Chapter 767 Tokens
Xifeng emphasized the word "Uncle Master".

It was obvious that she was really unhappy.

Lu Ling is currently in an unstable state, and her future path is still unclear. Her own cheap master and uncle are actually here...Bai Rixuan...Xuan...


Faced with Xifeng's dissatisfaction, Han Xue touched her forehead, turned over from Chu Qishui's body, and stood firmly on the ground, watching Xifeng terrified, for fear that she would guess that the gourd on the ground would fall.

"Feng girl, I said that all this is a misunderstanding, do you believe it?" Han Xue said, put on her pajamas, and looked at Xifeng.

"What do you say?"

"...I don't think you believe it."

"Then you still ask." Xifeng helped his forehead helplessly, then walked in front of Chu Qishui,

"Come here?" Chu Qishui said calmly as he put on his clothes.

This sentence is not only about Xifeng, but also about Lu Ling.

"Well, I'm back." Xifeng responded, and glanced at Han Xue.

Speaking of which, in this short period of time, she has become acquainted with Han Xue and even Chu Qishui, and has her own understanding of the relationship between Han Xue and her master.

In short, these two are very close friends, but in the past, Xifeng didn't feel the relationship between Han Xue and Master... Today, I don't know.

Xifeng looked at Han Xue and took an unnatural step back.

Seeing Xifeng's fear of her, Han Xue's neck turned red with anxiety: "Girl Feng, I'm going to be anxious if you do this again, I really don't..."

"I just trust my eyes, it's alright, uncle, let me go, I haven't come for two days, and you made this place like this again." Xifeng looked at the mess on the ground.

Wine gourd, the wine that has not yet dried up on the ground, although it is mixed with a woman's fragrance, it is not unpleasant, but...

Like junkyards, it's always a bad look.

"Aling, wait a moment, I'll clean up here, and then... wait for them to clean up their appearance." Xifeng said softly to Lu Ling.

Lu Ling nodded, then lowered her head, caressing Xuechen on her legs, Xuechen is now a little transparent, if Lu Ling didn't call her, she basically didn't move.

Xuechen was very happy.

Lu Ling looked at Xuechen, but her thoughts kept on Han Xue.

She likes Han Xue very much.

Take a deep breath.


It's fruit wine.

She likes the smell around Han Xue.

As for seeing Han Xue and her master having sex...she just pretended she didn't see it.

Xifeng skillfully took out the cleaning suit and cleaned up the mess on the ground. It was not the first time she did it.

Unlike Liu Fufeng who needs to take care of Lu Ling, Xifeng has extra time to get close to her master and Han Xue, and she has enough charisma, plus she is the city lord of Luoyan City, Han Xue and her generation of Lingshan disciples are more or less right. Luoyan City was kind, so... Xifeng was quickly recognized.

Otherwise, it won't look like a little master and won't cause resentment.

"I said Feng girl..." Han Xue leaned forward again, but Xifeng looked at her with supercilious eyes.

"Who are you calling a crazy girl?" Xifeng held her broom sideways and gave Han Xue a look.

"...Women... are unreasonable." Han Xue held back such a sentence for a long time.

"It seems that you are not a woman." Xifeng looked at Han Xue angrily: "Oh, you who tore up Master's clothes are really not a woman."

"You!" Han Xue gritted her teeth: "Girl Feng, I am Si Shi from Lingshan."

"Yes yes yes, Master Si Shi, lift your foot, you are blocking me from sweeping the floor." Xifeng said perfunctorily, hit Han Xue's calf with a broom, and then glanced at Chu Qishui who was dressed.

At what time, there is still a peak master here.

My master, Xifeng, has always been unable to see through, but maintaining respect for her master is what Xifeng has been doing.

And Han Xue... Anyway, Xifeng has figured out Han Xue's character, which is different from those respected uncles outside, and she is easy to talk to.

Wait, respectable?
She thought of Dongfang Lianren.

He turned his head and glanced at Han Xue, who was blushing and gritted her teeth...the black line on her head.

Only now did Xifeng realize how wrong her distorted view of Xianmen was.

She doesn't know about other immortal sects, but Lingshan is really off-line... Don't talk about cultivating immortals, even if it's an ordinary wealthy family, if a little girl like her who just got started wants to say such things to her elders, she will be taught a lesson.

What now?Han Xue was almost suffocated by what she said.

Of course, Xifeng will not despise Han Xue because of this. Although the uncle seems to be easy to handle, he still has a city of hundreds of years in his head. If he really wants to play, ten of her are not opponents of the opponent.

That is... Han Xue regards herself as a family member, that's why she is like this.

Feeling this kind of softness deeply, even Xifeng can't maintain his paranoid concept, and it's perfectly normal for him to blend into Lingshan.

This is Lingshan.

In just a few months, Xifeng has already regarded herself as a native of Lingshan.

Looking back at Han Xue, she sighed and softened her tone: "Even if I misunderstood, Sister Han, Ah Ling is here, you should go wash your face and change your clothes, right? There is loess on the clothes..."

Han Xue blushed a little more when she was told by Xifeng.

"...I'll go now."

Han Xue walked to the wardrobe and was taken aback for a moment.

In the past, her clothes were thrown on the bed casually, but now that they were cleaned up, she was a little confused.

"Your clothes are on the far left on the fourth floor." Xifeng said casually upon seeing this.

Han Xue successfully took out her clothes according to Xifeng's words.

Yintang turned black.

So, her division time is actually a waste.

Needless to say, even Li Zhuzi would not know that the Lord of Luoyan City who was used to keep Lu Ling company was so capable... and so good at taking care of others.

Han Xue sighed and began to undress in front of everyone.

"I said, you should also pay attention to the influence." Xifeng walked over and opened the screen.

Han Xue's muttering came from inside.

"What's the matter, it's not that I haven't seen it..."

"Please don't talk."




When Xifeng and Han Xue fell in love and killed each other, Chu Qishui had already finished dressing up and looked at Lu Ling in a daze.

Lu Ling was also in a daze.

The harmonious scene in front of her had a big impact on her...


Lu Ling suddenly had a feeling that she didn't fit in here.

At this time, Xifeng, who saw everything in her eyes, quietly walked up to Lu Ling, and pushed her in front of Chu Qishui.

"A Ling, don't you have something to tell Master?"

Lu Ling nodded, but she didn't move, obviously she still had something on her mind.

She likes Han Xue, but it's definitely not that kind of liking. Seeing this kind of scene now, she has mixed feelings in her heart for a while, and at the same time she understands something.

She wants to make herself perfect, strength is of course very important, but...

Only strength is not enough, after all, perfection is not enough to be able to fight.

But... She really doesn't know how to get along with these people.

Lu Ling thinks that Xifeng is really powerful.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to let her teach herself how to behave in the world.



Seeing Lu Ling's isolation from the surrounding atmosphere, Xifeng regretted her natural behavior just now...

But seeing Han Xue's scruffy appearance, I really couldn't help it.

"Feng girl, come in." Han Xue's voice.

"Come on, say goodbye to the old crazy girl." Xifeng walked around the screen and looked at her dissatisfied.

Speaking of which, just looking at the appearance, Xifeng is much bigger than Han Xue, a chivalrous woman full of youthful atmosphere. Mother and daughter can't be said, but sisters can't run away, and Xifeng is the elder sister.

Xifeng wanted to say something, but when she saw Han Xue's serious eyes, her complexion changed immediately.

Han Xue changed her underwear in front of Xifeng, and then put on a Taoist robe. She stretched out her hand, and Xifeng helped to pull the hem of the skirt.

Han Xue spoke softly.

"She has changed... a lot."

Xifeng knew she was talking about Lu Ling.

"Actually, I haven't come out of the surprise yet." Xifeng smiled wryly. She looked calm, but she was actually faking it. I don't know if Ah Ling is so smart, so she can see it.

After Han Xue was silent, she said.

"However, that's fine."

Frost bloodlines always have to grow.

"Is that okay too?" Xifeng was noncommittal.

"Jiufeng, you go and make trouble." Han Xue handed her personal token to Xifeng. She had already given her time token to Xifeng earlier. Otherwise, Xifeng would not be so big. right.

"This..." Xifeng looked at Han Xue's sign.

This meant that she had completely delegated power to herself.

"Take good care of them. In this respect, I am not as good as you." Han Xue said frankly.

"Understood." Xifeng nodded, Han Xue was good at that.

"It's a pity that my authority is not enough. Jue'er's tokens are all given to... her, and the Lingshan people are not here, so it's not easy to make up for a while, so I can only use mine." Han Xue gave Xifeng a look : "But let go of what you want, and use whatever resources you want, including the spiritual spring in the back mountain. If there is anything, Jue'er and I will take care of it for you."

"Sister Han, is this your idea, or Master's idea." Xifeng asked.

"What's the difference?" Han Xue asked back.

"Of course there is... okay, there is no difference, after all, you have already gone up to tear other people's clothes." Xifeng looked at Han Xue who posted it, and took a step back.

"Girl Feng, are you itchy?" Han Xue's voice suddenly disappeared, and Xifeng twitched the corner of her mouth when she heard the loud voice in her ear.

What a whisper.

Han Xue didn't care so much, she grabbed Xifeng by the collar.

"Let me tell you, a misunderstanding!!! It's like this. I sensed that Aling was back, and thought that maybe I wouldn't come to my place today, but we elders need to go and see her...and we didn't drink today, these yesterday."

Xifeng narrowed her eyes: "Yesterday? So many? Didn't we agree that one day would not exceed..."

"...these are not important." Han Xue showed embarrassment: "Back to the topic just now, it's not that A Ling is back, Jue'er and I want to see A Ling, and these days Jue'er's thoughts have also been let go Quite a lot, but she is very old fashioned, and I want to change her look."

In fact, she wanted to change Chu Qishui's skirt and then go to visit Lu Ling.

Chu Qishui didn't resist violently, but he didn't agree either, so Han Xue did it by himself.

"It's all a misunderstanding."

"Okay, I believe it."



Outside, Lu Ling gently scratched Xuechen's chin, watched the cat roll comfortably, and looked up at the screen.

Why is this still arguing...

Chu Qishui became much calmer.

For Lu Ling's change, she accepted it very quickly.

Chu Qishui was the only person in Lingshan who knew about Liu Fufeng's death. He was stimulated a few days ago, and now he is thinking about it.

She... has things she can do.

She has long been unwilling to practice, but as Liu Fufeng's master, she must protect what Liu Fufeng cherishes, and Lu Ling is also her apprentice.

Liu Fufeng might be the same as Liu Yu, but Chu Qishui never hoped that Lu Ling would be like him.

Whatever Lu Ling wants to do, as a master, she can help her.

Apparently, Liu Fufeng's departure has also brought huge changes to Chu Qishui. The simplest thing is that she can already face Liu Yao head-on.

In the eyes of Liu Yao at that time, the ordinary Taoist nun seemed to have become the former senior sister again, just sitting there like a mountain, making her breathless.

Liu Yao felt it all, but what about Han Xue?
Of course, she also felt the change in Chu Qishui. Han Xue didn't expect the Absolute Immortal back then to come back, but it was something she would like to see cheering up.

Chu Qishui definitely recognized Liu Fufeng, and even regarded her as his own child, Han Xue was very clear about this.

Liu Fufeng is good enough, and he is Chu Qishui's first disciple, which is normal.

But now, as Lu Ling, the "widow" of her daughter, she will naturally cheer up and take care of her.

"A Ling, are you looking for me?" Chu Qishui asked softly.

Lu Ling nodded, and then flashed the ring on her hand.

A silver light flashed, and Chu Qi passed a gleam of clarity on the surface of the water.

Leave her a thought... For Lu Ling, is it a betrayal?

Chu Qishui understood Lu Ling's thoughts in an instant.

betray?In Chu Qishui's view, it might be a kind of luck, after all, Liu Yu didn't leave her with any thoughts, only guilt and self-blame.

The difference between her and Lu Ling is that Chu Qishui knew why Liu Yu died, but Lu Ling didn't know why Liu Fufeng left her.

Otherwise, this girl might follow her old path.

"The ring...what's the matter?" Chu Qishui asked, while carefully looking at the ring on Lu Ling's hand.

The interspatial ring that Liu Fufeng condensed for Lu Ling was not very beautiful because it was not made in a timely manner. It was just a simple silver ring with a round radiance. The material... was only silver, which was refined silver taels. .

Although there is no good refining magic weapon, the usable space is not comparable to any space bag. Before Liu Fufeng smashed his body, he used all his strength to create this ring.

She wanted to know what Liu Fufeng left for Lu Ling.

There are some things that Liu Fufeng left for her Ah Ling in it. They say they left it behind, but in fact there is nothing...all of them are clothes, sundries and so on.

and also……

Lu Ling flashed her hand, and two tokens appeared.

She is today to return the token to Master.

(End of this chapter)

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