Chapter 764 The Two Sisters
After these days of calmness, Lu Ling has already figured out what she has, what she needs, and all her plans for the future.

Compared to Xuechen, who has lost a large part of his memory and can only be kept as a pet, Luo Qianhan is more useful as expected.

As a fairy sword, Luo Qianhan gave Lu Ling a feeling of experience in all aspects, but Lu Ling would not have any feeling or fear that she could not control it... All because, for her, Luo Qianhan's performance was not even as good as Xuechen's Woolen cloth.

Xuechen was at least a little resistant to her closeness, while Luo Qianhan had no room to resist at all, as long as she gently hooked her fingers, the other party would die for her.

Trust is relative.

Lu Ling reluctantly believed her.

And what she said to Xuechen that she would not leave her for the time being was not casually said for a moment of comfort.

Holding the pet in her arms, she gently pulled her fingers out of Xuechen's mouth, and seeing the little thing's blurred eyes, Lu Ling calmly put her back on her lap.

As if feeling the master's emotions, Xuechen lightly rubbed Lu Ling's hand, showing a little comforting emotion.

In Xuechen's eyes, Lu Ling was very nervous at this moment.

Rather... Ever since we met again, her master has been in a state of high mental tension, but because he can't help much, he can only do the limit of what a pet can do.

Lu Ling's complexion softened a little due to the little guy's actions.

Sure enough, she was the right choice.

She also needs someone to be with her, not because of loneliness, but sometimes she needs someone to remind her what to do and give guidance at critical times.

No one is more suitable than Xuechen.

She is the only one who is well-informed and capable of transforming... Although she is by her side, she doesn't care about everything other than the safety of her master.

Moreover, it is very easy to feed.

All it takes is a little intimacy and chill, there is nothing cheaper than this girl in the world, isn't there?
It couldn't be more appropriate.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling met Zhao Yingge's gaze not far away.

This sister Zhao doesn't know what peeking means, she has always been aboveboard.

Lu Ling returned a puzzled look, then picked up a pen to write a few words on the paper, and gathered together gently.

[Sister Zhao?Is there something on my face? 】

Seeing Lu Ling's performance, Zhao Yingge froze for a moment.

"No, it's just been a long time and I want to see you more."

Lu Ling was a little surprised when she heard Zhao Yingge's slightly intimate response.

Such gentle words are not like what the man in front of me would say.

Has it changed in the past few months?
Lu Ling looked at Zhao Yingge's tough and introverted eyes, and gave up this idea.

That's because of myself.

【kindness. 】Lu Ling responded, and then felt relieved. It seemed that no matter what she became, Zhao Yingge would still take care of her.

This is very good.

As for whether this kind of care is related to that woman's departure, Lu Ling is completely unwilling to think about it. Rather, since returning to Jiufeng, everything here has stimulated her soul all the time.

Do you really think it's easy to keep calm now?

She tried very hard to remain indifferent.

No matter how a person changes, only she will always know what is deep in her heart.

Rationality and sensibility are not so easy to separate if they are not flawless.

Maybe after a long time, she will become unknown to herself,'s only a few months now, and Lu Ling may not be able to completely break away from the role she set. The new role...can be maintained , have worked very hard.

Lu Ling knew very well that if she wanted to become the strongest, the first thing she had to do was to keep a distance from everyone.

But it saves a lot of trouble, and it can also avoid hurting some people's hearts... Except for Xuechen who treats her as everything that exists.

On the other side, Zhao Yingge was also surprised.

She has lived with Xuechen for a few months, but she has never been liked so much by Xiaodong. Now when she first sees the intimacy between Lu Ling and Xuechen, she feels... weird.

Of course not because of jealousy, but because of Lu Ling's attitude towards Xuechen.

It is completely different from the previous Lu Ling.

But before she had time to think too much, she was "cute" by the way Lu Ling held up the book.


She thinks that the cold-faced wife Aya is holding up a mentally handicapped look, which is very cute.

Zhao Yingge likes this kind of cute things, just like she likes Xuechen.

I'm afraid Lu Ling didn't even realize that her cold appearance is not suitable for such silly actions...

Zhao Yingge took a deep look at Lu Ling, but didn't say anything.

The current behavior reminded Zhao Yingge that Lu Ling only looked mature, and before she truly matured, I, the guardian, had to take good care of her.

One big and one small looked at each other without speaking, and the atmosphere seemed awkward.

At this moment, Lu Ling suddenly noticed something and looked at the wooden door.

I only heard the sound of a howling wind, the wooden door was opened a crack, and then closed tightly, and there was a whirlwind outside the house, which could be seen through the window. It will disperse, as if someone manipulated it to sweep the courtyard in front of the thatched cottage.

It is the wind and snow brought by people.

And the existence that charged all the way and rolled up the wind and snow had already stopped in the house.

It's Xifeng who's back.

She is tall and tall, and the first impression she gives is that she has long legs, but she wraps herself tightly without revealing her spring.

Gorgeously dressed, wrapped in a black and red gauze, fully displaying her youthful aura.

Because of Lingshan, all the morbidity on Xifeng's face was removed, and her age was also the youngest among the senior sisters around Lingshan... In this way, Xifeng's lost youth was also found, and she is now the same as before. The appearance of seeking a death is completely different, full of vigor and girlishness.

Xifeng's hair is scattered, and a few strands of hair are left by her ears. Her Danfeng eyes and willow eyebrows are agile and clever.

Compared with before, Xifeng's hair is longer, and it was kept on purpose. It is estimated that in a few days, it will be able to grow to waist length.

It seemed that she was in a hurry to run, but Xifeng's charming figure was slightly wet, reflecting her unexpected figure.

Xifeng really went to fetch daily necessities as Zhao Yingge said, and saw that she was holding a large package in each of her left and right hands, which contained everything.

"Girl Zhao, don't help me..."

Back home, Xifeng called Zhao Yingge subconsciously.

It was just a call, Zhao Yingge never helped her, so when she asked, Xifeng was already cleaning the house by herself.

The clothes, dishes and chopsticks are all put away, and the ingredients are also arranged according to categories.

Suddenly, Xifeng noticed the water that Zhao Yingge had just boiled, froze for a moment, then turned around and saw Lu Ling.

This time I was really stunned.

"A Ling? When did you come back?" Xi Feng looked at Lu Ling in the wheelchair with surprise on her face.

The moment she looked back, she threw out all the weirdness after seeing Lu Ling's change. Obviously, unlike Zhao Yingge, Xifeng had already thought about what she should do after seeing Lu Ling.

Some stay the same just fine.

[Sister Xifeng, I'm back. ] Lu Ling wrote on the paper.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Xifeng said, and cast a dissatisfied glance at Zhao Yingge, who was dazed aside: "Girl Zhao, why are you pretending to be dead? You didn't even tell me when Ah Ling came back."

"Didn't you see it yourself?"

"I don't care about you."

Lu Ling on the side looked at Xifeng and was very surprised. Her cultivation as Xifeng's sister...couldn't be already in the Soul Realm.

She hadn't guessed wrong yet, in terms of cultivation alone, Xifeng was no weaker than her.

But thinking about the characteristics of Lingshan cultivation, the later you start, the faster you will reach the first three realms, so I am not surprised. Zhao Yingge is not yet twenty at this time... Xifeng is thirty.

Lu Ling, who didn't feel that her thoughts were disrespectful at all, would be punished immediately.

"A Ling, I really miss my sister... Let my sister see." Xifeng hugged Lu Ling in her arms, her voice full of distress: "A Ling, what's wrong with your voice... Forget it, I don't want to talk about it Don't say it."

The sudden intimacy made Lu Ling frown, but there was nothing she could do about it, the past, Sister Xifeng and her were very close.

Lu Ling could only let Xifeng play tricks on her, but fortunately, she let go very quickly.

Xifeng knew what to ask and what not to ask, and she was very accurate about Lu Ling's relationship. This was the vision and city skills accumulated by the city lord for many years.

Lu Ling didn't dislike her doing this.


A Ling is still the same A Ling.

Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, the first time she saw Lu Ling, she was very shocked... After all, she could see the breath of a married woman, the ring on her hand, and Lu Ling's nervousness.

Unlike Zhao Yingge who had just stepped out of confusion, Liu Fufeng was still there. Xifeng had already made up her mind to help this younger sister Liu when she was out of terminal illness. Now that something happened to Liu Fufeng, she naturally took over some of Feng Jiu's affairs. The handling is much more careful than that of Han Xue's famous secretary.

It would be better to say that Han Xue is the one who dawdles.

Taking care of Lu Ling was naturally in Xifeng's plan.



Xi Feng pulled Lu Ling to tell her missing, and at the same time deepened her understanding of Lu Ling bit by bit.

Lu Ling doesn't dislike other people's kindness, especially Xifeng and Zhao Yingge.

While Xifeng was talking, she looked at Lu Ling who was wearing her hair in a bun, with a strange look in her eyes.

In her eyes, Lu Ling is Liu Fufeng's daughter, so naturally, she is also a daughter in her eyes.

Don't forget, Liu Fufeng is her wife, the wife of the city lord, everyone agreed.

At this time, Xifeng looked at Lu Ling and wanted to laugh.

Lu Ling's dress up like this is obviously because of Liu Fufeng... what is this, her love rival?

...It's just having fun while suffering, she can't laugh.

No matter how Lu Ling changes, she is just a child in Xifeng's eyes. It stands to reason that in Lingshan, a 30-year-old gap is nothing at all...Qin Qin and Tang Keyu don't know how many years apart they are, and they are still not sisters. .

It's a pity that both Xifeng and Zhao Yingge have entered the mountain not long ago, and they have seen Lu Ling relying on Liu Fufeng's child, so naturally in their eyes, Lu Ling is a child who needs to be taken care of.

Lu Ling knew it herself, but she didn't care about it. This was also her advantage.

The younger she is, the more feedback she gets for shining brightly, which can increase her popularity...

Compared to being silly before, this girl is now smart.



Here, because of Lu Ling's return, the three members of the family gathered together.

Although the most important core figure was missing, none of the three people present mentioned it, and they all behaved normally.

Lu Ling could guess the reason why they didn't mention it, so naturally she wouldn't say it out loud. There will be plenty of time to adjust to this kind of life in the future.

After a brief chat about daily life, to be precise, after listening to Xi Feng talking about a lot of things, Lu Ling asked questions she cared about.

[Cultivation. 】

The cultivation and potential of these two sisters determined Lu Ling's attitude.

Just like how she was treated by Liu Fufeng, if she doesn't have enough potential, it's better not to stay by her side.

Watching Lu Ling ask about their cultivation status, Xi Feng glanced at Lu Ling and smiled.

What a little grown up...

Forget it, as long as she is happy.

After all, Lu Ling is the senior sister, and she is just a junior junior sister.

Xifeng loves Lu Ling very much. Liu Fufeng is gone, and she is the first to walk out of the sadness. She is used to death for a long time. What she can do is to grasp the existing things, such as protecting Lu Ling, so that She doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of Liu Fufeng.

In Xifeng's heart, Liu Fufeng probably died of failure in training.

This is the most appropriate. As for Lu Ling's attitude, although she is curious, she will not ask.

Hearing Lu Ling's question, Xifeng touched the dantian of her lower abdomen, it was warm there, with a little lightness and warmth.

"When it comes to cultivation, Miss Zhao and I will surprise you." Xifeng looked at Lu Ling confidently.

Although the little girl is small, she is still a senior sister on the bright side. The two of them have been in the mountain for a few months, but they have achieved their current cultivation level, which surprised everyone on Lingshan.

Now there are rumors that all the people on the Nine Peaks are monsters on the cultivation path.

Her teacher Nie Yin and Zhao Yingge's teacher Gu Xiao often said that the two of them were monsters.

Lu Ling nodded, she believed Xifeng's words.

She thought that her cultivation was fast enough, but this one with a soul and a soul in front of her really surprised her.

In fact, there is no need to be so surprised... After all, Xifeng is not young, and Zhao Yingge is the same. The experience of these years has also trained her soul power very quickly. They are like a pool full of water, and all they lack is an opportunity. .

Of course, the talents of these two people are also stronger than the other.

"Let's talk about me first." Xifeng took a step back and snapped her fingers lightly. Immediately, a gust of breeze surrounded her and surrounded her, blowing Xifeng's clothes and hair.

If you look at it from a close distance, Lu Ling feels that a trace of wind is not weaker than the gang wind on the top of Jiufeng Mountain.

Xifeng said: "Aling, my cultivation has already reached the middle stage of Soul Realm. Several teachers in Liushuiyuan said that my talent is very rare. What kind of innate wind spirit body is it?"

In the middle of the spirit realm?Same as yourself?
How long has it been?

As for the Spiritual Body of Innate Wind...

I seem to have heard it somewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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