Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 781 Women's Dignity

Chapter 781 Women's Dignity

Looking at the uncle who is eager to try, Xifeng really has nothing to say.

Isn't it serious?
Shouldn't it be stopped immediately?
Why are you so excited...


Maybe this is Lingshan.

Xifeng sighed.

Fortunately, she was so nervous just now.

"So it's fine as long as you keep it from Master Li and the others, right?" Xifeng asked.

"Yeah." Han Xue nodded: "Just keep it from outsiders like them..."

"Outsider, you don't think of yourself as an outsider."

"What did you say~"

"That's right." Han Xue suddenly thought of something: "Jue'er should have known about this a long time ago."

"Master?" Xifeng froze for a moment.

Han Xue clapped her hands, and said to herself: "Yes, she definitely knows, but she didn't care, she is the master of the peak, what's the matter with the tall..."

Xifeng: "..."

She just said that this uncle is not reliable at all, she can do whatever she wants, it is best if the matter can be resolved, more or less it is just a hot spring... no big deal.

As long as it doesn't ruin A Ling's reputation, it's fine.

"Okay, Sister Han, I understand you now." Xifeng gritted her teeth, resisted biting this "cute" face, and said: "If you want to go then go, A Ling is here, you By the way, wash off the alcohol on your body, it stinks to death."

"I don't understand you little girls, how can the smell of alcohol stink, I have mastered a certain degree, and it won't have such a strong smell." Han Xue raised her hand and smelled her own smell: "It doesn't smell too strong ...Little Bailing won't lie to me, she said it won't smell bad, Jue'er also thinks it's not bad, why would it smell bad."

Han Xue showed a tangled face as she spoke, not to mention, it really made people feel a little distressed.

Even Xifeng, who knew her true face, couldn't help but look sideways.

Well, she admits it doesn't smell that bad.

Because what Han Xue drank was fruit wine, the smell of alcohol on her body still smelled like fruit, mixed with the fragrance of virgins on her body... It gave people a feeling of tranquility and fragrance. If Han Xue didn't speak, she would be slightly drunk Missy looks like.

However, Xifeng knows her real face, so she doesn't bother to deal with her.

"If it doesn't smell good, it doesn't smell good. I said, Sister Han, you are a woman after all. Isn't it a little bit like sniffing your armpit in such a large crowd..." Xifeng really disliked her.

Why is she even less like a woman than Zhao Yingge?

Didn't it mean that this uncle grew up in Lingshan under the watchful eye of Master Luanfeng?Why doesn't he have any immortal energy at all, he's still an uncle... far worse than Senior Sister Qin, Senior Sister Luo Xian and the others.

"Come on, no one else can see it at home, you think it's outside." Han Xue looked at Xifeng strangely: "Feng girl, are you tired from living? Oh, I forgot that you were in Luoyan City Special status... That's my problem, women, at home and outside are two kinds of creatures, don't make a fuss."

"...You don't need to teach me." Xifeng's patience reached the limit: "Hurry up, go to the Lingquan, don't bother me anymore, don't you want to take a bath? Go and wash off the smell of alcohol on your body. "

"Of order." Han Xue was eager to take a bath, but came back after taking two steps.

"What's the matter with you?" Xifeng held the kitchen knife.

"That's right, I have two questions." Han Xue smiled beautifully, and made a gesture of "two" with her fingers.

"Speak." Xifeng felt that she still needed to practice her Qi-nourishing skills.

"One, I want to take Jue'er to wash together. Jue'er's status is not suitable for going out of Jiufeng, otherwise everyone will easily quarrel, and if they quarrel, it is easy to fight and break the rules, so usually we wash at home... I'm lazy today..."

"Stop, stop." Xifeng also made a pause gesture, and when Han Xue calmed down, she said, "How rare, Shishu, you can come with Master if you want, and ask me what I'm doing... Besides, what I said It doesn't count either."

"Oh, I forgot." Han Xue scratched her head: "Then I'll take Jueer with me and drag her into the water."

"This is what you think, Sister Han." Xifeng sighed. If the master came, the fruit just washed would not be enough, and he would have to work for a while, but the women's hot springs can be soaked endlessly, so there is no shortage of time .

Xifeng asked, "What's the second thing?"

"Oh, it's a question." Han Xue looked at the exquisite fruits on Xifeng's chopping board, including blue-colored fruits that looked sour, and transparent fruits that were as bright as red glass, which made her drool.

"What kind of fruit is this? When I ate it just now, although I didn't feel the aura of the small longevity fruit, it tasted very good. It seems that I ate it when I was a child... I have forgotten it now." Han Xue's eyes sparkled.

"When I was a child?" Xifeng looked Han Xue up and down.

I have to say that Han Xue is a very spiritual type, full of vitality, and her looks are top-notch even in Lingshan, but when it comes to her figure...

Looking at Han Xue's development, it is similar to her 16-year-old.

"Girl Feng, what are you looking at? It's very rude." Han Xue looked at Xifeng's eyes, and somehow thought of the real Luanfeng.

Senior Sister Feng often looks at her with this look.

Han Xue also knew that Master Luanfeng wanted to raise her perfectly, but what can she do if she has this personality?
Moreover, she was born to be restrained by Master Luanfeng, even if she is now a high-level executive of Xuanjing Division, she will still be hanged up and beaten by Master Luanfeng after returning home, even if she resists, she is somewhat dissatisfied.

Therefore, Han Xue, who is full of senior sister Feng, likes to call her Feng girl when facing Xifeng... There is also a little other meaning in it.

Therefore, no matter how old a woman is or what her status is, a woman always has a childish side.

"It's nothing." Xifeng withdrew her eyes: "Sister Han, you said you ate it when you were a child, I guess... you probably didn't eat much."

Look at the chest size, that's for sure.

"It's not that I haven't eaten a lot." Han Xue showed a little nostalgic look: "I remember a period of time, maybe a few months? Or a few years, three meals a day tasted like this, and I don't know if Senior Sister Feng is here. What are you thinking, anyway, the last thing I eat is that there are shadows when I see it."

"..." Xifeng froze for a moment, looking at the fruit in his hand.

Ms. Han was like this when she was a child...?
Others wanted to raise her, but it turned out to be crooked?

There was some vigilance in her eyes.

"And then?" Xifeng asked eagerly.

"Then? Then I went to Tianguang Market? After that, although Senior Sister Feng let me eat it, Senior Sister Tiangao was far away. She couldn't control me, so I never ate it again." Han Xue said, picking up the green fruit and biting it. He took a sip, chewed slowly, and said, "How should I put it... Now that I think about it, it still tastes good. If my senior sister didn't make so many convulsions back then, I should like it."

"What's this called? Green fruit? Or green melon... It seems to be from Luoyan City?"

"Cucumber and rose fruit." Xifeng looked at Han Xue with the eyes of a poor person.

I really don't know the hard work of the must have grown crooked.

If she had listened to Master Luanfeng when she was growing up, how could she be in such a barren state now? It's too miserable.

But with Han Xue as a lesson from the past, Xifeng remembered one thing, she seemed to be unable to make this food every day... Otherwise, what if Ah Ling and Han Xue also hated it?
Thinking of this, Xifeng broke into a cold sweat, and she patted Han Xue on the shoulder.

"Sister Han, thank you for reminding me that it's okay to eat this food every day. First of all, it's good if Ah Ling doesn't hate it." Xifeng said, wrapping the rose hips that were going to be dinner again in wind, leaving only Eat a little while taking a bath.

Step by step.

It's good to go step by step.

Thanks to Sister Han for your own experience, thinking about it, Xifeng glanced at Han Xue's chest, let out another long sigh, and when she raised her head again, there was a trace of pity in her eyes.

Han Xue: "???"

Han Xue stared suspiciously at the fruit on the table, constantly searching for some knowledge in her mind... As the boss of Xuanjing Division, she dare not know everything, but she still knows a lot.

It's just that things like rose hips are not spiritual fruits for cultivation, she doesn't know very well, but when she thinks of the way Xifeng looks at her chest, how could she not think of it.

"Rose hips, a variant of cucumber... the place of origin is Luoyan City, the effect... the effect..."

Han Xue said, her face stiffened.

"So... so that's the case?" Han Xue groaned, and looked down at her not plump figure: "I was ridiculed by those women in Lingshan and Xuanjing Division... I was called a tomboy by Xiao Bailing, Is it all because of my previous willfulness?"

Grit your teeth.

Even though Han Xue was walking in Luoyan City before, she saw rose hips and cucumbers, at most she was familiar with them, and she went down the mountain just to drink, but she didn't have the idea to taste it, so she never found out, the culprit that caused her childhood shadow right in front of you.

Even later, after learning about the effects of rose hips, I thought about why I didn't know this when I was young... If I ate it as a meal, it wouldn't be so miserable.

Seeing Han Xue's fluctuating expression, Xifeng "comforted" her.

"No, the tomboy is not because of your self-willedness when you were a child, that is your own problem."

Isn't Zhao Yingge dressed like a tomboy full of femininity?

And people don't eat breast-enhancing fruit, but they are bigger than anyone else...

"Sister Han, my condolences, besides, eating fruit may not be useful, it depends on the innate condition." Xifeng said, puffing out her chest.

"Feng girl, shut up. You grew up in Luoyan City. I'm afraid you didn't grow up like this because you ate rose fruit as a meal. What right do you have to say about me?" Han Xue blushed.

It seems that as long as he is from Lingshan, even Han Xue cannot remain indifferent to this matter.

Who would make a woman like it more than this? She has been ridiculed for so long, and she is even far inferior to Luo Hanyi... How could she be reconciled.

"Why did it involve me?" Xifeng spread her hands, her good figure exposed to Zhao Yingge's pressure.

"Are you laughing!!!" Han Xue said angrily.

Incompetent fury.

"My fault, my fault." Xifeng laughed.

There is also such a beautiful scene, Fairy Lingshan is angry because of her small breasts... I really didn't even dare to think about it before.

"Hey, I'll give you two rose hips. Eat them. By the way, I'm going to start preparing. Sister Han, you can go to the master or go to the hot spring. It's up to you." Xifeng took out two ripe fruits and put them on Han Xue. In front of you, and then start the preparations.

I can't procrastinate any longer, otherwise Zhao Yingge will finish washing in a while.

"..." Han Xue stared at the bright fruit in front of her eyes. .

"What's delicious? What's the use of eating now..."

Mumbling, but still picked up the fruit one by one, took a big bite, turned and left.

Xifeng looked up at Han Xue who was fading away, shook her head and smiled lightly.

Really... nothing to say.


Xifeng suddenly said loudly: "Sister Han, do you have something convenient for wearing earrings? Both A Ling and I want to get one."

In the distance, Han Xue turned her head when she heard the words, trying to swallow the pulp in her mouth, and said.

"Yes, I'll wait to get it. I saw you when we first met. I have foreseen this day and prepared it for you a long time ago."

Han Xue waved her hands as she spoke, and then disappeared.

"Uncle Master is careful." Xifeng was a little surprised, but not so surprised...

Lingshan is really good.

It would be even better if Ah Ling could take care of her well.

cut fruit.



After half an hour.


When Xifeng came with a small plate of rose hips and a few cups of cucumber juice, the Lingquan was surrounded by mist and no one could be seen in the distance.

If you look closely, there are three slender figures in the water.

Zhao Yingge, Han Xue, Chu Qishui.

Zhao Yingge came very early, leaning against the spring water alone, with her plump breasts exposed on the water, her head tilted, her broken hair stained with water droplets... breathing evenly, her face flushed but peaceful.

It turned out to be asleep.

Xifeng shook her head and looked at the other side.

Han Xue and Chu Qishui stayed together, their long hair was coiled up, a white brocade was curled around their heads, and their faces were blushing enjoying...Han Xue hugged Chu Qishui's arm, leaning against her, panting lightly , although he saw Xifeng's figure while speaking, he couldn't get up the energy to speak.

Only Chu Qishui lazily opened his eyes and nodded to Xifeng, the other two didn't respond at all.

It seems really comfortable...

Xifeng had some expectations.

and many more.

"Where's Aya?"

Xifeng put down the fruit, took off her own clothes, put on a bath towel, and looked in the hot spring for a while, making sure that there was no sign of Lu Ling, a little strange, so she didn't rush into the water.

After walking around the hot spring, I finally found Lu Ling's shadow in the thick mist.

I saw Lu Ling lying on the bank reading a book, her whole body was completely abnormally red, very red.

The cute toes were still curled up, trembling slightly, and a blanket was covering her body, blocking her petite body.

Lying on the shore, holding his face in one hand, flipping through the book on the ground with the other, his eyes are serious.

It is the "Poison Classic" written by Dongfang Lianren.

Xifeng walked over strangely.

"A Ling? Aren't you going to soak in the hot spring? Why are you reading a book here?"

Lu Ling who was lying on her stomach blushed,
But because it was already very popular, there is nothing strange about it.

(End of this chapter)

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