Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 761 Shen Gui's Strategy

Chapter 761 Shen Gui's Strategy

Qin Qin straightened up a little and looked at the girl who was close at hand.

It suddenly occurred to her that in the past, in her eyes, the senior sister was not a woman... Or, in Shen Gui's huge group of fans, few people regarded her as a soft woman.

Shen Gui was not as gentle as a woman in every aspect.

As Shen Gui's junior sister, Qin Qin lived with her since she was a child. Many years ago, the two slept together in the same bed. Although they separated later, their habit of bathing together has never changed.

Qin Qin can be said to be the few people in the world who know Shen Gui best.

The explanation here is about Shen Gui, Shen Gui's character, not just the past.

But even she subconsciously didn't regard Shen Gui as a soft woman like her, at most... a close person with a feminine appearance.

In the past, Qin Qin wore a "mask" and would not watch Shen Gui carefully.

She just lived with this green plum according to her own "settings", and never thought about what Shen Gui meant in her world.

Of course, he never thought about what she was in Shen Gui's heart.

Qin Qin has never been a confident person.

In this regard, Qin Qin knew that he was far behind Yifeng's Senior Sister Xu.

At least, Xu Xu, as the spirit of innate fire, has been keeping pace with Shen Gui, who has no talent, and even tends to be reduced to the background board, but she has never shown the slightest waver in this regard.

From cultivation base to xinxing, Xu Xu was completely crushed, but Qin Qin didn't care.

It's just that in this situation, Qin Qin discovered that Shen Gui had a different perception from her and Xu Xu's. In the eyes of the latter, Shen Gui had always been a woman and a "sister" who needed protection.

It can be seen from the "Afu" that only Xu Xu can call.



Qin Qin was silent.

She leaned on Shen Gui's shoulder, sniffing the faint scent, feeling that she was completely enveloped by rich gentleness.

After discovering her misunderstanding of her senior sister, Qin Qin looked at Shen Gui's cold face and suddenly understood what Shen Gui was thinking.

What "didn't cook for her, all the ingredients in the house were spoiled"... She didn't believe this sounded like an excuse.

Sister is not talking about cooking.

It's not that I'm angry, it's a waste of ingredients.

Qin Qin understood that Shen Gui's petty emotions were due to her own confusion... Because these days, she was always thinking alone and alone, so she was angry.

What forgot to cook? In fact, Shen Gui wanted to say that she had been waiting for her at home.

It's just that the senior sister doesn't know how to express her inner feelings, that's why she looks so awkward...

Qin Qin never realized for a moment that Shen Gui actually cared about her so much.

What is sitting alone in a secluded huang, she was not alone from the beginning, she knew this matter clearly, why did she still go to the edge of the horns.

Feeling Shen Gui's warm embrace, Qin Qin's eyes changed instantly.

I'm wrong.

Thinking about loneliness...

Sure enough, it is the stage of hypocrisy in life.

Qin Qin looked at Shen Gui's profile obsessively.


"???" Shen Gui felt the hot gaze from the side, paused in his footsteps, and a few question marks appeared above his head.

Junior sister, this is...

Shen Gui could clearly sense that what was in front of her was not the talkative junior sister she used to be.However, this kind of eyes that made her feel uncomfortable is not what the current junior sister should have.

Thinking of this, Shen Gui's face darkened.

She was indeed angry.

And the reason was the same as what Qin Qin thought, it was because of worrying about the junior sister, and... the strong sense of loneliness in this disobedient junior sister.

Not very old, Wanqin played herself into a literary young woman. She ignored the gentleness around her, but stubbornly believed that she was alone...

Shen Gui couldn't understand.

Even she is deeply immersed in the warmth of Lingshan.

Qin Qin's behavior, in a sense, was a betrayal of her Qingmei, how could Shen Gui not be angry at the care and gentle disregard and distrust that other people gave her.

"Senior sister, I'm sorry."

At this moment, Qin Qin suddenly whispered in Shen Gui's ear.

Shen Gui was a little unaccustomed to the warmth in his ears, turned his head and took a look, and found that Qin Qin was still the same Qin Qin, he was a little surprised at once, but his tone was still cold.

"You know now that you were wrong?"

He said so, but in fact, he didn't think that Qin Qin would know where he was wrong now.

"Well, I see." Qin Qin said obediently: "I still have you, Senior Sister."

Qin Qin spoke ambiguous words without being shy at all and put his arms around Shen Gui's neck actively. The intimate movement made Shen Gui frown.

Although she didn't know what happened, she was really surprised by her junior sister's introspection... But since her junior sister was really introspective, she didn't have to trap her.

Thinking of this, Shen Gui let go of his hand.

However, Qin Qin didn't come down, but just hung on her body directly, with a pair of slender legs clamped around her waist, like a koala.

You know, Qin Qin is very concerned about etiquette and image. Before each performance, she would bathe and burn incense and change into piano clothes.

After taking off the mask, the real Qin Qin is a very quiet, fragile, and indifferent person—although indifference is just a more fragile protective film.

But making such an indecent action really surprised Shen Gui and made him puzzled.

"Senior Sister, keep hugging me." Qin Qin patted Shen Gui's back dissatisfied: "You couldn't help but say that you sealed me up and carried me away. Now if you say let it go, let it go, it's too much."

Shen Gui gave her a cold look, and was about to tear Qin Qin off her body. She would never let her junior sister be self-willed.

"Just once, just this time..."

Qin Qin's pleading voice rang in his ears, but it was a pity that Shen Gui didn't stop what he was doing.

But to Qin Qin's surprise, the senior sister just separated her from holding her legs, and then... supported her waist, and resumed the previous princess hug.

Her request came into force.

For the first time in my life, it took effect so neatly.

A dazed expression appeared on Qin Qin's face.

Although she begged, she never thought that the senior sister would listen to her... The senior sister will only act according to her own ideas, and no one else can interfere with her own thinking, not even Li Zhuzi.

Sure enough, this is the tenderness that the senior sister gave her.

At this time, Qin Qin was finally sure that the senior sister was on her side...

She's really not alone, what a curse, it's just her delusion.

The girl temporarily dispelled the biggest smog in her heart, and felt a huge "need" from her senior sister, she wanted her...

Qin Qin twisted her body a little, and then rested her head on Shen Gui's neck. Immediately, a faint fragrance unique to girls penetrated into Qin Qin's nose, making her tremble slightly.



There was silence between the two of them for a while, Shen Gui was walking quietly, only the sound of snow falling with the footsteps.

Since Lingshan has been snowing heavily, many places have become extremely snowy and remote.

Qin Qin noticed that although they were going home, the surroundings were always quiet, and Shen Gui was deliberately walking where no one was around...

She would do this, naturally not because she was embarrassed to be discovered by those junior sisters, but to take care of her emotions as a junior sister.

Invisibly, Qin Qin was captured by Shen Gui again.

"Senior sister." Qin Qin said suddenly.


"I won't hand A Ling over to you." Qin Qin said, she had already figured it out, all curses were fake, as if she had Shen Gui, and Lu Ling still had her.

As for saying that if you don't practice martial arts, you can't protect the people around you, Qin Qin thinks that the senior sister will protect them.

Moreover, it is possible for Lu Ling to double cultivate, how could she have forgotten this.

"Senior sister, you regret it, regret enlightening me."

Qin Qin smiled, admitting the fact that she was in a dead end.

"..." Shen Gui heard his junior sister's words, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and at the same time he stopped, thinking of something.

"Junior Sister, Lu Ling's current state..."

"En." Qin Qin nodded.

Apparently, the two sisters could see what Lu Ling was thinking. That girl was just walking in Lingshan, out of tune with the surrounding environment, full of vigilance and distrust.

Qin Qin sighed: "It seems that Ah Ling is very insecure now, just like me before..."

Annoyed on his face.

"The most annoying thing is that I need to make her fall in love with me again, and now A Ling... has grown up, the difficulty is not at the same level as before."

Of course it is not a level. The difficulty of attacking Lu Ling is probably the top level of difficulty, not much easier than controlling the fairy sword.

After all, controlling Lu Ling is no different from controlling Immortal Sword.



Listening to Qin Qin's "shameless" speech, Shen Gui's heart did not fluctuate.

Shen Gui couldn't answer. Although she was also a woman, she still couldn't figure out what her junior sister was thinking in front of the real little girl Qin Qin.

A woman's heart, a needle in the sea, that's probably what it means.

However, the previous Qin Qin came back, which made Shen Gui a little easier.

You know, sometimes, wearing a mask is not a bad thing.

Just like Lu Ling before.

Although it was a mask, it was something she longed for and brought her happiness. Shen Gui understood this, so he didn't have any objection to it.

Qin Qin hugged Shen Gui intimately, the last confusion flashed in his eyes, then he shook his head and threw it all away.

I remembered my mother's words.

"Some people are busy surviving; some people are willing to be ordinary; some people are still looking for direction; some people grow up before they are ready; some people reach the end before seeing the road."

Busy to survive, most of us are.

Willing to be ordinary, talking about people like Master Li.

And today's Lu Ling, Qin Qin felt that she had grown up before she was ready. This was the greatest misfortune for Lu Ling.

And Qin Qin felt that she herself was the one who was looking for the direction. Compared to her, her mother's final state was that she reached the end without seeing the road. Looking back, she was full of fog and confusion.

This is the source of her almost materialized loneliness before she died.

She also understood that this sentence was about her mother's life.

"What are you mumbling about?" Shen Gui listened to Qin Qin talking to himself, but didn't understand.

"It's nothing." Qin Qin blushed as she looked at Shen Gui's puzzled eyes.

Such a senior sister is really cute.

It's hard to imagine that one day she will use the word cute to describe Shen Gui, but... at this time, she really likes Shen Gui even more than before.

If I said that I was possessive towards my senior sister before, but now I really like her.

Perhaps, the current senior sister will not refuse anything she asks her to do, just like Lu Ling's feelings for Liu Fufeng in the past.

"Senior sister, compared to reaching the end, the scenery on the road is more important, right? I don't want to be like that person. When I reach the end, I turn around and find that I have never passed anything." Qin Qin smiled.

"The end? Cultivation is endless." Shen Gui replied flatly.

Hearing this, Qin Qin gave Shen Gui a helpless look, and said, "You only know about cultivation, you're such a fool, so I said that I have nothing in common with you, and I'm really looking forward to you in vain."

This is the insurmountable gap between the sentimental soft woman and the steel straight woman.

Just saying that, Qin Qin's arms around Shen Gui became stronger.

"However, compared to the ending, maybe the process is a little more important." Shen Gui thought of something and said.

These words made Qin Qin's eyes brighten: "Senior sister, why do you think so?"

"Master Yun said." Shen Gui said calmly.

Qin Qin: "..."

Uncle Yun.

It seems that when the senior sister went down the mountain, she heard the emotion expressed by the nerdy senior uncle reading the novel...

However, Qin Qin disagreed with what her uncle said, that the process is greater than the ending. What she wants is perfection, whether it is a novel or life.

Here comes the question, what is perfection...

For Lu Ling, Qin Qin wanted to complete what Liu Fufeng hadn't done, which was to cultivate Lu Ling into a perfect woman.

She, who regards Liu Fufeng as her best friend, may need to think about this matter carefully.


Qin Qin looked at Shen Gui who was close at hand, resisting the urge to kiss him.

For her when she was a child, perfection was born in a prosperous age, standing on the city tower, overlooking the brightly lit downtown below and the lovers who put up lights by the lotus pond in the distance, holding the candied haws bought by "him" in her hand, and her waist Wearing an embroidered pouch bought with "him" at the market, and beside him is the young man who is always thinking of him, who is as gentle as jade...

Looking back now, it was simply the idea of ​​a nympho girl.

"Senior Sister, I think being hugged by you now makes me happier than I ever imagined before." Qin Qin smiled happily.

"???" Shen Gui tilted his head, completely unaware of what his junior sister was talking about.

Putting away her smile, Qin Qin said seriously: "It seems that Senior Sister, you are my perfection."

Shen Gui "..."

The junior sister has some mental problems, so she must take a good rest when she goes back.

Qin Qin knew that Shen Gui was a piece of wood, so she didn't think that her almost "confession" behavior would be responded to, otherwise, she wouldn't have dared to say it so easily.

However, because of herself, she thought of one thing.

Lu Ling is no longer perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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