Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 755 If you can't write, you can't do martial arts

Chapter 755 If you can't write, you can't do martial arts
At this moment, no matter what Lu Ling thinks about Liu Fufeng, it doesn't matter to Dongfang Lianren, she just thinks that Lu Ling likes the appearance of the current wife... and doesn't consider too many other things.

On the side, Lu Ling looked at herself in the mirror coldly.

Although the girl in the mirror is still young, but because of her attire, in the eyes of everyone, she has already passed the age where she needs to act like a baby in other people's arms.

The current Lu Ling is more like a period... how to learn how to be a good wife, because she is indeed not gentle.

If I had to find one word to describe the current Lu Ling, it would be Leng Yan.

Just like Luo Hanyi who didn't open his mouth, he gave people a sense of amazement that strangers should not enter from a distance.

Although Lu Ling didn't speak, both Li Zhuzi and Dongfang Lianren could feel that Lu Ling was very satisfied...

Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling.

Because of the beauty mark, Lu Ling's temperament became a little more mature.

This is the difference in embellishment, such as Lu Ling's beauty mole and Zhao Yingge's tear mole... Although both of them can give people a sense of aloofness, the former tends to be more mature, while the latter is a little more pitiful.

"Bamboo, this way, it's okay." Dongfang Lianren asked Li Zhuzi, Li Zhuzi's expression...

Very complicated.

On the one hand, she personally didn't want Lu Ling to be bound by her emotions. On the other hand, Li Zhuzi found that Lu Ling's mood had stabilized a lot at this time, as if... she had found some kind of spiritual sustenance.

Let her deny it now, I really can't bear it.

"It's quite suitable, so let's leave it at that. Since Ah Ling likes it, Dongfang, you can teach her Chaoyun Jinfeng bun."

Li Zhuzi's words gave Dongfang Lianren a reassurance.

"Since you, the teacher, agree, I don't have any other worries." Dongfang Lianren said hehe.

Li Zhuzi glanced at her and reminded her: "You also said that I am only her teacher... Her master is someone else."

Hearing Li Zhuzi's words, Dongfang Lianren's face darkened, and there was a trace of depression in his voice.

"Zhuzi, are you intentionally... making trouble for me?"

Li Zhuzi clearly knew that what she hated the most was Chu Qishui's idiot... But because she liked Lu Ling, she subconsciously ignored the fact that Lu Ling was Chu Qishui's apprentice.

In Lingshan, the status of a master is equal to that of a mother.

Is Li Zhuzi dissatisfied with her because she made Lu Ling change into the image of her current wife?

As soon as the words were spoken, Dongfang Lianren found out that something was wrong, and Li Zhuzi was definitely not that kind of person.

"Sorry Bamboo, I'm a little emotional."

Li Zhuzi shook his head: "Dongfang, you...need to rest recently, and you are a little stressed."

"Pressure?" Dongfang Lianren's expression changed, and he became that charming woman again: "Zhuzi, what are you kidding me, what pressure can I have... It's nothing more than the fact that the little girl at home doesn't like me, I'm used to it. "

"Really." Li Zhuzi sighed, and said: "First of all, I don't think you can be like me, but even I, after Cang Hai reminded me, I still think of him these days... And Dongfang, can you forget?"

Because of Lu Ling's pressure, Li Zhuzi would remember some forgotten things in the past, not to mention Dongfang Lianren.

"Dongfang, I don't want you to use taking care of Ah Ling as a reason to escape." Seeing Dongfang Lianren's dodging eyes, Li Zhuzi emphasized his tone a little.



After the silence, Dongfang Lianren smiled wryly: "What escape, Zhuzi, you really dare to say... But you should be right, saying that I am proud because I know Xiaoling, I didn't expect you to know me so well."

Dongfang Lianren admitted: "Yes, because of Xifeng's letter, I haven't had a good sleep recently."


Lu Ling's attention was attracted.

In her view of the world, Zhao Yingge and Xifeng are the ones to win over. After all...they are also her family members, so they should be easier to use.

The should have been handed down from Sister Feng's family.

"Why is there pressure? Haven't you watched it yet?" Li Zhuzi asked.

She didn't actually know much.

"It's the pressure because I didn't read it." Dongfang Lianren smiled wryly: "Zhuzi, you should know what that letter might be..."

After being reminded by Dongfang Lianren, Li Zhuzi realized this and frowned.

Dongfang Lianren said silently: "Send to Miss Dongfang's letter, and I would like to set the date... year... month... day... I haven't seen each other for many days, I miss you very much..."

Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Zhuzi: "Tai Qi, he is getting married, but he told me that he hasn't seen each other for many days..."

Dongfang Lianren didn't say any more.

"Zhuzi, is he such a frivolous person?"

"No." Li Zhuzi shook his head, the cleanliness of that man left a deep impression on Li Zhuzi, he was definitely not that kind of person.

"But why..."

Li Zhuzi frowned.

Could it be... Did the bride choose the Eastern pity?
That letter wasn't a wedding invitation, but... a proposal letter?
Dongfang Lianren saw Li Zhuzi's expression and knew what she was thinking: "Zhuzi, it's definitely not what you think, I know him, this letter is really an invitation..."

"Then I can't understand." Li Zhuzi said.

"I don't understand either." Dongfang Lianren sighed: "On the day of our wedding, he left me such an ambiguous letter... He must have something to tell me..."

Like the bride's name...

Why erased.

Dongfang Lianren didn't say a word. In the end, she said it was impossible, but in fact she still hoped that there was a slight possibility that she would be the bride.

At that time, even though her husband was no longer around, she could finally wear Lu Ling's similar bun as a widow.

Instead of being like now, thinking that I belong to the other party, but being restrained because the other party's wife is not her...

She Dongfang Lianren doesn't know how to be a concubine, let alone meddle in other people's feelings... even though the other party is dead.

Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling who was looking at her curiously.

Now that she combs Lu Ling's hair, she is actually looking for experience for herself in advance.

"Okay, don't talk about my affairs today." Dongfang said pitifully.

"However, it will need to be resolved sooner or later. With your current state, it's better sooner." Li Zhuzi reminded her.

"I see." Dongfang Lianren nodded, "When Xiaoling gets better, I'll go find Xifeng."


Dongfang Lianren took a deep breath, regained his energy, and said to Lu Ling.

"Xiao Ling, let's start doing makeup."

Lu Ling nodded.

She has been waiting for a long time.



After about a stick of incense.

Dongfang Lianren stopped.

This time it was not as troublesome as changing a hairstyle, it was a success.

After all, Lu Ling just wanted to apply light makeup, so it shouldn't be too simple for Dongfang Lianren.

"Xiao Ling, your skin is fairer than ordinary people because of your talent. I originally wanted to change it, but it is not light makeup, and it is not necessary, so I only made some embellishments, such as lip color, such as light makeup. eyeshadow..."

Lu Ling listened to Dongfang Lianren's words and looked at herself in the mirror.

The skin is still white, and the uncle did not move too much.

The lip color is whiter than before, with some lip balm applied.

Master Dongfang took a small brush and applied a layer of light rosy color on her lips. Now she looks sickly, just pure white skin.

Lip color is important.

"Xiao Ling, your eyelashes are already very long, so you don't need to move them too much, and you don't move too much around your eyes, just a little light color."

Eyes...have they changed?
Lu Ling didn't think there was much change, but... only two parts changed, her face, color and shadow did have a more three-dimensional effect...

If the girl in the mirror wasn't the change she asked for, Lu Ling would never believe that she was herself, but more like...the grown-up her?
very satisfied.

Now, no one's first impression of her is that of a child.

Dongfang Lianren sighed.

"Sure enough, after putting on makeup, it will affect some of Xiao Ling's original temperament."

If Lu Ling before no makeup is at Liu Yu's level, then Lu Ling after makeup is at Chu Qishui's level... Although the difference is not big, perfection and approaching perfection are two realms, and the former can To touch the hearts of all men, the latter... not necessarily.

Lu Ling felt that what Master Dongfang said was inappropriate, she felt that now she had lost her childishness and wanted to be more beautiful.

In every move, there is no sense of disobedience that she had before, which is completely in line with her current appearance.

Seeing that Lu Ling was satisfied, Dongfang Lianren and Li Zhuzi had no other words.

Next, Lu Ling started a day of practice.

She needs to master the Poison Sutra and the Sword Sutra in the shortest possible time. The former can be done slowly, and the much as she can learn.



The days that followed were peaceful.

After Lu Ling mastered the Chaoyun Jinfeng bun, she could deal with her own image and light makeup every day. As a woman, Lu Ling naturally learned the things of the east.

Moreover, Li Wangsheng's sword scriptures are also very simple for her to learn... Not only the three-talented transformation, Lu Ling has mastered many other magical moves, but she has not actually used them yet.

But Li Zhuzi and Dongfang Lianren met.

"Zhuzi, Xiaoling is also at the middle stage of Soul Realm." Dongfang Lianren was sitting beside her.

To be honest, with a student who is as worry-free as Lu Ling, she still lives a leisurely life every day.

"You went to see my master, how do you decide about Xiaoling's literary soul and martial soul?" Dongfang Lianren asked.

"Don't move yet." Li Zhuzi took his gaze away from the wife Ling in the distance, and said: "Ah Ling's literary soul is quite special, and the poison has not been cracked yet. As for Wu Po, Master Xiao and Patriarch Mingyue are here It's not easy to let her take away our martial spirit."

"This is the reality." Dongfang Lianren chuckled.

In fact, she felt that as long as it was for Lu Ling's good, she didn't care whether she learned Lingshan's skills or not, so Dongfang Linglong went to Dongshenhai.

Of course, Lingshan's martial soul is not inferior to those old holy places, otherwise there would be no such two monsters as Lingshan Qingjue. However, it is possible that Dong Shenhai's skills are more suitable for Lu Ling, and Li Zhuzi hesitated because of this. .

"Ah Ling still has the final choice." Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling who was playing the piano in the distance.

In the sound of the piano, there is a trace of will to meditate and concentrate.

She has been able to use the guqin very skillfully to show the characteristics of Lingshan Wenhun.

Li Zhuzi thinks...maybe, maybe her Aling can double cultivate.

Isn't there a precedent for this in Lingshan?

It's not that dual cultivation is not possible in Lingshan, but it would take too much time to cultivate the soul of the soul and the soul of the martial arts at the same time. .

Legend has it that the patriarch of the Lingshan school is well-versed in culture, soul and martial arts...the power of healing is unparalleled in the world, and at the same time, he has powerful spells...

If it is not so strong, it is impossible to change the structure of the holy land at that time, and insert a female holy land into the male world.

It's just that later, these women didn't live up to their expectations, and they didn't have the energy and ability to practice dual cultivation, so they could only settle for the next best thing and choose one of the paths to walk.

It's a pity, I don't know why... Even Li Zhuzi doesn't know about the Patriarch of Lingshan, as if... her history has been deliberately erased.

But even if it is only half of the road, Lingshan still stands firm, and even becomes a holy place that the human race must never lose, which is enough to show the power of the ancestor.

Now, her A Ling has unparalleled cultivation potential, she can learn it after reading Wenhun's book, and Wu Po's... Gu Chenxi gave her a spell that cannot be mastered in more than a day.

While possessing both literary and martial arts, Lu Ling still has the heart to practice the piano, calligraphy, dance poetry and lyrics... and also practice Li Wangsheng's incomprehensible Tai Chi sword drawing...

A Ling's potential made Li Zhuzi feel a little weird.

Terribly strong.

Perhaps, the future achievements of this student of hers will make her hard to come by.

Dongfang Lianren stared at Li Zhuzi with eyes that see through everything: "Zhuzi, what you actually mean is to let Xiaoling use Li Wangsheng's swordsmanship to deal with the Tianguangxu Huiwu first, and then... consider letting Xiaoling double cultivate, right?"

"That's right. They think Ah Ling has potential, and I think so too." Li Zhuzi nodded. He used to worry about Lu Ling's choice, but after waking up from the coma this time, Lu Ling's learning ability was as high as before. ... She used to be an evildoer, but now she only wants to become stronger, and her potential is beyond sight.

"Shuangxiu..." Dongfang Lianren twitched the corners of her mouth, "Masters are really courageous... Aren't you afraid of delaying Xiao Ling?"

She also thought about dual cultivation at the beginning.

As a result, if you can't do it well, you can't do it well, and you want to study medicine again, but you almost poison yourself to death...

It's all Lingshan's joke.

Dongfang Lianren doesn't want Lu Ling to be like her. She personally thinks that it is better to concentrate on studying.

"I said, let Ah Ling decide for herself. She thinks she can learn it, so she will learn it. She doesn't like it. If she wants to learn the skills of the Eastern God Hai Xuenv, I also support it." Li Zhuzi said with a blank face.

"You are spoiling."

"if not?"




Lu Ling's cultivation progress is steadily increasing.



At the foot of Lingshan Mountain, outside Luoyan City.

Lu You looked at the portrait in his hand, it was the appearance of the girl named Lu Ling passed to him by Yihua Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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