turned out to be Tang Sheng.

The little girl was wearing a thick cotton coat, her face was flushed, she was very cute.

"A Sheng, hurry up, or you'll be late." Li Zhuzi touched Tang Sheng's head, then glanced around and found Tang Zheng who was panting and running towards this side.

Shaking his head.

Tang Zheng's physique as a sister is really getting worse.

"Ms. Li, you were at home, so why did you... rest?" Tang Sheng stared at Li Zhuzi with wide eyes. Her classmates in Liushuiyuan are discussing the matter of Li Zhuzi's sudden leave. very strange.

"Is it because you don't feel well?"

"You girl, why do you need to rest? I will be tired too." Li Zhuzi nodded Tang Sheng's head and smiled helplessly.

"Oh." Tang Sheng nodded half understanding, then looked at Li Zhuzi expectantly.

"Ms. Li, do you know... where sister Lu is going..."

After Tang Sheng opened his mouth, Tang Zheng, who just caught up with Tang Sheng and wanted to complain about Tang Sheng's running too fast, also closed his mouth and pricked up his ears to listen to Li Zhuzi's explanation. Obviously, Tang Zheng also cared about Lu Ling very much.

She and Lu Ling were originally learning swordsmanship with Senior Sister Fang Qiuyu, but one day, Lu Ling suddenly stopped coming, and even Teacher Fang didn't know what was going on, so she hesitated when she asked her master. , Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng said it was impossible not to worry.

"Aling? It's normal that she's not in Lingshan, just like she went to Luoyan City before." Li Zhuzi said to Tang Sheng.

"That's right, but..." Tang Sheng shook his lips, not knowing how to speak.

Although she is still young, she already has a woman's intuition.

She is very disturbed.

It was Tang Zheng who was on the side who spoke first.

"Sister Bamboo, good morning."

"Morning." Li Zhuzi nodded.

Tang Sheng looked at his sister for help, and didn't care that his sister called Li Zhuzi very disrespectful.

Tang Zheng glanced at Tang Sheng, then turned his head and said to Li Zhuzi: "Sister, yesterday, the master came to us and said that we must never mention...'s name in the future, why, did something happen to her, the one surnamed Lu disappeared? Is it related to this matter, sister Zhuzi, you don’t teach us now, is it also related to this matter.”

During Tang Zheng's speech, he kept staring at Li Zhuzi's eyes, as if he wanted to see something from Li Zhuzi's eyes.

Li Zhuzi was slightly surprised when he heard Tang Zheng's words.

Then, she understood what Tang Zheng meant. The name that Tang Keyu told them should never be mentioned in her mouth was obviously Liu Fufeng.

Sure enough, even Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng could deduce some details, not to mention Qin Qin and Xi Feng.

Something must have happened to Liu Fufeng.

But Li Zhuzi didn't intend to hide it from them. Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng were purely because they were too young, so they wouldn't tell them many things.

"Is this what you want to ask?" Li Zhuzi knelt down and looked at Tang Zheng.

"En." Tang Zheng nodded and took his sister's hand: "The most important thing is, I want to know... is she still safe?"

The present Tang Zheng is not stupid at all, on the contrary, he is very smart. In this Tang Zheng, Li Zhuzi saw the shadow of the little hedgehog who protected her sister everywhere when she just went up the mountain.

Is Lu Ling safe?
The little girl is smart, and she changed the way of asking... It seems that she also knows a lot of things that adults will not tell her.

Li Zhuzi sighed and said to Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng.

"I'm worrying you, Ah Ling is fine now, there is no danger, and she will be back in a few days, as for Liu girl... this matter is up to your master, absolutely, never mention her in front of Ah Ling Names and everything, understand?"

"...It's good if there's no danger...No, whoever wants to care about her, it's because A Sheng always talks about it." Tang Zheng snorted coldly, but she was relieved when she heard that Lu Ling's life was not in danger.

Compared to Tang Zheng, Tang Sheng was so worthless that he almost cried.


As long as sister Lu is not in danger.

"Promise." Tang Zheng understood his sister, hugged her from behind, and didn't say much.

These two girls may be a little stupid sometimes, but they are definitely not stupid.

The cruelty of the world of cultivating immortals... They have seen it before.

Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng entered the mountain much earlier than Lu Ling. They had already met the senior sisters who had a good relationship with them when they went out for training, but for some reason they never came back. build……

The world is cruel, but Lingshan keeps the cruelty out, but for these disciples who have not experienced it, it does not mean that they really do not understand.

Li Zhuzi looked at the two girls in front of him and remained silent.

"That's it, Sister Zhuzi, let's go to class." Tang Zheng said goodbye to Li Zhuzi, and left with his sister.

In fact, Tang Sheng wanted to say something, but was stopped by Tang Zheng.



After a long time, Li Zhuzi sighed.

What Tang Sheng wanted to ask was nothing more than about Liu Fufeng. The reason why Lu Ling behaved like this was probably because of Liu Fufeng. Could it be that there was something wrong with Liu Fufeng?

Tang Sheng wanted to ask clearly.

But Tang Zheng stopped his sister, obviously, the word Liu Fufeng has become a taboo, so they don't need to ask more questions.

The little girl... is really sensible.

But the way of heaven is unfair, such a girl can't live to be 16 years old.

It's really useless for them to be adults.

"What do you sigh? Everything will be fine."

At this time, a charming voice came to his ears, Li Zhuzi raised his head and found that it was Dongfang Lianren.

As in the past, as soon as Dongfang Lianren appeared, the whole Nanyuan was clean, not a single girl could be seen, as if this woman in red was some kind of monster, and she would conceive a baby just by looking at it.

Dongfang Lianren ignored the tranquility of the surrounding atmosphere, and walked up to Li Zhuzi holding an umbrella: "Zhuzi, I have already ordered you to do what you asked me to do. Whatever you ask me to do, it's okay."

Li Zhuzi understood that Dongfang Lianren was talking about blocking Liu Fufeng's news.

Dongfang Lianren looked at the direction where the Tang family sisters left, and said, "It's not a simple blockade, I used some tricks, at least in Lingshan, no one can mention her name in front of Xiaoling."


"Are you unhappy? This is the safest way." Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Zhuzi seriously: "This matter is related to Xiaoling's life, I will not listen to you, and those outside who promised to help find Liu girl I have also released news about the Holy Land and Zongmen, passed on the Jade Slips, and left behind the magic formula about Xiao Ling, and the name of Liu girl will never appear in front of the Lord."

Dongfang Lianren is very serious.

She used methods, such as psychological hints, such as prohibitions, such as spells...even Gu worms.

She is very good at playing with these heresies, and the reputation of the poisonous lady is not the same as that of Su Luoxin.

Li Zhuzi looked at Dongfang Lianren's serious eyes, finally sighed, and said: "I'm not unhappy, this is indeed the safest way."

Seeing Li Zhuzi's attitude, Dongfang Lianren nodded in satisfaction. She didn't want Li Zhuzi to be confused about this kind of thing. After all, no one wanted Lu Ling to fall into a broken state again.

According to Lingshan's understanding of Lu Ling, if this girl is really crazy, the danger level will definitely not be lower than that stupid girl Luo Hanyi.

Moreover, Lu Ling's talent was already the top in Lingshan after Liu Fufeng disappeared inexplicably, and the little girl was ready to practice hard, so her significance to Lingshan was self-evident.

The potential of the ice bloodline, the extraordinary speed of cultivation, the seven levels of attention to detail, the attention of the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods, the academy of Yihua Palace, Li Wangsheng's inheritance of swordsmanship, and the ability to absorb and transform the cold energy of the immortal sword, all these made Lingshan unable to bear it. The loss after losing Lu Ling.

Whether in public or private, Dongfang Lianren must not let Li Zhuzi be willful.

Although Zhuzi is not a capricious person, but... the bad guys always have to do it themselves, Dongfang Lianren understands this better than anyone else.

It's not because Li Zhuzi asked her to do it, but because she no longer has a good reputation, so this kind of thing is nothing to her.

Li Zhuzi is a teacher that everyone likes. If Tang Sheng and the others know that Zhuzi has performed tricks on them, it may affect Li Zhuzi's popularity.

Although Li Zhuzi certainly wouldn't care about such things, Dongfang Lianren did. She liked Li Zhuzi, so she naturally wanted to protect her reputation.

"Bamboo, you are one of my few close friends, don't be confused."

Dongfang Lianren chuckled, patted Li Zhuzi on the shoulder, and gave her a charming look.

"You." Li Zhuzi smiled helplessly.

How could she not understand Dongfang Lianren's kindness...

That's why she said that the law of heaven is not fair, and a gentle and virtuous woman like Dongfang was tossed into this state by fate, so where can she find so-called fairness?

Dongfang Lianren has long been used to it, she is not the type to feel sorry for herself.

Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Zhuzi excitedly: "Zhuzi, you scared me to death before, and you didn't even let me in... You said I can see Xiao Ling today, right?"

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded, she came out to wait for Dongfang Lianren in advance, and explained some things to her in advance.

"It's finally here. If you procrastinate any longer, I'll really try my best." Dongfang Lianren rubbed his palms.

At a certain moment, Dongfang Lianren's excitement suddenly disappeared, and it turned into a little apprehension.

"Zhuzi, how is Xiaoling's condition now? Has her mood stabilized? If not, then I can come back in a few days..."

She was always thinking about Lu Ling.

Of course, it also has something to do with his own personality. So far Dongfang Lianren has not asked Xifeng for that letter.

"You can rest assured that as long as Miss Liu is not involved, there will be no emotional problems with Ah Ling, and...she wants to see you, so relax." Li Zhuzi said.

"She wants to see me?" Hearing Li Zhuzi's words, Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a moment, then melted like an iceberg, and burst into his own unique smile.

Lu Ling wants to see her?
Dongfang Lianren couldn't help laughing, and said loudly: "It seems that this girl is not a white-eyed wolf, knowing how my sister and I take care of her these days, it is not in vain that I asked Li Wangsheng to ask for this thing come over."

After speaking, Dongfang Lian took out a booklet from his chest.

"This is?" Li Zhuzi took the book.

"Brother Wangsheng's Yin-Yang sword diagram, he has not been idle these days, he has memorized all his kendo moves, and I heard from him that he did it according to Xiaoling's understanding." Dongfang Lianren said with a smile: "Isn't this Zhuzi, you said that Xiaoling wanted to practice, but the senior brother gave it to me without any hesitation."

Li Zhuzi looked at the book with Dongfang Lian's body temperature in his hand. There was not a single word written on the cover of the book, but the sharpness that rushed towards his face was full of the charm of "Sword Poses".

Li Zhuzi opened and flipped through a few pages, and found that the first one was the [Three Talents Transformation] that Lu Ling had learned, and the annotations were those mysterious words that Li Wangsheng and Lu Ling said... Li Zhuzi was a little confused for a while.

"Don't look, he just said, except for Xiaoling, we don't understand at all." Dongfang Lianren shook his head: "But what Li Wangsheng said is the truth, what yin and yang... I am not interested at all, if not Brother said that his swordsmanship is quick and suitable for Lu Ling, so I ignored him."

Li Zhuzi nodded, closed his sword moves, and spoke pitifully to Dongfang.

"We don't understand. I don't feel relieved if I give it to Ah Ling directly. You and I watch her go through this book of swordsmanship. If there is no problem, then hand it over to Ah Ling."

"Okay." Dongfang Lianren naturally had no objection, she wished to live in Li Zhuzi's yard, anyway, no one in Sanfeng expected her to go home.

"By the way, give me the book first." Dongfang Lianren stretched out his hand to Li Zhuzi.

"What are you doing?" Li Zhuzi handed the sword move to Dongfang Lianren.

Dongfang Lianren took it, and gave Li Zhuzi a white look: "Of course it's to get Xiao Ling's favor, this is a good opportunity, you think everyone is like you, Xiao Ling likes you so much."

Li Zhuzi: "..."

Forget it.

"Dongfang, can you put away your poison now?" Li Zhuzi asked Dongfang Lianren.

This is the key.

"My poison has never been able to be perfectly controlled." Dongfang Lianren waved his hand: "But don't worry about Zhuzi, it's not a problem to suppress it in front of Xiaoling. I guarantee that I won't leak the slightest bit of arrogance."

With Dongfang Lianren's guarantee, Li Zhuzi was relieved.

"By the way, Dongfang, there is one thing you should pay attention to."


"A Ling's literary soul poison, remember to take it to heart."

"No problem." Dongfang Lianren agreed to Li Zhuzi's words, and then stared at Li Zhuzi with big shining eyes.

"Can I... go in? I can't wait to see Xiao Ling."

"Well, let's go."

Li Zhuzi led Dongfang Lianren in.

(End of this chapter)

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