Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 792 Lezheng Luoting and Lu You

Chapter 792 Lezheng Luoting and Lu You

"That's right." The Lily Weng nodded.

Lu You's words...he really doesn't have to worry so much.

Rather, since entering Xiaoxiang Pavilion, his mental state has gradually stabilized, and he often looks at the dancers below in a daze. If he didn't know, he would think that Lu You fell in love with the dancers here.

Weng Xiaoli didn't know exactly what happened, but he could more or less guess that it must have something to do with Lu Ling.

As for the girl in the corner that Lu You mentioned—Le Zhengluo.

"There's nothing I can do about it." Hearing this, the Liba Weng had a strange expression on his face.

He also never thought that it would be so easy to convince Lezheng Luoting and Lu You to act together.

I thought that according to this little girl's terrible mental restraint, weng thought that she would definitely not agree to let her walk with a few men under the premise that Lezheng Luoting didn't like strangers... But in the end, weng Greatly surprised, Lezheng Luoting only met these people once, and quietly agreed.

That gentle appearance almost made Li Liweng think that the apprentice he valued had been dumped.

What was the first impression of Li Liweng about Lezheng Luoting?

She has a strong and tenacious character, but she has serious personality problems, sick, surly, and unpredictable.

Li Liweng didn't go to see the memory of Lezheng Luoting, because Shushan is not proficient in this field. Generally, only the demons have so much research on the soul, but Lu Youhui... can only say that Yihua Palace has been knowledgeable since ancient times Mottled, know a little about everything.

Even if he could, even Lu You must have paid a high price to get the memory of the other party without hurting the other party's spirit. The current unstable state may be one of the sequelae.

Even if he didn't peek at Le Zheng Luoting's memory, Li Liweng had a preliminary understanding of this little girl.

It looks taciturn, but in fact, she is really indifferent. She is really not interested in people who are not interested in her at all. But Li Liweng told Lezheng about her identity and fell into court. What did she get in exchange?
Indifference, deadpanness, and disregard.

He is one of the two people with the highest status in Shushan now, and he is even above the head of Shushan.

Even, because the Li Li Weng practiced the most orthodox skills in Shushan, he was actually the most honorable person in Shushan. Even the current head of Shushan had to be careful when he saw him, and he couldn't lose his courtesy.

And what about Le Zhengluo?After she learned everything, she disliked him very much... as if he was really just a sloppy old man, which made Mo Liweng feel very strange, a little novel, and a little hurt his self-esteem.

From here, he also knew that Lezheng Luoting really "loves" Lu Ling. In her eyes, everyone except Lu Ling is probably dispensable. It's not that this girl has a problem with her spirit.

That is to say, she is caused by her character in the true sense, or this indifference is a character created by the years of depression in Shushan. After all, Shushan is actually the indirect driver of this girl's distorted personality.

In this way, Weng Li's only affection for the girl in his family was love.

Not to mention talent, it's the same as personality.

Totally monster.

Coming out of the town, he didn't say a word, and every step he took continued to brew murderous aura, but unlike before, from the outside, there was no trace of murderous aura around Lezheng Luoting.

It's all hidden in the body.

In the eyes of others, she is just an ordinary young lady.

Obviously there is no need to endure anymore, but she seems to have gotten used to this kind of torture, and once again raised the upper limit of her mental power.



Lezheng Luoting wore a blood-red long dress, which she bought herself when she was shopping in Luoyan City——After being baptized by the Seven Killing Sword Sutra, Le Zheng Luoting broke through her upper limit, and the Seven Killing Step unexpectedly That's how she got it all under her control.

If we say that in the past, Le Zheng Luoting suffered great physical and mental pain every time she took a step, but now she looks like she is walking.

Actually in the mood to go shopping, and bought a lot of clothes.

After this trip, Lezheng Luoting has gained the most. I believe that Mr. Xiao will be very tempted by her now. On the contrary... the girl may not like Mr. Xiao's dandy appearance.

It's not the weirdest.

The strange thing is that Le Zheng Luo Ting is very beautiful now.

Well, very beautiful.

It is completely different from the bitterness and hatred before, maybe it is to meet the girl she likes, and practice is not the most important thing. When she was in Shushan, she didn't have any nice clothes to wear. Now that she came to Luoyan City, naturally Dress yourself well.

After a few days of selection and trying on, Le Zhengluo changed into a charming classic dress.

Because of the sword scriptures, she herself looks like a lady from a big family. At this time, the long skirt is hollowed out, embroidered with charming lotus flowers, and every step is like stepping on a red lotus... like a princess walking out of a painting.

Although it was a blood-red long dress, this round-faced girl didn't have any sense of coquettishness when she wore it. On the contrary, because of the feeling of her weak body, she looked more pure.

I'm afraid even Ye Zunzhe and Ye Guanyue couldn't recognize that the elegant girl sitting on the ground in front of them was the surly Lezheng Luoting when they saw the girl.

It's like the stage below, I'm afraid Lezheng Luoting just walks up and doesn't perform any shows, she is a proper oiran, and she is still weak.

Weng Xiaoli was amazed.

In fact, in the final analysis, the biggest change is nothing else, but the eyes.

From indifference to tenderness.

But is she really tender?

That body is full of murderous aura that can be condensed into substance. If the elegant princess in front of me dies here, the murderous aura in her body can instantly turn the entire Luoyan City into a purgatory on earth. How could she be so tender on the surface? .

It can only be said that Lezheng Luoting now knows how to pretend to be himself.

Under this premise, Li Liweng thought that it was impossible for a girl like Lezheng Luoting to smile at anyone.But the problem is, Lezheng Luoting is really gentle now, occasionally looking at Lu You in front of him with a soft smile.

that smile...

how to say.

Like the cool breeze in summer and the warm sun in winter, even an old man like Suo Liweng feels warm.

But this is not for smiling at him, but for Lu You.

This made Weng Xiaoli extremely jealous, and his heart twitched.

Obviously I came first.

He once tried to ask Le Zheng Luoting to give him a smile too, and the girl naturally agreed, but that same-looking smile made Xiao Li Weng feel chills all over his body.

Sure enough, the treatment was completely different.


In the corner, a girl in a classic long dress with shawl hair felt the sight of the man in the hat, frowned slightly, and looked up.

Seeing that the old man looked like he was discovered by peeping, he turned around quickly.


Le Zhengluo shook his head lightly.

This senior didn't know what he was thinking.

Lowering his head and gently wiping the Mo Yuan Sword in his arms, Le Zhengluo smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Fortunately, fortunately, I followed Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Seeing those well-dressed women, she realized at that time that she was throwing everything at the bottom.

A body's cultivation is important, but if she appeared unkempt in front of Lu Ling just to defeat Lu Ling, she would definitely feel ashamed and want to die.

Therefore, she spent a lot of time dressing herself up well.

Lezheng Luoting didn't think she would be more beautiful than Lu Ling, but at least she couldn't be too much worse, otherwise she wouldn't have the courage to stand beside Lu Ling, let alone confront her.

Women, always care about these things.

Le Zhengluo looked at the dancer below who resumed playing, and nodded.

Her surname is Lezheng, and Lezheng originally refers to the official name in charge of music management. Therefore, although she doesn't know the rhythm, she has always had a good impression of the rhythm, and this Xiaoxiang Pavilion is indeed her "base camp" , brought her a lot of useful news.

His gaze was placed in front of the two who were painting in the distance.

The man, she knows.

Jian Wuhen, Jianping's son Wuhen, is very strong.

The point is that this man has Lu Ling's aura on him, which makes Le Zheng Luoting want to press him to the ground and draw a few bloodstains on that handsome face...

But she shouldn't do it now.

What's more, she has Lu Ling's token, but she has nothing. Not only that, but she also owes Lu Ling a Taoist treasure. This kind of gap in affection makes it difficult for Lezheng Luoting to say anything, and can only pretend that he didn't see it.

My heart is really annoying to death.

As for the girl next to her called Zhu Mingxiang?
Le Zhengluo looked at her several times.

She is very thin and weak, but because she ate the longevity fruit that Lu You gave her, her body is gradually recovering, and she can already faintly see the girl's figure, and her previous sallow and thin appearance now also appears a little delicate.

Zhu Mingxiang has slender fingers that Lezheng Luoting is envious of, but she really doesn't like to comment on the clothes.

A good girl, but wearing rough sackcloth and a hood covering her face and hair, she looks like a beggar.

According to Zhu Mingxiang's own statement, this is to remind her not to forget the years of suffering... Le Zhengluo responded with a sneer at this idea.

Neither of them spoke.

Compared to Mr. Wuhen, this Zhu Mingxiang didn't seem to be threatening at all.

Le Zhengluo looked away.



Under the hood of the sackcloth, a pair of bright eyes flashed a little silver light, and they were thoughtful.

Why is this Lezheng Luoting looking at her.


Shake his head.

"Junior Sister? What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Zhu Mingxiang distracted, Mr. Wuhen put down his pen and said softly.

"It's okay, I'm a little distracted, the music here is very nice." Zhu Mingxiang smiled, but the movements of his hands did not stop at all, and he continued to paint.



Lu You suddenly felt something, looked back, and found that the line of sight should be from Lezheng Luoting, who still gave him a gentle and full smile, which made the hater grit his teeth with jealousy.

"I said, what did you kid do to my girl? Why did you treat me so nicely?" Suo Liweng couldn't help it: "If you want to talk about being pretty, I'm still very young..."

As he said that, Weng Xiaoli asked suspiciously: "Or did you tell her about your relationship with Lu Ling?"

"I didn't say anything." Lu You chuckled.


"I didn't say it, but it doesn't mean that this little girl can't guess, but she is very smart." Lu You laughed.

Weng didn't believe it: "Can you guess this? You must have used some despicable means."

"Despicable? Maybe it is." Lu You ignored the Li Li Weng, looked at Le Zheng in the court, and returned a soft smile.

It's a coincidence that Lu You and Lezheng Luoting really had a relationship. Didn't he extract the memories of everyone in Luoyan City?Because Lezheng Luoting was from Shushan, and Qionghua was also related to his daughter, so he didn't let them go.

Mr. Wuhen is fine, everything is going smoothly, and he has obtained a few fragments without harming his sea of ​​consciousness, which is the limit of what he can do.

But when Lezheng Luoting was there, something went wrong.

Although this girl practiced the skills of the demons, although she may not be profound, she has indeed learned, and there are special restrictions in the body of the demons.

Lu You is too familiar with the Mozu.

In Lu You's eyes, Lezheng Luoting's tricks and Mo Yuan's restrictions were nothing more than decorations, so he directly decided to break through Le Zhengluoting's sea of ​​consciousness. He became an idiot with his mental strength, but what does this have to do with him, Lu You.

Although he was imprisoned, Lu You hated the Mozu very much, and his daughter was Xuenv, so Lu You was very afraid that her daughter would be used in a conspiracy.

Therefore, the more Lezheng Luoting was related to Lu Ling, the less likely he would let him go, and by completely extracting Le Zheng Luoting's memory, he might be able to see some clues of the demon clan's conspiracy against his daughter.

Even if the possibility is extremely low, he still has to try.

So, Lu You did it.

But what surprised him was that Lezheng Luoting's spiritual sea of ​​consciousness was extremely vast, and if he just extracted the memory, he would not have a nervous breakdown at all, and because of the moment of surprise at the girl's sea of ​​consciousness, he was also arrested by Lezheng Luoting. Found.

That's interesting.

Lezheng Luoting resisted at first, but to Lu You, her resistance was like breaking free from a grasshopper in her hand, and her chances were zero.

So he read Lezheng Luoting's memory according to the retrieval conditions.

He saw that Lu Ling had just awakened, saw how Lezheng Luoting "loved" Lu Ling, and also saw her efforts for Lu Ling, as well as the magic treasure in the sea of ​​consciousness that was going to be returned to Lu Ling.

It has something to do with the demon clan, but this is won by the daughter from the demon king Mo Yuan, and the demon king Mo Yuan, this old thing has been imprisoned in the sword mound for an unknown how long, and he has never experienced the age of the snow girl, let alone Might have something to do with the conspiracy.

With Lu You's actions, Lu Ling's weight in Lezheng Luoting's heart, and her efforts for Lu Ling, even in the middle of the night, the scene where the girl misses Lu Ling and can't sleep... What should be seen should not be seen Yes, Lu You saw it all.

Then, he felt the hatred in the eyes of this girl who had a close relationship with his daughter, and even Lu You blushed.

This is very embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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