Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 790 Chu Qishui's Gift

Chapter 790 Chu Qishui's Gift
"You do like her."

After a brief conversation, Chu Qishui looked at Luo Ling with softer eyes.

The elves she knows are all Bichen's outsiders, so in Chu Qishui's impression, she doesn't have a good impression of elves. Although their existence can enrich the spiritual power of a certain place, places with elves often have Unexpectedly, the forbidden area is like Lingshan and Qionghua exchanging elves in the secret realm. Although there is an agreement, the spiritual power around her cannot be used for ordinary disciples to cultivate.

Not obnoxious, not intimate.

But the elf in front of her subverted her perception of elves, and Chu Qishui recognized her.

"Of course I like ice." Luo Ling nodded as a matter of course, and continued to heal his injuries.

The black and white sword energy attached to Luo Ling's body like an electric current, making a "sizzling" sound. Her ice body was injured, and it seemed that the inner body was pierced with many holes... the body surface was also wrapped in black and white strips The two-colored lightning bolts looked like they were dying.

However, in fact, she didn't suffer any serious injuries, it just looked a little bluffing.

After all, Lu Ling is just a little girl in the Soul Realm, how could she seriously injure Luo Ling?Luo Ling's injury at this time was just the result of her voluntarily giving up her defense and allowing Lu Ling's power to destroy it. She wanted to feel the strength of this special rule.

"How do you feel?" Chu Qishui asked Luo Ling, she was very interested in Lu Ling's strange power.

"How?" Luo Ling frowned. If it was someone else's question, she would be too lazy to answer it, but if it was Chu Qishui, she still needs to be patient. After all, even Li Zhuzi, a teacher, is very respectful, let alone Lu Ling. Master.

Then Luo Ling just broke off her arm, and with a crisp sound, she passed her arm over.

"Feel it yourself, I am not very familiar with the power of your human race."

Chu Qishui was not surprised, and took Luo Ling's arm.

When touching the dark blue wrist, Chu Qishui's fingertips flickered, and then he just held it.

Luo Ling nodded.

As she thought, this woman's state is extremely high, relying on the strength of the sea of ​​consciousness can shield her cold poison, although the cold poison of her ice body is not as good as the origin of the ice, but it is not far behind.

Moreover, Luo Ling could also tell that Chu Qishui's forte was not divine sense, but swordsmanship.

Thinking of how Lu Ling wanted to learn swords in the secret realm before, Luo Ling smiled.

She admitted that the woman in front of her was qualified to be Lu Ling's master.

Thinking of this, her impression of Chu Qishui became much better.


These two women with cold personalities, because of Lu Ling, after a few words and temptations, they established an unexpected goodwill.

Luo Ling will consider how to get along with Chu Qishui only if he has a good impression.

She is Lu Ling's maid, but if she is really asked to do the job of a maid, she won't.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I really don't understand.

How do human women greet each other?

Forget it, come as you please.

Luo Ling reminded Chu Qishui: "Little sister, pay attention to this spiritual power. The black destructive power is relatively high, and the white one prevents the body from recovering. Of course, while preventing the body from recovering, it will continue to breed black spiritual power, which is endless. It cannot be eliminated easily, and it can also suppress the spiritual power generated inside, in terms of suppressing power, this is the highest level I have ever seen."

"Understood." Chu Qishui glanced at Luo Ling unexpectedly, and nodded.

Luo Ling avoided Chu Qishui's sight.

She also has no choice.

Although her status is not as high as Chu Qishui's, but if you really want to call her elder sister, she really can't open her mouth. She is old enough to be Chu Qishui's grandmother, so... she can only be called younger sister.

Fortunately, Chu Qishui didn't care.

She called other people's sisters to take advantage of it.


Hearing Luo Ling's explanation, Chu Qishui held the black and white lightning with a cautious expression, which surprised Luo Ling.

Sure enough, relying on Chu Qishui's cultivation of the Void Transformation Realm is not enough to see, just for a moment, blood light appeared on the palm of Chu Qishui, and at the same time, sword qi burst out instantly, turning from the fingers into a big net , like a huge mouth about to swallow Chu Qishui whole.

"Be careful!" Luo Ling exclaimed.

Chu Qishui does not have the oppressive power of the ice body, and the manifestation of natural power is also different. Taiji Wuji itself is a process of material birth. In this process, huge power will be generated, which is also the reason why Lu Ling used it to attack.

"Sure enough, it has already exceeded the limit that the spiritual power of the Void Transformation Realm can withstand. It is more powerful than Ah Ling's ice curse, but it has lost the ability to break the barrier of body protection." Chu Qishui thought thoughtfully: "And Li Wang Sheng's sword rhyme is also slightly different, it's a new rule..."

Chu Qishui ignored the sword energy that was gradually eroding her body.

Seeing that Chu Qishui was injured, Luo Ling stopped fishing, a blue light flashed, and her lost arm grew back, and the lightning that was originally like a tarsus maggot disappeared, and was eaten by Luo Ling It has turned into her tonic.

"Are you okay?" Luo Ling approached Chu Qishui.

"It's okay." Chu Qishui looked at Luo Ling unexpectedly, this elf...was a little too enthusiastic.

But since people have shown concern about her, she will naturally not be ignorant.

"It can't hurt me." As he said that, Chu Qishui shook his hand, and with a sharp sword energy, the black and white energy was cut off instantly, penetrated into the white jade, and became the nourishment of the spirit mountain protection formation, and then , after a simple Wenhun method, Chu Qishui's body returned to its original state.

No matter how strong this spiritual power is, it is still attached to the sword qi... Lu Ling was hundreds of years too early to bring up the sword qi on the Chuqi water.

Chu Qishui returned his arm to Luo Ling, and then pondered.

"Sister, I don't understand your human race's training mode. What kind of power does her sword have? I heard from her that it is her strongest offensive method." Luo Ling asked Chu Qishui.

"Is it the strongest? No wonder..." Chu Qishui nodded, glanced at Luo Ling, and explained: "Although the cultivation realm of our human race is not uniform, generally speaking, there is no difference in the realm. Condensation is the foundation. The soul is to find the way to lay the foundation, and the soul is to find its own way, and the subsequent emptiness is to entrust the soul to the void..."

"Put your soul in the void?" Luo Ling thought about it: "Is it to establish a connection with heaven and earth?"

Chu Qishui nodded: "To be precise, it is the initial establishment of a connection with Void."

The soul of the human race is the main thing, and the body is not so important if the soul is cultivated.

Shen Gui, Xu Xu, and Qin Qin are all at this stage now, but they can break through the Void Transformation Realm and enter the Rebirth Realm at any time.

Only by entering the habitat can one be regarded as a monk who becomes the backbone.

For example, although Shen Gui and Xu Xu are at the peak of the Void Transformation Realm, they still use the power stored in the physical body mainly, and are also affected by the environment. For example, near a volcano, Xu Xu's power is obviously better than Shen Gui's. On the contrary In Lingshan at this time, Shen Gui could hit two Xu Xu by himself...

This is the limitation of the Void Transformation Realm, and after entering the Rebirth Realm, it can be regarded as completely freed from the shackles of the physical body, allowing the body to become a bridge for human beings to communicate with heaven and earth.

The original meaning of "rebirth" is that after death, the "soul" goes to the other side of the "heaven and earth", and regains "life" in it. For the human race, the transformation of this realm is tantamount to rebirth.

Chu Qishui continued: "After entering the Rebirth Realm, you can ignore your physical body and directly absorb spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth to turn it into your own spiritual energy, and you can also control it artificially due to the influence of the environment... Inspiration has completely lost its effect."

In other words, the biggest difference between the Rebirth Realm and the Void Transformation Realm is that the former can directly communicate with the world and absorb the aura of the world for its own use. The gap is self-evident.

Only after entering the Rebirth Realm can one truly step into the sea of ​​cultivation.

"Death? Absorb the spiritual power between heaven and earth?" Luo Ling nodded.

This is almost the same as elves, except that elves can do things that humans can only do when they are born.

Luo Ling said: "It means that Ah Ling's sword has the power of your reincarnation? The black and white spiritual power is definitely not her own power."

Chu Qishui nodded: "This is also where I am puzzled. First of all, Ah Ling's soul has not been completely assembled, nor has she established a foothold in the void, and it is impossible to communicate with the void... Then how did she directly use those spiritual powers..."

Luo Ling waved his hands when he heard the words: "There is nothing strange about this, elves are born to do this kind of thing."

"Is she considered an elf?" Chu Qishui looked at Lu Ling.

"Forget it, of course it does." Luo Ling said affirmatively.

"That's barely an explanation." Chu Qishui continued: "There is still something strange, although it directly continues the spiritual power that wanders between heaven and earth, but the power of this girl is much higher than ours in terms of purity... Could it be because of the ice blood?"

"I don't know about that either, she is indeed miraculous." Luo Ling shook her head, what she was most curious about was Lu Ling's miraculousness.

"Having said so much, Ah Ling's sword has indeed reached the power of the reincarnated realm." Chu Qishui nodded: "In this way, after a simple experience, she will really have a place in Tianguangxu."

It is worthy of the ice blood.

In terms of power alone, Lu Ling's sword can not only injure the body, but also severely injure the soul. Facing this sword directly, it is impossible for Shen Gui or Xu Xu to catch it. .

The disadvantages are also obvious.

The time Lu Ling "reads" is enough for someone to kill her a hundred times.

This is a "strange" swordsmanship. If it is used for the first time, it may have an unexpected effect on Tianguangxu. Of course, it is only for the first time. The flaws are too obvious.

And Chu Qishui also saw a problem, she felt Lu Ling's imprint left on the black lightning, that is to say, Lu Ling can control these powers, and it doesn't mean that she can't control the power beyond her own ability.

Whether it's "Shenlan" or the secret method Nan Wusan gave her, it strengthens Lu Ling's self-control ability.

Chu Qishui walked up to Lu Ling's side, and suddenly pulled out his own wooden sword. His temperament suddenly changed, and a sword intent entered Lu Ling's body, and was immediately taken out by her.

"As expected, Ah Ling can control my sword intent, this is the sword master." Chu Qishui nodded in satisfaction.

"What are you going to do?" Luo Ling was taken aback. If she didn't have any killing intent, she would have thought that Chu Qishui was going to kill Lu Ling.

"A Ling's sword has a disadvantage. She will lose consciousness before the move takes effect. Combining with the previous time in Yifeng, it may be because of the exhaustion of A Ling's physical strength... She lost consciousness, and the sword energy Then it was uncontrollable, and its power plummeted." Chu Qishui held the blade of the sword in one hand, put the hilt on Lu Ling's heart, and his clothes fluttered, as if he had entered a state of high output.

She wanted to leave Lu Ling with a sword intent.

It is not used to kill the enemy, not to protect itself, but to provide Lu Ling with enough power to maintain her activities when she is about to "disconnect".

Only she can use sword intent as energy, and Lu Ling is a natural sword master, so she can use it.

It is also a crooked hit.

This is not the loss of physical strength of Lu Ling... If she loses physical strength, she can recover by taking a elixir, but what Lu Ling loses is vitality instead of physical strength. Although she can recover quickly, the elixir has no effect, but Chu Qishui The sword is slanted, using the sword's will as the energy source, as the sword master, Lu Ling can temporarily use the sword's will as the heart, and will not "cut off the power".

This is undoubtedly the biggest enhancement for Lu Ling.

Lu Ling is very strong and has many methods. Her biggest problem now is that her hardware configuration cannot keep up.

She knows a lot of things, but either she can't use them, or she will pass out after using them up... Chu Qishui's move undoubtedly gave Lu Ling a backup energy source, not ordinary sword intent... but her constant The sword intent raised in Dantian.

It can be regarded as the origin of the Absolute Immortal.

Obviously, as Lu Ling's master, she doesn't seem to care about Lu Ling so much. Chu Qishui has noticed the disadvantages that Li Zhuzi didn't notice from the very beginning. As long as there is enough hardware configuration, Lu Ling's potential Can not estimate.

"Okay." Chu Qishui withdrew his sword, his face pale.

It has been a long time since I used my sword intent... For my apprentice, these are not problems.

"I'm going back." Chu Qishui's chest rose and fell slightly, and he turned to look at the elf: "Luo Ling, right... I remember, what are you going to do next?"

Luo Ling came back to his senses.

"Me? It's still inconvenient for me to be with Han Bing...the orchard still needs me."

Speaking of the orchard, Luo Ling was very helpless.

Tangtang is an elf who goes to plant trees every day, but she still enjoys it.

It was planted for Lu Ling to eat.

"That's it. I'm taking Ah Ling back. Is there anything else you want to tell her?" Chu Qishui asked.

"Let me think about it." Luo Ling squatted down, looked at the sleeping little girl, and then got up: "Just tell her... Tianguangxu, come on."

"Come on? What is that?" Chu Qishui tilted his head.

"Han Bing said that he meant to work hard." Luo Ling looked at Lu Ling very reluctantly.

After stepping into Tianguang Ruins, it is even more difficult to live a peaceful life.

 I made a typo in the title of the chapter yesterday, I was a little sleepy...

(End of this chapter)

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